Branch Of’ï¬CPâ€"Richumnd Hill r-vc-ry Tuesday afternoon at Liberal Ofï¬ce. Glazier. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. W. HEWISON‘: Residence addu- Yictorm Square. Licensed Auctiunm-r for the Ur York. Sulesnt-tendud to on a notice, and at reasonable ‘atos. Patronage solicited MISS BEATRlCE HOWELL { TORONTO I Teacher of Fletcher Method 3 Musical Kindergarten 1 Pupils passed for ConsenvaLm-y :uninuliuns. LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR. COUNTY ORYORK AND ONTARIO Special attention given to sales nt every d<'SCl‘IpliOl1. Farms and farm stuck sales a specialty. Farms bought, and sold on cummissiun. All sales at tended to on shortest notice, and conâ€" (lucted by the lupst upprov‘ed methods. Patronage solicited. GREGORY GOODERHAM & CAMPBELL BARRXSTERS. SOLICITORS. ETC rnntn 0m Bldg. Cur HOUSE PAINTER, Richmond Hill STUDIOâ€"HOTEL RICHMOND Richmond Hill. VOL. XLIV. LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY OF YORK Putrnmmvund influence respectfully solicited MARRIAGE LICEN #5130 . II. 1’1'011tice Branchesâ€"Thornhill and Willowdale 415 Bulliol St; Tot-unto Phone Belmont, 1347 The Royal Bank of Canada NOTARY PL'BLK CONVEYANCING J. T; SAIGE 01V Maple Open Savings Ac- counts for each one of your children. Insist upon regular deposits from pocket money. Thrift will gradually become a strong tray; in each child’s character. There i: a branch of this Bank near yuu and .1 Savings Department at every Branch. .‘J. HUNHE Teach Your Children the Value of Money may to Loan ‘omntn Continpntnl I. and Richmond L1 1’ ()N for the County of P. O. midi-o Gurmley. It. R. 1m, in advance.] on shm-tesL ifl {JOHN R. [A Call by‘ phone or otherwise promptly Ie<ponded to » 200 BERESFOIID A VE.. WEST TORONTO Phone Junction 72. TWENTYâ€"FIVE YEARS’ EXPERIENCE All mail orders will waive prompt . attention. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE THORNHILL Sand, Gravel, Tileand Brick Order's left, with 3D will rel-Give m-mn The The The The J. M VANDORF LICENSED AUCTION’EER FOR THE H'rmx'ry , mv‘ 'ym Nothing too grea tâ€"Nufhimr hm < ., «u Oflices J :Iidvflb‘r" “79$, Tun! Naughtun Blnck, {h Snlimtm' for: The Tuwn of Aurora. The: Township of King The van<hip of \Vhitt‘hln'l‘h The Imperial Bank nf Cnnndu, J. M. \Valmn. 8: Cu. Amm-n Roe Hill _\_’Vult9r S, Jonkins Am ll\' p. In. Ofï¬ce nnd Rit'hmnnd l PLUMBING AND TINSMII‘HIN( HOT \VATICR HEATING Oï¬ice TN LOCAL AGENT â€"RICHMOND HILL, ONT arge stock of Funeral Furnishing Kept at the above places 1nmmission ll] . R. SANDERSGN JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO TUNER 0 Hi Barristers Solicitor Notaries TelephOue Main 2777 {Monarch Bldg. 26-28 Adv ..u'n'., L‘; ‘I' "‘ nno iglu. Stu] F. ELVIN WELLWOOD J. EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC Open QVt'llillgS 11.3; NAUGHTON Plum;- 5048 M;an nv. I HOI nullsh Umwn Assurance Cnrpol‘aliun. II, Star. and British Dmniniuns Insurance Company Blilish Nmth Western insurance Company BI ilish DENTIST Truzch Rlnck, two doors north of Stvmdmd Bank. HoursQan. In 5.30 nm. ‘ERINARY SURGEON, ’Fhornhill. dmin nL f RICHMOND TERMS thm “'0 3. HENDERSON hum u'e prompt. :ntlmitit .rrlhe Hinmnn Slz Milken: me Aumm 8013 Hill ERAL REPAIRS NIHLL, ONT. . P‘ VVILSON REASONABLI CJUSINS Sld lr-phnne . R. BELL 10 £0 onveyanc Nothing too sum†Automobile- J. Harry Naughton RPS. Elgin Miâ€: R05. Phone 44.4 & JENKINS Vest: Toronto. Blnck. Aurora newâ€"Ynng» 3 Phone 1‘40. 21 MPBELL 5.30 p. m. appointnwnt M’a pl e nd )1 :1 ml um :Lh .m Essentials, Unity,- in Non-Essentials. Liberty; in all things Standard \'()R K Harding: Am m-a Etc Street 5nd sale HILL. 6t08 The chairman :11 th ed that a \ute of c; Heme and Council WC and upon :1 motion In: secondvd by Mr. Sand of conï¬dence in thegC‘ on rvcnrdhy [his me gal-d In their heng uh \vutm'WM-ks' question was taken nml curried It was movvd lav M Lh ex: th Lilvunueseunr 5‘ Laying uf Mninq Hydrant. Valves Pipe Water Mains Pipe \Vulvl' Mains Mr. Hill I) I The chairman then called upon Mr. { Nicholls to addruss the meeting. who ‘ slated he was not, one of the. kickeis or complaineis. but had heard so many adverse remarks as to what the coun- ‘ oil were doing thought it, was a wise, thing for the chairman to call the meeting and have the matter thor- oughly discussul. He, Was of the, luplnion that, the debenture“ if Sultl earlier would have brought; a better ‘ price and the Council would have the. money on hand to proceed with the work. He also Lhoughtihat on account, of the deâ€" crease in the price of most of the material and also labor the price in full should be less than that estimated upon last, year, hut; so far, according to the figures submitted the total cost must exceed the estimate. He was heartily in favor of the water-Work: as it Would be the means of increasing real e<tate values and prove a further incentive for outsiders to settle in our village and thought. that the public matterw discusm-d hy the latepayet‘s “’Ultld have a heneï¬rial result, and if the council would take, the ratepayers [more fully into their conï¬dence there would he no (Ictï¬ilslt n for such meet- i ngs. L Enginee f thanks d [In Mr. presided ovur by t li.:t+-p.ny(*r’s Asst Pratt, \\ 1m stated ingsmue.\vns to di with tofu-once scheme at the certain rumours that 1119 council innur further debt [he only cmnse «n: It \V; m Ind tn Mr. Hedfuruful- his< P way he :mswexed nll ( planntinn of th’3 subject The meeting adjourned. ush any p1 Ratepayer's Meet in Masmic Hall Aug. 159h 8.30 p. m. RY very en! dod ovur I p.1ym"s 2‘ ,, \\ 1m Sta IIHQ‘JVMSL tofu-om ONT.. THU RSDAY AUG UST Lh l h( d f1 The Band m Ree-w leelin £150 300 L: $95,001). I this point suggest- ' conï¬dence in the would he in order, I made by Mr. COWi“ anderson that a vote ejCouncil be placed meeting, with re- [able to lmndle the inn. a rising \‘oto Ions an in his ‘_V able and table lvngt ' the following of the scheme. :3 3610 8900 500 UUOU th caurtesy and questiuns in he 3615 3 {6 750 (587 hulls nu cm:- gth .1 nd pointed opmmn cvd the xtend 60 S116 uf the \Vlu. ful‘ call- numbers 1' works $91000. C. )1 md 313 366 467 Prepare For The Fall Rains Ctmuliun Twins â€" An'nthei shingle that will suiL y can pim l‘hm'e :u-z vaonset ‘ Grew E. Bridges, Prop; Light Lunches Ice Cream Soft Drinks Cigars Cigarettes Re freshmennts Stabling Accommodation at Reasonable Rates ELGIN HOTEL Jones Lumber & Coal Co. Cor. Yonge 8; Arnold Sts. ill British Unlumbizt XXX Canada’s SLandul-d Uedau: Shingle. The Thm-nhill H e holding their 1 m in the. Skati Get your farm boots hand made from best. English Kip Uppers. ABSOLUTle WATER PROOF. Call and see me at your first: oppurtunity. ASPHALT SHINGLES Phone 44 r 23 Stop 51 Yon 1 \Vhito P be prudum l. the timb Thornhill Horticultural Society W. HURST l‘horn'li t Twins, Slate Surface. Red or Pun, size 123,1L in. by 20 in. e um better Asphalt; shingles un the market; Ludaly. ' ELGIN MILLS THE STERLING BANK Branches at : Iliuhmnnd Hill. Keswick. Quepnsville, Alll'Ol ’l‘homhiH, Lansing and Newton Brook. SHINGLES Shoemaker Money that is not absolutely necessary for the small ex- penses of running the farm shbuld not be kept about the house. You run the risk of losing it, having it stolen-â€" destroyed by a ï¬re. ~ Open a Savings Account in the nearest Branch of the Sterling Bank. Your moneyâ€"instead of remaining idleâ€" will be earning you a proï¬t. You may enjoy the con- venience of paying your monthly accounts by cheque. You will have the feeling of security which comes from knowing that your money is absolutely safe. See our Minager next time you are in town. 45 PROTECT YOUR SAVINGS ine. the LATH -. the bust lath that cut from 50ft, white that made Ontario mulls. Yonge St. Ontar s, Charity HI In Asphalt mi the OF CANADA 1921 BARRIQTER. SOLICITOR, NOTARY ETC Toronto Ofï¬ce, Richmond Buildings 33 Richmond Street, \Vest. Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce (‘Liberal Ofï¬ce), every Thursday forenoon. Maple, Thursday afternoon. Woodbridge, Saturday forenoon. Tel. A’lslai Money to Ten-u: mt of Piano-Playing at. Tm-unn': Conservatory of M: :Iud St. Margaret’s College Richmrmd l"IiIl--\Vednesduys Saturdays. Peter ’l‘ayl E. \V. Rho Tel. M. 3631 Denton, Macdonald & Denton DECORATOR, PAPER-HANGER GRAINER ETC. HEADFORD. GORMLFfY R. R. Phone 4741 H. A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC mk D.- n ton . Cameron MacNaug-hton Barristers, Snlicmrs. 8m. MANNING ARCADE. KING ST, WEST. TORONTO, CANADA 'I'ELEPHONE MAINE 311' Cable Address: "Dedu" OFFICEâ€"SUITE 3]. TORONTO DAILY STAR BLDG.. 13 KING STREET ‘VEST ommissinner, Uonveynncer, E Insurance and Real Estate Issuer of Marriage Llceuses Shaver Taylor 6: Rhodes HOUSE PAINTING 8; INTERIOR DECORATION . EAR LE NE \VTON RICHMOND H Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc rowne WILLIAM COOK . S. SHEPHERD [Sing] e copies, 3 cts. les Barristers. Solicitors Notaries. Etc. LA TE OF MAPLE Arthur A. )Incdona Id PIANIST 03!] Han ’57 Quegn 1y forenoon. Current Rates Thornhill Norm Tororil: I Cltv Hall en 5!. West Toronto Manor the lsic and ‘tc 131d.