_ HOUSE PA INTER, Glazier. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. Turfmto Ofï¬ces â€"- Continental Life Bldg. 001'. Buy and Richmond St. Toronto. Branch omceâ€"Richmond Hill every Tuesday afternoon at. Liberal Ofï¬ce. Residence address Victoria Square W. HEWISON Special attention given to sales ot every description. Farms and farm stock sales a. specialty. Farms bought and sold on commission. All sales at- tended to on shortest notice, and con- ducted by the mostupproved methods. Patronage solicited. Licensed Auctioneer for the Uountyof York. Sales attended to on shortest notice, and at reasonable rates. Patnpnage solicited LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR COUNTY'OF YORK AND ONTARIO Pupils passed for Conservatory Ex- aminntiuns. MISS BEATRICE HOWELL TORONTO I'eacher of Fletcher Method Musical Kmdergarten GREGORY GOODERHAM 8c CAMPBELL BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS, ETC. Von. Richmond Hill STUDIOâ€"HOTEL RICHMON D. LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY OF YORK Pabronaae and influence respectfully solicited MARRIAGE LICENSES A. J. HUME Bran ches â€"Thornhill and Willowdale 415 Balliol St". Toronto. Phone Belmont 1347 Your ï¬rst duty after the crops have been harvested is to “ clean up " advan- ces at the Bank. The man who does this rarely has difï¬â€˜ culty in obtaining ‘ credit. You should givea slate-‘ mcnt of affairs to the Bank so that you may obtain the fullest credit to which your standing entitles you. The Royal Bank at Ganada J. T. SAIGEOIN Maple NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANCING Make Good Your Credit at the Bank WhenflYour Crops are .50 9e: annum, in advance.] Money to Loan. XLIV. ISSUER 0F. Richmond Hill. Harvested Pre u tice P. 0. address Gormley, R. R. Call by phone or otherwise promptly responded to The Maple Sand. Gravel and Brick Company. Lt'd. have on hand for sale. Cement drain tile. 3, 4, 5. 6 and 8 in. Culver: tile 12. 15. 18 and 20 inch - (30 inches in length) Also Cement Brick. Sand 01' Gravel sold by the load or '1) car lots. Cedar posts and telephone poles for sale JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO TUNER 378 BEhESF-ORD AWL. WEST TORONTO Phone Junction 72. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS' EXPERIENCE All mail orders will receive prompt attention. A large stock of Funeral Furnishing Kept 8.13 the above places JOHN R. CAMPBELL REAL ESTATE‘ AND INSURANCE THORNHILL The ann of A[)}j(;x:a "a . The Tuwnship of King The Township of \Vhitchurch The Inyel-inl Bank of Cnnuda,‘ Aurora J. M. \ alum. & Cu. Aurora Ofï¬ces FOR THE COUNTY OF YORK Nothing tuo greatâ€"Nothing too small. TERMS REASONABLE. Orders left Avith Mr. G90. Harding will receive prompt, uttentinn. Also agent for the Hinmnn Stands rd Milker. , \ Phone Aurora. 8013. WRIGHT BROS. Undertakers and Embalmers RICHMOND HILL. THORNHILI. AND UNIONVILLE Sand, Gravel, Tileam 01 Brick Hill. 5048 anlifl' S. Jmlkins Re“. Phnl); Ofï¬uennd |~:-side-nc~‘â€"Ynnge Street, Richmond Hill. Phuue No. 24 DENTYST Oflice Trench Block, two doors north of Standard Bank. Hour-39.1.1". tn p.m. Open evenings by :Ippoincnmnt. LOCA L Eagle, Star. Commissioner. Unnveyancer. Etc PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING HOT WATER HEATING ANDGENERAL REPAIRS Ofï¬ce huurs ll). . R. SANDERSON F. ELVIN WELLWOOD VETERINARY SURGEON, Thornhil]. Barristers Solicitor Notaries Telephone Main 2777 A. C. HENDERSON . VANDORF _ LICENSED AUCTIONEER NAUGHTON J. EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC DR L. R. BELL British Crown Assurance Cnrpnmtion. 9, Star. and British Dmninions Insurance Company British North Western Insurance Company THORNHILL, ONT. RICHMOND HILL. ONT.. THURSDAY OCT. ‘20, 1921 ‘l ['8 AGl‘ Monarch Bldg.. 26-28 A :lidt‘ St.. West, Toronto. Naughtun Bluck, Auroral Sulicltor for: NT â€"RI(‘HMOND HILL, ONT 7&2 T. COUSINS. â€"10m 12 run. 6 to 8 P. VVIL SON lvphnne Pres. and Manager. Maple. Autonmhile. J. Harry Nanghton Res. Elgin Mills Res. Phone 44.4 & JENKINS “In Essentials, Unity; in . 26-28 Adel- A committee made a request for assistance for the Village B-Ind. A grant of $50 was made. The Engineer was instructed to ad- vertise for tenders for service goods and meters. G. Mooom . i .F‘. \V. HALL} Audltnxs. Received from Mr. Hut-Ly Mot-den $435.84 for ï¬eld day receipts. A. j. HUME. Treasuler Municipality of Richmond Hill. The Council held steml meetings recently dealing with bUSinvss in general, but principtu with water works matters. An application was made for u. licence to operate another pom] room in the Village, but. the request was not granted. The Council was asked itsnpproval of plans of subdivision of part of the Rumble farm. The plans submitted were approved. $1066 41 $1066 41 HARTY. MORDEN. Treasurer. \Ve hrareby certifiy to the correct- ness of the cash balance. as outstand- ing, having audited the books examin- eddthe vouchers and found same in or er. Mr. H. B. Stirling was appointed Inspector in connection with the water system now being installed. Letters were read from the firm of Ofield & Cotton, and the.C. N. R. Railyway relative (on supply of water. Empties returned Dining Hall $239 89 Gate Receipts 501 25 Midway 77 76 thscxiptions 66 00 Dancing 8 00 Flowers 46 60 Ton of coal 18 50 Buoths 109 07 Music :1; 8 50 Flnor for dancing 10 00 Stamps for cheques 44 Advertising sportsman 6 ()0 Printing account 79 57 Sports 526 06 Balance as per bunk bank 435 8; Music 5 S 50 Floor for dancing 10 00 Stamps for cheques 44 Advertising sportsman 6 00 Printing ‘ 79 57 Bulls 17 90 Gasoline 2 66 License 5 00 Umpire 20 00 Baseball pxize 75 00 Horse rages 360 00 Galitbumpians 2 ()0 Font races 43 50 Receipts Expenses Balance Dancing Flowers Ton of coal Balance $145 00 $145 00 Special subscliptions David Hill $10 00 Dr. Lillian Langstnï¬ 5 00 DE. Rulpli Langstatf 5 00 Messrs. Lunau & Trench 2 (JO ' Albert Glass 5 00 Lloyd Hill 2 00 Carl Hill l 00 Mr. Moer 5 00 Harry Mnyle 5 00 Mr. Scott 5 00 Gate Receipts $50] 25 Midway 145 ()0 Receipt; Expenses Social for meals Goods sold Expensps Balance RECEIPTS Dining Hall 'donntinns Miss McLean $ 67 26 Miss Umnppr 16 05 Mrs. Rumer 5 35 Mrs. Shem'duwn 21 50 Mrs. Urmk 2 75 Mrs. N. Glatss 8 00 Mrs. Sloan 28 25 Mrs. Phipps 35 25 Mrs. Quanta 33 50 Mrs. Lynet, 10 2.â€: Meal tickets 362 00 TREASURER'S STATEMENT Richmond Hill Field Day Village Council ABSTRACT EXPENSES Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity." $663 60 $663 60 $663 60 $239 89 501 25 77 76 66 00 8 00 46 60 18 50 109 07 29 65 41 2:3 $526 06 $251 16 $251 16 $251 16 $ 8 00 ~16 60 18 50 $10 00 5 00 5 ()0 :h 2 (JG 5 00 2 00 $424 21 239 39 67 40 77 60 s 45 ()0 21 00 142 09 109 07 ($6 00 After the celemnny about, eighty gueslsropaired to the bride’s homo wherea. sumptuous repnst had been 'pi'epared. The groom‘s gift to the bride was a gold suulmrat: to the bridesmaid an opal ring, and lo the best man and organist. gold cuff links. On her departure for her honeymoon, the [bride wore :1 brown duvetyn suit. trimmed with seal fur and beads with hat, to match. The bride was the recipient of many beautiful and costly gifts including a. handsome sum of money. After visiting friends in Cleveland. Chicago and Hamilton, ‘Mr. und Mrs. Kctfer will reside no ‘ Sherwood. Sherwood Lutheran Church was lovely with llvgonias and fall foliage {or the marriage at. 3 o’clock lust \Vednesduy, nt‘ Verna F. J. eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. H. Downey to E. Roy Keffer. son of Muand Mrs. T. A. Kefl’er, both of Shel-Wood. The ceremony was per- fmmed by Rev. Bnringer. The bride entered the church lean- ing on the mm of her father to the strains of Lohengrin's‘wedding mnrch pluyvd hy her cousin. Mr. Securd Hurdwick, of Victoria College. Toron- to. She wore pussy willow satin, with trimmings of silVFl' lace and pearls, with court train and corner, of orange blossoms over her tulle veil, and carried a bouquet of lmhy's lneath roses. lily-ofâ€"the-valley and maiden- lmirfern. Miss Ivu Duwney, in pale blue crepe de chine, was her sister’s bridesmaid. She carried a buuquet uf npheliu roses. Mr. Ellsworth Keffer. twin brother of the gloom ably ful- ï¬lled the duties of heat man. and the ushers were Mr. Hurnld Taylor. of Bolton. and Mr. \V. H. Unniphell. of Toronto University, cousim 'Iespect iver of the bride and groom. The local Clergymen very kindly acted as judges of the sports which were well arranged by the committee under the convenership of Allan Arm- strong and Jack Glass. The races were both interesting and "musing. The pupils were re ndy for the races and the competition was close. The broad jump, the standing jump and the hop. step and jump were very well done. The coat race, needle race and suck rnce were especially amusing on account of the. various difficulties to be overcome. Mnny prizes were won but the Senior medle was carried off by Lambert Atkinson while the Junior medal was won by Gerald Lyon. The girl’s Seninr medal was Won by Isobel Cowie, and'Mml‘ n Forrester capture-d the girl’s Junior medal. The medal winners are all pupils rf Second Form. Refreshments were sold at the booth and among the people during the afternoon. After the spouts a social evening was held by the pupils in the school where 2t jolly evening was spent in games and dancing after which re~ freshments were served. Th9 Richmond Hill High Svhnol hold its annual Hold day rm Friday. Oct. l4lh in the- park. Due tolhe unâ€" tiring energy of the various cummit- tees and the keen spurtsmanship of thecompeï¬tors My ï¬e'd day was a. great, success. R. H. H. S. Field Day THE STERLINGBANK Keffer--Downey Branches at: RiChmond Hill If you are desirous of buying livestock for feeding during the winter months, but require additional capital, the local Manager of the Sterling Bank will be glad to talk the matter over with you. And, if you wish, our Manager will do his utmost to ascertain and advise you where livestock is available. Thunhill, Lansing OF CANADA BARRISTER. Soucx'ron. NOTARY E'ro Toruntn Ofï¬ce, Richmond Buildings 33 Richman Street, \Vest. Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce (‘ Liberal Ofï¬ce). every Thursday forenoon. Muplp. Thursday after-mum. \Voodhridee. Saturday forenoon. Barristers. Solictors. &c. MANNING ARCADE. 4 KING ST. WEST. TORONTO. CANADA TELEPHONE MAINE 311 Cable Address: "Dedu" Frank Denton Tel. M. 3631' Money to C. Browne Tel. AiIlaid 5974 Dentop. Macdonald & Demon N. C. Shaver. B4. Peter lelcr. BA. E. W. Rhodes. BA. Saturdays. Teac )er of Pianoâ€"Playing at. the Toronto Gunserva‘tm-y Of Music and St. Malgdrol's College. Richmond Hill--\Vednesdays and Q..tn..A.._~ DE and Newton Brook, H. A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC Keswmk. Queensvillu, Auxum Connuissinner, Unnveynncer, Etc Insurance and Real Estate Issuer of Marriage Licenses. . g meron ’M’aLéNéiï¬g‘rï¬ton “.6... GAL“.-- \’-L-__ Teac )er of P ECORATOR, PAPER~HANGER GRAINER ETC. HEADFORD. GORMLEY R. R. Phone 4741 Barrister, Solicitor, Notary. Em. OFFICEâ€"SUITE 3]. TORONTO DAILY STAR BLDG.. 18 KING STREET WEST j. EARLE NEWTON Shaver Taylor & Rhodes HOUSE PAINTING & INTERIOR DECORATION RICHMOND HILL J. S. SHEPHERD WILLIAM COOK [Single copies, 3'cts. Barristers. Sochitors Notaries. Etc. Arthur A. Mucdonald VATE OF MAPLE Loan at Current Rates PIANIST Hamilton 'l‘xust Bld 3 Rooms 303-305 Opnoaife Cltv Hall 57 Mean 3:. We“ Toronto Thornhi! Eveninzs Manor R and Norm Tax-out. No. 17