Special attention given to sales «ï¬t every description. Farms and farm atm'k sales a specialty. Farms bought nnd sold on commission. All sales at,â€" tended to on 511011st notice, and con- ducted by the nmslupproved methods. Pnn‘onagv solicited. FOR. COUNTY OF YORK AND ONTARIO MISS BEATRICE HOWELL TORONTO Te moher of Fletcher ’Method Musicfl Kmdergarben Pupils passed for Consexvatory Ex aminations. Licensed Auctionem‘ York. Sulesutlomh notice, and at x-vnsun Pitll'uunge Residence address VchOl‘lil Square. ’I‘. (3}. L if Q) N Bunch Ofï¬ceâ€"Richmond Hill every Tuesday afternoon at. Liberal 'Ofï¬cc. W. HEWISON VOL. XLIV slazier GREGORY GOODERHAM & CAfviPBELL BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS. Erc. J. II. 1311):: tic-0 l'nnm Ofï¬ Bldg. Cur STUDIO L'l CENS ED AUCTIONEER MARRIAG E LICENSES .. Richmond Hill HOUSE PAINTER, izier. Grainer and Paper- FOR THE Putt-(m n LICENSED AUCTION E ER Branchesâ€"Thornhill and Willowdale 415 Bulliol Sf». Thruntn. Phone- Behmmt 1347 You should give a state- mcnt of affairs to the Bank so than you may obtain the fullest credit to which your standing entitles you. The Royal Bank of Canada A. J. HUME Make Good Your Credit at the Bank When Your [Imps are NOTARY PUBLK CUNVEYANL‘ING 011 Kmdergarten } WRIGHT BROS. :sed for Consexvatory Ex-‘ 1 _‘ mninalions. UndertJ-{gm 3:11 Em balmers â€"HOTEL RICHMOND. ‘ RICHMOND HILL, THORNHiLL “an: US. . M aple r annum, 1n advance. Richumnd Hill COUNTY OF YORK} me and influence qully solicited is â€"â€" Continental L Buy and Richmund "l‘orunto. d to (in 1b]? rates snlicited 0} .00 P. 0. address Guzzmley, R. R. *l‘ll. lthountynf r (m shm-LesL ift Barristers Solicitor Notaries Telephone Main 2777 thnu-h Bldg. 26-28 Adel- Offlces â€" aide St" \Vpst, Turnnm. ' Nullghtun Bluck, Aux-(mt Solimtnr fur: The Tn wn of Aurora The Township of King 1‘h(-,'l‘mvn~:hip uf \Vhilvhm-n-h The Impel in] Bank of Unlludu, Amner J. M. \Vallml, & Cu. Amm-u Ofï¬ce Trench Block, two doors mu-th of Oï¬iu‘s‘ hours --10 m 12 a.m. 6 ln 8 p. m. ’ Ofllwand r-sidalmeâ€"Ynngp Street. Richmond Hill. Phnne I‘m. 24 Nothing tun great Order w Also 5 \antel' S Rm Hill 200 BERESFORD AYE, WEST TORONTO Plume Junction '72. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS‘ EXPERIENCE All mail orders will receive prompt attention. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE THORNHILL VETERINAEY SURGEON, 1‘1101‘nhill. Call by, phone or otherwise proxanly nespnnded to JOHN B. CAMPBELL L0(‘.\ L AGENT â€"RI(‘HMO.\'D IIILL, ONT Sand, Gravel, .3335: ‘I'Lte and BI‘le ,0.“- The Mupll umpanv, L emeut dril- ulvel-L tile PLUMBING AND T1 N8.“ ITH ING HOT \VATEH HEATING ANDGENERAL REPAIRS F. ELVIN WELLWOOD British Crown Assurance ' C()l'pl)l'hi.i(lll. 4310. Star, and British Dmniniuns Insurance Company British North Western Insnruncv Company FOR THE COUNTY ()1 DR L. R. BELL ,arge stock of Funeral Furnishing Kept at the above places . R. SANDERSGN St'umluxd Bunk. Hours S) mm. m 5.30 p.11). ()pvn evenings by appointment humussionex A. C. HENDERSON NAUGHTON 82 JENKINS JOHN T. ANDERSON , PIANO TUNER VANDORF ‘ LICENSED AUCTIONEER DR J. P‘ VVILSC‘N Phnmâ€" 5048 J. EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC S left, ill I‘m RICHMOND HILL. ONT.. THURSDAY_AUGUS’1‘ 2.3, AND UNIONVILLE Map} n'u THORNHILL, ONT T1 9ft, wiLh Mr. Gvo. Harding I‘H'PiYG prompt, attention. llqurth Himuun Standard Milken; Phone Alll‘nl'il 8013 Junkins J. Harry Nunghton 1- Rvs. Elgin Milk Rvs. Phone “.4 RMS REASONABLI I‘vh-phnne DENT'ST am hr “In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essential‘s. Liberty; in all things, Charity.“ COUSINS Au me vhilv (HH'Pyfln Gravel and Brick u on hand for sule. uthing hm smaH In] M nd Sh YORK um }£t( in poor beginning makes a will prove Lruo in cunne our water erlks sysu-m men under the employ u (tontmclm-s un the System for the ViHug undvl' alwinfuem-o of liquu undorflwinfue mint, the huh, have develnpe alfuil' on Thur lady lmsebnllm men under the employ of (me of lho r'ontx-uclm-s‘ (In Ihu \Vnivrivmks System fur the Village (evidently uncli'r th infuenr'v of liqun'rhmnglegalâ€" (‘Ll at the» huh, and creme-Ll what might, have developed into .1 Vt'ly smiuus alfiii- on Thursday ermiing when the lady lmsebnlh-xs “one returning {mm m game on lhe Park. One of the gang using imde familiarity uccoslrd one of them Which was at (mate )6- svnted by .u couple (if gullunts who happened to he there. which at onco preciputed :1 row and bedlam reigned for n time, but snun quieted down. Constable 'J‘homps‘on having been sent, for in the interim and upon attempting to arint the leader was set upon by him. but, ï¬nally succeed- ed in arresting him and with the help of the gumds placed three Ulh‘H'S in irons. ‘Tllu lock-up not being snï¬â€˜icie-nlly' connnodious for so many prisoners, a taxi was summoned and the lot, \Vt‘lt’ . convvyed tn the Jail Farm fnl' lhv night, and on Friday morning the fi)lll‘dll$\\'€l'ing to the names of Tril- aky. Oiuistn. Alchisonr and Reid. appeared before. Major 'Bi-un‘lnn, and upon :I plln of guilty the ï¬rst three. were lightlylined. $5 and costs and Reid for obstruct,ng the police, was 10', “if (:11 suspende sontence. It is hoped this will prme a lesson U! the many foreigneis and uthe-rs employed on the. work of installation, and also awaken the- Cnnncil tn the necvssity of in- cwnsvd pnlice pl'OtPltliUll while, the wmk is being czuliivd out]. The young men who participated in the fray, protecting the ladies Hl‘l‘ to he congululatved on; the stand they limknnd we trust they “ill not he called on again for like services. No beauty nizuks wile loft and possibly the Consiuhlu got the wm-sk. whilst, his opponent was let off on suspvi‘ded S(‘llt('ll(:?. Br: Frank and Clement in all ymirdmlings. lie’whu ï¬ghts and runs away. ling: to light another day. Editor of THE LIBERAL 511': The [majority and minmity rvports of [he Hydro Electric Jhuiials Uummission are now Deï¬ne the people of our province. The I'm-ungu- repoxt signul by the Hun. Ju~tice Suthexlznuj. Brig. Gen. (J. H. Mitchell, A. F. MCUallum, C. E. and Mr. \V. A. Amos adviws snongly bonds. The ma mity 1 nun-e full and dire ing to rewunuend rudiu| hands by ric r Slal iuus sllu cute 2. Cnnsidelnliml \viuwsses lead us t would not he self-a 3. Fm therwe are of the opinion the conslluction of mdiula purull and cmnpeling with the Gun: National Raihwys would by ccn icully uusuund. scheme costing $25,000.000 he Culuplt't- ed and proved self-supporting, [he province would nut be justiï¬ed in en- dorsing the construction of radial lines; the gel-nus cultiesl dorsen 7. \Y Llnt tb It is 10 be hoped 3116 old 5. Endnr: )9 request 1115 of th: T hursc'gy Night's Listurbance U\\’S The ï¬nancial condition of elect- lilwuys in (Julmdn, and the United as up {01920, has been $0 precar- and unsulistuch-y that the con- ‘Liun of them uught. nut to be d radial line That; until 71le Chippewa p ‘PF upon md m nt and direct. reasons turd mmnend the guaraan “(is by the governme: \Ve Lelter T0 Editor further of the {ion of public nwnL If mu pn municipalilws novinco, is hi I)’ lead lo ï¬nal ecummcnd [ha discuntinued. are? of plug opinian (hat 10f the evidence 01 to believe that they snippet-Ling. s u gnml ( “meg-Lions 8 opinion U c highways ibe cmuplet m- freight a Ives much 5 fm'decliuâ€" Idngm (l endin bnnds at in various ghly dan- :Ciill difï¬- .t such en- Cunud iuil econom- gan :nt ilh hat | Light Lunches r 1 Ice Cream Soft Drinks Cigars Cigarettes Refreshmennts Stabling Accommodation at Reasonable Rates ELGIN HO'EELzA. Cameron MacNaughton ELGIN MILLS Barrihter, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. CEDAR POSTS “76 have just received No. 1 White Pix can be produced pine, the limbm Prepare For The Fail Rains he Jqqes Lumber 81 Coal Co. Cor. Yon’ge & Arnold S‘gs. Phone 44: r 23 Stop 51 Yon I have endeaw simple stateâ€) resented by th‘ )mmissioners. eek I will try I Get your farm boots hand made from best; English Kip Uppers. ABSOLUTLY WATER PROOF. 11 M . Bridges, Prop; Cedar Pus :1" and ll‘ W. HURST ofï¬ce In the If it should be lost. anew one can be obtained without delay. A receipt is given at the time of purchase. Then when the Money Order is cashed. it constitutes 11 permanent receipt for the money. Sterling Bank Money Orders can be obtained at any of our Branches, in a few moments. 46 THE STEREING BANK timbe Branches at l‘hornbil! NIONE‘Y ORDERS When sending money to friendsâ€"to business institutionsâ€"anywherewuse 21 Sterling Bank Money Order. It is readily cashed for its full value at any Char- tered Bank in Canada (except in the Yukon district.) ShoemaL see Me at oppurcunity LATH re. the host lath that , cut from soft. white that. made Ontario ‘aumu‘u Come in an all cut from gm hem : Richnmndil‘llli. Jxouvick, Queensville, Aurora Thmnllill, Lm siv g and Newton Brook. it Yonge St. Ker lit’fly to make f the ï¬ndings reports of the wrmikted next mt in like brief :5 of the Hydro Ontari Hill I Ill car of 8 ft your first sion pro- ]! discuss l m) \Vedâ€" OECANADA 1921 mix: 1 c. Browne Tel. M. 3631 Denton, Macdonald 8: Benton Tenc 1er of Pinnn-Plnyin Torontn Unnservatm-y c nnd St. Malgarpt’s Co Richmond Hillâ€"â€"\V(dnes‘ Snturdnys. N. C. Shaver. BA. Peter ’I‘aylor. BA E. W. Rhodes. B, Tel. A'lelail BARRISTER. SOLICITOR, NvtrARY ETC DECORATOR, PAPER-HANGER GRAINER ETC. HEADFORD. GORMLEY R. R. Toronto Ofï¬ce, Richmond Buildings 33 Richmond Street, \Vest. Richmond Hill Oï¬ice (‘ Liberal Ofï¬ce), every Thursday for-moon. Maple, Thursday afternoon. Woodbridze, Saturday forenoon. wk 1): n ton Money to H. A. NICHOLL NOTARY PUBLIC OFFICEâ€"SUITE 3]. TORONTO DAILY STAR BLDG†18 KING STREET \VEST Barristers, Snlictors. &rr. MANNING ARCADE. KING ST. WEST. TORONTO, CANADA TELEPHnNE MAINE 311 Cable Address: "Dedu" Conmlissinne Insurance Issuer of Shaver Taylor 6: Rhodes . EARLE NE\VTON HOUSE PAINTING & INTERIOR DECORATION RICHMOND E1 [Single copies, 3 cts . S. SHEPHERD WILLIAM COOK LATI- Barrlslers. Suhcimrs Notaries. Elc. Arthur AJIuL-donald Phone 4741 PIANIST Loan at Current Rates 5 and Mo; Mnn-iuge 0F MAPLE Hamil nnvey 1 Row 57 01min s 'Collt dnesdu )n H138 lll( Aceuses I (luv Hull en St. West Toronto ESL-It; .. ,1 J D 1d