WWQOONNOWWMOOMWW With The Family Herald and Weekly Star is included a copy of the new Canadian Coat of Arms in true heraldic colors, size 14 x 17 inches. This beautiful plate should be found in every Canadian home. Every boy and every girl should be taught to describe the Canadian Coat of Arms. A copy will be sent free to all who accept this offer. Send your order to THE LIBERAL OFFICE. The Liberal c3sts $1.50 a year. The Fam‘ly’ Herald and Weekly Star of Mmtreal casts $3.03 a year. We mxv offer a full year's subscription to bath papers for $3.0) A BARGAIN IN NEWSPAPERS W. F. CARTER, Richmond Hill Pumps Ladders VVheelbarmws \Vire Fence Iron Posts, Gates Hog Troughs Fiber Plaster Tongue Truck Supports Hydrated Lime Sprayers Ironaeg Seeders "warden Tools Massey-Harris, Cockshutt and Bateman-V‘Vilkinson Repairs Always in Stock. Tariff and Non Tarifl‘ Ratings and all Policies give the pro- tection they are intended for and at the minimum rates. Get our rates before looking elsewhere. The Confeleration Life Asso. issues anew policy without medical examination for $1000, also a policy called the Family Policy, which is striking for its protection on man and his wife and many good features, Ask for the pamphlet7 which explains all. This should appeal to all married men and women. because the company carries a small risk on the wife also, and costs nothing. No medical examination for the wife is required, FIRE LIFE ACCIDENT SICKNES AUTOMOBILEâ€"FIRE, THEFT, LIABILITY PLATE GLASS BURGLARY You can't realize the money- saving value of a good farm engine until 'ou've seen how much more 'quic ' y and eï¬iciently you can clear u p t h e numerous 0d d jobs about the farm. You Need a Good Engine Here is a Real Bargainâ€"the Greatest Valuc Ever Offered in Canada. Implements, Garden Tools and Repairs Hon. T. A. (Tx‘erar Leader U. F. U. [ORON-I-To J. Lunau, Agent. Richmcnd Hill P. G. SAVAGE 8: SON Office at the Post Office, RichmondHiH Agent for All kinds of Insurance An Excellent Premium. milking, separat- ing.churn- ing, sawing, grinding, sharpening tools, mixing cement. shelling com, ï¬lling the siloâ€"there's nothing I know of that will give better service with so little attention as a Toronto Engine. And they operate on either kerosene or gasoline. Let me explain in detail thes: sturdy little workers next time you pass my way. Don't forget to see their able assistantsâ€"The Toronto Saw and the‘Toronto Grain Grinder â€"at the same time. previous letter called himself a Liberal, finds fault in this issue, with Mr. Macgregor's platform regarding Agriculture and the tariff. We take it that Mr. Moy‘le wantsa lowering of the tariff, but he does not say to what extent He also finds fault with Mri Fielding, former finance minister, a man who went out of power cndeavoring‘ to get the American market for our farmers, and is now speaking on many plat- forms for a reduction and revision of the tariff. Yet Mr. Moyle has not a word to say about Mr. W. F. MncLezm who prides himselfu high l’rutcetiunist. I Mr. Henry Moylo who in a l Lady Laurier, widow of Lhelate Sir Will'er Laurier, died ather home in Ottava on the first, of November. Deceased 'ms in her 80th year. may Lunl'ier before her marriage. was Miss Zoe Lafontzline of'Montrenl. Her name has been long a<socinbed wiLh charitable work, and afthough she was not; very much in the public eye, she always took :1 deep interest in the afftirs 01' her illustrinus husband. The debate between the Guild of Melville and The League here on Thursday. Oct. 27th. was one of the events of the week. The subject of debate was "Resolved that none but English speaking immigrants be admitted to Canudu. Afï¬rmative Melville Guild. Negative Victoria Square Leugue. The dehators for the uï¬irmntivc Mr. A. Meyers, Miss Janet Brodie and Mr. G. France-y. For the negative, Misses Gmnhol and E. Mortson and Mr. J. Ferris. After a Very interesting discussion the judgesâ€"Messrs. A. Davison. Union- \‘ille.Stoufl=ei-, Slontfville, and E. J. Hitchcock, Victurin Square, decided in favor of the afï¬rmative. - Lunch was served by the League. On Friday evening the community gave a farewell to Mr. Halvey 00“;de und his sistexs. An interesting pro- gramme was given and speeches were nmde by Messrs. R. Bnynlon. A. Frishy and an address was read to Mr. Collard expressing appreciation of his services to the neighhmhood. Hurvey replied i-xpressing regret at severing his connection with the vicinity and thanking those who had wished him u god speed fur the future. 0n Suturduy evening, Oct. 28th, Messrs. Wm. Nichols and J. Gambol, Rushulme Place. entertained their friends at n Hallnwe’en party. De- comliuns suggestive of the season were tastefully placed here and there und the guests enjoyed the games ithe sing song and the lunch provided. A thoroughly enjoyable time was spent. A pretty wedding took place at the home of Mr. A. J_. Hume. l‘lundny afternoon, when his only daughter. \Vinnifred, was married toMr. Earnst Stiles, of VVhitchurch. The bride was given away by her father, and the ceremony was perforde by Rev. H. S. \Vurren. of'l‘ornnto. Cousin of the bride. The guests were the immediate relutivesof the contracting parties, an i :l few very intimate friends. The Weddng music was played by Miss Gertrude Derry, of Toronto. Needless tosmy the luride was the recipient of many benutiful and useful gifts. The home was tastefully decorated “ith seasonuhle flowers. After the supper. which was one of the best, with a particularly artistic wedding cake in the centre of the table. the usual toasts were proposed and iesponded to. the groom expressing their thanks for much kindness shown himself and bride. Admidstn shower of confetti and good wishes the youngvcnuple left in the evening for to. short trip to Ningam Falls and other places. On their return they will reside nt Gormley. “They can’t; fool us that. way. We know Wallace can win. There are enough straight Consei'vatiVes in this riding to see to in that. he does win â€"-convention or no conveniion. If the lust convention had been a straight Tory one Wailch would have been nominated. But when a man who has never before been anything but in out-anâ€"outGriu is nominated, you can take a pretty good guess as to what; sort of persons constructed the convention.†a candidate at; the coming federal election in West. York. An article in Tuesday's Evening 'l‘clegnunstutes than many (‘onsei'vatives in the girl- ing me not. satisfied with the way the nomination was captured by Mr. A. J. Anderson, declaring that the convention was plugged. The article in The Telegram concludes as follows: Mr. Len Wallace, Reeve of Wood- bridge, Worden of York County, has definitely announced that. he W111 be TOO MUCH FREEDOM Three men escaped from the Jail Farm Saturday night. One of them was captured at East Toronto the next night as he was about to board a freight train for Montreal. The other two prisoners were captured in Brockville on Monday evening. Provincial officers started at 0nCe from Toronto to bring the men back. Another ofï¬cer has started for Van- couver for a man who was arrested in that city, who had escaped from the Farm several months ago. Both the public and the inmates look upon the Jail Farm its something little les; than a joke. The prisoners go when they wish, and work when they wish. They are well fed, and have more than ordinary accommo- dzttion. With so much attention paid them. the wonder is that they try to escape. Giving men so much freedom and putting them on their honor will never work out right on a jail farm. VICTORIA SQUARE Stilesâ€"Hume day of August, 1921, providing for the issue of debentures to the amount. of Fmty Thousand Dollars ($40,000.00) for the purpme of enabling the Board of Public Schonl Trustees of Uninn Section Number One in the Township of Vaughan. fur the purchase ofa school site and the vreclion of n 5011001 building and equipment of same. Snid Union Section heing codi- posed of purls of the Tuwnships of vnughan and Markham. and that such Byâ€"lnw was registde in the Registry (Ofï¬ce for the East. and West Ridiugs of the County of anx on the Twentyâ€"fist dziy of September. A. D. 1921. ANY MOTION to quash or set aside the same. or any palt thereof must, he made Within three months after the ï¬rst publication of this notice, and cannot. be made thereafter. Dated this 18th day of October, 1921. JAMES B. MCLEAN, Clerk Vaughan Township. 17â€"21 NOTICE is hereby given that 383'- law was passed by the Council fur the Township of Vigqghnu on_ _t,_he ï¬f'st [â€"1 Street. Apply to H. A NH‘HOLLS. 19â€"20 McMAHON â€" Handles evm-yâ€" C' thing in the shape of wire foncv, and at right prices. He does the work and ï¬nds all material. Trucking also done. Phone 96, w. 1‘. 2. your money, in good first moll- gages at 7 7;. Phone. write or call. Ground & Son, \Vubuxn Ave. Tm-nnlo, Ont. ‘ 6-14 wire and staples and patent rail fence. I also do bum roof repairing, stump blowing, and stnne blasting. J. H. Espey, Elgin Mills. 6-22 ‘ IVE METHE CHANCEâ€"T0 quote you prices for your new wire fence, also for stretching wire and setting posts and iron gutefa. Bram: O'l‘ICEâ€"E. Sliney IS perure-(l tn 1 do all kinds of bucking and c‘uting in Richmond Hill and vicinity. Patron-age solicited. Phone Richmond Hill 95. 42 if FOR SALEâ€"Dodge Tom-ng (Jar, 1918 model, good tires. new Uutlon and Foster Lop. special winter «rur- tains. This car has good ï¬nith. Has been driven only by Owner. Terms can he arranged. Write W.E. BEADEN, 577 Yonge Street. Toronto. Phones, North 454 and Kenwood (5059 \V. Hill. made], BUX 52 turn} it to Mrs. Geo. save further tmuble THOMPSON. ILL lhv person who hluo silk tie on Hill! $01k SALEâ€"1 sow and ynung pigs. _ H. DAVIS, Mill Sheet Richmond [ilL 19â€"20 Notice of Registration of By-Laws For those outside the Village our Pressure Systems will provide water for any installation. who will furnish necessary information and advice regarding vour work SUPPLY BATHS, BASINS, W. C’s., SWAUNDRY TUBS and ALL NECESSARY EQUIPMFNT. The James Robertson Cot, Ltd. for your STORE, VILLAGE or FARM HOME, remember PLUMBING OUSE TO RENTâ€"0n Church RTICLES FOR SALEâ€"A B-uhy Carriage. Cream \Vickrr. lnbvsl tel, Inuks like new $15. .Apply 52. 19 Lf. ONEY WAN'l FADâ€"“(Owen n plat-L- V'Vunt Ads. WHEN YOU ARE READY TO CONSIDER Richmond Hill Mr. Ambrose L. Phipps Get in touch with our local representative 215 Spadina Ave., Toronto, Ontario Thnmps M RS ’s-n It'- )n and l‘J the '9. TEETZEL BROS. For Good Work, Quick Service and Square Deal. Come 'm and see us about, vour Spring \Vm-k now. Shop next to the Shoe Factory, in the old Bunk Building. Eave Troughing, Furnaée and Geï¬eral Repair Work. “79 are now in a position to 1001‘ after your needs in any line uf metal work, and will be pleased to see you in regard to “THE ROLFE SHOE REPAIR STORE†South of Shoe Factory “BE THRIFTY†Cigars, Cigarettes Soft Drinks, Etc. Richmond Hill Chopping Mill As it has been wpm-lod tn the enuncil lhnL a Ilumhu of our hnys an) climbinglhe luwer that. the new water tank 1:; placed on. and as We fwvl [hut this is Very (lllllgt'lOllS for tht-m, w:- would ask them not tn do it again. We “Mild also nsk Ibe parents in wax-n their boys about it. Metal Roofing, Metal Siding, Metal Garages, Etc. Greo. Allison, Jr. STOP 40; YONGE ST’REJST by having them repaired service from your shoes ublio Notice Get the last mile of ï¬unn and I’cnmale Bacon B. HOOVER. Phone 13 r 2 as well as Warning lsn ask lbe pun ys about it. EVE AND CUUNCII Creamery Butter