HOUSE PA INTER, Glazier. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. Tumnto Ofï¬ces â€" CpntinPntgl Life Bldg. Cur. Bay and Richmond St. Toronto. Branch omenâ€"Richmond Hill every ' Tuesday afternoon at, Liberal Ofï¬ce. Residence address Victoria Squm'e W. HEWISON '1‘. G. L3? () N Special aLtPntion given to sales 01 every description. Farms and farm stack sales at. speciztuy. Farms bought, and snld un commission. All sales at- tended to on shortest notice. and con- ducted by the mostupproved methods. Patronage solicited. FOR COUNTY OF YORK AND ONTARIO Fupils passed for Consexvatory Ex- mninatiuns. MISS BEATRICE HOWELL TORONTO feacher of Fletcher Method Musical Kmdergarten GREGORY GOODERHAM & CAMPBELL BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC. J. II. l’l-enticc Richmond Hill VOL. XLIV. STUDIOâ€"HOTEL RICHMOND. LICENSED AUCTIONEER LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY OF YORK Putrmmaennd influence respectfully solicited NOTARY PUBLIC CUNVE YANL‘I NU 185 mm on M ARRIAG E LICENSES $1.50 per annum, in advance. A. J. HUME Branchesâ€"Thornhill and Willowdale 415 Bulliol Sta, Tm‘unto. Phone Belmont 1347 You should given st;th- mam. of ufllxirs to the Bank 50 that you may obtain the fullest Credit to which your standing entitles you. Fhe Royaljank at flanada J. T. SAIGEOIV Your ï¬rst duty after the crpps have been harvested is to “clean up †advan- ces at the Bank. The man who does this rarely has difï¬- culty in obtaining credit. Make Good Your Credit at the Bank When Your [Imps are Harvested Money to Loan. Maple Richmond Hill Gormley. 1LR P. 0. address \anm- s. J Rev. Plume ! Hill. 5018 Call 37S BERESFORD AVE, \VEST TORONTO Phone Junction ’72. The Maple Sand. Gravel and Brick Company, Lt'd; have on hand for sale. Cement, drain tile. 3, 4. 5. 6 and 8 in. Culvert. tile 12. 15. 18 and :50 inch . (30 inches in length) Also Cement Brick. Sand or Gravel sold by the load or 11 car lots. Cedar posts and telephone poles for sale Alurge stock of Funeral Furnishing Kept, tut‘the nhnve places REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE THORNHILL JOHN R. CAMPBELL WRIGHT ‘BROS. Undertaken and Embalmers RICHMONDHILL, THORNHILL AND UNIDNVILLE The The The The FOR THE COUNTY OF YORK Nothing too grezItâ€"Nuthing [on sumâ€. TERMS REASONABLE. Ordersleft wiLh Mr. Gno. Harding will receive prompt. :lUE‘nLiun. Alsongentfurlhe Himan Standnrd ' Milker. Phone Aux-om. 8013 Sand, Gravel, J Tileaa (1 Brick', Ofï¬ces TWENTY-FIVE YEARS' EXPERIENCE All mail orders will receive prompt attention. Ofï¬ce TN: Oï¬ic p. Ill. LOCAL AGENT â€"RIL‘HMOND HILL, ONT Commissioner. Conveyancer. Etc. PLUMBING AND TINSM ITHING HOT WATER HEA'EING ANDGENERAL REPAIRS F. E LVIN WELLWOOD . R. SANDERSON VETERINARY SURGEON, lgle. Barristers Solicitor Notaries Telephone Main 2777 JMunan-h Bldg. 26â€"28 Adel- ces uidu Sr†\Vost, Toronto. {Nuughtun Block, Aumm Sulicxtm' for z A Town nf Am-m-a r Township of King 7 . r vauship of \Vhirchurvh ‘ rImpeI-iul Bunk 01,7 Canada, Aurora. 4. \Vulmu. & Co. Aurora JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO TUNER A. C. HENDERSON DENT‘ST (re Trench Block, two doors north uf Stu-Inde Bulk. HoursD:I.m. [u 5.30 p.11). Open evenings by nppointnmnt. VANDORF LICENSE D AUCTIONEE R. NAUGHTON by phune m' J. EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC DR L. R. BELL DR J, P. VVILSON British Grown Assurance Curpmuliou. 9. Star. and British Dmniniuns Insurance Company British North Western Insnrancv Company THORNHILL, ONT RICHMOND HILL. ONT.. THURSDAY NOV. 10. 1931 {L13 Thornhil]. hum Jenkins T. COUSINS. se or othPrWise promptly responded to Tali-plume Pres.'und Manager Maple. 10 tn 1. Harry Naughton Res. Elgin Mil!s Res. Phone 44.4 82 JENKINS Autmuubile In Essentials, Unity,- in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity a, In. GU18 Donald Tennyson. Leslie. Dun-rant. Teddy Bennett. Eileen Roberts, \Vill Keith. J JR; IIâ€"Beutrice Caldwell, (l).) Helen Brillinger. (h.) Mary Dt-ury, (1).) Anna iPhipps, Norman Cook. Hem-y Stan- v ford, Donald Rand. Jack Finch. Cecil Tuck, Howmd M(u'ris..BelylSander- son. LilliAn Bums, Enoch Batty, Hilda Bbyd. Althur Rand, Marjorie (.x‘l-uinger. KING AND VAUGHAN l‘ 5. TYNDALL, CHAMPION Despite the win It large uumbov (f | pluwmen and spectatan attended the 'aunuulplnwing match of King and 1 Vaughan Pluwmm‘.’s Assucituion, held Hm the furm of Mr. \‘anu-r Woods, Yonge St..,\ hat Friday. The ground was in excellenl, condition, and cum- petitiun was keen: Aconcei-t will he held in Victoria Hall. Thornhill, under the auspices of the Seniurand Junior Hockey 'Ulubs on Thursday, Nov. 17, commencing at; 8 p. m. Progmmum [0’ be furnished by u company of 22 artists, consisting nt‘ Soloists, Quarteltes. Elocutiunists, Dancers and Comedi‘ms to be flunisb- ed by the [dual Bri-nd Cm. (if Ton-unto. Admissiun.n(lu1ts. 3') cents, children 25 cents. Chair to be taken by the president, Mr. \Vm. Riddell. P10- ceeds of [his conceit, will he used in purchasing supplies for the Junior ASocial evening for the members of the Horticultural Society will be heldat the humeof Mrs. F. Simpson, on Tuesday evening, Nnvember the ï¬fteenlh at eight, o'clock. At the October meeting a resolution wus passedthatlthe regular meetings of the Snciety he held on the third Tues- day of the nmnth instead of the ï¬rst as hew-Lu-fux'. Robe-u Watson, Wuodbridge; third John Petal), Aurora. Junior judges in tuhble classesâ€" First. Allun Bulsdmn, Menkhum; sec- ond. Robelb \Vatson, \Vuudbl-idge; third, Richard BJYUI'Uft. Aug-0m. Club Juxiiurjudge wiih highest pointsâ€" Rubmt. WuLsun, \Voodbridge. Report of Romn 3 Names in order l'f merit. SR. lIâ€"Herbextn Baker, (b.) Agnes Robinson. (h.] \Vilhelmine Rember, lb.) Marjorie Uminger. (h.) Irene Dead- muu. (IL) Isuhel Sandeusuu,(h.) \Vill Newport, (h.) Rt-‘tfl Caldwell. (h.) Alice Innes. (11.) Hazel Ualdwell, (h. ) Herbert. Shnrpless. Evelyn VVal-umn, Rnsie Wondheud, Vailes Nit-hulls, Maurice Patton, Ralph Mackie. Margaret. Dun- can, Stanley Pagv, \Valter Kendull. Lillian Patch. Hun-y Lloyd, Luvexne \inght, Man-y Lunvy. Lyle Grunt. Donald Tennyson. Leslie Dun-ant. classes â€"~ Clarke, Young, Milliken. Best equipped and best groomed tcznn in 50-4 cl=lsses-â€"Al'cllie Finlzlyson, Richmond Hill. Juninr judges, in sud classesâ€"First. Harold Unwie, Markham; second, SchiulSâ€"Best equipped aud groom- ed [emu in stubble classâ€"W. B. Unl- houn. Aurora. Best going teum in stubbleâ€"Floyd Sleckley \Vhitchurbh township. Best going team in sod classesâ€"~Clan'kg Young, Milliken. Sixth class, stul)hle~All)m-t Mcâ€" Millan, Alll’ln'll; Floyd SLCCley, \Vhitchnrch township. Beat crown, A. McMillan. Best, ï¬nish. I“. Sleckley. Seventh class. stubbleâ€"Fred Tim- bers, Stouffville; Lawrence McMillan Aux-urn. beat crown, F. Timbers. Best ï¬nish, L. McMillan. Eigth class. stubbleâ€"Best crown and best ï¬nish. John Cluhinp, Rich- mond Hill, only contestant. Third class, sudâ€"Best CIO hesbtiuish. Harold Uowic. only contestant. ‘ Fuurtll Llass, md»â€"Rul)e:-t \Voodln-idge: Lm'ne V'Vuldrick an. Best crown. Robert Best ï¬nish, Lorne \Veldrlck. Fllel class, stubbleâ€"Keith Maple; Llnyd 'l‘uruer,‘ Mup‘ Lloyd, ~Aurm-a; Allan J Markham ; Garï¬eld M Strung»; \V. B. Ualhmm, GUI-dun Anderaon, Edgelej clown, Earl Lloyd. Best, Ill B. Ualhuun. Richmond Hill Public School PLOWING MATCH class, sudâ€"Bést Clown and 1]. Harold Uowie. Millikeu. is, stubbleâ€"Keith Thomas, nyd '1‘u1-uer,‘.\lnple; Earl urm-a; Allam Balsdom. Garï¬eld McCullum, \V. B. Unihmm, Aurora; EMILY CLARKE. Teacher THORNHILL Edgeléy. Best Best, Iinish, W. VVntson, , Vaugh- W ntson. Call and see samples, and leave your order in good time at The Liberal ofï¬ce. The hiul of Oxfmd McNeil on n serious charge tnok place last Thurs- duy at the City Hull. Tar-unto, before :Ljudgo. The e\‘idell(2(‘ presented hi the pinsecutinn [iron-d SH conclusively theperfucb innncvnce of the accused the Judge, with the concurrence of the acting County Crown Attorney. declared that it was unnecessary to call any witnesses forth defence. and he dismissed the case. The people of this community who know the excel- lent reputation of this young man will rejoice to know that, he canâ€: out frnlll [he elvurt with his moral record nnmrnished- N. \Vellwnod. H n.7W. L. Mackenzie King _ A meeting of the Adult Bilrlo Cluss of the Richmond Hill Mvthodist Sun- duy School was held Thursday night. Nov. 3rd. The Class was organized and the following nï¬icens rlectul: Teacherâ€"Mr. Plawmnn Presidentâ€"Mr. O. P. \Vilev Vice-Pres.â€"Mrs. \V. Cmnlrky Secretaryâ€"Miss E. B‘u'ke: Treasurexâ€"Mr. \Valker Cmnmittws who can In the Fideles nftnrnoon. Membershipâ€"Mrs. \Vu Sucileâ€"MI'S. Slum D(voliunalâ€".\Ir. Snulte Name of Classâ€"Fideles MONOâ€"Faithful A Cordial invitation i Personal Greeting Cards Leader Liberal Party CASE DISMISSED Adult Bible Class THE STERLINGBANK Branches at: Richmond Hill, Keswick, Queemwillel Tkomhill, Lansingand Newton Brook. If you are desirous of buying livestock for feeding during the Winter months, but require additional capital, the local Manager of the Sterling Bank will be glad to talk the matter over with you. And, if you wish, our Manager will do his utmost to ascertain and advise you where livestock is available. FARMERS l invitation is given loall Like it. Cunvmlient to attend Chss at 2.45 every Sunday OF CANADA BARRIBTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY E'ro I { Toronto Ofï¬ce, Richmond Buildings , 3.â€) Richmond Street, \Vesl. ' ' Richmond Hill Uflice (‘ Libel-Fl 1 Ofï¬ce). every Thursday forenoun. I Maple, Thursday uft'ernuun. I \Voodbridue. Saturday forenoon. A N. C. Shnver. RA. [ Peter Tnylor,1}.A. I E. w.nhodes.B.A. Tel. Ariemid 5974 Denton, Macdonald 6: Benton C. Browne Barristers. Solicmrs. 8m. MANNING ARCADE. »1 KING ST. WEST, TORONTO. CANADA TELEPHONE MAINE 311 Cable Address: “Dedu†Fremk Dentnn Iel. M. 3631‘,“ Mane Tent: )er of Piano-Playing at the Tm-«mtn Conservatory uf Music and St. Margarpt’s College. Richmnnd Hill-â€"“'ednesd;ays and Saturdays. H. A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC . Cameron Maï¬gughton ï¬ndâ€"A .. 6-I:_: Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, 21c. OFFICEâ€"SUITE 3]. TORONTO DAILY STAR BLDG... 18 KING STREET WEST mmni. loner, Unnvey:1ncer,l Insurance and Real Estate Shaver Taylor & Rhodes HOUSE PAINTING 8; INTERIOR DECORATION RICHMOND HILL . EARLE N E WT ON WILLIAM COUK [Single cepies, 3 cts. Barristers. Solicitors Notaries. Etc. Arthur A. Mucdonnld PIANIS‘T can at Current Rat Hamilton Tunt Bldg Rooms 2103-305 omnosite 01w Han 57 Queen St. West Toronto ', Aurora. Thornhill Manor Road Norm Toronn Evenings No. 20