Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 29 Sep 1921, p. 8

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NOTICE is hereby given that ERNEST ZUF‘EL’I‘ of the City of Toronto, in the County of York. in the Province of Ontario, Mechanic (Returned Soldier) will apply to the Parliament, of Canada. at the next session thereof for a. bill of Divorce from' his wife. FLORENCE EDNA ZUFELT of the said City of Toronto, on the grounds of adultery and desertion. Dated at Toronto this 9th day of July, A. D. 1921. ERNEST ZUFELT. By his Solicitor, A. J. SNEATH, Kent Building, 156 Yonge Street, Toronto. Ontario. 4 18 Notice of Application for Divorce 1974 Yonge St. Phones Bel. 1515 & 1470 BELL. 24 King sweet, weanToi-én’m. 5 19 Solicitors for the Applicant. " Dated at Termite, the fourteenth day of July, 1921. NOTICE is herebv givpn that WALTER WADSWORTH HAYES, of the City of Toronto, in the County of York, and Province of Ontario, Presser. will apply to the Parliament. 01’ Canada. at the next session thereof for it Bill of Divorce from his wife BESSIE BAMBRIC HAYES, on the grgundg of adixltery and desertion. Notice of Application for Divorce by his Solicitor ' A. J. SNEATH. Kent buildng 156 Yonge Stu-eat. Toronto. Ontmio. 6 19 V Dated at, Toront'u this 20%|: day of July I921. HARRY‘JO§I_NS_L_EACH, NOTICE is hereby given that HARRY JOHNS LEACH of the City of Toronto. in the County of York, in the Province of Ontario, Conductor (Returned Soldier) will apply to the Pnrliament of Canada at the next session thereof for a Bill of Divorce from his wife. FLORENCE ANNIE LEACH of the sni¢ City of Toronto. on the grounds of adulter and desertion. I'haVe my Fall Styles from Paris, both Ladies and Men, also Samples of Fall goods. Come early and and get §oun pick. Fall Prices greatly reduced. Ialso make children’s coats much cheaper than you can buy down in the city. Notice of Application for Divorce Dated at Toronto. Province nf On- tario. this Twentyflrst day of JunP, 19,1. NOTICE is hereby given that Gm- SON MAcxm Ton, of the City of Tt- Toronto, in tho County of York, in the Province of Ontorio, Muchnnt, will apply to the Parliamont of Cunada. at. the next Ieuion thereof. for a Bill .-f Divorce from his wife, Clan-inda Mabel Tod, of the city of Tornmu. Married Woman, on the ground of adyltuy ang- deserlion. _ MERCER BRADFORD & CAMP- Notice of Application [or Divorce l7 Quevn Street East, Toronto. Solicitors for the Applicant. 52 13 GIBSON MACKIE Ton. We have houses for :sale in North Toronto and North Yonge St. up to Aurora. Acreage Lots, Markham Road, East of Railway at low prices and easy terms. 50 ft. Lot on Roseview Ave. $250. 50 ft. Lot on Baker Ave. $400. BUILDING LOTS Fall Announcement DOUGLAS 86 GIBSON Cleaning and Pressing Neatly Done. Cheap stone for foundations. TAILOR Cor} Yonge and Richmond St: . J . Lawrence . R. FORTNER Give Me a Trial. Of Bain Biclmell Macdnnell & Gordon, Ninth Flooa‘Lumsden Building omnto, ‘ Solicitor for the Applicant. Dated at, Toronto, Province of Ontario. this lSlh day of August, 1921. ALFRED BICKNELL NOTICE is hereby given that, PHOEBE LEVINA SIMPSON, of the City of Toronto in the County of York in the Prnvince of Ontario, Ulelk, will apply to the Parliament of Canada at tho next Session thereof fm-a Bill uf Divorce frmn her husband, Thnnms Simpson, at present, residing at. Flint, Michigan, Soldier, on the ground of adultery and (Lesa-Lion. Notice otApplication for Divorce July. A. 1). 1921. PERCY JAMIESON, by his Solicitors herein, MURPHY & DONALD, 3i Trusts & Guarantee Building. 120 Bay Street. Toronto. 6 J4 NOTICE is hereby give)“ that PERCIVAL ANDREW jAMIESON, fm‘lnPr- 'y of the Township of Toronto, in the County of Pepi and now of the (Tiny of Tux-0m“. in the Cnunty of York and Prnvince of letauin, Mutnrmun. will apply to the next Parliament of Canada at the next svssiuns thvwof for u. Bill of Divorce from his Wife ALICE JAMIESON, of (hp Village of Erindnle in the Uuunly of Peel. on the grounds L'f adllltery nnd_de§\e_rtioq.’_ Dated at the City of Tomntn. in the Province of Ontario, this 28th day of Notice of Application for Divorce Dated at Toronto, in the Province of Ontario. the 13th day nf May, A. 1). “MI. NOTICE is hereby given that MARY ELEANOR MENTON, of the City nf Toronto, in the County of York, Province of Ontario, Married \Vomun, will apply to the Purliument ofCanudn at. the next Session thereof. for a Bill of Divorce from her husband JAMES VALENTINI MENTOR, of the City of Toronto, in the Cnunty of York, Elvctlicism. on the grounds of adultery and desarlion. Notice of Application for Divorce Anthony Wilson CID ERR, We are now prepared to make Cider. Bring your apples to Carrville Chopping Mill, Lot 16. 2nd Con., Tp. Vaughan. CURRY & \VALLACE. Solicitors for the Applicant. 26 Queen Street, E nst Tux-unto dip in the vessel containing the oil. then Lha candles and the snuflers and oontmst all such cantrivances for lighting the home with the lamp. the gas and the electric light. The electric heater, the toaster, electric iron, the Telephone. the motor car. It would help daughters to enjoy their present. Dr. Hughes here announced that He rel’nemhered telling hnu nf his ing the grain wh roads, by Um I through the woods ing it. home again f. to bake intn bread. He thought, paler children In 11 und that it be not lost. His grandmother of privatiuns we k He said run. Duhex'tj‘ would have been with us if the gathering had not been changed. but that it was impossible for him to come at the later date, and he had sent Inspector Elliott in his place. Inspector Elliott spoke of the honor done him in writing him to be present and address such a huge earnest gathering. He spoke of the place Dr. Hughes held on the other side of the Lakes as authority on Educational matters. The neasnrer Mr. Watson gm: his report Current, account 618 15, Rest account 574 16. Sharon account about 90. They have now 1189 and some of it is invested in Bands. Dr. Hughes told us the first grist mill had been built in 1792 and lu- had secured in pieee of the bell. He said Mr. Duhei‘ty Would have been with us if the gathering had not, been changed. but that it was impossible for him to come at the There were other itnms but we will ‘ omit some, and merely state that 55 new members were added to the roll and that he had secuwd Inspector ‘Of the board of Educatiun, and the Hon. D. L. McPherson, as members, and he wanted us to receive Lheu whole lot, with :1 clap. It was that ynu hem-d if you heard anything. g limited. There was a large company ‘ gathertd. where they fill cume £10m would puzzle a lawyer. it was a week ' later than last year and that accounted for the ladies making no prepuration ' for the crowd after. Dr. Hughes mentioned several items ‘ of business that. had been discussed by the executive meeting, and the first was that some thorough fare leading from Eat to \Vest through the city‘ of Toronto, should he used to ‘ commemorate the name of Gov Simeon: ‘ and that, we give Simone Street an- ‘ other ml. 118, a ul nuns Bloor \Vest and East and Dnnforth Ave. Simcoe Street in memory of Gov. Simcoerâ€" He said if it was our wish he would be delighted to mention it to the members of the board of control for Toronto. One fact. remains in my memory “bunt going up. and was we wexe sociable and 1 must condense and say weth a. glmd time. \Ve arrived safely and then we heard the loud notes uf Dr. Hughes Calling us tn order as the time was lllllllt'd. There was a large company gaLhel-(d. where tlwy all cume .l'loui would puzzle a lawyer. lb was a week Watson and Cnswell pouwd own- tickets all the way up, quite a numher hid joined the society and a number had bought, tickets. and after he had collected the stub ends he wanted it [u come outright. Mrs. Seldon whom I had mot at the sucieties in Toronto, and Mia. Hill whom I had seen at. nnr home ont, accosted me, and knew I learned lhaL Miss Gurdhousa a family well known to my father was on hoard. Houston made known his intaniun of instructing anyone who was willing to learn, and they fin-«Hyende by all talking at once and making the matter no clearer to lhemsplvvs or anvnne else. 4 Thr‘ thing I enjoyed most. was tn 399 b Mr. and Mrs Crncktlr mun: mnnud‘ among the people. just as if they wunLvd in he sneiuhh- and Rev. (3. H. Buillrnp trying to impress (lpnll us his importance because hP lived near High Park, and that gave him A certain distinction, \vhichwastuken down when Houstnn of the Globe gave him and J. W. Dnan a lesson in Geography, before they were any older. That is the kind of M. V “VI-d in (mm the very first delightful it, Was to hvur H talk of being York Pinnr-els. \Ve lememher whom we had to knit our nwn stockings. and there wax-v n~ sewing Inarhines, and th» :Ipplt‘s had to he pairPd to Inst us through the winter. and we bought the Cilndlr's. sixvs nr Fights according to whetht-r we wanted 6 to the pound ur 8. “in are the York Pionoers anyway and we answer; they are the penple who cnme into the country and found it a fun-est, and frlll'd the tiers and built a home (if logu. and pilpll the ram: ning logs into humus and hnv-nnrl menu, and wake every morning with A strong desirv In hr-pc for the beSt even whrn they knew lhpy had In luv-P [nu Wurst. Tm Ie are the people and may llwir will? increase. 'I‘lwy have long ago enlerwrl inhv l‘PSL. \\ 9 their children know nothing of their hardships. We are once or twin“ removed from all those timps, ‘ hut. in? meet, to do them hunnr. W»; m I] hln't' made Olll‘ nwn lllr‘illl. lmllt‘ll l unr IWI) map, made our u\\'l] mlndlws, put our letters in u stylv that could lu- folded to address on the t-utx‘itlv. and walked 3 mile-s m it P. O. and paid shillings to release the loner. bin that, was nothing to what the old folks had N) do. I Wu 100ka in vain fur thp familiar countaunnL-c of Mr. Wm. Street. but sickness in his family prevented him frgm bring present. It was with great pleasure we saw at lho Mrtlopnlitnn Stntinn Lb. Imiling fan of Mr. J. 3. Watt :11 our erusuror, who gnu-a suun pxinamking nttontic n In the finances of oursnr‘iely, and werr t. Ila tu take span in the var, and uur ti kt“ Would hs- hrunght into n- us l0 nn al' MI. Unswell arrived with thvm. he \\'(les 6} 1:: again fUI tn bread. Ight parent to 11 md d not, lost. mhered his grandmother nf his grandfather carry~ {in when there were no uher mod to sit 2m tell we know not of. The ssel containing the oil. [es and the snufl'ers and such cantrivances for mine with the lamp. the ctric light. The electric aster, electric iron, the Mr. Watson guru his account 618 15, Rest Sharon account about now >1189 and some of York Pioer M en there were no NOTICE is hereby given that HELEN flame of the trees LLOYD of the City of Toronto. in the 61miles,and bi-ing- County of York in the Province nf «1- his grandmother Ontario. Married \Vnmun, will apply to the Parliament of Canada, at the It; mved it tolheir next session thereof for a Bill of xt-a mved it down the Id' of u. world we very first. and hmv to hPHI‘ the penplt‘ to lheir history next session thereof for a Bill of Divorce from her husband. \VILLIAM HARRY LLO‘YD. of the snid City of Turontn. in the County of Ymk. in thP Province of Ontario, on the ground of adultery. 01f lust Notice of Application for Divorce A teacher was reading to her class when she came to the word “unn- ware." She asked if anyone knew the meaning. One little girl timidly rillS‘Pd her hand and offered the ful- luwing definition: "it's what you put on first and take Cracker sought 'me out and thought, I should be a member of the school board. Elect from among your worthy men or women and send them to rppresent you on the municipal board, 01- write your reprélentmive 1 in'tha Legislatme for needed reforms. IL was just bls we were bl-uakinR PP thut “Big Uanue” the Induin ChIEf from Georgian Island came upon the scene in full Indian costume. Allc- gelher the day was a splendid RUCCESS. If you want to join, the fee is 0_n1_y_ 2 dollar each year. and vour eliElblllt, dollar each yeaf. and your eligibllltf for membership requires that YUU be born in the York district. or that You haw resided [here for 41) years. Mrs_. O. B. Sheppard said thuv prmmsed all we wanted to make the grounds at, Shut-0n a. splendcd park. \Ve could load up our wagR‘ODB find cu‘l'x'y away all that we wanted- Dr. J. L. Hughes here [mentioned Mrs. 0. B. Sheppard who had done so much to make the Pioneers known. He thought the time had come when such self sacrificing work should he mentioned, and placed on record. he asked her what x-pport she had to gin. Concerning the‘trees to make thaproperty at Sharon 3 success. We Lmin win-r liuénfl in these in- stitutions fur the higher walks in life. It is only a fe_w yams since {my friend It was the making of history that David Wilson \voiked at, nnd‘it has glown hy lmlps and bounds till we see how Canada has faund hen-soul. She lives as A young nation. with her Dominiun Home. her Lpgislutionn her municipal bodies, in Township and the County, and to-day she sits on the Geneva board and is considering an :uuhassndm- to the U. S. lie-ad “Ruughing in in the bush” by Mrs. Moudie to understand the aspirations the triumph. Lhestruggles needed to give the Key to Canadian life. 'l‘hiq little "Order in Council” siguul by a power behind it. made it possible. The bond was light. as air. strong as steel but it became in among eleluent a financial gain. a ancer to bind lhe East, and West. The building (it this lmnplo bountiful give! an index [0 hisuhmacter. Hoe could contrul his maxim-is. He did not build fu- hinlsx'lf IIIIL fur lhe general gou, his mind nevded (exerciro and In- carried out. his idea. He built for mhvrfi, future generations. The mar» hr- did the mute he wanted to do. Snail a large building. and such a monument, to aprivnte mans memory. We sun: in David \Vilsnn who used his nppunmnilivs such an epitaph he thought ful' ("hi-HS, he lived fur “the” and in lhe tn-mple heleft, ho-t'nuipd othms t,” [hin of am unvnding future. The Romans built their aims, their hupvc. tlwir aspiration in hrnnzn nmmuuvnlupou the hill top: to he re- mvmlnâ€"nml by lhc-ir children. tho SPptemher meeting would here- after he held on the third Saturday inltoad of the and Saturday in Se camber It Sharon. ho next speaker was thP Hun. W. D. McPherson: he said “In Iuspsctur Elliott this is my first Hail to Shnrun and in h-oking around I find that lhin building was ercho-d in [824 and I have been sincerely ilnpl'eusrd with the artistic skill shown in thin stulctlll'fi. How a mind likn David \Villonl would mould many minds. wns reading to her class :une to the word “unn- nsked if anyone knew One little girl timidly md and offered the ful- MRS. R. P. HOPPER RICHMOND HILL PHONE l3‘3 To consuit us before buying WHITE PINE SPRUCE 1,3,0 FIR AND HEMLOCK LATH AND SHINGLES READY ROOFING AND It Wifil Pay You A car of Salta in barrels and sacks arrived. , Bran, Shorts and Gluten Meal on hand. Also a good supply of N0 1. Feed Corn. Blachford’s Calf Meal. Pastry and Purity Flour al- ways on hand. Purnia Scratch Feed. Carmel, Stove, Nut and Pea Coal. Also Hemlock make 30mplete Lines. High-grade Sto ck A few good]: loans at. 7; property. Other farms and numerous to list. V .‘..v "ung- Int; 84 x 250. TPI'I'HI earéyr." New House Grooms, rough plumlh ing. water in housp, Electric: light finished in fir, built under housing plum Equity cash balance 20 yedns at $20 per month. On Nmth Yonge btrevt. 7mnmed house in good repair gund garden. stablv, hen hungry hard and suft water Int 84 X 250. Tvrms pasvr . INNES & SONS On Centre E Lst. just, the spot, for a retired couple. orchard chicken housv, furnace. Termseasy. The G. F. Allpn prnpmty on Ynnge Street, South of the High Schnnl. just, lnnk at, thi and satisfy yourself thuL this is one of the most. beautiful spots in the Village. 73 Acrvs (m Riuhnmnd Strwt with brick house). barn, orchard. em. will sell an block. or half acre lot. . Guod vulm-s at. reasonable terms. 24 Acres. goud honan, h orchard, hssr, garden land from Elgin Mills l. A. Nicholls The Real Estate Man has the following For Sale SASH AND DOORS A Specialty. Public Notice BEAVER BOARD Ynnge and Charla! Sta. Town- to. h a School with a Splendid Record. Whvn Supeliurity of training is considered [his col- lt'ge Hulk. among the beat on the continent. Many business (2011939! in Cunndn and United Sule employ former atudvnts as tent-hers. All busi- nels Culleng am not MHKP. They are different, in many respects. \Vrite for cululngne and you will snon be convinced of this inch Studvnts admit- 1, btove, Nut and Pea Also Hemlock Slabs at the Elevator. ‘ led at any â€"_ J. LLIO'I'I‘ Prim‘innl . Ramer properties mo hunk lmrn, d, I} mile-s on city hill.”

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