The chest in which the was found measured six by th and Was thought to contain 1) jects, but tests showed that t} of gold. and they have an a mous pirate Stoertebecker it sted't Osteriven in the marshes of Cuxhaven. A despatch from Berlin says:â€"â€" German searchers for pirate gold have made the greatest ï¬nd in his- tory. 'I‘hey dug up a. chest contain- ing gold, silver and jewels worth 20,- 000,000 marks (normally about $5,- 000,000) which was buried by the fa- Their service will enhance the Weather service to such an extent that the British Weather Bureaâ€˜ï¬ will be able to give intelligence to mariners and aviators about Weather conditions extending virtually around the world. Applications of electrical currents to growing crops has increased the yield by 21 per cent. TREASURE CHEST LONG BURIED ERURR BY GERMAN SEARCEERS llach day this group will senidi reports to the British Weather Ofï¬ce at three-hour intervals by wireless. A despatch from London says:â€"A staff of British weather. experts will leave England within the next few days to take up posts at the weather observatory. which has just been erected on the lonely island of Jan Tfayen, 300 miles east of Greenland. Report Arctic Weather Relief was expressed in ofï¬cial circles here that the difï¬culties which for some time seemingly threatened to prevent another conference appar- ently had been cleared away by the message of Mr. de Valem The reply raised no question as to the status of the Sinn Fein delegates, and no further correspondence between the Prime Minister and the Irish leader is expected. any times “We accept the invitation and our delegates will meet you in London on the date mentioned and explore every possibility of settlement by personal discussion." ' “Our respective positions have been stated and are understood, and we agree that conference, and not correspondence, is the most practic- able and hopeful way to an under- standing. “We have received your letter of invitation to a cQ-nference in London on October 11 with a view to ascer- taining how the aésociation of Ireland with the community of nations known as the British Empire may best be reconciled with national aspirations. A despamch from London says:â€" l'éyamcn d‘e Valera has accebted Lloyd George’s invitation to a conference in London on October 11, in the fol- lowing telegram, delspatched after a conference with the Dai; [Circann Cabinet: Accepts Invitation to a Meet- ing Arranged for October 11. VALERA TO ATTEND LONDON CONFERENCE CYELONE CLAIMS VICTINIS IN KINGSTON, KIICI'IENER AND SWAN-IA Considerable Property Damage in These and Other Places Throughout the Province. xey have an 000,000 mark by Wireless )I‘ measure Lem out} b10116. Germans since “the year 1390 have been hunting for this treasure. Ac- cording to German law the ï¬nders are entitled to 10 per cent, the property owner getting the test. The owners have been negotiating with the Gov- remain in Germa! It is said that tab 61111116 reasons A despatch from London says:â€"A Reut'er cable from Sydney says the New South Wales Governmeht has decided to establish a compulsory wheat pool in connection with the coming harvest. New South Wales Establishes Wheat Pool Three of the pnisoners were sen- tenced to 60 strokes with the birch and deportation for 20 years, While the penalties inflicted on the other three were 30 strokes with the birch and deportation of from 7 to 15 years. These sentences have been parried out and it is believed the entire gang has been broken up. Six" men were cap-tureg and have been tried by a Sinn Fein court for attempted murder, robbery with vio- lence and‘ serious alss'ault. Four pleaded guilty amd confessed to wear- ing rubber shoes and carrying batons and dummy revoivers. One of their; victims was attacked with a hatchet and left dead. A despatch from Dublin says :â€" TlLe recent activity by the Republican pol-ice in Dublin, it now appears, was directed against a gang of criminals who were praying on society. Who has been chosen by. the Un‘ited Farmers of South East Grey, as their candidate for the House of Commons. Whipping and Deportation Sinn Fein Punishment A aespmcn Irom Nlagara Falls, On»t., sayszâ€"A sudden rainstorm of great violenre struck this-section in the forenloon and did considerable damage in a few minutes. Many trees were uprooted and broken in the city and district, and a silo owned by Frank Heximer, on the city line, was blown down. the wind storm, which assumed hurri- cane proportions over this city on Thursday. White, who ivas employ-ed as a kitchen assistant at the School of Warfare, at Rockclifl'e Park, pickeg up a live wire running to the camp which had been blown drown, mistak- ing it. it is believed. for a ï¬eld wire. Death struck by a Ford car on to the sidewall sidevable damage 112 A despatch from Fred White, aged 2 believed to be in ] instantly killed as z afternoon trees. sr copings f: conveyam motor was effort .to I attempt w: A despatch from Montreal 521: Accon‘maniedAby a ï¬fty-misle-an- gust’ of wind, 21 rain storm of tro violence struck this city on Thur xich had been blown down, mistak- 3‘ it, it is believed, for a ï¬eld wire eath was instantaneous. A drespatch from Niagara Falls ;. smashing wind-0W5, ng‘s from roofs and even eyance‘s across _t.he rca )us injuries were reporte )u‘gh three pedestrian :k by a Ford car which w to the sidewalk, but v‘ ~a‘ble damage has been d despa‘tch from Ottawa fact of what 3 ‘21in story and Miss Agnes C. McPhall for 3 brought restore a =.t the neighborhood will ‘easure chests, because is known to have bur- 3rtunes. The discovery of what had become a story and folk-song. wan Ibout are a ruitle from rest. The owners mg with the Gov- that for patriotic the treasures to amm dire O'CIOC )lay in an 11 but the our ical day No 112 12' Toronto, Oct. 3.â€"New postal re- gulations which came into effect on Saturday last require four cents post- age on letters to the Old Country. The public will avoid the annoyance .of having their Old Country letters held up by observing the new rate. Other regulations are: In Canada, United States and Mexico, three cents for the ï¬rst ounce and two‘ cents for each additional ounce; to‘ all other countries, t€n cents for the ï¬rst ounce and ï¬ve cents for each additional ounce. Postal cards to points in Canada, Great Britain, US. and Mexico remain at two cents. and» King Constantine, of Greece, is expected to confer with repre- sentatives of foreign powers in the hope of stabilizing the situa- tion in Asia Minor, as Mustapha Kemal is understood to decline to deal directly with the Greeks. The Greek ï¬nancial situation is growing worse. Postage on British i I Manitoba oatsâ€"No. 2 CW, 531/2c; No. 3 CW, 51C" extra No. 1 feed, 51c; No. 2 feed 4 c. overtures for Peace Manitoba, barleyâ€"vNo. 3 CW, 75c, Made by Greeks. nominal. ( All the above track, Bay ports. A despatch from London says: ; American cornâ€"No. 2 yellow, 67c, - nominal, Bay ports. _The London Dally News Billâ€"f Ontario oatsâ€"No. 2 white, 43 to kan orrespondent states that He 45c, has learned on high authority; Ontario_ wheatâ€"No. 2 Winter! car that the Greeks are making ap_|10ts, $1.20 to $1.30; No. 3 Winter, . 9 . , ‘ preaches to Kemallst Govern-g $11.12,; tg°$1§21£7k§§ Sirigfémgfg‘gâ€˜ï¬ meflt for peace- i m 95:. NA ‘2 fawnâ€. “Mud: Belfast is Scene of Several Other Assaults During Week. Belfast, Oct~ 2.â€"There was a brief riot in this city Last night when a crowd of about 1,000 persons attack- ed a shop kept by a woman Nation- alist. During the ï¬ghting the proâ€" prietor was stabbed“ with a hatpin by another woman and the shop window broken. Before further damage was done a large force of police vigorously" charged the mob, which fled, only to regather immediately to stone the‘ police. Two of the fatter were in- jured ’before soldiers appeared and restored order. MOB ATTACKS SHOP AND STONES POLICE iDuring Fire Preventive Week citi- zens are recommended to inspect their homes and stores and other buildings, and to remove rubbish and otherwise reduce ï¬re hazards. Hotels and theatres, asylums and hospitals should be inspected and any changes made necessary to perfect safety from ï¬re. Fire drills for children gnd factory employes are recommendâ€" A despatch from Ottawa says:â€" rFire Preventive Week, beginning on Sunday, October 9, and ending the following Saturday, has been appoint- ed by‘ order-in-Cmmcil, and the pro- clamation is made through a special number of the Canada Gazette. CANE THE “BRUSSELS†NOW A CATTLE BOAT Captain Fryatt's famous steamship, which has been converted into a cagtle boat and sails between Dublin and Preston, England. PAW! FQR FERE PREVENWN - EN SAMBA BEGINS (BCWBER 9 Mail Four Cents ther countr Dressed poultryâ€"Spring chickens, 34 to 38¢; roosters, 20c; fowl, 28 to 32c; ducklings, 35c; turkeys, 60c. Live poultryâ€"Spring chickens, 20 to 28¢; roosters, 16c; fowl, 20 to 270; ducklings, 25c; turkeys, 50c: MargarinFZZ to 24¢. Eggsâ€"N9. 1, 44 1,9 450; selects, 50 to 52c; cartons", 52 to 54câ€; Beans-703.1}. hend-picked, bushel, $1.70 to $1.80. Baled‘ hayâ€"hack, Toronto, per ton, No. 1, $24; No. 2, $22; mixed, $18. Cheeseâ€"New, large, 20 to 21c; twins, 201/2 to 2136c; triplets, 22% to 23c. 01d, Large, 27 to 280; twins, 27% to 29¢; triplets, 29 to 29%c; Stiltons, new, 23 to 24c. Butterâ€"Fresh dairy, choice, 33 to 35c; creamer'y, prints, fresh, No. 1, 42 to 43¢; No. 2, 39 to 40c; cooking, 22 to 24c. Dressed poultryâ€"Spring chickens, 34 to 387C} roosters, 200; fowl, 28 to Ontario wheatâ€"No. 2 Winter, car lots, $1.25 to $1.30; No. 8 Winter, $1.22 to $1J27; N0. 1 commerdiali, $1.17 to $1.22; No. 2 Spring, $1.20 to $1.25; No. 3 Spning, nominal. Barleyâ€"No. 3 e.‘xtra, 65 to 7°C, ac- cording to freights outside. Buckwheatâ€"No. 2, nominal. Ryeâ€"No. 2, $1.00. ‘ Manitoba. flourâ€"First pats, $9.85; second pats., $9.35, Toronto. Ontario flourâ€"$5.70, bulk, seaboard. Millfeedâ€"‘Del’d, Montreal freight, bags included: Bran, per ton, $27; shorts, per ton, $28; good feed flour,; A despatch from La Conner, Washington, says: â€" Migration of birds southward is starting - early this year, and some of the smaller ones, not old enough to , make the trip alone, are reported riding on the backs of cranes, Icons and owls. At nightfall, when the larger birds settle down, their passengers look for! accommodation elsewhere. Owls, 'it is said, have long been known to carry smaller birds southward on their backs. Honeyâ€"60-30-lb. tins, 14% to 15¢ per 1b.; 5-21/2-lb. tins, 16 to 17¢ per 1b.; Ontario comb honey, per doz., $3.75 to $4.50. Toronto. Manitoba wheatâ€"No. 1 Northern, $1.46. nominal; No. 2 Northern, 31.43%, nominal; Na. 3, $1.39, nomâ€" inal. Potatoesâ€"â€"Per 90-lb bag, $1.75 to Manitoba oatsâ€"No. 2 CW, 531/2c; $1.90. No. 3 CW, 51c- extra No. 1 feed, 51c; Smoked meatkflms.’ med" 33 to No. 2 .feed, 4 c. _ 35c; heavy, 24 to 260; cooked, 51 to Mgvnltoba barleYâ€"VNO- 3 Cw, 7“: 54c; rolls, 27 to 28¢; cottage rol'l‘s, 30 momma]. to 31c; breakfast bacon, 33 to 37¢; A†the above tmk’ Bay "Ports- special brand breakfast bacon, 42 to Amerwan cornâ€"No. 2 yellow, 670,145“ bagkg’ boneless, 42 to 47c_ nominal, Rav- nnrfc 52c; cartons, 52 to 5 Beans~â€"Oa.n. hand-pi .25 to $4.50; primes, Maple productsâ€"SW L1,. $2.50; per 5 im; ed, and special instruction for teachers and the distribution of appropriate; literature to pupils. Boy Scout lead- ers should give instructions to their troops as to the best means for co- operating with ï¬re departments in the extinguishing’as well as the preâ€" vention of ï¬res. Regulations will be issued for the prevention of forest! ï¬res, to be studied by those in lumberi camps, and by hunters and- settlers. Regulations and laws respecting ï¬re prevention will be given publimty by municipal ofï¬cials and by public meetings or otherwise, the endeavor being made to impress upon citizens the national importance of safeguard- ing life and property from loss by ï¬re. Birds Start Migration 3T Early This Year Weekly Market Report 1111]) 17%c. Choice heavy steers $6 to $6.503, lbutchnr steers, choice, $5.75 to'$6.25;v Jdo, good, $5 to $5.75; do, med., $4 to ;$5- do, com., $3 50 to $4; butcher heifers, choice, $550 to $6; butchte lcows, choice, $4.50 to $5.50: do. med, 133 to $4; canne-rs and cutters, $1 in $52; butcher bulls, good, $3.50 to $4; 'do, com., $2 to $2.75; feedets, good, 900 lbs., $5 to $5.76; do, fair, $3.75 tq $4; milkers, $80 to $100; springeg‘s, $90 to $100; calves, choice, $11.50 has $12.50; do, med, $9 to $10; do, com., ,33 to $5; lambs, good, $8 to $8.25; do, com., $5 to $5.50; sheep, choice, $3.50 ‘to $4; do, good, 32 to $3.50; do, heavy and bucks, $1 to $2; hogs, fed and watered. 510; do, off cars, $10.25: do, f.o.b., $9.25; do, country points, $9. ' Montreal. Oats, Cari. West, No. 2, 58 to 158%c; No. 3, 57 to 57Béc. Flour, Mam. spring wheat pats, ï¬rsts, $8.70. R01â€" ;led‘oats, bags, 90 lbs., $3.10 to $3.20. $Bran, $26. Shorts, $27. Hay, No. 2, per, ‘ton. car lots, $27 to $284 Cheeseâ€"Finest eastems, 12% to 14¢, Butterâ€"Choices} creamery, 37, ,to 38c. Eggsâ€"Selected. 45c. j l Light heifers, $3; butcher steers, 35; good veal, $9 Lo $10; grassem. Lardâ€"Pure, ï¬erces, 18 to 183k; tubs, 18% to 19c; pails, 19 to 195m: prints, 21 to 22c. Shortening tiercesfl 14%. to 14%c; tubs, 14% to 1554c; pails, 151/; to 15%c; prints, 17?... to. Cured meatsâ€"Long clear b on, 18 to_21ci c1_ear bellies, 18% to 0‘75c. Canadian trade delegate, Col. Mackie,‘ who has just; made a trip to the Volga. He says: “In 30 years of timber cruising in ~the Canadian Northwest I had ample J opportunity to study the best methods {of transportation up‘ country from ’the railroad with my companion, Mr. Wilg’ress, who Speaks Russian fluenvt- ly. I investigated just how this was being done along the railroad to! Kazan and at various points in the' Tartar Republic. Frankly, I do nod; ‘ see how it could have been improvedWl Five human heads must be held as trophies by the man of Formosa who.‘ would woo and win a wife. I A despatch from Kingston says-:â€"-‘ In order not to have to order ground feldspar from New York State, the‘ Frontenac Floor & Wall Tile Co. is; commencing the erection of a large‘ grinding plant here. For years feldâ€"V s'p'al' has been shipped from Frontenac; county to American points t9 be ground and: the product shipped back‘ into Canada. It is expected‘ that more grinding plants will be 95ml»;J lished near the mines throughout the' country. ‘ l Fund, a few days ago. The speech expresses the sentiment of hundreds of thousands of peasants in the famine area, for by a tour de force that seemed impossible a month ago the Soviet Government got seed grain distributed before the autumn rains prevented sowing. There was planted in Saratov Province two- thirds of last year’s area, in Samara fourâ€"ï¬fthrg, in the Tartar Repulblic' ï¬ve-sevenths, and other provinces re-i port similar percentages. Mr. Web-_ ster, who has just returned to Mois- cow from Saratov, d'rlares wide ex-' panses are covered with sprouting‘ wheaJt where a month ago was only a sunâ€"baked plain. The Russian pea- sant is so truly a son of “Mother Earth,†as he calls her, that he is willing to trust to her keeping the; seed grain that would save him and‘ his family from imminent starvation. There .is hope now that he not pay too dearly for his sacriï¬ce. The remarkable success of the seed distribution augurs well for the pros- pects of Government fooud distribu- tion, now beginning, which can use the same mechanism. The efï¬ciency of the Latter is vouched for by the A'despa-tch from Moscow says:â€" “Surely God has punished Russia enough. I planted grain in the full faith that He would grant a rich ham-vest next year, though whether He will let me or another reap it I know not," said a peasant in Saratov Province to Mr. Webster, representa- tive of the British Save-the-Children SEED WHEAT FOR _ STARVING RUSSIA 'o Grind Feldspar in Frontenac County 'aith of Peasants Looks for Bountiful Harvest Next Year. A'drespatch from Moscow says:â€"â€"- Surer God has punished Russia I In 'varatov Provmc-e two- of last year‘s area, ‘in Samarzi fthr', in the Tartar Repulblic renths, and other provinces re- mil'ar percentages. Mr. Web- ;ho has just returned to Mo‘s- bm Saratov, declares wide ex- are covered with sprouting says :â€" Russia the fqu a rich