TAKE NOTICE By his Solicitor, A. J. SNEATH, Kent Building. 156 Yonge Street, Toronto. Ontario. 4 18 Datéti ‘agï¬â€™l‘iurunto this 9th day of July, A. D. 1921. NOTICE is hereby given that ERNEST ZUFELT of the City of Toronto, in the County of York. in the Province of Ontario, Mechanic (Returned Soldier) will ‘apply to the PurlinlnenL of Canada M: the next session thereof for a. bill of Divorce from his wife. FLORENCE EDNA ZUFELT of the said City of Toronto, on the grounds of adultery and desertion._ _ NOTICE ° i4. lwiehy givpn that William Pulk Jefferson. of the City nf annntu, in the County of York, Cutter. will apply to the Parliament of anudu, at the next session [hex-e- nf for a. Bill of his Divorce fi-cm his wife. Jennie jeifexsun, on the grounds of ndultery’and desei-linn. "pagan Toronto this lï¬th day of Octnher, 192l. Notice of Application for Divorce Notice of Application for Divorce NOTICE is hereby given that DOUGLES LEWIN. «if tho 0in of 'l‘m-lm- M. in the County of York. in {110 PIOVIDICE of Onluiin, Dr'pilxtllll'nlnl Mnnuger. will apply to the Pul'linment (if.OnnudiL nL lhe noxt S ’S‘ilullï¬ [hi-re- uf for it Bill of Divm-(e I'i-mn his wife GLADYS ETIIEL LEWIN, of the (lily of Vancouver, in the PmVincu (if British Columbia, Mlll‘lll'd \Vomun, on the ground of adultery and desertiun. Dated at the ()in nf Toronto. in the County of York this aim day of Se temher. 1921. l) UGLAS LE\VlN lay MURPHY & DONALD. Barristers &i:.. 120 Bay Street, Toronto, his Solicitors herein Mtice of Application for Divorce .lr'uJ .u. v..â€" the next. Session thereof. fur a Bill nf Divmce from his wife Gertrude Selim: Penmish of the City nf Tunmtu, in the ‘munty uf York, nn the grounds of udultvry and dcsul-Lion. Dated at Tun-(mm this third day of October. A. I). 1921. Notice of Application for Divorce NOTICE is hereby given thutJnseph Ruben Llovd anmish, uf the City of Turn-"to. in the County of York. Province of Ontmio, Ban-her. will :pply m the Pnlliument (:f Camth ut . _ DH! .1 MERGER BRADFORD & CAMP- BELL, 24 King Street, \Vest, Toronto. Solicitors for the Applicant. 17-30 Ihave my Fall Styles from Paris, both Ladies and Men, also Samples of Fall goods. Come early and and get your pick. 'Fall Prices greatly preduced. I also make children’s coats much cheaper than you can buy down in the city. When buying your Winter underwear call at the corner of Richmond and Yonge Streets for pure woollen suits $2.25. Boys and men’s sweaters 85 cents up to $3.75. General stock bf gents furnishings at right prices. Solix-iturs fur the Applicunt. 26 Queen Snch East. t 11 TUI'UIIEH. Fall Announcement ERNEST ZUFELT. CURRY & \VALLACE. Cleaningiand Pressing Neatly Done. TAILOR Cor. Yonge and Richmond St. E. R. FORTNER Give Me a Trial. . Wellman 14-14 NOTICE is hereby given that ‘ PHOEBE LEVINA SIMPSON, of the City i‘pf Toronto in the County of Yurk in the Province 0f Ontario, Clerk, will apply to the Parliament of Canada at the next Session thereof fora Bill nf Divorce from her hushnnd, Thnmas Simpson. at plesent residing at Flint, Michigan, Soldier, on the ground of adultery and desertinn. 0f Bain Bicknell Mucdnnell & Gun-don, Ninth Floor Liuuisden Building Toronto. Solicitor for the Applicant. 11-25 Dateti at Torontn, Pruvince 0' Ontario. thi519lh day of August; 1921 ALFRED BICKNELL Notice oprplication for Divorce a Bill of Divorce from his \vif» ALIVE JAMIESON, of lhe Village-)1" Erindulo in the County of Peel. on the grounds of adultery and deserlion. July. A. D. 1921. PERCY JAMIESQN NOTICE is hereby given that PERCIVAL ANJ)RE\V JAMIESON, fm-mm - ly of the Township uf Tomnln, in the County uf Peel nnd‘mw of the City nf Tuman in the Cuunty of York and Province nf’“0ntn|iu, Mutnrmun. will apply to the next Purlimnent of Canada at the next sessions thereof for Datexi at, UN" City of Tm-ontu._ in [hp Prnviuca of Onturin, (this 28th day of Notice of Application for Divorce County of York in the Province uf' Ontalio. Manied \annn, will upplyl lo the Parliampnt of Cnnudn, at the next session thereof for a Bill of Divorce finln her hush-and, \VILLIAM HARRY LLOYD. of the said City of Turontn. in the County of Yui k. in [Le Province- of Ontario, on the ground of adultery. Dated ul: TulUlltl‘, Pi'nVinm‘ of Ont'u'io, twenty-child (lay ufSeptem- her. A. D. 192} NOTICE is herb-by given Hut HELEN LLOYD of the Cilyrnt"J‘nx(')}xt(v.'ixl tho Highest Quality Nut-Stove-Egg WM. PRATT Notice of Application for Divorce COAL ROY JAMIESON, by his Solicitors hemin, MURPHY & DONALDy 31 Trusts & Guarantee Building. 120 Bay Street. Toronto. 6 H HUGHES & AGAR, 7:2 Quern Stroet \Vcst. Turuntu, Ontmiv, Solicitors for the applicant. 14 14 IL 1 -n Llny For Rent Large house $20 per month. New house on Mineral Spring property, a" convenincrs. 15 Lf. Choice huidinglots near Yonge St. One. orchard lot 60 feet. Eight acres fine soil, level. Five room cottage concrete found- ation. large lot. Five acre-3‘ ;} milefrvm Yonge Street, a bargain fnrquick sale. Mineral spling property 9 acres on Yonge St. Three houses on property, all conveniences. Avery desirable property, choice location for several ï¬ne residences, sum- mer hotel or Sanitarium. Fine house on Yonge Street nine rooms, Furnace. Electric light, hard- wood flooxs,-l:u'ge verundah good large corner lot abundance of fruit and shade trees. Dated at Kleinburg this 21th day of October. 1921. * 18-19 And take notice that after the last mentioned date. the said executor will proceed to distribute the ussels of [he said deceased among the parties en- titled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which he shall then huv . notice, and that the said executor Wil not be liable for the said assets or any pun-t. thereof to any person or persons of whose claim notice shall not have been received by him up to the time of said distribution. Notice is hereby given. that: all creditors and others lmving claims or demands against. the Estate of the said Murgmet, Burton, who died on or ubuut the 7th day of May, 1921. at the Township of Vaughan are required on or before the 15th day of December next. to send by Post prepaid or deliv- er tu Dr. T. H. Rnhinswn, Kleinburg. Ontario. the executor of the last will and testament. of the said deceased, their Christian nmnes nml surnames, addresses and descriptions, lhe full particulars in writing if their claims, u statement of tlwlr accounts, and the nature of the securities, if any. held by them. the Village of \Voodln-idge, in the ‘zoqutry nfr YQl-k, _Spi11stel'. deceased. n IN THE MATTER ()F the Estate of MAHGAREI‘ BURTON, late of Mr. Gordnn. Che-New. is recovering from his accident. Miss S. Louisa an93, Mr. Jack Helmkny's for 'l‘llvlvuglw lzzmqnvt on the (-w-niizz oilTuesdny, Oct. 24th, “'IIS n gmml succew, and .1 very i-njuynhle lime was spent. A snmptm‘ns sin-9nd wns provided nnrl amva justice \Vns dmw by tlmsu plesvut. Aflex-ward the luastnmsler. Mr. Nm‘mun Biodie, pro- pnsvd the fulluwing‘ masts: “The Kimz.†responded m by REV. Mr. Smith. “The Longue" by Miss Nellie Barker. and "Our lountry" by Mr. Herb. Smith. Thml followed a delight- ful entertainment. Recitatio‘ns by Miss Rhoda Bzuker and Mr. J. Curtis. violin solo. Mr. jack Helmkay, chorus singing led by Rev. Mr. Smith. Lastly :1 Bird Runmnuv and in Geography CnntesL. brought the evening to a close. Snmcnf the young people attended a Hnllowe’en Masquerade ‘given by Miss Pezu-l Hoshe], Dollar. Monday evqning. Mr. and Mrs. D. Hislnp, Mr. Alger Hlslnp, and Mr. George Hem-icks. visited with Mr._und Mrs. Ab. Hislup, Maple. Sunday. le Central District Executive of the Epwurth Lenglle visited the league he}? Sunday evening. On Sunday, Oct. 23.d, Rev. A. Lluyd Smith, of Toruntn, preachvd missionary sermons in the church hem. - Who is now campaigning in the intuu-st nf lhn sovcullvd Nutlnuul Liberal and Cunscx vutivu l.’:u-:y. For Sale by J. Edward Francis Thornhill Notice To Creditors Hon. Arthur Meighen Premier of Canada HEADFORI) is visiting at a few days. Jones Lumber & Coal Co. Lumber, Lath, E Shingles, Cedar , Posts, etc. I Phone 27. NOTICE is hereby given that Albert Bethune Carley of the City of Toronto, in the County’ of York, in the Province of Ontario. will apply to the Parliament of Cannda, at the next Session thereof. of fun; it Bill of Divorce from his wife, )Iuhel Carley of the City of Toronto, in the County of York. on the ground of adultery. Dated at the City of Toronto. in the County of York, this 13th day of October. 1921. ' ALBERT BETHUNE CARLEY by HELLMUTH. CATTANACH, & MEREDITH 1106 C. P. R. Building, TORONTO. 7-3 Notice oprplication Eor Divorce NOTICE is hereby given that Marie Louise Dugenais, of the City of Toronto. in the Uuunly'of York, Province of Ontario. Munied Women. will apply to the Parliament of Canada at the next Session thereof. for a Bill of Divorce from her husband Jean Baptiste Dugenais of the City Of Toronto, in the County of York, Lahm'er, on the grounds of impotency and non-consummation of the said mgrriage. Artist, Teacher in Literature, rExpression. Reading, Dram- ! atic and Humourous Sketches, Dialect Poems. Professional Graduate of Owen A. Smiley Studio. Claszcs now forming ‘Addrcss Miss Marguerite lBoyle. Studio ‘Homewood Hall.’ 'l‘hornhill, Unt. Notice of Application for Divorce LightLunches Ice Cream Soft Drinks Cigars Cigarettes ‘Refreshmennts Sta'bling Accommodation at Reasonable Rates A l‘c'llvll'lr‘ onm'gvtic sulemgenn fm- Rinhumml Hill and Cuunly tn sell our well known FRUIT and ORNA- MENTAI. TREES vtc. GOOD pay EXCLUSIVE Lel'ritnry and flea e-pn‘pmont. ‘ (500 AI-H-s of Nursm-y Stock Our :ngvncy is Valuable fur we row the Mess We sell, and deliver unly high grade Stock. \Vlile now for terms. ELGIN HOT EL Cor. Yonge & Arnold Sts. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 6â€"Hunsehnld furniture eun, Lucas Street Rich- mond Hill, the ploperty of James Page. Sale at lo'clnck. Terms cnsh. J. H. & K. G. Prentice. Aunts. PELHAM NURSERY (10., TORONTO ONT. 600 ACRES OF NURSERY. ESTABLISH ED 40 YEARS. ‘ 15-23 Phone 44 r 23 Stop 51 Yon Miss Marguerite Boyle . Bridges, Prop; ELOCUTION WANTED ELGIN MILLS Register Yonge St. RICHMOND HILL PHONE [3-3 L. INNES 8: SONS SPRUCE B.C. FIR AND HEMLOCK LATH AND SHINGLES READY ROOFING AND BEAVER BOARD " 'gToco nsult us before buying It Will Pay You Carmel, Stove, Nut and Pea Coal. Also Hem‘ock Slabs at the Elevator. Bran, Shorts and Gluten Meal on hand. Pastry and Purity Flour al- ways on hand. A caf of Salt in barrels ax<d sacks arrived. Also a good supply of N0 Feed Corn. Other fax-nu and propexties L00 numerous to list. A few good loans at. 7.3 3; on city property. New House 5 rooms, rough plumb- ing. water in house‘, Electric light finished in fir. built under housing plan. Equity cash balance 20 yarns at, $20 per month. On Cvntre East. Just, the spot for a retired con 19, orchard chicken huusv, furnace. erms easy. The Gr. F. Allen prupeity on Ynnge Street. Snuth'of the High Schnnl. just look at this and satisfy yourself thut this is one of the most beautiful spots in the Villngo. m-lrhmd, l {mm Elgin 73 Acros ()1) Richmond Strcsit, with brick house, lmrn, m-chau-d. etc... will sell en block. or half acre lots. Good vulues at l'easunahle terms. H. A. Nicholls The Real Estate omplete Lines. Highâ€"gradé Stock @tLLIOI I g V Yonge and Chm-‘1 Sm, Toronto This schaml is strictly ï¬rst-class in all departments and enjoys:- widu-sprend pnnmmge. IT IS TIME TRIED AND TRULY TESTED Man has the following For Sale Increase Your Earning Power by Attending nny timr‘. \Vrilo for cutnlnguu ING HERE. Our graduates are eminently successful]. Entpr SASH AND DOORS and YOU RISK NOTHING BY COM- Public Notice Blachford’s Calf Meal. Pumia Scratch Feed. I. D. Ramer W. J. ELLIOTT Princile WHITE PINE PPS A Specialty. hrs} garden Lind, lb 1 Mills 0 house, hunk barn, miles