Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 3 Nov 1921, p. 1

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HOUSE PAINTER, Glazier. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. Turonto Offices â€" Continental Life Bldg. Cur. Buy and Richmond = St. Toronto. Brunch Officeâ€"Richmond Hill every Tuesday afternoon at Liberal Office. W. HEWISON Residence address Victoria Square LicenSed Auctioneer for theUnunty of York. Sales attended to on shortest notice, and at reasonable rates. Patronage solicited Special attention given to sales 01 every descnption. Farms and farm stock sales n specialty. Farms bought. and sold on commission. All sales at- tended to on shortest, notice, and con- ducted by the most. approved methods. Patronage solicited. MISS BEATRICE HOWELL TORONTO ‘ feacher of Fletcher Method Musical Kmdergarten Pupils passed for Conselvatory Ex- aminatinns. LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR COUNTY OF YORK AND ONTARIO GREGORY GOODERHAM & CAMPBELL BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC. Richmond Hill STUDIOâ€"HOTEL RICHMOND. VOL. XLI V. LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY OF YORK Patronage and influence respectfully solicited MARRIAGE LICENSES Branchesâ€"Thornhill and Willowdale 415 Balliol St” Toronto. Phone Belmont 1347 51.50 per annum, in advance. NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANCING obtain the fullést credit to which your standing entitles you. The Royal Bank at Banana J. T. SAIGEOJN . J. HUME Harvested Your first duty aft'er the crops have been harvested is to “ clean up ” advan- ces at the Bank. The man who does this rarely has diffi- culty in obtaining credit. Make Good Your Credit at the Bank When __Your Crops are Money to Loan ISSUER 0F. Maple Richmond Hill. I’ren Lice P. 0. address GonnleyJLR. you may sale Call by’ phone or otherwise promptly .» responded to The Maple Sand. Gravel and Brick Coupnny, LL'd. have on hand for sale. Cement. drain tile. 3, 4, 5. 6 and 8 in. Culvert. file 12. 15. 18 and 3) inch (30 inches in length) Also Cement Brick. Sand or vael sold by the load or -'n car lots. Cedau- posts and telephone Doles for 378 Barman-om) AVE. WEST TORONTO Phone Junction 72. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS' EXPERIENCE All mail orders will receive prompt ' attention. JOHN R. CAMPBELL Sand, Gravel, Tileam d Brick REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE THORNHILL A large stock of Funeral Furnishing Kept at the above places WRIGHT BROS. Undertakers and Embalmers RICHMONDHILL, THORNHILL AND UNIONVILLE Orders left with Mr. G90. Harding will rec9ive proxan attention. Also agent for the Himan Standard Milker. Phone Aurora 8013, The Town of Aurora The Township of King The Township of \Vhitchnrch The Imperial Bank of Canada, J. M. \Vulmn. & Cu. Aumra VANDORF LICENSED AUCTIONEE R. FOR THE COUNTY OF‘ YORK Nothing too greatâ€"Nothing too small TERMS REASONABLE. Barristers Solicitor Notaries ' Telephone Main 2777 JMmmrch Bldg. 26â€"28 A Omces aide Sr“ \Vest. Tnmntn. [Naughtun Bluck, Aurom Snliéltor for: \anlr‘l' S. Jenkins Rec. Phone 1 Hill. 5048 Richmond DENTIST Office Trench Block, two doors north 0f Standard Bunk. Hours-9:1.m. In 5.30 p. In. Open evenings hy appointnwnt. Teh-phnne PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING HOT WATER HEATING ANDGENERAL REPAIRS LOCAL AGENT â€"RXCHMOND HILL, ONT. British Crown Assurance Corporation. Eng-[9. Star. and British Dmninions Insurance Company *nmmissioner. Unnveyancer. Etc VETERIN ARY SURGEON, Thornhill. JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO TUNER Ofilvw . R. SANDERSGN Ofi‘ic ll) J. EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC NAUGHTON & JENKINS ‘. E LVIN WELLWOOD . C. HENDERSON DR L. R. BELL British North Western Insurance Company THORNHILL, ONT posts and telephone poles for RICHMOND HILL. ONT.. THURSDAY NOV. 3, 1921 ll'e sidmfnâ€"ange Street hours â€"â€"10 to 12 a,xn. 6 lo 8 T. COUSINS. Pres. and Manager. )I-Aple. Hill J. P. VVILSON J. Harry Naughton Res. Elgin Mills Res. Phone 44.4 Phuue 1‘46: 24 Automobile “In Essentials, Unity; in . 26-28 Adel- A 11 mm ' Room II SR. IIâ€"Audrey Tuck, (H.) Alfred Gruinger, (H.) Juhnsnn Armstrong, (H.) Mildred Mackie, (H.) Lillian ’Rumble, (H.) Knbhleen Mnhoney, lAzala Denby, Phylis Glass. Ida , Blanchard. Annie CO\'eyduck. Eleanor lHaly. Ethel Lusher. Lnuis Mahoney. ‘Allen Duncan, Kenneth Brayton. Peter Savage, Clarence Price. Ulare Newport. Oswald Carter, Donald Hick, Frank Brayton. John Mchezm. l Absent for one or more exams:â€" Mary Alums. Elizabeth Higgins, ;\Vinnifled Sanders, Mildred Sims, I David Stirling. Anniversary Services will be held in Hope Church. next Sunday. Nov. 7th. at 2 p. m. and 7 p. In. Mr. Cambridge will conduct, the afternoon service, and Mr. \V. S. Robinson, of Maple P1esby19rinn Church, in the evening. Music will be furnished by Welch singens of Toronto. buth afternoon and evemug. Absent. for one or more exams:â€" Gmce Paris, Vera Monis. Kathleen Mun‘is, Ethel Kendall. Dora Parcel. K. BURNS. Teacher. JR. IIIâ€"-Marjnrie Tyndall, (11.) \Viunie Stong. (H.) George Hond. (H.) Lucy Suvuge. Carmen Lowry. Donald Frisby, Christina Anderson," jnulea Langstafi, Marion Kidd, Margaret Plewman, MuyParcel, Dorothy Hick. Eric Hamilton, Tum Unveyduck, Fred Sanders. Dnris Wurumn, Grant Innis. The grass will not. he wilted, the flowers in bright army. For ovvry evening after work, he murnier’s let us spray. Now all these things will come to puss of that, there's nothing sui-ei', When at. Richmond Hill, they burn the tap that gives them aqua pum. anns. and flower Sada, will, show a vivid green. , And the owner Will be gratified, us he gazes nu the Scene. V'l‘he village clmk devyut-é' wiLh pride the incr‘eaging popuhbion. Lets hope the dulliance will be short, and those wiLh impaired digestion. ‘ Should take _1\ pill. to cure the ill, and pop the important question. Aim this object, is; Jbikiiied; they shguld not. rest, or falter. _ ...~.....c VA nun.- "'__' V ! Until the knot is fairly tied at the matrimonial ultm'. And in due comse, if nature wills, “you'll i-Pceive this with electiun,” V r nu And ardent, swai'né, High bashful eyres,‘ “:ill dmggler at their feet. A glow of heath will lie on their cheeks, and bright. and clear-their eye Doctors will have nought, to do, but give clean bills tff health. And this mndus operandi be their only load to wealth. Maidens fair, will he fairer still, and become more daintily sweet. - “.0...” av \vlnLuu r- nunr, \Vill exhibit moxe celerily as thoy sniff the fragrant air. This daily hath willhrighlen things, you'll sayâ€"“\Vi-ll thals no rumnur.” Arid staid old folks will be cracking jokes and deVelop u. sense of humour. « uv'LlUy :- OK “ac un uuuAuul . It W11! make the young more vigorous and the elder ones l_n()l'8”57p17‘y. The dung store Lou. will find tmde boom with which I‘m sure Lhey’llcupv, For there will he an increased demand for cakes of scented soup. Conductors on the morning cars, on their rounds to collect a fine, Richmond Hill Public School "More rhyme lhzln reason" . Richmond Hill is going ahead. they me going to have the water Laid along the Village sticet, reach- ing evely quanter. People may, if they so wish, have it in their home. It will not he necessary then. on n wintry night to roam Outside to the iron, or wooden pump, with a cold and frosty handle. Getting water from u slimy well, by the flickering light of u candle Ur smoky lump. with u grimy glass. giving out it feeble my. Noâ€"nll those things will soon he past. they're installing it better way. Every home will hitVe a room with bath somewhere about. - \Vhere the occupants may plunge and splash, like the salmon trout. Competition will be keen with the old folks, sons. Ind daughters. As to who shall he the first to lzu'e'. in the cool and liinpid waters: Kimomi’s and dresuing gowns. buth towels, sponge. and slippers, All those things will be tequired by the energetic dippi-rs. The merchants. who stock such things. should really he alert, For any day. their business may, make a. decided spurt. Hope Church Predictions Non-Eséentials, Liberty ; in all things, Charity.” A. ROLL‘E. Again the 0. (J. on behalf of his cnmmand asks for the loyal support of the citizpns at the Park utter the sprvice the Clerzv the Cnuncil and the School Board will he officiqu presented to Col. Clarke D. S. O. and his officers. \Vith the P’KCGPUOD nf tearing out dnorsteps, carrying away gates and doing other foolish tricks. llilll' damage was Ldone on Halloween. A large bill- board firmly bound on the free air pump in front of the Richmond Hill Garage was the principal attraction all the next day. This gave nn account of the grand opening of Harry's new theatre to take place on the “Blstnf Febnary. 192;," with the titles of the plays for the first thirty days. Accord- ing to the billboard, nmny of our prominent citizens will figure in the plays and operas. The Services will he conducted by the I'Pgiuwntal Chaplain assisted by the Rev. Mr. McNeil and will be fully regimental at the conclusion the last post. will be sounded as n. reminder to our glorious dend. Cadet Sex-gt. Phipps. CndeLSergt. Armstmng. (Jndet Sex-gt, Dickinson. Under. Sergb. Aikinsnn. Cade-t Sergr. Mylks are detailed to take up the col- lection at the selvice which will be, divided equally. Under. Lieut. Hill will lend the-Junior plulonn. Cadet Lieut \Vbite the: Signallers and Cadet Lieut. Bldnoy the Seniors. »_ Cadet Capt. L-Isher and Cadet Lieut. Grant are detailed field officers for the afternoon. Mrs. Greene is forming a committe for refleslmwnts lo he served to the visiting officers and Cadets anal-the services. in the Park. The 0. C. asks for the loyal support thereto of the mothers as also all of the citizens. Sergt. Cadet \Voodhend will guide the parade. Should thp commanding officer Col. Clarke D. 8. O. M. 0. not parade. the Sulnting Base will be in front of the Sterling Bunk. The Senior platoon will be detailed as a. squad guard under Cadet Lieut. Blaney. The Cadth will nssemhle in the agricultural grounds ab (me o'clmtk sharp and will await thPl'e the arrival of the Toronto Cadet, Corps who will be accompanied hy York Rangers Brass Band and Cadet Corps Bugle Band. Cadet nfliCPv-s and Cadet N. C' 0’s. will wear 'brown kid glnves for th_is_1 pnr_nde. The Drum servir‘e will not he held in lhe Park as previously announced. Cadets of the Protestant, faith will parade to the Methodist Uhurchund Simultaneously by the Rein Father Kelly. :1 Schial service wilth con- ducted in the Roman Catholic Church for the cadets of [but faith. Details of the Cadet Church parade tnhe held on Almistice Sunday will he posted by the O. G. in the Post Office when recvived fn-n) Heudqunrters, the same being new nppxoved by the commanding Officer. r THE STEREINQBANK Halloween Pranks Branches at: Richmond Hill, Keswwk, Queensvillv, Aurora Thornhill, Lansing and Newton Brook. York Ranger Cadets __.- “yua‘uAlJ Ullal- tered Bank in Canatieâ€"(except- in the Yukon district.) If it should be lost, a new one can be obtained without delay. A receipt is given at the time of purchase. Then when the Money Order is tashed, it constitutes a permanent receipt for the money. Sterling‘Bank Money Ordersfican be obtained at any of our Branches, in a few moments. 1‘ When sending money to friendsâ€"to business institutionsâ€"anywherkuse a Sterling Bank Money Order. It is readily cashed for itslfull vallge at_any Char- fn-All Dual. 3“ n; ,- 1V1()NEY ORDERS “_â€"y a... “A‘J ulna".- Bank in Canada 7(éiééfit in the Yukon (TIECANKDA C. Browne BARRIBTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY E'ro Tornnto‘ Office. Richmond Buildings 33 Richmond Street, VVPst. Richmond Hill Office (‘ Liberal omce). every Thursday forenoun. Maple. Thursday afternnon, VVoodbridqe. Satuxday forenoon. Money to Lnan at, Current Rates , , a i __ _______ W51. ‘6 UBarrister, Solicitor. Notary, Etc. OFFICEâ€"SUITE 3]. TORONTO DAILY STAR BLDG.. 18 KING STREET WEST I‘el. 51.3631' . Barristers, Solictors, 8m. MANNING ARCADE. 4 KING ST. WEST. TORONTO, CA TELEPHONE MAINE 311 Cable Address: “Dedu” F.-ank Denton Tel. A’lelaid 5974 Denton, Macdofingld 6: Benton Dnhnl:*‘* r Saturday; N. C. Shiver. B‘A. Peter 'I‘lylor. B.A. E. W. Rhodes. ILA Teac 19f of Piano-Playing at the Toronto Conservatory of Music and St. Margaret’s: Collvgo. Richmond Hillâ€"Wednesdays and QquInI‘.‘â€"~ Cameron‘ Mac atughton . RM!!th :. ha.-- ‘Y-A-_ knnmissivmer, Conveyancer, E Insurance and Real Estate J. EARLE NE WTON HOUSE PAINTING 8; INTERIOR DECORATION Shaver i. A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC RICHMOND HILL WILLIAM COUK [Single copies, 3 cts Barristers. Solicitors Notaries, Etc. Arthur A. Macdonnld Ta)’lor & Rhodes PIANIST Hunhilrton Twat BM g Rooms 3034305 Opnome cm Hall 57 Queen St. West Toronto T hornhill OUI' Evenings Manor Road North Toront a CA NADA 311 No. 19

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