TAKE NOTICE - By his Solicitor, ' A. J. SNEATH, Kent Buildiï¬g. 156 Yonge Street, Toronto. Ontario. 4 18 Dated at Turonto this July, A. D. 1921. NOTICE is hereby given that ERNEST ZUFEL’I‘ of the City of Toronto, in the County of York, in the Province of Ontario, Mechanic (Returned Soldier) will apply to the Parliament, of Canada. at the next session thereof for a hill of Divm'w from his wife. FLORENCE EDNA ZUFELT of the said Yity of Toronto, rm the grounds of adgltery nnd_¢_iesertion._ _ Notice of Application for Divorce " Dated at Toruï¬to, the fuurleenlh day of July, 1921. MERCER BRADFORD & CAMP- BELL. 24 King Street, \Vesr. Toronto 6 19 Solicitors for the Applicant. NOI'ICE is lmleby giv9n llmt WALTER WADSWORTII HAYES. of the )ity of Toronto. in the County of Yul-k, and Province 0f Ontario, Presser. will npply to the Parliament of Canada. at the next, SPSilol] lheleuf fur u Bill anDivorce from his wife BESSIE BAMBRIC HAYES, on the wounds of adultery and desertion. Notice of Application for Divorce by his Solicitor A. J. SNEATH. Kenn building 156 Yonge Sm-eet. Toronto. Ontulio. 5 19 NOTICE is hereby given that HARRY JOHNS Lumen of the City of Toronto. in the County of York, in the Province of Ontario, Conductor (Returned Soldier) will apply to the Parliament 0f Canada. ILL the 119x: sessiun thereof for n Bill of Divnrce from his wife. FLORENCE ANNIE LEACH of the suit] City of Toronto. on the grgundg of ndullery and desertion. i1}, Toi-onEu this 20th duy of NW 1921.: . ““.â€" .A."~n :- n . nut Notice of Application for Divorce Ihave my Fall Styles from Paris, both Ladies and Men, also Samples of Fall goods. Come early and and get your pick. Fall Prices greatly 'reduced. Ials’o make children’s coats much cheaper than you can buy down in the city. NOTICE is hereby given thutJuseph I Rube-rt. Lluvd Benlninh, uf the City uf Tun-unto. in Lhe County of Ymk, ’ Puwince of Ontario, Barber. will apply to the Pruliument of Canada at l the next. Session them-of. for a Bill uf l Divorce from his wife Gertrude Selitm Beannish of the City uf Tux-onto, in the I Uuunty of York, on the grounds oil udultery and deem-(Linn. DaLed at Toronto this thi day of I October, A. D. 1921. I Notice of Application for Divorce When buying your winter underwear call at the corner of Richmond and Yonge Streets for pure woollen suits $2.25. Boys and men’s sweaters 85 acents up to $3.75. General stock of gents furnishings at right prices. Solicitors (01' the Applicant. 26 Queen SLreec East, 15 H ’l‘m'ontn. Fall Announcement BARRY JOHNS LEACH, J . W. Wellman ERNEST ZUFELT. Cieaning and Pressing Neatly Done. CURRY 6: WALLACE. TAILOR Cor. Yonge and Richmond St. E. R. FORTNER Give Me a Trial. 9th day of Dated at Torontu, Prnvince of Ontario. thi519lh day of August; 1921. ALFRED BICKNELL Of Bain Bicknell Macdnnell & Gordon, Ninth Floor Lumsden Building Toronto. Solicitor for the Applicant. 11-25' NOTICE is hereby given that PHOEBE LEVINA SIMPSON, of the City of Toronto in the (Inunty of Yan in the Province of Ontario, Uleik, wilr apply to the Parliament of Canada at. the next Session thereof fora Bill of Divorce from her husband, Thomas Simpson. at present residing at Flint, Michigan, Snidier, on the ground of adultery and desertinn. Notice oiApplication for Divurce Dated at. the City of Tmontu. in the Province of Ontario, this 28th day of July, A. D. 1921. ly of the Township of Toronng in the Uunnty of Peel and now of tlm City of Toronto. in the Culan of York and Province,F of Ontzuin, Mutm'mnn. will apply to the next Parliament of Canada at the next HPSSl"nS lhvrpnf for 1]. Bill of Divorce from hie wif» ALICE JAMIESON, of the Village of Erindalv in lhe Ununty of Peel. on the grounds of adultery and desertion. PERCY JAMIESON, by his Solicitors herein, MURPHY & DONALD, 31 Trusts & Guarantee Building. 120 Bay Street. Toronto. 6 l4 Notice of Application for Divorce NOTICE is hereby given that PERCIVAL ANDREW JAMIESON, fUVI‘IIIEA’l‘ Duted int; annntn, Prnvinm- of Ontayio,_tw:9nty-child day of Septem- her, A. 'D. 1921 NOTICE is her-Phy given that HELEN LLOYD of the City of Tmnutn, in the County nf York in the Province nf Ontario. Married \anun, will apply to the Parliament of Cmmdu, at 1116 next session thereof fur a, Bill of Divorce from her husband, WILLIAM HARRY LLOYD. of Lhe said City hf Toronto. in the Connly of Ym k. in the Province of Ontario, on the ground ofAnduliery. Notice of Application for Divorce Anthony Wilson CIDER We are now prepared to make Cider. Bring your apples to Carrville Chopping Mill, Lot 16, 2nd Con., Tp. Vaughan. 72 Queen Street \Vesr. Torunto, Ontmin, Solicitors for the applicant. 14 14 Hvlen Llnyd HUGHES & AGAR, Dated at the City of Toronto. in the County of York this 26111 day of September. 1921. DOUGLAS LE\VIN by MURPHY & DONALD. Barristers &c . 120 Bay Street, Toronto, his Smicitors herein NOTICE is hereby given that DOUGLES LEWIN. of the 0in of Toron- to, in the County of York. in the Province of Ontario, Department’s] Manager. will apply to the Parliament of Canada at the next Sessions there- of for a Bill of Divorce from his wife OLADYS ETHEL LE“'IN, of the City of Vancouver. in the Province of British Columbin, Married ‘Voman, on the ground of adultery and desertion. Dated at the City of Toronto, in the County of NOTICE is hereby given that Albert Bethune Carley of the City of Toronto, in the County of York, in the Province of Ontario, will apply to the Parliament of Canada, at the next Session thereof, of for a. Bill of Divorce from his wife, Mabel Carley of the City of Toronto, in the County of York. on the ground of adultery. Dated at the City of Toronto, in the )ounty of York. this 13th day of York this 26111 day ofl October. 1921. Notice of Application for Divorce NOTICE is hereby given that *W'illiam Park Jefferson, of the City of Toronto, in the County of York, Cutter. will apply to the Parliament of Canada, at the next session there- of for a Bill of his Divorce from his wife, Jennie Jefferson, 0n the grounds of adultery and desei-tion. Dated at TOronto this 15th day of October, 192l. MERCER BRADFORD & CAMP- BELL, 24 King Street, \Vest, Toronto. Solicitors for the Applicant. 17-30 Notice of Application for Divorce THIRTIETH DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1921 and remains there for inspection. Andl hereby call upon all Votexs to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions connected ac~ cuiding to law. J. B. MCLEAN. Clerk of the said Municipality, Dated this 30th day of September, 1921 Notice is hereby given that I have tranimitted or deliveied to the persons mentioned in section Nine 0f the Ontario Voter's List Act, the copies requirpd by said section to he so transâ€" mitted or delivered of the List made pursuant to said Act, therein of all persons appearing by the last: Revised Assessment Roll of the said Munici- Riulity to be entitled m vote in the said lllliCipzliliV at Electiuns for members of the Legislative Assembly, and at Municipal Elections; and that, the said List was posted up in my ofï¬ce, at the village of Maple. on the Fine house on Yonge Street nine rooms, urnace. Electric light, hurd- wood f. 015, largq verandnh good large corner lot abundance of fulit and shade trees. 15 tf. Voters’ List 1921 Choice huiding lots near Yonge St. Ono m'rhm'd lot 60 feet. Eight, acres fine soil, level. Five roum cottage concrete funnd- ation. large lot. Five acres gmile from Yonge Street. a bargain for quick sale. Mineral spring property 9 acres on Yonge St. Three houses on property, all cnnveniences. A very desilable property, ChOlCP location fur several ï¬ne rvsidences, sum- mer hotel or Sanitmium. PROUDFOOT. DUNCAN, GILDAY & TISI)ALTJ. 1‘2 Rivhmond SUM-t E)l~‘t, Tomntn. Sx-licitnrs for the said Exvclltnr. Arthur \V. Mmgun. Dated an Tux-(mm this 5th (lav of October. 192]. 16 3 And take notice that aft-Pr the lust. mentioned date the Said executor will prnceed todislrilmte lheussptauf lhv said (Incense-d among {ha parties 0n- litlvd then-Ln, h-nvinq xvgnnl min In the claims inf which he sh-ull llwn have nuth‘, and that :ln- snitl executor will nut, be liable fur the said ussvtsnrany part [hm-90f to any person or pvlsuns uf \VllOs‘E‘ (:luini notice shall nut have heran received by him up to the time (if said dis- tribntinn. PROUDFOOT. DUNCAN, GILDAY Notice is hereby given, pursuant. to Section 56 of‘the Trustees Act, R. S. O. 1914, Chapter 121, that all creditons and others having claims or demands ngninst the Estute Of the said Emnm Lavina Cox. who died on or about the 30th day of August, 1921. at the Town- ship of Vaughan are rtquiwd on ul‘ before the first day of December next. to send by I’nst prepuid or de- liver to Arthur W. Murgnn..ThnrnhilI, Ontario. the executor of the last will and testament of the suit] deceased, lhoix‘ Uhristinn names and surmum-s. addresses and descriptions, tlu- full pnrlicu‘lurs in writing of lheir claims, A stulmnent of their nut-cunts, and the nature of the sccuxitius. if uny, hvld by lhvn‘. ’ Municipality Of the Township of IN THE MATTER OF the E-mlte of EMMA LAVIINA COX. late of tha Township of Vaughan. in the County I-quork, \Vidnw. deceased. ‘ For Sale by J. Edward Francis Tï¬ï¬rnhfll COUNTY OF YORK Vaughan Notice To Creditors Notice of Application for Divorce NOTICE is hereby given that Marie Louise Dngenais. of the City of Toronto. in the County of York, Province of Ontario. Mnn'ied Women. will apply to the Parliament of Canada at the next Session thereof. for in. Bill (if Divorce from her husband Jean Baptiste Dugenais of the City of Torontn, in the County of York, Laborer, on the grounds of impotency and non-consummntion of the said marriage. Data? at Toronto. in the Province of Onturin, the 22nd day of September, A. D. 1921. Notice of Application for Divorce E. Bridges, Prop= LightLunches Ice Cream Soft Drinks Cigars Cigarettes Refreshmennts Stabling Accommodation at Reasonable Rates ELGIN HOTEL : epuipment. 600 Acres of Nnx’se‘ry Stock Our agency is Vallmble for we grow the trees we sell, and deliver nnly high grade Stock. \Vrite now for terms. MENTAL TREES etc. GOOD pay EXQLUSIVE territpry and free A relinble energetic sulesngenl: for Richmond Hill and Cuunty t,†sell our \VPll knmvn FRUIT and ORNA- Highest Quality Nut-Stove-Egg WM. PRATT ALBERT BETHUNE GARLEY by HELLMUTH, CATTANAUH, & MEREDITH 1106 C. P. R. Building, TORONTO. 17-31 SATURI implv' Phone 44 r 23 Stop 51 Yon SATURDAY. OCTOBER 22â€"Sherwond Garngg. blacksmith shnp. dwelling, stock of tnuls. 15' ur-ros land at, Sher- 1 wood, 4th Cuu.. Vaughan. the! pruperty of A. S. Fry. Sale ‘of ulmve withdmmn. Ford car and household furniture to hp suld an mlwrlised. Snigeon 8: WalklnRtnn, ' Aunts. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 5â€"Huust-lmld furnituw pun, Lums Street Rich- nmnd Hill, the mummy of James Page. Sale M lo’clnck. Terms cush. J. H. & K. G. Prentice. PELHAM NURSERY C0., TORONTO ONT. 600 ACRES OF NURSERY. ESTABLISHED 40 YEARS ‘ WANTED 'hl“ Page. cash. Aunts W A GAL CURRY & \VALLACE. Solicitors for the Applicant. 26 Queen Street East, L5 Torontu. H. & K. (; ELGIN MILLS Im-nt v.\Y. OCTOBER 22â€"Fux-m stuck, A nnd furnilure. Int 4, ‘st Ym-k, the prnperty of uf the Ian: Roht. Johnston. 'I'IOI'k. Tv‘l'llls 12 months. (5. Prvntice. Aurts. Register Yonge St. { RICHMOND HILL PHONE 1&3 L. INNES 8: SONS BEAVER BOARD Complete Lines. High-grade Stock SPRUCE B. C. FIR AND HEMLOCK LATH AND» SHINGLES READY ROOFING AND It Will Pay You Cannel, Stove, Nut and Pea Coal. Also Hem'ock Slabs at the Elevator. To consult us before buying WHITE PINE Pastry and Purity Flour al- ways on hand. Bran,‘ Shorts and Gluten Meal on hand. Also a good supply of No 1. Feed Corn. A car of Salt in barrels and sacks arrived. A few good loans at property. Other fanns and properties too numerous to list. va House 5 rnums, rungh plumb- ing. water in housw, Electric light finished in fir. built under housing plan. Equity cash balance 20 yedls at, $20 per luumh. On Crntre East. Just, the spur, €07: l'etiled couple. orchard chicken housv, flu-mice. Tex-ms easy. The G. F. Allen prnpmty on lege SKI-Pet. South of the High Schunl, just; lunk at this and satisfy yoursvlf that, this is 0ml of the‘must beautiful spots in the ViEl-ugo. ’ 72 Acres on Richumud Street whh brick house. luu'n, orchard. etc. will sell 9n block. or half nun-e lots. Good Villlll‘E at reasonable terms. orchard l. A. Nicholls The Real Estate May has the following For Sale SASH AND DOORS A Specialty. Yonge and Charles Sm, Toronto This schtm] is strictly ï¬rst-class in all dopartmgntn and enjoys a wide-spread patronage. IT IS TIME TRIED AND TRULY TESTED and YOU RlSK NOTHING BY COM- Increase Your Earning Power by Attondlng Public Notice Blachford’s Calf Meal 1N0 HERE. Our graduates are eminently successful. Enter any time. \Vrite for cutalngue. \V. J. ELLIO'I‘I‘ Principal. Purnia Scratch Feed. . D. Ramer LLIOTT on city