Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 3 Nov 1921, p. 5

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Qualterly services “iil be held next SJuday m the MeledisL Uhurch. Bullish that, unful insomnia that \Vunius you every night. Let your slwp he lestful and It‘ll'93hillg. Tuan does it. Is sold by Sluuns Ulug Slme. The Richmond Hill Gun Club, headed by Capt. Fruit, and iuIly equipped for the deer country. left; lustTlmreday nightby U. N. R. for their old hunting grounds, mile 226, u. shnrt distance beyond Buyswuter. They will lmpe that deer are plentilul us the number of hunters going northward seems to be vety large. A large supply of good slnbs at u: .sundble prices, at (he rlemlur. day, evening, the 23rd 0f November. Refreshments will be plovided and substantial prizes given. Admission. gents. $1.00: ladies free. The Headford Annivars-«uy and F1 ee will Olfering services will beheld in the Methodist Church on Nov. 13m. Morning and evening, 10.30nnd 7 n'clunk. The Rev. Harold E. Tuy of Egliutuu In the Morning and the Rev. R. S. Hmkin of Tumntn in the evening. Proceeds in mid of Church fund. ‘ 19-2l The Epwm-Lh Leugue Monday even- ing will he in chmge of the Christian Endeavuui' Dept.A uumher of inteiest- ing papers will be given. good musical prugnuume will also bfiiveu. All welcome. The Women’s Institute will hold :1 meeting\ut the home of Mrs. D. Wutsnh, Vednesduy evening. Nov. 9. ntSo'clock. Annddress on Banking will be given by Mr. J. R. Heriugton, nmn‘lgvr of the Standard Bank. Membersure requested to ask ques- tionsn-lating to the banking sys(em. Roll cull will be responded to by a brief accuunt of summer holidays. Solos by Mrs. N. But-ty and Miss Edna Gordon. Get Thanksgiving postcards M The Liberal Store. ' Comingâ€"Dr. F. E. Lukn. 167 Yunge 15L, Tm'unto. Optometrist and eye- sight specialist, will he at J. H. Sluun‘s drug store, Richmond Hill. Sutulday afternoon {mm 2.30 p. m. to 3.30 p. Ill. Nov. IZLh, when he can be consulted about, your eyes for glasses The Daily Globe is $5 n year. For the next few weeks we are plepnred lngivea. special rate of $4 to new subscribers. New subscribers can suveadullur by sending their sub- scxipliuns In the Liberal Office. A Progressive Euchre and Concert by the Thornhiil Orange Association, will he held in Victoria Hall, \Vednus- Thu Uill< High Nihlml Bilrkfi’tbu“ le-nm weuL In {\eu nmrkeL [tummy and dolvulvd. lhc ll. 5. Lvnln xf lhat'l'own by at gnod mmgin. Uur lmys did nut Luv. so well In fuutlmll. A concert under the Latin-5' Aid. will he MelhI-dizf. Uhm ( h un with jvssio [\ll'XhlldE'l' Adxulssimn, Adults, 33 Clark Young. of H::gmmzm, was best plmvinun ut the East; You R plow- ing mntuhhuld at Agilmmnt yvslt-r- day, \\'ilf1id Tilnlu-ls 2nd. W. 1‘. (3|.u-k31d, Sumley Tyndall 4th. Tum McLean 5th. The Bible Class held in [he l’xeshylexian Church will be held on 'J'peafiay pvcning of next week instead For the common everyday ills of mankind lhwe is unthng to equal 'l‘unlnc. ls sold by Sloauls Drug Slow. Mr. \V. I“. Mm'lenn, Confimvative (undidan fur Suuth York, nevompun- ivd by his light hand man, Mr. H. H. Hall, was in the nudge yPSleldHy and ('illlt‘d on a uumhex 01' old friends. The Ladies of the Ang‘uiczm \V. A. ivill hold a shower of llaeflll and fancy mlicles (for the sale u1‘\\'01k)ntlhe home of Mrs. Pugsley, on Friday evening Nov. 11th. Allal'? cordially invited to attend. 19 21‘ nf Mohday eviming on account of 'l‘hanksgiwing. A cmdial invitation is given to all. Mr. Elm {Au yum-‘- StanfiNewn lU Tulvntu 'l‘unlm: is purva vegetable and is made from lhu must beneficial routs. herbs and biilkfi knuwn lu science.' 15 buld by b'lunns Din}! Stow. A few tons of Muize Gluten ut the Elevutur, 513‘ a ton. Also Heavy Western 0an, (351:. u bushel. Next Munduy. November 7. being Thanksgiving Day, lhe styows and other places of business will be closed. Emnwm Smith who has spent years with the Impwml hunk Newmnlket. has been Lmnsfened ulh‘pices of the held in the Nmemhel- 11th, us entertainer. :. Uhildnm 25c. STILESâ€"lIUMEâ€"At Richmond Hill. October 3lsr, hy Rev. H. S. \Vaxu'n, cousin of the bride. \Vinnifrvd M. E., unly daughlex-(If Mr. A. J. Hume, tn Dnvid Earnest Stiles. Urunnley, Editnx- Liberal: Likcull <\\'ho dual with a ploblem lhuy h.nve not studied, Mr. Mucb‘rxegwr has dealt, with Uanudu’s basic indus- try inn very supmlicial manner. His cnnsn'uctivc prugrum fails to lunch the real m-ed for agricultural belle-l- ment and proves the weakness uf the Liberal- plnlfurm. Tauiff let-unstruc- tiun ofa more definite and [nautical nulune than Mr. King stands for is \itxl Ln ugxicnlturul dexebpmeut. Entineminssion of tariff reduuiinn hum Mr. MHcGrezm’s - mom-am \itul Ln agricultural (lexeluplneim Eutiieminssion of tariff H‘Lluullnll hon] Mr. MHcGregm’s - pmgram pmveslmw entirer he fails Lu underâ€" stand nnr real puligical siluguinn, ii. is fundamental tn iLs sellleiurnt. Many llllel'nl candidates including practiculLv nll frou Quebec refine lu uppruvenf definite and pl'nclical 11-- uiusu-uclion of our national policy. Tluâ€"ynre ulsu opposed to h‘glaléltliln which will lll'll)g u dominion settle- ment nt' pruhihitluu of the liquor trntfic which wu ll:t\e so long bung- gied fur. If the liberal leader be our new premier. llt’ Wlll he 50 held hack and hhlldluuplwd by that, element of his suppm-lelsas hill smiously hinder if I‘u New England States there are five million acres uf idle land and much more has passed into the hands of renting foreigners, who for a time will submit to the hardships and dis- nppuintments of farm life as being a little better than what they left in Europe. Food to the value of one bil- lion five hundred million is yearly sent to new England cities from other states or frdlu foreign lands, much of which should have been grown on her own idle lands, and which uur Cana- dian farmers could have supplied un- der more friendly legislation. Mr. MacGregox needs a better platform for Agriculture. . A‘umsquemde p-u-ly ronsi-ling of 35 Witches and ghosts Lunk possession nf Mr. Neil llulluy's lesidcnce..on HHIIUWe'vn when n umsL enjoyable- Lime wus spent in culds and dancing. The Rev. Dr. Cody's proposition of bringing five million of Britain’s pop- ulation to Canada, though in itself good, will without. the long called for legislation for tariff Nduction, sure- lyiesult in bitter disappointment to those who might come and in long years of disillusionment for Dr. Cody and all who share in such a movement. dvsimble us it would be if wisely curâ€" ried out. The situation that has developed in the United States reveals what protec- tion lauds to. vum-mous wealth cen- texed in «few hands ln the cities while millions of the people have neither money or employment. Such causes inevitably brved bolshevik develop- ment, nnd by the pleventlng 0t safe- guarding legishrtiun, sooner or later lead to revulutiunary movements by those who see no other way of sucial improvement and uplift. The 59th Annivm'suiy of the open- ing (If St. Andrew's Pushycrxinu chmch. Muple. will he held on Sunday. November 13th. when servicvs will he held M 11 ()'('l0uk n. In. and 7 o’clock. p. m. by Piofessm' Muss-ton, of Knox College, Tolnntn. ()n \Vednesdny evening, Nov. lGLh, a Suppl-r and entwtunnnent will he given, for which good talent has been seemed. Mr. MacGregor's Platform For Agriculture eutwtzumnent will he ghtvn, for which good talent has been seemed. Thememhemuf the Wmuen‘s In- stitute heldu vmy successful lmzmu' iu the Mnsmuc Hull last week, and from the sale of useful nrliulvs nud lefreshments, realizv-(l about $30. A sung servicowith lantern slidvs pieceded the xegulnl' sen-\ivv in UN Methodist Church vn Sunday mening. Mr. nnd Mrs. R. Muhesnn'. uf ‘Nrexl market, spent the week end with fnivnds her». tap six inches of earth “Ill-at nationle war debt. Mr. Fielding. \\'l)Sll finance minis- ter failed to give the It-licf to agricul- Lure that,” essential to its develop- ment us it is to thuL of all our llatlunul resources. \Ve (lure nut leave those interesls to he made (If by lhe big interests lilnckiug reconstructive legislation. Mr. MacGiegor’s piopcs- ed credits, eluvuturs and cold storage houses have already been largely won by our farmers for themselves. and they are I'upidly wwking ouL furl.her developmeutulung these lines which they can themselves accomplish. Ont MARRIAGES MAPLE ‘0. HENRY MOYLE. giv'en, for en seemed. Women‘s [11- [my om IV»â€"M. Hudgins 80; Z. Topper 77. H. Bulnaby 73; I. Pilson 70: H: Hunls (is); M. Juhnsnn 64; I). Dibh 60; D. McCluskey 40; John Clubine (absent). Tnppt'l’ 49. SR. IIâ€"N. Oshmnp 76: G. Rickwnod 48; F. Rickwm‘d 44; G. Chathuru 36; G. Sugu (absent). JR. IIâ€"M. B.n-!hurpe 100; J. Harris 84; A. BumetL 56; M. \Vatta nnd K. thdgins (nbsvnl). Sn. IIIâ€"M. Bumnhy Mulphy 76; V. Pauk (:ll‘senl). JR. IIIâ€"B. Gamble- 77; L. 7'1: B. “’aus 64; U. Dibb SR. [â€"V. Carson 84: ].Gaml)1964: N. Burnett 2U: Erum Cluhineand V. Taylor (nhsvnt). jR. Iâ€"D. B u-Lhorpp, J. Ruborts. SR. PR.-â€"H. Burnett, R. 5830, J. Kerswell. G. \Vutts. SR. IVâ€"Sydnvv (Ir-lemun. Muriel Cumisky. 110k lemkuy. ~ SR. IIIâ€"Albeit (‘nlmmm’ Doris Curtis. Mulculm Spencle-y, Edilh Patton. JR. IIIâ€"Victor- \Vellmzm. G’IHCP Ewun Ihnmld Spem'lvy. ‘ SK lIâ€"Hnrnld ('rlulk. \Vésloy Clurk. JR. IIâ€"j (ck Spun-19y. Elmer Look. JR. Iâ€"H-mmrll “'eHmnn, ‘ I’mâ€"Edna Fulh‘r. Many Fully)“. Mnhnl Curtis. Stanley Cnlumnn. Prepare For The Fall Rains Boot and Shoe Repairer Kerswell. G. \Vutts. JR. PR.â€"T. Bellamy, E. I). Kerswell. A. McNuir. ( B. McNuir, J. Kermvvll. 2Doors South of Bakery on Yonge St. cover, good ti?es in good con- dition $325. first class condition $175. NEWMARKET BUSINESS COLLEGE ' AND STENOGRAPIIIC SCHOOL USED CARS FOR SALE Get your farm boots hand made from best English Kip Uppers. ABSOLUTLY WATE R PROOF. Call and see me at your first oppurtunity. \ht‘l Curt is. Sm nley njnxie Rumlmugh. 1919 Ford Touring Seat lmlhiduul Tnzlnu'liun in ull suhjm-ts. Shorthand, 'l‘yl‘n-wlit- ing,. Bunk-keeping, (‘mrvspnu- demo, Spelling. Punmumhip Rxpirl Cak'ula‘iun. Bllsinrss English, Gexwml Office 1 1917 Ford Roadster in NEW'MARKET BANK OF TORONTO BLCCK All Kinds of Boots and Shoes Repaired. Good Workmanship . Prompt Service. Headford School Report GEO. KIDD W. â€"HURST Thornhil], Jefferson School Report Richmond Hill Garage. ENROLL ANY '1 IME W. G. Baldock, Shoemaker M. COOPER. Teacher II ISLOI‘, Teacher On tario. Km-swell Burnett Hgdgijls § C. N. COOPER Richmond Hill “9000000900”06006NOOOOOOONQOOOMW¢¢¢MW Ridmmmé flill Garage :NOMOO066660060000009MOOOOO°OOOOOOOWM Richmond Hill Branch: More Cattle We are always on the job and solicit your patronagein general automobile work. “ REPAIRING Our mechanics are first; class repair men and we cater to all makes of automobiles. Cylinders rebored and pistons fitted. OXY-ACETYLENE WELDING We are equipped with an up-to-tlate welding plant; and can weld your broken parts. Also (lee-irbonizing. We can remove the carbon from your motor while you wait. ‘ L BA’"TERY REPAIRING Why send your work to 'l‘oronto. We can repair your battery in our own shop. all work guaranteed. We will rent; you a. battery while we are repairing or charging your own. Agean for Mack & l’resL-Oâ€"Lite storage batteries. Official Prestâ€"O-Lite Service Station; We are agents for the famous Studebaker Automobiles & have also secured the agency for Dodge Brothers Motor Cars. The Dodge car is without a doubt the lest four cylinder car on the market to-day at the price. SERVICE OUR MOTTO We are striving to give service worth while, & a square deal to all with lowest prices possible. Give us a. trial and become one of our many satisfied customers. Wé will treat you right. W. G. Baldock, Prop. OIL & GREASE We specialize on Imperial Polarine and have some very attractive prices on oil at present. 100 only enainclled cams containing one gallon oil while they last for $1.25 each, a. few 15 gal. steel drums complete with brass tap, full of oil for $20.00. Take advantage of our crankcase service. Let us drain the old oil from your car and refill with fresh oil at least every 1000 miles. This will greatly increase the life of your motor. We recommend Mobile oils for your tractors. TIRES, TUBES & ACCESSORIES We carry a full line of Dominion tires, tubes & tire repair materials Genuine Ford Parts & Accessories. SP1 ("IAL- We are manufacturers & Patenlees of The Reid Oil Tester & The Reid Easy Drain for Ford Cars. Ask us about these two valuable accessories and have them installed on your car. AUTOMOBILES Bring us your tires'and tubes for repairs. Made as good as new by our Haywood Vulcanizer. Now is the time to have your tires put in good shape for the warm weather .' ALL WORK GUARANTEED. The New Hardware Store Teet‘zel Bros: F your progressive ideas for cattle raising are beyond the financial resources at your command, talk the matter over with the local Manager of this Bank. Vulcanizing TOTAL ASSETS OVER NINETY MILLIONS STAN BAN K STANDARD 55!? VICE aid: Productiva Prop“: T H E Trench Block Spades, Shovels, Forks, Galvan- ized Pails, Graniteware Tinware Stovepiping, Brooms, Brushes. Poultry Netting, Building or CANADA Paints, Oils, Varnishes. Paper, Roofing. Baseballs. J. R. Herrington, Manager.

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