Tickets can Milne Farm, Formerly Abbey Farm Stop! Look? Listen Duted at 'l‘momn, Pun'inne t-f 0n- !arin. this Twenty-first day of Junv. 1921. 1974 Yonge St. Phones Bei. 1515 & I470 NOTICE i< hon sax MACKIE 'l‘nr). 'Tm'nntu, in the (h Province of Hula apply to the Pm! Hee- next session "f Divorce- from Mahal'l‘ud. uf (hr Mnnied \Vnmun. adultery and day Notice of Application Also see if your winter overcoat would not turn, there~ by saving the price of cloth for a new one. CLEANING AND PRESSING NEATLY DONE Donated by Exide Battery Company of Canada, Ltd. 205 Victoria St., Toronto. kets can be purchased at 205 Victoria St, Toronto from Committee in charge. DOUGLAS & GIBSON l7 Quw-n Street. East, 'l'nrnnln Solicitors for the Applimnt, l3 GIBSON MACKIE Ton. To Holder of Lucky Number on Admission Ticket for picnic to be held at An Exide Storage Battery for Any Make of Car with (5 Volt Ignition and One Year’s Membership in Stitch In Time Service Club. Acreage Lots, Markham Road, East cf Railway at low prices and easy terms. We have NOrth YI 50 ft. Lot on Ro-Seview Ave. 50 ft. 1 Before Buying Your Suit A. V. TUTHILL, Chairman, Willowdale M. BURKE, Secretary, Richmond Hill. WEEMNG WES W. l Lawreme STOP 44,, YONGE ST. Why Crank Your Car? Cheap stone for foundations. JULY 3%, W21 MEN’S SUITS FROM $32 UP. WOMEN’S SUITS FROM‘ $40 UP; .Ot on liumr-nl thrvof E. R. FORTNER Cor. Yonge and ich mond St. >1] n on L x-lion houses for sale in North Toronto and age St. up to Aurora‘ Be GIVEN FREE ilv ziw the See Me Meu‘ll H lrf C y (if anrnt‘u. he gruuud of w i ft Baker Ave. $400 for Divorce ‘ Notice of Application for Divorce that mt Anml TAILOR in the . will (11f Bill Dated at 'I‘umntn, in the P “E Ontario. the 131!) day of May 1521. NOTICE is herphy givml that MARY ELEANOR MEN'I‘UN, vf lhu (‘ityv or Tnmnto. in the- County of Yurk, vaincv hf Onlmin, )[zlnipd \Vnnmn, Will applylnthel’m-lizllm-nt(rf(‘;1n:ulu at, tho next Session (.hereuf. fur :1 Bill of Divm-ce frmn hr'l' llushnndJAMES VALENTINE MENTON, u-t' the Cin of Tumult», in the Cnunty of ‘ank. Elven-iciun. on the gmnnds ofudulLr-ry. and (lesertinn. Solicilm's 26 CURRY & \VALLAC} 30. for [ht1 Applicant Q1199†Streeth m Toronto or l‘0\' i n Ul‘ 1 ooeaooooo¢wo¢o¢9Mwoeoowooowwooooooooowwwo ,‘Richmond Hill Field Day Mon- ? day August lst. "6966M$060WWOOOOOWOOOONOOOOOWWOâ€M Maple, R Mehring’s Foot-Power Milker p1 [he New Hardware Store 1h beLw m lh h milk IOOPER YOU’LL GET GOOD ENSILAGE ila ge unle silo Silc l" 1t . W. HANDLE Hip Roof u; J. LUNAU, Agent, Richmond Hill heat and (1in built one by u Ipidly (1| With V6 Trench Block all pu 11‘8 Ill tovep Poul'cr dP C Z\NE :onductrr of cold. Stur- from double hm a IDRDNTD Silo 01'011 ‘ront Paper, Roofing \vh ‘hiuh surround lh the same time. -' " the pump with Granit AGE lgDS )ils, V onto Sil ductive your pol Brooms, Brushes tting Richmond Hill balls hone, Maple 1 *‘OI‘K me. -Th ) with hi are 'lvanE th iv Buildin I†two Gal ‘I4 s talk it over‘ nin ‘ï¬t an ch its 264 / To consult us bef cre buying 3 WHITE PINE A j SPRUCE :9 ; B.C. FIR s i IAND HEMLOCK ; LATH ANI)SHINGLES TREADY ROOFHK} AND ; BEAVER.BOARD ‘ Phone 5 ICE FOR SALE RICHMOND HILL PHONE 13-3 Complete Lines. Highâ€"grade Stock L. INNES & SONS Carmel, Stove, Nut and Coal, Also Hem‘ock at the Elevator. Also 2 Bran, Shorts and Gluten Meal on hand. It Will Pay hPth St '1 Pl) Home, {In hnrn, lu-n hullS( slrem. Spuls of Rik hmm dun-'5’ and mm HCI by Mr. G. F.Al|m livv DPY‘IIIEH‘II'IHI)’ Ynnm‘ HI. jlht, School. » A house mnle n in with bv’antiful grounds One «if thv mun, comfmt Yongo St. 1’: icv right mee H( lut, fruit, e! 36Acw-s gnldml and bunk lmxn 1.5 Mills, Mundnm ’i'l ‘astrx sulmu [h 2U FOR SALE Public Natice SASH AND DOORS Blachford’s Calf Mea 3.1†umnlh positions lIS Purnia Scratch Feed. I] I 91' _ Delivered in the Village. of Salt in barrels ard sacks arrived. ntah An A Specialty. ‘ood supply of No Feed Corn. [H Nxcm B. Stong u-ntly in juyt, south ,lEâ€"â€"-Om hmmul nd Chnllvs Sts tL-d lhmnghnut ()lll '1 Purity Flour a1- VS on hand. ELI. For Sale SH ‘9! 1 in iuk (vi-chard n lrmd. gum H. Inile fl'lvl i‘p. for $6300 Ct ‘I 1th ‘ S l Richmond Hill IUTT the ‘Hl l-vcomly \vhrl has: in Gnliï¬ Â«ll HI “'5: 1m in every l‘PSpN:l his surrnundiug tutnblré uf nul'll? Hill home ‘vpnil‘ will) gr Mitre and Eli Hl'l'illl )lll‘ mum-y lincipnl 11mm I‘m open 3f) fut fmnr. Mr. Moylu'. $500 (luwn llw beau llw 1v. frnm stat “mum $1.31) “'2 i mnda ‘m'nu Slabs “lll‘d nu M terms