Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 3 Nov 1921, p. 6

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The Kingdom of The Blind 9 By E. PHILLIPS OPPENHEIM. (009W) CHAPTER XXX.â€"(Cont‘c.) “Do you mean that Germany Wlll be crushed?” Guanet demanded. Sir Alfrejd rema‘TkEd: . Sir Alfred shook his head, Geraldine Conyers is the girl I want “I still believe that impossible ” hello marry," Gl'allet adIHitted. said “but the ace of exhau’stioni “Thomson.” Sir Alfred murmured ’ pe himself,-â€"“Surgeonâ€"Major Huvgh will come, and come surely, before‘to many months have passed. It is timel'llhomson- _He seems 130 be the Ohly for us to think of ourselves. So far mun, Ronnie, from whom we have the as I am concerned, well, there is that least danger of fear. Personally, I one censored letterâ€"nothing in itself,,th1nk I 51m secure. I do not believe yet damning if the code should be that that single letter Will be ever discovered. As for you, well, you are deCIP‘hel‘fil, and If It lsl'three parts of safe fpom anything tmnspiring in the Cabinet are my friends. I could France, and although you seem tolruin the Stock Exchange toâ€"morrow, have been rat-her unlucky there, you'hl‘ing London’s “Edit, f01‘_a time. at appear to be safe as regards Norfolk. any rate, below the credit of Bel- You must make up your mind now to ngde. _ U follow my lead. Take a home com- All the same, 1t_ seems to me, mand. do the rest of your soldiering Granet declared grimly, “‘that we quietly, and shout with the others should both be more comfortable if when the day of peace comes, Thesegthere were no Surgeonâ€"Major Thom- last few months must be our great 5011-” ‘ secret. At heart we may have longed “The Very last dispatches I had to to call ourselves the sons of a mightier deal Wl‘tlL". 511‘ Alfred Conltmue‘fiiy nation, but fate is against us. We “made allusmu .tO h1m-’ .They flout must continue Englishmen,” love some of his work in Berlin, I “You’ve taken my breath awa ," can tell you. What sort of a man is Granet declared. “Let me realize t is he, Ronnie? can he be bought? A for a moment,” , hundred thousand pounds would be a He sat quite still. A rush of fortune to. a man like that.” . thoughts had 'crowded into his brain. ,“There 3s only one way of dealing First and foremost was the thought With him,’_ Granet said fiercely. “I 0f Geraldine. If he could cover up his have tried it once. I expect I’ll have was engaged to Geraldine Conyers. “You are rivals in love, too,eh?” traces! If it were true that he was ’00 tII‘Y again-n set free now from his pledges! Then Sir Alfred leaned over the table. he remembered his visitor of the “DOWt he l‘aSlh, Ron‘hl'e," he aidVise‘d- evening and his heart sank. “And yet, remember this. The man is “Look here," he confessed, “in a a real danger, both to you and to me. way this is a huge relief. I, like you, He is the (ml)? man Who has had 8113'- thought it was to last for three'thillvg to do with the Intelligence De- months and I thought I could stick it. P‘aremeh‘t here, Who is worth 3 5111819 While the excitement of the thing was 1 (If the fingers- Now go home- Ronnie- about it was easy enough, but listen, You came hereâ€"well], never mind uncle. That Norfolk affairâ€"I am not what you were when you came here- really out of that.” ' You are going back an Englishman. “What do you median?” Sir Alfred If they won’t send you to the Front demanded anxiously. “This fellow again, bother them for some work Thomson?” * here, and stick to it. You will get no “Tho son, of course,” Granet as- reports nor any visitors. I have sented, ‘ ut the real trouble has comelstl‘ahgled the “'h016 SY'S’Ie'm- You and to me in a different Way. I told you I are cut loose from it. We are free- that the girl got me out of it. Shedances. Mind, I still believe that in couldn’t’ stand the second cross-ex- the end German Progress and German amfinartion, She was driven mm a culture will dominate the world, but corner, and finally, to clear herself, it may not be in 011T daY- It just hap- said that we were engaged to be mar- pens that we have struck a little too ried. She has come up to London, came l soon. Let us make the best of things, to me to-nighvt. She expects me toERonnie. You have many years of life. marry her.” ,‘I have some of unabated power. Let “How much does she know?” Sir‘us be thankful that we were wise Alfred asked. enough to stop in time.” l “Everything,” Granet groaned. “It Granet rose to his feet. His uncle was she who had told me of the water- watched hiin curiously. way across the marshes. She saw me, “You’re young, of course, Ronnie,” there with Collins, just before the‘he continued indulgently. “You flare was lit. She knew that I lied to ‘ haven’t yet fitted your burden on to them when they found me." :your shoulders properly. England or Sir Alfred sighed. :Germiany, you have some of both in “It’s a big price, Ronnie,” he said,‘you. After all, it isn’t a vital matter “but you’ll haveto pay it. The sooncrlundei' which banner you travel. It you marry the girl and close ller‘isn’t quite like that with me. I have mouth, the better.” “If it hadn’t been for that damned fellow. Thomson,” Granet muttered, care to live anywhere else, but that’s because I carry my own country with “there would never have been a sus- me. It's English air I breathe but it’s picion.” a German heart I still carry with me. “If it hadn't been for the same verylGood night, Ronnie! Remember about enterprising gentleman," Sir Alfred Thomson." observed, “my correspondence wouldl The two men wrung hands and never have been tampered with.” ‘ Granet made his way towards the. Granet leaned a little forward. |door . , “Thomson is \our one remaining. “About Thomson.” he repeated'to danger,” he said. “I have had the feeling since first he half recognized me. We met. you know, in Belgium. It was just when I was coming out of the German lines. Somehow or other Ambrose announced a visitor, early he must have been'on my track over on the following morning, with some smce. I took no notice of it. I thought show of interest, . it was simply becauseâ€"because he| “ raptain Granet to see you, sir. We’ve a good many notes about him. Would you like the book?” l Thomson shook his head. "Thank you," he answered drily. “I have it in my desk but I think I can remember. Is he outside now?" i l “Yes, sir! He said he wouldn’t keep 3 ‘you for more than a few minutes, if you could spare him a short inter- view." "Any luck last night?" ! towards the door. CHAPTER XXXI. himself, as the servant conducted him i l l getting you a job. certain that you would be shot in your} ; muttered. ' lived here all my life and I wouldn’t I I Ambrose sighed. , “I was up till three o‘clock again.§ ’Once I though: I was on the track of‘ 'it. I have come to the conclusion ‘llow that it's one of those codes that .depeud upon shifting quantities. I zshall start again to-night on a differ- Shall I show Captain Granet a... ll l 1 I l i i l'. ' 7:... p' nu; -. .._~.T7:‘~ no. . ent idea. .. . ........ ... .. "7:. . p..." ...... ..._...~. “at--o‘n -â€".- llll, sir?" . l Thomson assented, and a few min-. lutcs later Granet entered the roomJ lHe made no attempt to shake hands ‘or to take a seat. Thomson looked. at him coldly. ‘I "Well," he asked. abruptly, "what lean I do for you?" w Min-.rd's Liniment for Colds, etc. l “I don't suppose you can do any-auspices, and died a few‘ days later. thing" (innct replied, “but I am go- at one of your uncle‘s country houses. .nl to-day and toâ€"mol'row. before he could make any statement." ridiculous!" G claimed. "I never saw the fellow be- ing to i, too, if necessary, in this place. bother- ing every one I ever heard of. You have smile influence, I know. Get me fore in my life." a job out of this country.” Thomson raised his eyebrows slight- cide ice," Major ly. turning over the “You want to go abroad again?" ‘hook. “Anywhcl'erâ€"«anyhnwl If they won‘t have me back in France, heaven knows why not, can I be sent to the llal'danelles, or even Afrim? I'll take out, Tcl‘rilorillls, if you like. he ordered to one of these infernal country towns to train young tl‘:l.'lcs-‘ people. If I don’t worry, I know I tested. “This is and I don't want it." moment, carefully. “Ridiculous doubtless. but a coin: Thomson next “So you want to be fighting: again. yers and her cousin." L‘ll?" be remarked 1 “I do." Gram-t answered firmly. Major "Thomson drew a little locked a. key from his chain and held his band ever the page. .lble that his right hand slipped open his desk. ordinary terms. “You have come to me, (ll-unet,” he said, “to ask my aid in Captain Grallet?” Well, if I could I “These” first skirmish, I would give it to you,‘tales. with pleasure. tions, however, it is my impression‘politics.” that the further you are from any British fighting force, the better It will be for the safety and welfare of: that force." Granet's face was suddenly rigid. He had turned a little paler and his eyes flashed. “What do you mean?" he demanded. Thomson had removed his hand and was glancing at the open page. “There are a few notes here about you,” he said. “1 will not read them i dyeing all but I will give you some extracts“ There is your full name and parentâ€" fore. age, tracing out the amount of forâ€" waistq eign blood which I find is in yourldr?1 elf,“ veins. There is a verbatim account of D “ a report made to me by your Brig- adier-General. in which it seems that in the fighting under his command you were three times apparently taken prisoner, three times you apparently escaped; the information which you:or run. brought back led to at least two disâ€" asters; tlle information which exactly at the time you were absent seemed to come miraculously into the hands of the enemy, resulted in even greater trouble for us.” “Do you insinuate, then, that I am a traitor?” Granet asked fiercely. “I insinuate nothing,” Thomson reâ€" plied quietly. “So far as you and I are concerned. we may as well, I pre- 9 simple \Vorll. coats, hangings, faded it is linen, .__..~â€"â€"-â€"r~¢' directions in icome like new again. druggist whether the wish to dye is wool or silk. or whether cotton, or mixed goods. Diamond Dyes never streak, spot, fade, “I find you next," Thomson went on ’immovably, “visiting the one French statesman whom we in England had book towards him, unfastcllcrl ll: “‘th cause to fear. in his hotel in Lmulon.’ _ I find that very soon afterwards that . , . m... It was nollcc- statesman is in possession of an auto-l " graph letter from the Kaiser, offering“ .1 few inches the right-hand drawer of peace to the French people on extra-l N I _ Who was the interâ€" Laptzlln melllary who brought that document. Granet’s face never twitched. Ilc. give you one where I was perfectly held himself with cold composure. he declared, Pailleton was a friend of mine. Under present condi- During my visit we did not speak of (To be continued.) Dyed Child’s Coat and Her Old Skirt Buy “Diamond Dyes" and follow the every package. Don’t wonder whether you can dye or tint successfully, because perfect home is guaranteed with Dyes even if you have never dyed be-l ":2 dresses. sweaters. everything. be- Just tell youri material '_'_ ' 'Q. It is the fellow that has to be told again and again to do the right thing that needs to worry about his job. The man that has to be told only once is safe. and the man that can do it without being told at all willibe the head of his department. page of his “A little later I find you tak- ing an immense interest in our new although destroyers, trying, in fact, to induce ‘ young Conycrs to explain our wire E2151 netting system. following" him down to Portsmouth and doing: your best to I‘ll do anything sooner than discover also the meaning of a new device attached to his destroyer.” , Tlmt is simply absurd," Gl'anet pro-j “I was interested in the Slll)â€", shall get a home appointment (lll'ectly,'jcct, as any military officer, would be in an important naval dcvelopment.‘ Thomson studicll his visitor, for aMy journey to Portsmouth was Sim- ‘ply an act of courtesy to Miss Con- SUCSESES Lots of fertile eggs. Healthy chicks. Every bll-rl kept in vigorous healthy. profitable conâ€" dition, by Na.- ture's tonic. rullct ex- replied. REGULATOR Booklet “Practical Pointers’ shows the way to profit and sucâ€" cess. Writeâ€"- PRATT FOOD CO. OF CANADA LDIITED TORONTO HE postman and expressman will bring Parker service right to‘ your home. We pay carriage one way. “'hatcvcr you sendâ€"whether it be household draperies or the most deli- cate fabricsâ€"will be speedily returned to their original freshness. When you think‘of cleaning or dyeing w}: - think of PARKER‘S. Parker’s Dye Works Limited Cleaners and Dyers 791 Yonge St. Toronto. V , _ “are fairy Diamond skirts. stockings. NEW LAMP BURNS you » Beats Electric or Gas A new oil lamp that gives an amaz- ingly brilliant, soft, white light, even better than gas or electricity, has been tested by the U. 8. Government and 35 leading universities and found to be superior to 10 ordinary oil lamps. ' It burns without odor, smoke or noiseâ€"â€" 110 pumping up, is simple, clean, safe. Burns 94% air and 6% common keroâ€" sene (coal-oil). The inventor. F. T. Johnson, 246 Minard's LinimentLlsed by Veterinarles , Craig St. W., Montreal, is offering to lseud a. lamp on 10 days’ FREE trial, sume, understand one another. You 7 v r - are, without doubt, aware that my " post as inspector of hospitals is a. blind. I am, as a matter of fact, chiefl of the Intelligence Department, with, a rank which at present I do not Archaeology. Geology, choose to use. I have been myself tof acontology, Zoology. Open daily, 10 a.m. your Brigadier-General and broulghti ‘0 5 P-m- home this report, and if it is any’ satisfaction to you to know it, brought also an urgent request that you should not be allowed to rejoin any part of the force under his control.” ' “It was simply rotten luck,” Granet “I come here to a few more notes,” Thomson proceeded “I meet you some weeks ago at a luncheon party at the Ritz. A Belgian waiter, who I learnâ€" ed, by later inquiries, was present as a prisoner in the village where you were being entertained as a guest at the German headquarters, recognized you and was on the point of making a disclosure. The excitement, however, M6700 was too much for him and he fainted. He was at once removed, under your i if . IF you are out all day in the cold, '- keep warm by wearing STANFIELD’S “Red Label” Underwear It is heavy wool underwear --thick enough to protect you against the piercing coldâ€"easy and comfortable because so carefully made. We make all weights suitable for men, women and children. Send for free sample book. STANFIELD’S LIMITED Truro, N. S. When ill Torlnto visit the Royal OnlArio Museum lhim introduce it. 253 Bloor St. West, Near Avenue Road for fun 13311110111313- Largest permanent exhibition in Canada. lexplain how you can get the agency. Sunday. 2 to 5 pm. Belt Line, Dupont and Avenue Rd. cars. 0hristmas Gheer” “or even to give one FREE to the first user in each locality who wii‘ help Write him today Also ask him to Mineralogy. Pal' and without experience or money Bloom imake $250 to $500 per month. .. _ s ,« , - K PRETTY PRESENTS IN PROF USIO‘N ’SEE OUR SAMPLES _â€". 'Torcan Fancy Goods Co., Ltd. 7 Wellington St. East TORONTO WHOLESALE ONLY " Use Baby’s Own Soap "Stands Strenuous fi‘

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