l Cal-load of good western oats. Also I Tesion Reill'lmld of liiillp soft Coal at the Elevntml' 6 i The (lillt'l'l's of Tos-tlln Rpm-ill) “you have forgatten yotlr September Pictoiial we can still furnish you with a copy, only a few left. The Car. Show at the Canadian Nat. ional Exhibition will lit-Allg.1ltl, Aug. 31 and Sept. Mr. and Mls. lIarry llilles and faili- ily letililied Monday alter sl-vtn \I'eck’s holiday ill Muskoka. Fl. Thornllill Flower Show will beheld in the skating link, Thornhill. on Saturday August. 27111. A good attendance is looked for. ‘ \Ve notice iii last week's Cookstown Advocate that they have a Richmond Hill l't-pOlter. They might, save postage and help their own Town paper. It has lletn sufï¬ciently proved that nobody blit all f'Xpt‘lt Clll dlive an auto with one arm around a pill. Therefore the practice will be, stopped 5 if severe penalties have. ally effect. The Ladies Aid of the Methodist church will serve ill the Sunday School Room a corn slipper on Monday evening August, 29th. {min 5.3') till 7. Adiilission 21) cents. Mrs. J. F. Atkinson. Miss Margery alid Master Howard Atkinson, and Miss Aglllla {bwie have retuiiled alter a Beach. wtck’s vacation at \Vasaga “'olill it It'll, be just as well to have llle Field Day decorations removed from elf the strut. and placed in safe keeping for the annual event next year. a“ Pipe has been laid along tlle side of the slleets oil which the water mains ale to be laid, and we ('Xllt‘vt to see operations in full swing ill a few days. School will reopen on Sept. 1st. ,Lot cveiy pilp'l be ill alt givingthe II'Ht'llt’l'S the opportunity of :ltt‘ulifllilg lilo (lllft*19l][ classes without any undue delay. endance, tllus School bot-ks of every desoliption for botll High and Public Schools ' at The Libl 1‘-tl Ol'l'ice. Also a good Supply of pencils, erasels. pens, etc. "Over Hele" all spectacle will be the featuie at tile Canadian National Exhibition. The scene will show the Rockies, Halifax and the glain fields and will be 500 feet long. all Clnadiail Mr. and Mrs. Fulton Chaulbel'lin and their two sons. Geol'rey alid Lloyd. who motored from Winnipegr to visit Mrs. Cilailibcrlin’s father. Mr. Startâ€" np, of Toronto; motored up to Musko- ka and spent the week end with Mr aiid Mrs. Harry lnnes. There will be no ba lid practice dur- in}; the exhibition, but on the ï¬rst Monday following the closing, prac- tice. will be resumed at 8.15 ill the band l‘OOltl. Ever menlhei-is niged to be present and to encourage ally others who may be intercstedi done with the odd I h have accumulated With the clearing tip of the watcl- \vorks ploperty. Would it not be well to ol’l‘er this to the poor who will be only to glad to take the same away for use tllis winter. What is being pieces of wood Wth .l.ea;.:ile wish to ieulin'l ill“ llll'illllt’ls and l'ilellds th;r‘t League io-opelis Sitti- day l‘\l‘nln;I, Sept. 4th. l'oule one. come all. t‘\ ei-ylloily \'.'t-li7lulie. -â€"â€"~~â€"<9¢-~ â€"~ GOIHILEY Mr. and .\lls. \V. (l. “Winger return- ed illiss'ioilaiirs who have spoilt sou-ll years iii the wolk iii Smith will speak in the church at Heise llill near Uornlley oil Stillllllv at 10.3†a. ill. the 25th inst. All ale Ill\iit'.1. â€".O Harvest Home Services â€"â€"â€"_ Harvest Home Seniccs will he held both morning and eieniilg at Zion’s Lutheran Church. Shet‘Wi 0d. The public is coidially invited to share with the congregation iii the celebra- tion of this festival. Plt'tll'lllllg morn- ing and evening: together with special music by the choir. â€"â€"â€"»â€"â€"‘o’ It!) FLE Mr. Bell Jackson it-tuliied this week fitllll a motor and ï¬shing trip to Golden Valley and lied Hay. He was accompanied home by Mrs. Jackson and son ltiipeit who hau- been spt lid- iilp.r the summer In l’olt l‘llgin. Mls. t‘has. Norman and sistrr Mis. Hamny ale visiting iii Muskoka. «wâ€"~ RichmomI Hill Lawn Bow 'ng Club At the I)t lllilllllil 'I‘o-ii-naillent held ill Toronto, ill which two links from hele i-olllpetrd on Monday, Aug. 8th, The Rev. T. \V. Bilcklce attended on i Monday evening the laying of the Stone of (‘ltll'llt’l' the new “Chlist Church" \Voodllridge. and was greatly pleased to see so many well wishers from far and near present to help on i the w0l k. Coroner Conll's Jury enquiring into the death of Mrs. Aimstrongz at Miiilico by an auto. ill its veldict re- commended that the. speed limit on the Hamilton Highway, he reduced to la miles, trafï¬c oï¬icel-s be appointed. a‘lld'that motor cars be foiced to stop six feet behind the radial cars. Horticultural Society (Int. flowers and plantsâ€"ajeratum and calelldutaâ€"will be packed next Monday evening ill the vacant stole. Trench block. for the Exhibition. \Yidl those who have any of the above kindly leave them eally ill the evening? Any cut bloom act‘ept- able. Cut with long.r stems. The Annual Fall Flower Show will be held on Siturday, Sept. 1% lilo change iil d'ltel. Select your exhibits early. Sct' allin tint-elian next week. »“-â€" St. Mary’s Church tAnglicanV “Til St'xnlv .\i-‘Tl-;i: TRINITY ’ 28th August Celebration of the Holy Cl lllililiiiioil b :1. ill. Morning Player, all 1 Ni lullle 11 (1.11]. Sacrelilellt of Holy Baptism 1.15 p. ill. Siliit‘l ly School I)‘ p. ill. Evens he: and Sermon S p. lll. Choil Practice. ill the (lunch Friday el'eilin;r \.i)'†p in. 'I‘. \\'. lit (ALI-TIC. l 1' .jst-iir‘c‘aalge. Toronto. the local bowlel s made a \ cry cledituble showing against experts. Losing olil ill 1“ th links by one point 14-115. 4 links l'ionl Unioiiville visited the local gtt‘Pll on lt‘ridav last aiid ucle badly beaten by 2U points. __.-..â€"_._ Hope Church Sunday August, 7 23th~l.3ll p. ill. (Standald Time.) Sunday behold Lessontrolll Asia to Europe. Acts. 13:36â€"10:15. .>\lliltlleys.-lid, Believe on the 1.0111 Jesus )Chlist and 'l'hoil shalt be saved, and thy house. 11.30 p. ll‘. Divine Selvice, Subject. The Rose Garden ot'tiod. I“. S. Lultlltll-idge Pastoi. Evelybody welcome. .._7~<~o Hydro Radills The Sutheiland (.‘oninlissioii brought in a ltl;ljtll'll_\' lepnlt against l'.'tliuls a'. a cost to the toilntry ot ncally half a million which file I’ielnier of (bum in tllillks well spent. It. is ‘thougllt by many that l’ieinii-r Dluiy iscgiving t‘.\’plt“Sltltl to his own opposition to radials through the coniliiissioll, but notwithstandingr the Pt poll. lllany projected lines will he bilili as it is felt thatladials are absoluttly necessary to a growing and piospeioils Olltalio. â€"â€"â€"o.o.‘â€"â€"â€"â€" Zion's Lutheran Church, Sherwood The Rev. 1’. S. Barillger. pastor. Harvest Home Sen ices both morning and evening. Morning Selvice with sermon at 11 o’clock. The Rev. H. L. Y. Soyler. l’ottsville, P.l,. will pleat-ll. Evening Service with Seilnon at 7 o'clock. The pastor, Rev. P. S. Balinger will preach. Theie will be special music by the choir at both services. A Coldial Welcome is extended to all. «s- York Simcoe League “Hill Lost Richmond Hill 3 1 Aurora 3 2 Nevvillarkct 3 2 Bradford 0 5 Aurora play Richmond Hill ill Richmond Hill next Tuesday evening at 7 o'clock standard time. Tllis is the critical game of the season. If the beat team win. They are practically assured of winning of the second half. %. School Fair Dates The following is the list of the School Fairs for Yolk County fol 1921. Georginaâ€"Cedar Braeâ€"Sept. ll North (§\\'lHilllhtll‘y~Bt‘lllil\'t‘llâ€"St-‘pt. 10 \Vhitchtirchâ€"Vandorfâ€"Sept. 15 E. (iwilliillburyâ€"Sharon-~Sept. 16 .\Iarkhaillâ€"Markhaillâ€"Sept. 1‘.) Vanghanâ€" Yellowâ€"Sept. 20 Etobicokeâ€"Thistletownâ€"Sept. 21 Nlll'lll l\'i[lgâ€"Kt‘ttleliyâ€"Svllt. 23 501111)Klilg~dlilltlv"Supt.:1 Yull{â€"\\'lll0\\(idlerâ€"Sept. 2o Sealboleâ€"u-Xgiilcoultâ€"Sept. 27 --â€"â€"Quo â€" Richmond Hill 9â€"rl\'ewmalket 3 liclllllolid Hill clinl'led all notch ,hii‘vher ill the Yolk-Simone Le lgut- on .5 ltiiid iv :ll'teltll o.l. when the}. again idel'eated Neivinaikct on their il\\ll :iollilds. 13: 'll I(.lllls' put tip loll good ball and it was aliyludys game iip to the ill:.til innings. when the lo:lls ltn'li the Newmallut l\\ltl:‘l for a ride by limiting up six iilns. Tll"1(‘ \Vt‘lL‘ St‘thlTll \d'L‘L‘ tlt‘elelxlls ill [Ills innings which 11"‘lt‘.i'>t‘\1 the L‘.\'=.‘i'.lllt‘ll[ to It git-it l-xteiit. lI \‘t‘\tl eveiy- thing: woaiili up \HI I» lily with 112 t:- illllilll lllii six l‘.’ s to tlr- ll. 'lll‘ \veall‘mrw-lsill“.i,d-il l “lit. -..‘. tins :P'li? thmflwlirtn :nr-iw. A fl ieii. t . only , Silperiilteilded the Iiathloill Kohl-its and Katllll-iil .‘ltlllis. At the ll‘Olt‘lt‘tllll table thele yoii' vftlllllll the blushing Misses Winch. .cess of the evening him: early illortl- illaa' been l'ecehrd by li‘e 0. C.;llld 1t:r.)\\d. Radial Picnic 'Iillt't'lllllltlyvl“ it the .\li~lio;lolitali lty. bad tlll-li-alililinl [llt'lllv‘ a: lioild Like oil Wedntslay al'telilooil ‘tlltl evening. The weather was\cl'y lllllt‘ll against lllt'lll bill lllt'll‘ was :i good (iatlli‘s :llltl tlallt'illg \\eit- clljoyid. “ha c..â€" St. Mary’s Church 1 Anglicanl The lee-('roaln Silt i ll given on the tlllll‘l'l] lawil llsl Satulday. by the youiny ladies of St. Mai y's. so far asl the weather [H'I'llllllt'ti.(\Vlilt‘l] till lied ‘ vi-iy cold towards enlilinp') was ll success. The siin-t-ie thanks ol~ all .lle extended to Miss Russell. who was un- lll’liig ill all slio did for the 12 Grecian ladies who so ably assisted. as she not (lit-ssing of, these chainllilgi‘rills, but was lCSPtIilv ' sible in eveiy way for the unique, eieaiiolls. At the (taildy table you found. the Silllllillg Misses Malil n (Taller and Olive Pails. At the cake table the ailliablo Misses Mildred let-lillghaill. ()live Taylor, Peall (‘ollills and \Vela Moi-i is. (in enteiing llll' lawn you were met by the leceptioil coollllittce under the able leadclship of Miss Maigaietl Everiilgham, assisted by the \el)‘ \Vllllllg Misses Lilia Sheppard. aild Maigaiet Taylor. The lawn was very tastefully decorated and ariaiigltl b) our old ioliable l'l‘iend, Mr. Allen Al'ilistl-oilg. who \vollted for the sue-l in}; to latt- on Saturday evening. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"» 7 7â€"- o mâ€"~â€"~- York Ranger Cadets Report lit the cadet inspection llI ld iil June last, alld signed by Majoi tieiielal \i. A. S. \Vllliatlls (I. H. l':. ('iilllltlflllillllg Military I)islili'l No. " reads as follows. This l‘_)l]l.~i has only been ogallizcd a shoit time and has made most ielllai k- able lit-IL’H“S. 'Iliov :lie \eiy >lllzllt. well tlllllt'tl and finely diseipliiitil. They ale [ltllllkllllitl‘tl tbeiel'oit' t'liittit til. hail lillilliilg' will lil‘ (‘flll‘lvllly inaugurated oil Saturday the 17th of Septelllber from 4 to U 350 in the afterâ€" ilooil field sports will bl:- first held f |llli\\'t'tl with all ol‘l‘it'ial inspection by Lt. Col. I)-lnll:liu .\l. (I. colilillaildiifl; Yolk Itrlllgt-is 'l'olollio. Mrs. Dilnhuill will picsrlilt the O. C.'s l'llltTIt‘llt'y awards. Major litttg'l‘la’ .\J. (I. and Mts. Rogers will also attend. Lit-ill. ('ail Hill, Lieut. \Vestuood Kl. (‘. aild Lit-ill. I; >\\'iil:ill of the ltoyal Canadian Dragoons will also he. guests also the Yotk Kailgei‘ officers. The Richmond Hill Hind \\ ill be ill HUK‘Iltlltlll’l‘ :lstll~U the Ilene, tho- (‘ollllrillols and the clingy. ’ Vl/llile t‘llv lliost Iiisliivgliisllr l1 gilt-st» ol'tllelll‘tt-ltlo-lll)villbl-l‘adl't ll.t"1l'l‘ l’wl'icslllllcilts will be served and the EIS WéOomeOWMOGWOWWWMOQ ll. ('. hopes that the e\rilt will illauglilati- that spllii of I‘:~lltll. tll‘ Coips ttllltlllg all that will tli.:~ ilil conscientiously mould l'lonl without also a trill rand lit 1 lt-r ritizellsbip lol having,r anowll c... h otbel the bet ter. _.â€".o. This is the Life Gordon Bay, Aug. 18th, 1921 To the Editor: My t‘hief object in \Vlitillg these few lines is to announce that we intend returning home on Satulday, Aug. 27, having had a ï¬ne holiday and a splendid rest. For the greater part of the time the weather has been fine and the fishing.r good. for the ï¬lst. few weeks we had rather more ï¬sh than we could comfortably use, lately we get them best with silver bait. 0n returning home one evening we received a. veiy delightful sulprise when we discovered that two of Rich- i lllond Hill’smost popular young men and army veterans had pitched there tent llearour camp and were about. to dispoi-t themselves iii the waves. The evening was spent ill a vely enjoyable way withsoilgs, lecitatioils and dis- cussions of weighty subjects. Among the last named was a talk on the spidertothei-wise known as the frying- pan.) A few of the other points broughtout were as follows: 1. Aealllping trip without tile flyâ€" ing: pan, is an iiilpossibility. 2. It is possible to folget the frying- pan. ’ 3. A fryingâ€"pail dropped into the lake will sink. 4. Frying-pails never get rusty out a camping tripâ€"elf you cant guess the l reason ask your wife to help do the guessing. I). Frying pails cannot be purchased :Ill mid lake. (3. 011pll<<lhglt val- int ttlli lgo you can lleally always tind a tryil g pun --..n tht- old llilt'k pl it'll." i. .\m l ssity lltrbt' kilow la“. \Vlitin; .l l‘litl‘, I utility always h .\l- a ilivtioiuli)‘ .‘Il ll ti.tl as the linâ€" Sil‘ll lai.;_:'l lLI" has itIJli y Ill't'lilldlllit s. itlk‘lt‘ we only hue l‘I lion's (',lt.il. gill \\l)~'lt’ it s: l‘illli‘," \lll'lllvl1l1\-ISillllll1)'.ltxll‘ll.i'.'i.. Solut- [titles 1 l;:‘.\e a young man visit llll‘ who his a pile and l‘ollolil .lppl-tit *, in which ease I always rid< vise [ll~-il",' v 1‘ sin ll, legal ii iii ‘ and a dailv tliit ltit ll llv‘[“tt'll Il1t1\ with annual“. if tie desiir'd iL"‘.Il' s: l ll obtained 1 sillglt‘tt’lt .tlltitip. lllflell;1>\'t\t,tttl ll " \r‘in“ .ls loollx. 1 i l. ss-ttit slw. 1. ltli “31:14.. lili. .s \\v ll] lilt' saw, Tins w... lax .‘: . g .n lgti t UL: “111.11 is 11L.l\' .:l..: . Vi. 'i ‘l'~ li.l l \.\t ~ Small Remittances WHEN you remit small amounts do you ‘3 .safest, most economical and mort * medium ? Hard: Money Orders are incx against loss and relieve you of These orders are obtainable and sub-branches. pensive. protect you worry. at all our branches BAN It; TOTAL ASSETS OVER NINETY hilIJJONS Richmond Hill Branch: THE STANDARD OF CANADA 1 v. at J. R. Herrington, Manager. CUT PRICESE New PERFECTION OIL STOVES SCREEN DOORS & WINDOWS The Reduction is equal to 15 per cent. off selling price. 2 Only, 2 Burner New Perfection Oil Stoves, reg. price $17.25 cut price $14.75. . 1 Only, 3 Burner New Perfection Oil Stoves, reg. price $31.00 cut price $26.50. 1 Only, 4. Burma" New Perfection Oil Stove, reg. price $40.00 cut price $31.00. 1 Burner Ovens for New Perfection Stoves, reg. price $6.50 cut price $5.50. 2 Burner Ovens for New Perfection Stoves, reg. price $7.00 cut price $0.00. Also a 15 per cent. slash on all Screen Doors and Windows in stcck. . If you need any of the goods mentioned, now is the time to buy. These prices are right. RICHMOND Hill. HARDWARE C0. 1') ISIXKI‘: LIFE ACCIDENT SICKNESS AUTOMOBILE FIRE, ‘l‘ H 1519]} LIABILITY i’LATE GLASS BURGLARY 'l‘ai‘itfallrl Non 'l‘al'ili' l'latiilgs ani all i’olitics give the proâ€" tcctioll they ."l't: intended for and at tile ll.il-lllll in rates, flet our rates before looking: elsewhere. T: e l‘ola'v «'ei'a'ioii Life Asso. issues a new policv “idlolr nicd'cai ex liliillat'oii tor $1000, also a policy called the l‘inllllly l‘olicy, “lll‘h is :t:'ik kg for its protection on Ilifttt and his wife and many 3 a :l natures, Ask for the pailiplllet, \vllicll explainsati. 'l‘lill rllt‘llltl :1} peat to all married men and \\'tlllll'll. because the comp ily carriv s a salad risk on the wife also, and costs nothing. No llltdieal tlellilizltitn for the wife is required. P. G. SAVAGE & SON Agent for All kinds of Insurance Office at the Pts“. 05? cc, R7chmond lill Wmmoumwu 3 2 3 mm Vulcanizing Bring us your tires and tubes for repairs. Made as good as new by our Haywood Vulcanizer. Now is the time to have your tires put int good shape for the warm weather. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. Teetzel Bros. Implements, Garden Tools and Repairs Pumps LnlCers \Vltee'balr.\v; Wire ' czce Iron I‘m: , Cat's Fibe: Plaster Hydrated Lime Garden Tcofs llcg 'I‘io.:ghs Toagllc 'I‘l‘uclt Suppai‘ts‘ Sprayers forage Secdms rv .lIlssc,-iiarl'fs Cocksliutt Rei‘ails Always in Stock. BEER; Richmond 3911 and Batcman-W’iikinson i’ “ r") \...L VVT a l