g C; N. COOPER Richmond Hill “WONOOWM “00009000000060660090‘990M0000m†QNOWONMWOOOOOOOOOWOOW Throne r‘I-nls‘ {or in exceeding $50â€. Six (:L‘nls f-l' insm-nn. $5.00 and nut uxc e ling: 3‘ Twelve ans for msulnn $25.00 m d not oxcm-ding post, will pm-cel pox~ within the parcel [:0 ucceplfll l auuinsL Ins» [ll From Octnbel' 1 the I: on letters from Cunzuln t in the 'Empire has been cents an ounce, m- fmcti Tho registration of p be discnnlinucd (11 0c he and l'h The Kodak on the Farm You can’t realize the money- saving value of a good farm engine unti you’ve sccn how much more quic ly and efï¬ciently you can clear 11 p t h e numerous 0g} (1 jobs about the farm. You Need a. Good Engine The New HardWare Store [053. l'ifling m tody of the Postage and Insurance IORONmTD J. Lunéu, Agent, Richmond Hill The autographic feature, found only in genuine Kodaks, makes your record com- plete with a date and title right on the picture. ‘ If it isn't an Eastman, it isn’t a Kodak Kodaks are surprisingly reasonable in price. Come in and see our stock. Have you a Farm Album? Some day you may \v'ant to sell the farm. \Vhen that time comes, a photographic record of the crops you’ve grown, the livestock you’ve raised, will {mean dollars to you. For pictures tell at :3. glance what a thousand dull words can never convev. Try Our Developing and Printing. , Quick Service. ' Richmond Hill Hardware Co. mod (n OCIOIN‘I‘ 1. Uzi. 3m nf insurance of phat-I be introduced, wlu-I'ehy in Canada, fur (lt'lh'k'l’y ountry which conform Lu nguhtLiuns, nny he 1' inqu-zmno lfp tn $1UI) rdinp; $101100 llh'l insux :mm uu up [n 251‘)†age while in (Hull Postal lh Trench B mx 11¢ mg, separat- ing.chum- of pt Llwr will be (ll) 1 post ized Pails, Graniteware Tinwz Spades, Shove‘ls, Forks, Galvanâ€" Stovepfping, Brooms, Brushes Poultry Netting, Building [In (-‘( din nut Paints, Oils, Varnishes. Paper, Roofing. available yuung m ing, sawmg mure “mm: inslimliuns This policy. to any def men, wh ) ll gsmd thy-in; ï¬lling know with z either kerosene or gas‘ Let me explain it sturdy Ii 'tle workers I pass m wav. Don't fheir able aésistants Saw and the Toront â€"‘:at the same time. Inturvie‘ the lll'Hd‘ m H1- llml ThP R Morning n'clqcfl. schmrl nt- ally wok 1(k 'Lil) Baseballs. ion‘s Lutheran Church, Sherwood mmmg cemer the siloâ€"th No More G'rl Bank Clerks 7 that will little attc L)l|l thj( 10 u'( omed. y. it i:. (‘fik‘it'll [hr- lm ng [he lh-It in I . Don ‘istantsâ€" istantsâ€"The 'l‘o'rpnto Toronto Grain Grmder nl vu ng T11 hy tho the vari -there :1din you: will not fill [nuiti 9; t as stv IIH)(H1IIC(‘( v on the h?) haw howew [8 they Bn-inger, with sermon bett m- Tumnln Star lI‘iOllS hanks inLi hut mm numl Ilir tail thesa time vou All int ‘thin are I, i4 nnl [nut of nm; :om Ill p lslqr 1p!) t, 11 Bible. du my >0' lBoot and Shoe Repairer ? GEO. KIDD .i 2Docrs South of Bakeryi on Yonge St. The Indies Aid are py-epnringihe ,qreules; twat of [he éeeison {olyllheir Hui-vest Home and Concert to be at the Methodist Church Tuesday, October 11. _ Supper will ho served from «i to 8 o’clock, quvr which :1 concert will he given in which the following artists hon) TUIOI’H’A)" will take pill't: Miss Olive Dauve, Miss Taylor, Mr. Ellwood Genoa. Mr. \Vill Thompson, and :1 male quartelteâ€"Messrs Owen. Hirsr, Millignn and Cridland The ladies ex- tend ;-. col-din] invitation. Prepare For The Faii Rains Korsww Burnett SR. IVâ€"Mny IIodgihs, Z lplm Toplnrr, Hauling Burnaby. Martha JOhmOH. 119an “unis, Douglas Dihh, Irena Pilsnn, [)mmld MuUluske-y, John (,‘vlulninv. __ Bessie \Vutts. and Leonard Hodgixh‘, (equal). l'lugh'l‘upper. ‘ SR. [Iâ€"Floxonw Rickwood, Gooyge Cllalllurn. Nancy Osborne uml George liickwrmd, (equal), Geltrudna Sage. JIL IIâ€"Kathlven Hmlgins m-d Milly B u-Uxonpe, (equal), Agnes Burnett, Madge \Vutts, Jimmie Hun-is. Iâ€"Juck Gamble: Victor ’l‘nylornnd Norman Burnett. (equal). Velma (Lu'son. Elnlu (llubine. 81:. PR. â€"D:llS_\' Burthorpe. Ruth Sage, Stewart Burnett. Gtorgia \Nulls, Juan Ke-rswell. ' jl‘t. Panâ€"Ella. Kmsws-ll, Thelma Zilplm T013]: Hrdéins Unts Cf Live Stnc Mallha Jnhnsun. 3. Mary Hodgins. (5. Writing-â€"I\Inrth; Origiv’ml I’uemâ€" Sun Sn. [II â€" Violet Murphy. Muriel Burn JR. Illâ€"Br'th (juml‘ Saladâ€"Ml†School Lnnc ()mtchel Ln Zilph I. 'I‘ophm 7 Kinds (1’ M Toppen InhnSon Sle [)t On Monday successful Fa (lule in which Over 1000 pm York Mills Get your farm boots hand made from best English Kip Uppers. ABSOLUTLY WATER PROOF. (‘all and see me at your first oppurtunicy. Shonf I.†[(50 Sh ‘nf iurnuhy, 3. Native \Vm)ds~ )mmld McCluskm' l’re;sc(l Lewesâ€" .‘ Velma (‘ursnng GRAINS, FRUITS \N. Spy Apple:â€" K Hamm III). I Mend I‘D All Kinds of Boots and Shoes Repaired. Good Workmanship. Prompt Service. nys rodu pl'lll lï¬ttvd lllH' Ial W. HURST \ 1‘ hcmhil', ll Jefferson Schoa] Report 4 L-mnuld Hmlgini, BAKING AND SEWIM â€"l\qu-iel Burnaby. 2 ILHnC‘hflBl-‘th Gumbl NEWTON BROOK Ms. 1 ‘ublin s, FRUITS Apple:â€" Balm-[Ll l Svï¬ Us, 2‘ Dil Willowdale School Fain ilhh I Wli f OALSH Aj‘lllil'ph)‘ LIVe S'roc numbâ€"Mi]th MANUAL TR.†L' Handle â€" ( I )m w Shoemaker â€"1‘lllu, Km swel Dannie [{(‘I'S\\‘( DIISITICLLANEOI’S Map nf Ymk ‘ Allan A: :Sit‘ McNuh Dun IIS All Stitch .Tupp xtel )llzl Toppm btuil I‘ll 39th (humble, Man-Hm John th-mhs Mart Ohm-1i STOCK Med 1!) in the AND V Agnes Kuthl ()OPEI Dihl Zilphu Toppel STUDY rhnitm Iplm Agnes burnett, - Hun-is. iclor Taylor and (uluzll). Velma t'nr llw [Ln-Challis: Dihh mum-Ll Hodgins plm HT held :11 \\‘ilInwâ€"l fl (hnulr' [Otrk p411, ‘ ' [WI-wilt, ‘ A Ontarin md Crops 1‘0 pp 'J'opp SING )Iuslhn, SSH ll] m-gt 11 Murphy GETABL Burnett teacher 1p "w 111 Ulm-kson ll) Iludgins Thelma jennie Charlie 1d â€"~Hugh Mm ï¬lm The James Robertson Cot, Ltd. n:de h )hn ll) [ht in )ll FOR SALEâ€"Fifteen tons millet. at $15. Ali') 3 quantity of potatues. about 50 bags, and an 8 horse power gnaolineengine. a bargain. S. MUSSOX, Stop 505 Yunge St. 15 2 gmï¬pigs. JAME Richmond Hill PART.“ EN'I‘ â€" Five A furnishedapartment unnvenienecs and we Possession at once. A] P‘OR SALEâ€"valve While Leghmn Cockerels thumugh bred from vigorous, good laying strain 5 months old, bargain. Apply J. ROLLINSON, Gnu-den Ave., Stop 45 Yonge St. )5 2 0R HALEâ€"Fwd touring Cur in gnod, running order tires, shock nbsmbes and other extras. will sell reasonable. Apply to C. H. SANDERSUN Richmond Hill. Phone 56 W. 14 3 “ PEUIALâ€"Thnrough bred Shropshire nuns and ewes on sale at “Claigmme†Bond Lake. Animals in splendid condition and prices attrac- tive. JOHN H. O. DURHAM. l4 4 HOPPINGâ€"Commencing ()ctnher the third, Richmund Hill Chopping Mill will ble open every week day for grinding excepting the lust (lay of Markham Fair. Slab woud for Suit‘. B. HOOVER. 13 3 TRENCH CUâ€. Maple 4WOR ) SALEâ€"Modern 1 brick house. large all conveniences. elect} tom. This is :1 very situated on [.119 South T‘ 0R SALEvâ€"Silo corn. by new or smuk, also a quantity of milieu by the ton. Apply S. Mvssox, Stop 50% Yonge St. 11 3 r brick house. large hall. bath and all conveniences. electric watt-r sys; tom. This is u very fine properly, situated on [he South sidvanlnnlt} Street. Apply \V. H. GRAHAM Rich mom] Hill. 11 if. shml tail an Tour White cmnnnmhmte Oxfmd Stl-oe' D 1(nt28.tun. hump, Sunday, have same by paying expense Richmond Hill sample. sun, Out (DR SALE-l Breeding smv (er, 1 buggy, 1 setharnessg «IE [13132 Apply stup 46:3 Yun ï¬rq, house on Edgar Aw. gug'es at 7 “J. Phone. \vrih Gl-numl SI, Sun, \Vohuln Ave Ont. bridle (In all kinds†(If lIur-l outing in Riuhnmnd Hill and Pulrolwgv suluited. Phlllh,‘ R Hill 93. MO? ,1 TR ‘ RES H C0\Vâ€"A flesh milch H), 1 with calf by side for sale. |nl3e n. 3, Vaughan. P. JONES, Phnn aple- 12 tf. ,‘OR SA LE For those outside the Village our Pressure Systems will provide water for any installation. who will furnish necessary information your work 0.5Tâ€" Seprtregxrnhux‘ SUPPLY BATHS, BASINS, W. C’.s., SINKS, LAUNDRY TUBS and ALL NECESSARY EQUIPMFNT. for your STORE, VILLAGE 01‘ FARM HOME, remember IDER-F‘ ANTEDâ€"A sm Joax FISHER 01‘ I G E cull mm] Iliill, a. 1) 31nd ropv :thuk tail and mzuk (‘ {YED Int-rim“) W'undrr “'11 $1.60 per bushel. r. Apply Goo. Mchm CY WAN’I ED [11' UN)†WHEN YOU ARE READY TO CONSIDER at, ll] Mr. Ambrose L. Phipps Richmond Hill ' - Phone 131' ERIE “or sale. Phone 98 J. or store, Stop 46.1; Yonge l3 tf. Get in touch with our local representative Mills z-et. W ill with mvm 215 Spadina Ave, Toronto, Ontario 2, Markham, 'n blown Sept. 4. Owner muy )mving pmpelty and ;. JOHN A. CUSGROYE, Elg llllï¬ Slinoy About lll 111 box wood stove. W1‘burnhill. ’ l5 1 to the pmmises, u-klmm, a. known Owner muy in in: room an Mill lied [h Adm App! finder pllust 1‘. COX BIOS 500 \\' 1M m Hi has I kllt‘t I'van-(l Ln Mum; and d vicinity. Hivhmond he’nted T. H 15 If Bus u 11-13 Irfft‘l lU-l mum h and l‘UnlL Ill L'ul All Shop next to the Shoe Factory, in th nld Bank Building. \Ve are now in a position to look after your needs in every line 12f metal work, and will _he pleased to see you in regaxd to Eavg Troughing, Furnace and Ge'teral Repair Work. Come in and see TEETZEL BROS. “THE ROLFE SHOE REPAIR STORE†Vaughan JOHN SLINEY, 98. ' “BE THRIFTY†Cigars, Cigarettes Soft Drinks, Etc. extrn ORSE/ FOR SALEpâ€"A good “'01 k horse 'fnr sale. R. VANUEKâ€" BURGH. Richmond Hill. ‘ 1:3 2 p1 k/ wanted a LIBERAL OFFICE wagon :I ford Stre MOYLE, Central W spring \yule divide 19 st GLEDHILL R 5M Apply Metal Roofing, Metal Siding, Metal Garages, Etc. Public N otic e $ARM TU RE Geo. Allison, Jr. 110R SAT. » About South of Shoe Factory Get the last mile of service from your shoes by' having them repaired , at STOP 463; YONGE STREE'J unt OAL RANGE l \\' m lnml) in Mills. 0R 0 REN'I TASTE \VU MANâ€".\Vnultl lik Gunn’s AL ()FFI will water. to suit SALEâ€"One lmndgt ml) and pustmo‘l a nd I’eamale Bacon 1nd AL} shin 1d El \Vork now lmmnd AS well (FINES2 d advice regarding re 21 men' Stre {Hm )vm 1()Il Sum†M Vmuhm fTâ€"Lot 28, -p;LrLicul:ue hmulld Hill In on Ill sum-II lll ilS Hill ut voul' Spring W. K (111;. 0 0m Butter (1 acres of and. with mhlnc 01' 1th! n ('0!) dition nquirt :prly lHill lf 1E