pails feed fl Bale ton, N Barleyâ€"No. or better, 55 t freights outside Buckwheatâ€"No. 2,’ 60 go Ryeâ€"No. 2, 80c. » ’Mani‘toba flourâ€"First 1) second pats, $7.10, Torontq Ontario flourâ€"$5, bulk, : Mil-lfeedâ€"Del., Montre: bags included: Bran, per 1 $21; shorts. per ton. $21 tc Ontario wheatâ€"No. 2 Winter, per car Dot, $1 to $1.05; No. 3 Winter, 97c to $1.02; No. 1 commercial, 90 to 95c; No. 2 Spring, 93 to 98c; No. 3 Spring, nominal. Manitoba witsâ€"No. 2 CW, 471,“: N0. 3 CW, 44%,c; extra N0. 1 feed, 44%c; No. 2 feed. 40%c. ‘Manimba barley â€"No. 3 CW, 68c. All the above, track, Bay ports. American c0r~n-â€"No.' 2 yellow. 59¢, nominal, Bay ports. ‘ Oi'vtario oatsâ€"~No. 2 white, 38 to Toronto, Smoked meatsâ€"Hams, med. 25 to Manitoba wheatâ€"No. 1 Norman-300; heavy, 18 t0 210; CO‘Oked 44 to 1.19, nominal; N0. 2 Nox'thern,!48‘c3 “01113, 27 t0 280; Cottage T0115. 30 L17, nominal; Na 3, $11214. to 3_3c; breakfast bacon, 29 to 33¢; Maniboba oats_No. 2' CW, 471/2c; spemal brand breakfast bacon, 37 to N0. 3 CW, 44%“ extra N0_ 1 feedvl40c; backs, boneless, 40 to 44¢. “ï¬cLNo. 2 feed, 4017‘â€, l r VVCured rmeatsiâ€"Long clear bacon, EHIRTY-SIX DEAD AND FIFTEEN INJURED 'lN BRITISH COLUMBIA FLOODS ' Vancouver, B. C., Oct. 30.â€"â€"Thirty-3 'B'ix persons are dead, ï¬fteen" are injured, a mining town is practically wiped out, another village (is partially inundated, railway tracks and [bridges are destroyed. completely cutting off Vancouver and the main land from railroad connection with‘ the eastern part of the province, and damage estimated at several millions of dollars has been wrought by floods in this vicinity since Thursday. Simul- taneously on Friday evening the greater part of the town of Britannia Mines of Hoxve Sound was wiped out by a flood and the Fraser Valley just east of Vancouver was flooded. Says God’s Providence Won the War and Will Preside at Conference. “Conditions in France are still very dPiStressing, owing to the neces- sity of reconstruction and the tricks which the Germans employ to avoid fulï¬lling their promises. They are trying to escape responsibilities by evading their obligations." MARSHALL FOCH ON VISIT TO THE STATES A despatoh from on Board the Steamship Paris saysâ€"“God’s provi- dence won the war; I feel that the Sta/me providence will help settle afterâ€"the-wavr conditions, and that it will preside at the conference of Ila:- tï¬onls at Washington,†declared Mar- shal Foch on Thursday, a‘ddtinvg with a smile, "A condition que nous soyons sages†(provided we are wise). Passing often unrecognized in his tweed cap and black-amped mat, the famous soldier takes long promenâ€" ades around the decks before and after each meal. He is extremely galâ€" lant and has visitors every afternoon. Most of his associates ’have been con- verted to smoking a pipe, having heeded the Marshall’s 'tirades against cigaxrs, “which distress you, hurt your head and are more dangerous than a pipe.†f‘I am enjoying every minute of my ï¬nst sea voyage,†he said. “The ï¬rst real rest I have had since the be- ginning of the war.†The Marshal is proving an excellent saibor and was among the few pasâ€" sengers who stayed on deck, although the Paris was ro’lfldng so heavily that he had- to cling to the ropes to keep on his feet. He broke'his rule of dining privately to attend the dinner and concert for the beneï¬t of the ship’s seamen. ' Ih srpeé'king to the correspondent of the intel'nati‘on situation as he sees it, the Marshal said: The M-al-Shal is like a sghool boy on a vacation in this enjoyment arid anticilpa'tion of his visit as the guest 0&1 the Ameï¬hcxam Legion. at fopper Mining Settlement of Britannia Wiped Out, A other Village Partially Inundated and Several'Million Dollars Damage as Result of Floods Caused by Ten Days' Heavy Rain. The greater disaster was not known {1‘3 3‘ ‘o. 3, extra, test 5 to 58¢, accor Weekly Market Report )C 7 lbs._ 12: to Lardâ€"Pure, tierces, 16% to 17c tubs, 17 to 17%c; pails, 171/4 to 17%c; prints, 18% to 19c. Shortening, tierces. 13 to 13%0; tubs, 13% to 14c; pails, 14 to 141/zc; prints, 16 to 17c. Choic’e heavy steers, $6 to $7.25; butcher steers, choice, $6 to $6.25; do, good, $5.50 to $6; do, med†$4 to $5; .do, com., $2.50 to $3.50; butcher 900 ll $10 163742 to 19%0; clear béljies, 18 to 21¢ until the next day. The Britannia settlement has communicated with the outside'world over its own telephone Wires and these are rarely used at night. Their destruction passed un- noticed, and the disaster, which caus- The floods came after seven or ten days’ heavy rain accompanied 'by snow in the higher altitudes. The Warm weather accompanying the precipita- tion caused the rapid melting of the snow on the mountain tops and a consequent aggI‘avation of the swollen creeks and stream. ed the deaths of at least three dozen people, was unknown until straggling boats brought the newa on Saturday morning. The ï¬gures are not ï¬nal, being based upon only a partial list of threshing returns, but are considered fairly representative of the Alberta crop area. The original eatimate was 11 busheflls‘. A desplatch from Edm~onton,‘A1ta., says:â€"An average yield of 16.19 bushels of spring wheat to the acre is indicated by thresh‘ers’ reports that have been received from all parts of the Province by the Department of Agricuflture. ; Refuse to Refund The average for cats is placed at 28.37 bushels, and for barley 22.91 bushels. 10 “The Marshal its in perfect health for his trip through the United States,†said Dr. Andre, the ï¬ghter’s physician. “Moderation in everything is accountable for his ruggedneas at the age of seventy.†A despatch from Washington says: â€"â€" The Senate rejected, without a record vote, an amend- ment to the Tax Revision Bill, directing the Secretary of the Treasury to immediately refund foreign loans and calling for the payment of interest by the Al- lied Governments after January 1, 1922. The amendment was offered by Senator McKellar, Democrat, of Tennessee. It “directed†and “instructed†the Secretary of the Treasury to accept long- term bonds from the nations owing the United States $11,- 000,000,000, for both the princi- pal and unpaid interest up to January 1, 1922, in accordance with the Loan Acts of 1917 and 1918. Alberta Wheat Yield 16 Bushels to Acre eifeljs. ého ows, chmce 0 ;' butch ice Monti-c Allied Debt to US. to E and cutt fee 3-d., $4 to $5; .50; butcher $6; butcher do, med,_ $3 ers, $1.50 to 3.50 to $4; ders, good, fair, $4.50 $4.50: (in nee, do, U! H O LITTLE ENTENTE DEMANDS GUARANTEES Against Further Efforts to Place a Hapsburg on Throne. ‘ Lend-on, Oct. 30.â€"A Reuter cable from Melbourne says statistics fur- nished *by the Australian Government show that workers Lost £1,250,000 last year in wages through 554 industrial disputes. - Australian Workers Lose £1,750,000 by Strikes A (lespatrch from London says:â€" Extravagant indemnification demands which have 'been made on Hungary by the Little Ententeâ€"Czeoho-Slovakia, Roum'ania and Jugo-‘Slaviaâ€"as the result of (ex-Emperor Charles’ latest attempt to regain the Hungarian throne, will be ï¬rmly opposed by the Big Enrtenteâ€"Britain, France and Italy. The Little En'tente not only demands payment from Hungary for their mobilization expenses, but also insists on the right to occupy Burgen- land as a guarantee agaimt any fur- ther efforts to place a prsburg on the Hungarian throne. A despatch from London says:â€" Mrs. McCu'dden, mother 0!! the late Major McCud‘den V.C.., sailed from Liverpool on the éanaxdian. liner Meta- g‘ama on Saturday as the representa- tive of the mothers of Britain to lay a wreath on the grave of America’s unknown soldier on Armistice Day. Mrs. MrcCuddlen ie accompanied by her daughter, Catherine; J. K. Kersley, Chairman, and Gordon Stuart, Secre- tary of the Pilgrim Fathens’ Society. Mrs. McCudeen said before leaving London: “I lost three sons in the war, so the mothers of America who also lost sons are «sure to feel sympathy with me, just as they know how I grieve with them. We will sorrow toâ€" gether, for even the honor of repre- senting the women of Britain at the grave of Amevivoafvs unknown’soldier only makes my own suffering keener. ALlied diplomtic representatives in the Little Entente countries have informally intimated the Allies’ dis»- pleasure at the terms '0'! the ulti- matum to Hungary. When the full terms were ofï¬cially conveyed to the Allied Governments, the Council of Ambassadors at Paris expected to send a formal protest to the Little Entente. Mrs. McOudden will go direct to New York from Montreal, and then to Washington. Messrs. Kersley and Stuart are go- ing to America to found a ‘branch of the Pil-gu'im Fathers) Society. What '11:! complicating the whole situation is Charles' refusal to abdzi- cate. The Big Entente contends that the Hungarian Government has acted with great promrptitude and? convect- ness in the situation caused by the ex- Empe‘ror’s second bid for: his throne. It maintains that the Little Entente is not justiï¬ed in claiming an indem- nity from Hungary for mobilization‘s. “Our sons have been takenifrom us, and we, their mothers, are left behind to suï¬â€˜er in remembeving them." It is argued that had Hungary hesiâ€" tated to seize Charles, 011‘ had she acted in an arbitrary manner, there might be justiï¬catim for the claim for indemniï¬cation. The occupation of Burgenland is considered absolubely out of the question as a guarantee that no more Hapsburg attempts will be staged. Any such action might in- volve grave risks to the peace of ,Oentral Europe. TO LAY BRITISH WREATH ON U.S. GRAVE Mrs. McCudden Will Repre- sent Women of Britain on Armistice Day. A despatch from Chicago says:â€" The railroad strike scheduled fur Oct. 30 has been abandoned. Formal an- nouncement was made at midnight on Thursday by the “Big Five†brother- hoods. The announ question of re had been deba Chiefs of “Big F ive†Brothe rhoods Withdraw Authorizaw tion of Walkout After Seven Hours’ DebatFWill Ac- : cept 1252 Per Cent. Cut in Wages. LHREAE‘EFAEB LINKED STATES RAILWAY S’E‘REKE HAS BEEN CANCELLED The Man (Bf the Hour >1’ recallin-g'the strik‘ debated seven hours k the position that w A Real Force A Real Leader In this hour of Canada’s most acute national crisis, the country’s greatest need is leader- shipâ€"not class- leadership, not sectional leadership, but NATIONAL leadership. A pilot must be chosen possessing the neces- sary courage, foresight, breadth of vision and determination to lead the nation safely out of the existing economic uncertainty._ Professor A. D. Skelton, of Queen’s University, and biographer of Sir Wilfrid Laurier, wrote oï¬ the present Prime Minister :â€" “ He has already given proof of high administrative capacity. His personal integrity is beyond question." 'And one man stands out head and shoulders above all others as pre-eminently ï¬tted for the task. At the, Imperial Conference he was acclaimed by the Press of Great Britain as a great statesman, as a strong, virile, Vigorous personalityâ€"alert in mind, keen and far-seeing in judgment, and with a fearless determination to stand for the right. Of himself, Arthur Meighen said to his consti- tuents the other day : â€" “You know whereJ stood on this issue in 1908, in 1911, and as in 1911 I stand to-day.†Born on a farm near St. Mary’s, Ontario, Arthun Meighen is a true son of the people, a toiler who has fought his way to eminence by sheer ability and force of intellect. Entered Parliament in 1908; appointed Solicitor-General in 1914; Min- Ister of the Interior in 1917; and Prime Ministen in 1920; OVEI'H 111: came after the 1g the strike order The National Liberal and Conservative Party Publicity Committee gent,“ L. G. the Order of . “It appear- t had thrown onrerence we )f could The messages, it was sarid, hava al- ready been prepared in code fomm The resolution which the 3rd: hood adopted, calling off the s > is lengthy. It contains a long . View of the negotiations with the rad ‘ roads and the Federal Labor Board, While no announcement has been made, it was said the Brothgï¬ hood had decided to accept the 12 per cent reduction of last Jul. would accept assurances of the {31m} Board given some‘days ago, and i'é- itel‘ated, that the roads would 1103 press for further wage reductions executives of the “Big Five" ata they would semi notice to mflroad ’1 throughout the country that ï¬ber! will be no strike. some )f the general so 7 . )0 men, it was adopting the e strike order. area statemeawl :atiorn of!