ADIES W NTEDâ€"T and light sewing at afare Um; good pay; (I stance; charges paid. 1 National Ear“??? . ALLiKINDS OF NEW AND USED belting, pulleys, saws.,ckim:. eta. shipped subject to approval at lowest prices in Canad& YORK BELTING CL).. 115 YORK. STREET. TORONTO. condition, Qiï¬h a large number of music rolls, for sale at a bargain. L. Costello, 73 West Adelaide Street, Toronto. DR. MINARD, Inventor of the Celebrated FREEMONT Racial Originâ€"Norman-French. Sourceâ€"A locality. There are two versions as to what the real meaning of the name of Free- mont is, but virtually all authorities are agreed that the family name, as such, is but an English development of the place name of Framont in France. ~Whesther this place was ‘named "franc-mont†(“free-mountâ€) is amat- ter that is open to debate with the chances somewhat in favor of the former argument as ï¬tting in better with what is known of the motives and habits of early European popula‘ tions in the development of their place names. In any event the name was brought combination of the original Celtic ’with to England in the Norman invasion the Roman and ï¬nally the Teutonic and settlement in that country. blood. ' This period of English history was The change was great.- it had responsible for the development otisimply become shortened to Denis. many family names. The Norman I It was taken to England by the Nor- Army was gathered together from all mans. The form Dennis is a later Eng- parts of Northern France, with the re- lis-h development. suit that in such a gathering of in-I The family name. of course, was dividauls from different communitiesloriginally a surname denoting the surnames referring to the place from 7 parentage of the persons who bore it, which the individual had come n-atural- 1 and as there were many by the name l-y proved the easiest method of dis-'0? Denis in English, the surname tinguishing him from other men of "Dennisson" naturally sprang up_ in the same given name. [unrelated cases. Classiï¬ed Advertisements. ELL PLAYER PIANO IN GOOD PLAYER PIANO FOR SALE. Amado-'5 Pioneer Dog nomadic- - Book on MlNARD’S LINIMENT Montreal BELTING FOR SALE Are you stepping 'on the brake or the accelerator? Heavy, starchy foods often gl_o slow down body and mindâ€"often steal the energy that be- longs to the day’s work. Grape-Nuts is a go- ahead food. It contains the perfected nourishment of Nature’s best grains. It includes all those elements needed to nourish body and brain. It is easy to digest. It gives energy without taking energy. â€" How about your breakfast or lunch-“does it give, or take? Grapeâ€"Nuts is SWeet, crisp, delightful to the taste, and is an idea] sourCe of power for a busy and difï¬cult day. DOG DISEASES and How to Feed Malled Free to any Ad- dress by the Author. 3. Clay Glover Oo..Ino. 118 West Slat Street New York, U.S.A. “There’s a Reason Surnames and Their Origin The food you eat does make a difference. rend stump I or Manufacturing me, whole or u-k sent any DO PLAIN 'Bottle To-dav Try " for GRAPE-NUTS The invisible ear drum invented by A. 0. Leonard, which is a miniature megaphone, ï¬tting inside the ear en~ tirely out of sight, is restoring the hearing of hundreds of people in New York City. Mr. Leonard invented this drum to relieve himself of deafness and head noises, and it does this so successfully that no one could tell he is a deaf man. It is effective when You‘re bilious! You are headachy, constipated, your eyes burn, skin ls yellow; your stomach is sour, gess-y, upset. No wonder you feel miserable. You need a thorough phyle with “Cascarets†tonight to cleanse the stomach of sour, fermenting food and foul gasses; take the excess bile from the liver and carry out of the system all the constipated pols-on in the ’bowels. Get, a 10-ce-nt box now and let. “Cas-camets" straighten you out by morning. DENNISON Variationsâ€"Dennisscn, Dennis, Denis, Denlson. Racial Originâ€"English. Sourceâ€"A given name. successfully that no one could tell he is a deaf man. It is effective when deafness is caused by catarrh or by perforated, or wholly destroyed natur- al drums. A request for information to A. 0. Leonard, Suite 437, 70 Fifth Avenue, New York City, will be given a prompt reply. « _ advt. There is really little about this family name that requires explana- tion‘, except, perhaps, the given name from which it is derived, that of Denis or Dennis. ' One of the Latin, and more ancient- ly Greek, names for the god of Wise was “Dionysius,†and the Romans car- ried it as a, given name into the Celtic provinces of North-western Europe, which they conquered. It became a Christian name, and even when the Roman Empire fell before the con- quests of the Teutonic tribes it sur- vived, to appear in changed form in the new languages which sprang up in What is now France through the combination of the original Celtic /with the Roman and ï¬nally the Teutonic blood. ' Minard‘s Liniment for Distemper. Bulk Carlots TORONTO SALT WORKS O. J. CLIFF - TORONTO iascarets" COARSE SALT LA N D'SALT His Hearing Restored. To-Night For Liver, Bowels Sheâ€""Y Heâ€"“N‘ my heart! low “Course, I’se nn'ce,†said Elsie. “And, anyway, I had my mouth full of pins and couldn’t.†Yâ€"-“Yes, it’s so low it's conï¬ned to Its bed.†Elsie, aged four, refused to talk back when her brother teased her. Her mother said: “It was very nice of you not to answer back, as you some- times do.†His Ideas. Youthâ€"“I sent you some sugges- tions telling you how to make your paper more interesting. Have you carried out any of my ideas?" Force of Habit. “I wish," said the editor’s wife. that you were not so abs-ent~mlnded.†"What’s wrong now, my dear?" “Why, when our hostess asked you if you would have some more pudding you replied that owing to the tremen- dous pressure on your space you were compelled to decline.†Editorâ€"“Did you meet the ofliceâ€" boy with the waste paper basket, as you came upstairs '3" Youth-“Yes, I did.†Editorâ€"“Well, he was carrying out your ideas." Mother ! Even a sick child loves the “fruity†taste of “California Fig Syrup.†If the little tongue is covated,-or if yourchild is listless, cross, feverish, full of cold, or has colic, give a teaspoonful to cleanse the liver and bowels. In,a few hours you can see for yourself how thorough‘ ly . it works all the constipation poison, sour bile and waste out of the bowels, and you have a well, playful child again. child again. Mi'iiions of mothers keép “California. Fig Syrup†handy. They know _u tea.- spoonful to-day saves a sick child bo- morrow. Ask your druggist for genuine “California Fig Syrup"‘which has directions for babies and children or all ages printed on bottle. Mother! You must say “California†or you may get an imitation flg syrup. MONEY ORDERS. Send at Dominion Express Money Order. _ Five Dollars costs three cents. The active principle of tea is “theme.†That of coffee is caffeine. But caf- feine and theine are exactly the same thing. This agreeably stimulating alkaloid is found in other plants one or which grow wild and plentifully in the South Atlantic States, where it is called “yaupon,†or sometimes “Christmasâ€" “yaupon,†or sometimes "Unnstmasâ€" berry tree." The Indians brewed a beverage from the leaves of the yaupon long be- fore the ï¬rst white man landed on this continent; and during the Civil War it was used as a substitute for tea. by people in the South. The US. Government Plant Bureau is experimenting with it, in the belief that the leaves, when properly cured after the manner of tea}, will furnish a palatable cup at a much less cost. He struck a match to see if gasoline tank was empty. It was He patted a strange dog on the l to see if the critter was affectiox It wasn’t. gent He tried to see it I] train to the crossing. He touched a wire t charged. It was. He took a drink of b see if it had any woo It did. (Loud shouting and by chorus of undertalu mm a? Mï¬Ã©Â®ï¬ At inte A Fool Theré Was andâ€"â€" ROM HERE 5TH her! Clean Child’s Boweis With California Fig Syrup The River's Bed. They tell me the rh Substitute for Tea. Something Mlsslng. “You are a perfect dear!" Not perfect darlingâ€"you have SSU E No. ‘16â€"’21. Long Spaces. you work at A Reason. Wonderful! “Birds me the river is very if he could beat a ing. He couldn't. ’ire to see if it was of bootleg 1i wood alcohc “eat acclaim thing my poor And the quox )1 in r111 ntelli- ' My {, and the any Accept only an unbroken “Bayer†package which contains directions worked out by physicians during 21 years and proved safe by millions tor Colds, Headache, Earache, Toothache, Neuralgia. Rheumatism, Neuritis, Lum- bago, and Pain. Made in Canada. All drugzists sell Bayer Tablets 0! Declares It's Simply Astonish- ing To See The Wonderful Beneï¬ts She Has Derived From Tanlac â€" Says Ter- _rible Headaches Have Dis- appeared. "It sounds unreasonable, but I have actually gained 20 pounds in less than a month’s tjme by taking Tanlac, and the wonderful beneï¬t I have derived from the use of this medicine is simp- ly astonishing,†said Mrs. Rose M. Brown, 111 Third Street, Manchester, "Why, I am so happy to be relieved of my troubLes I can really never praise this medicine enough. Up to the time I began taking Tanlac, I .5112- fered for sbmething over two years with a. very bad form of stomach trou- ble, scarcely eat a thing. My stomach! would be so badly bloated with gas} sometimes I was ahnost afraid to go‘ to bed for fear I would actually smoth- er. I felt timed and worn out most or the time and became terribly discour- aged over my condition. I often had such violent headaches I was unable to be out of bed for two or three days at a stretch. an Dne: M DDI'HAIM Mrs. Rose M. Brown Gained 20 Pounds. in Four Weeks Tm "Four bottles of Tanlac completely restored my health and anyone can see at a glance the wonderful change that has taken place in my condition. I have a splendid appetite now and the stomach trouble has entirely disap- peared. I can eat just anything I want Without ever feeling a sign of "My appetite was so poor I could scarcely eat a thing. My stomach would be so badly bloated with gas Ventilation in Mines. By an English invention ventilation in mines is measured by the changes in resistance of an electrically heated fire over which the airgpas-ses. Tennis, badminton, and rowing are claimed as the best athlvébic exercises for girls. Minard's Linlment for Garget In Cows. Warning! Unless you see name “Bayer†on tablets, you are not get- ting Aspirin at all. Why take chances? Eoooooooooooooooomï¬ QOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQ It penetrates withoui rubbing. Keep this old family friend always handy for instant use. Ask your neighbor. At all druggistsâ€"SSC, 70c, 31.40. m A Made in Canada. A ITTLE aches grow into big pains unless warded off by an applica- tion of Sloan's. Rheumatism, neuralgia, stiff joints, lame back won’t ï¬ght long against Sloan's Liniment. For more than forty years Sloan’s Liniment has helped thousands, the world over. You won't be an excep~ tion. It certainly does produce results. 83 Made in Canada. [mama USE sum m WARD GFF PAIN If you have fulneas after meals, a bad taste in your mouth in ihc morning, fur on the plague, flat- ulence after meals and no appe- tite, take Mother Seigel's Syrup. It will clean your tongue, renew your appetite, give you relish for food and the power to digest it thoroughly and easily. Sold in 50c. and $1.00 bottles at drug stores. “92‘ Nothing Else is Aspirinâ€"say“Bayer Fulness After Eaiimx 'Pairfs ) inemy L ‘ xAsplrin in handy tin boxes of 12 tab' [lets, and In bottles of 24 and 100. gAsplrln is the trade mark (registered ln Canada.) of Bayer Manufacture 0t Monoacetlcacidester of Sallcylimld. While it is well known that Ampirm means Bayer manufacture, to ads the public against imitations, the Tab- lets of Bayer Company will be m ' ed with their general trade mark, "Bayer Cross." indigestion. The best of 3.1], I am never bothered any more with head- aches and this was the greatest relief of all. I want to tell everybody what this medicine has done for me." In the Island of Rhodes honey is still a factor in the marriage rites. After the wedding the husband dips his ï¬nger in honey and traces a. cross over the doorway of his home before the bride enters. Meanwhile the spec- tators cry out to the bride, “Be al- ways good and sweet as is this honey.†Tanlac is sold by leading drugglsuts everywhere. Adv. The reason women write such letters to the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. and tell their friends how the are helï¬ned is that Lydia E. Pinkham’s ege- tab e Compound has brought health and happiness into their lives. Freed from their illness they want to pass the good news alon to other suffering women thgt they a so may be relieved. If thei‘le aré hm; complications you do not understand write to Lydia E. Pinkq ham Medicine Co., Lynn. Mass. Vancouver, B.C.â€"“I am leased to gay that LyQia E: Pinkham’s egetabl‘e What Lydia E. Pinkham’: Vegetable Compound Did for Mrs. Baker and Mrs. Kiever. Compound has done me a lot of: good. I can now Walk about without the aid, of a. support and feel real strong again. A nurse advised me to take the Vegetable Compound and it is certainly helping me. It seems like Heaven to be relieved after months of pain.â€â€" Mns. H. \V. BAKER, 8874 10th Ave. west, Vaqcouver, B. C: v _. w . .',, Albert Co., N. B.â€"“I have taken Lydia E. Pinkham’s medicines and they have done me a lot of good. Since then I have been able to do my house- work and I have a lot of work to do as we live on a. farm. Seeing your advero tisement in the papers was what made me think of writing to you. I hope this may help some one e‘:e.â€-â€"- MRS. WM. B. KquR, Upper New Horton, Albert Co., N. HA8 NI] MRS. ROSE M. BROWN PM MW.