Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 10 Nov 1921, p. 8

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TAKE NOTICE By his Solicitor, A. J. SNEATH, Kent Building, 156 Yonge Street, Tm‘nnto. Ontario. 4 18 Dated at, Tnmnto this 9th day of july, A. D. 1921. NOTICE is hmehy given that ERNEST ZUFELT nf [he (Tity of Torunln, in the County of York. in the Provincu of Ontarin, Mechanic (ReLunwd Soldier) will apply (0 the Parliament (If Canada at the next session theleof fur n. billknf Divorce from his wife. FLORENCE EDNA ZUFEL’I‘ of the said ‘zity of Toronto, nn the gmund‘s of adultery and dvsertinn. _ Notice of Application for Divorce William Pull; Jell‘ersnu, u Torontu, in trhl‘ (,‘ount‘ Cutter. will apply L0 the HE (lmzldn, at IhP nnxt su of or :1» Bill of his Divot wife, Jennie jvl‘l'r'lsnn, an of adultery and «lvsorlinn Dated at Toronto this October. 192l. Notice of Application for Divorce " Dated at tlu- (m'y nf '1 ()mmty of York this IthpjpluAher. 177921.” NOTICE is hereby ginn let Dovamcs Lmvm. of the City of'l‘urun- tn. in the County of York. in tlw Province (if Ontario, Dl-pmtmunlnl Manager. will apply In the Purlinnwnl of Canada nt, the next Sessions [hm-12- nf for it Bill uf Divnu'o frmn lli< \vifu- (3 LAD YS ETHEL Lich-N, «.l.‘ the (‘ity of Vancouver. in the [’mvinm- of British Columbia, Munit-d \Von‘mn, nu the ground of adultery and lesei'liun. DOUGLAS LICWIN by DONAL!) Burriste'rs &::.. 12!) B Tulontn. his SuliciIm-s I Notice of Application for Divorce Dated ()ctuber, 24 King Shrew! Solicitors for the Ihave my Fall Styles from Paris, both Ladies and Men, also Samples of‘ Fall goods. Come early and and get your pick. Fall Prices greatly rreduced. I also make children’s coats much cheaper than you can buy down in the city. vaince of Ontario, Ban-her. will Apply to the Pullinmvnt cf Canada at the next. Session thereof. fnl‘ -'I. Bill uf Divmce from his wife Gertrude Selina. Pezmnish of the City of Turnntu, in the County of York, on the grnunds of :md desm'tion. Dated at. Turontn this lhinl day of MERCP Nfitice of Application for Divorce NOTICE is herehy given [hut J Hubert Llovd Bu:uni<h, uf the (‘- Toruntu. in the County nf vaince of Ontario. Barber NOTICE When buying your Winter underwear call at the corner of Richmond and Yonge Streets for pure woollen su1ts $2.25. Boys and men’s sweaters 85 cents up to $3.75. General stock of gents furnishings at right prices. Fall Announcement 192l ER ] Solicitors fur the Applicant. 26 Queen Sheet East, i H Tnann. J . W. WeHman ERNEST ZUFEL’I‘ A. I). 192]. CURRY & \VALLACE. 1 4. is lwwhy gIVun that LE\}'1N. of the Qilypf'ljm-qn- Cleaningiand Pressing Neatly Done. BRADFORD BELL, TAILOR Cor. Yonge and Richmond St. E. R. FORTNER In duh}? givvn that rsnn. of tho ()ily uf County of. York, [.0 the Pnrlinnwnt \Vest, Tomnm. Applicant. 17-30 124) R I" Street Tornnlo. in [Inl ; 26!!) day (If Sessions the” e from Lit wif (If the Cilv 0 MURPHY & Give Me a Trial. 15H) day of Issivn (hm-(‘- 1‘0 from hh the grounds & CAMP- l‘i’l I) nseph ‘ity of Y0: k. NOTICE is hereby given that P11012313 LEVINA SIMPSON, of the City of Toronto in the County of York in the Province (if Ontario, Ulekk, will apply In thebPax-Hnmmm of Canada at. the next, Session thorrof fur :1.Bill of Divm‘ce from her husband, Thnmas Simpson. at present re siding at Flint, Michigan, Suidier. on the ground nf adultery and dPSPl‘liun. - Dated :11: Torontu, Province of Ontario, this 19(11 day of August; 1921. ALFRED BICKNELL Of Bruin Bicknell Mucdmwli & Uni-don, Ninth Finor Luuisden Building Toronto, Solicitor for the Applicant. 11-25 Notice oprplication for Divorce th' (‘vnunly nf Pew], nu Ihr' grounds uf udulIm-y and deserlion. Dntvd at the City of Tmnnto. in (ho vainve of Ontario, this 28th day of July. A. D. 1921. PERCY JAMIESON, by his Solicitors hewin, MURPHY (V: DONALD, 3] Trusts & Guarantee Building. 121) Bay Street. Toronto. 6 H NOTICE is hPl‘Phy given that HELEN LLOYD of [he Cily (If Tmontn, in [he onnuty uf York in the Prmâ€"incv uf 'Ontmio. Married \annn, will apply to the Parliament of (Mnudu, at, the .noxt session [hereof‘fnr it Bill of I Divmce frmn her hushnn I, \VILLIAM I {Highest Quality; Nut-Stove-Egg ‘ ! WM. PRATT I Notice of Application for Divorce NOTICE is hereby gian that PERCIVAL ANDRIHVJAMIESUN, forum: - 'y of the Township of Toronto, in 1119 (‘ruunty of Peel and now of the City ofI Tux-(mm, in lhv Cunnty Of York and Pl'm'incu of ()ntmiu, Mutmmun, will ‘lpply tn lhv next Pen-iinment (If Mlmdn M the next sessinns 1 hereof for I Bill of Divnl‘uP from hie wife ALICE IAMIESON, nf lhe ViHago nf Erinlult- in ; ho )nnnly uf Per-l, un Ilw grounds pf; Ontmio. Married \thnn, will npply to the Parliament of (Vulmdn, at the next session lhereofifnr a Bill of Divmce frum her hushnnl, \VI‘LLIAM HARRY LLOYD. or [he said City of} anontu. in ths- County of Yul k. in the Province of Ontario, on the ground of ndultery. Dulvd nt Tun-nut", PI-nvinnn of Ontario, Uw‘nty-Lhild (lay (ufSt-ptom- bL-r. A. D. 1921. I Notice of Applicagion for Divorce COAL Solicitors fox 1»! 14 HUGIIE“ & AGAR Queen Sty-pet \Vcst. Tux-unto, Onlmic llw applicant HI) Could not the Council Chamber be fitted up and u. cluh atmosphere created [herein by a fresh culsimining of the same. the chairs re-painted and the flour painted and stove brightly polished, and other furnishings du- natetl. Military discipline governing the same would assure gentlemanly conduct while the use of the same fur this and other requirements would not in any way he interfered with. In our cadet, wurk nothing has been so helpful as the privileges accorded hy the school board in permitting me to carry on at the school and also the privilege ()t using the piano. This has materially us<istetl in the work. and to the \VomE-n’s Institute I would con- vey my deepest, gratitude for what this has meant, cannot; we all cn- nperate and $29 one step further. )Iuch Mr. Editor has been said of the young men's problem in cur vil Inge, what constructive work are we doing to UVI'I'COIHe the same. I appeal for my command, my cadets of which Iixm pruudly. proud, gentle- man every one of them. Thanking you 1‘. 1‘ this privilege. HARTY Moxnax. Lieut. O. C. D. Coy. Y. R. C. C. The expense necessary to fit up the Same Would he the minimum if active comparative effort were pub forth by such well organized lmdies us our \Vnmen’s Institute Board. As the O. C. of uurCnde-t Corps permit me Lo make an appeal to the citizens. through your column, for the immediate fitting- up of a. club mom for the senior,- cadets and their pulls. be :1 great city. Neither mndidntelhought it worth while to nulire the urgent, problems of rum] depnpulntiun, (If immigratiun $0 meet the necessities of railway deficits of declining revenue to pay interest upon our Ilntiunnl debt. of the high cost of living of lnhurrepreseuLuLion V or to make any reconstructive referenr‘e to the future of our cuuntry. The real issues of the. election were side tracked while bold assertions nf the return of Mr. Meighen as premier and of their (turning poxsmml majorities were too tuismne to be encouraging even to their friends. “’ith the Wnst Ym-k cunservutive mix up to which Mr. Anderson devoted much of his time I A have no concern and leave it mothers. HENRY MUYLE. 'iu whwit, :iml uihox' furm productx' Wlllt'l) while it lasted lu'nught millions of dollars In our funnels. Mr. Mrich-zin by his nppvarunce and nddress made me think (if u mun grown grey in his cuuntlys' Service~ he has lH‘PlI in parliauwut1'01-2!)yi-m'sm who peihnps has earned and .‘lt le-iwl has it Clilllll to he lf'll'IlSOd from its further lulu-den. ' He told us nf how he hml spent the day calling upon his mid friends in Markham, Richmond Hill and found thmu most favmahle lo his rvâ€"elcctinu. Richmond Hill has become a great greenhouse unntre owing to the national pnlicy while the whole of Yonge St. is rapidly building up with :L fine "productive people from the averflmv of the great, cilyutlhe lake. Right up In Lake Simone Yu‘nge St. will be- come :i. great highwuy of our province while Toronto with protected in- dustries and cheap hydro power will :hv Whit pulic Had M r. MacLean and Mr. Anderson. the cnnservutive cundidalvs for Snmh um] \Vest Ym k, shnwn the courage of giving your renders their election ideas as Mr. Mucgrogm- hns donel should huve wished to state whelein from my standpoint they fell short of the requirements of this election. Douhtless thov thought it wiser not to provoke rejoinders but, to trust to quiet concession work. chumctm. clllogiFLic ability, mum mmuppm-Idl gUllé‘l'Jl kind the Nlli-lell which the “I 1 \V the (:Midid them svemed to he :1 [unit surh hopes. 'J‘Inxh h» my men \‘OLPN uppcnwd In apathetic us {ht-1w. wme but 3 in tho nuiipncp which inclu Dear Mr. Editor sum \Vlshing to have unmo- knrm'lw thvir cancemiun nf nur politiu-u 300k and service. I uhendml Thhl'llhi” Him-Ling. \\‘ilh _\'nIII mission I will my :2 few wards u ing theirsmu'd viewe. It is dime w: it» inter-95th:eg as thir pr ngr: wus so stillvd and onmmnn plum)- ofl‘vr littie nppm tunity for :ntiu‘fa criticism. The Conservative Candidates for South and West York fth M1 ‘ide \Vishing m EDITOR “TH E LIBERAI nru ndidnto Anderson (11» first speaker ltd that thov wruin he lax-MW Amusement Club (u A n m Libel- fl‘PG trad by nlll' “'4. that not, on nml friem nt I‘ as vxhihilvd thm limited and unm It cunsistvd lI lSSPl‘tiOlli of his rage and :huum statements of Richmond Hill .19 who ulna of 01- the ould h: Iva-Lion at: ilvd Hm t. M 1m] llnf‘nliv lll m the bring I ty in HIM“ qelv mi rm wig» Hf ll nutâ€" \ llu-ir act idm-z \\'il 11 \llilllt' ‘k Ill ‘ning nine; ,vilh our \w'll knmvn my MENTAL ’I‘REI L of EXOLUSI VE my ‘ vpuipmem. lhs hut n’ly ale 0:11- } Jones Lumber & Coal Co, i Lumber, Lath, I Shingles, Cedar Posts, etc. Phone 27. Cor. Yonge 8; Arnold Sts. Ill NOTICE is hereby given that, Albert Bethune Carley of the City of Toronto, in the County of York. in the Province of Ontario. will apply to the Parliament of Canada, at the next Session thereof. of for a Bill of Divorce from his wife, Muhel Carley bf the City of Toronto, in the County of .York. on the ground of adultery. Dated at the City of Toronto, in the County of York, this 13th day of October. 1921. }E. Bridges, Prop: Notice oprplication for Divorce DateH at Toronto. in the Province of Ontario, the 22nd dayof Septembor. A. D. 1921. NOTICE is hereby given that Metric Louise Dngenais. ml the City of Toronto. in the County of York, Province of Ontario. Married Women. will apply to the Pallizunent uf Canada at the next Session thereof. fur a Bill of Divorce from her husband Jean Baptiste Dngennis of the City of TorontO, in the County of Yurk, Laborer, on the gruunds of impotency and nun-consulnuiution of the said marriage. Notice of Appiication for Divorce LightLunches Ice Cream Soft Drinks Cigars Cigarettes Refreshmennts Stabling Accommodation at Reasonable Rates ELGIN HOTEL imly high [Vaughan Council Rinlnm Artist, Teacher in Literature, Expression. Reading, Dramâ€" atic’and H umourous Sketches, Dialect Poems. The next meeting nfl'dne Council of the Municipality uf Vaughan will he held in the Town Hall, [\cldrc ()m PELHAM NURSERY CO., TORONTO ONT. 600 ACRES OF NURSERY. ESTABLISH ED 40 YEARS. 15723 Phone 44 r 23 Stop 51 Yon ALBERT BETHUNE GARLEY by HELLMUTH. CATTANAUH, & MEREDITH 1106 C. P. R. Building. rofessi Owen BLOCâ€"QTION Miss Marguerite Boyle MONDAY. DECEMBER 5‘ 1921 (300 iress Miss Marguerite :19. Studio ‘Hcmewood Hall.’ ’l‘hornhill, Ont. I'IIIS Soiicitm-s fur the Applicant, 26 Queen Sire-9t: East, to Toronto. CURRY & \VALLACE. Ll] WANTED ELG IN MILLS hl J. B. MPLEAN, Clerk )nal Hill C. P. R. Building TORONTO. (- n vrg xde SLO at, 10 o’clock Gradhate Smiley Studio. now forming: ell (ml Cullnly tn sell FRUIT 21nd ORNA- S vtu. GOOD [my Nu rs l'rilt ore. Yonge St. sel'y Stm ulunhlv f Hesugent unly tu und deliver \Vrite now . m1 {I96 DAY PHONE 13â€"3 Lo INNES 6: SONS Also all kinds of millwork such as : FRAMES, DOORS, SASH INTERIOR TRIM, ETC DETAIL \VORK A SPECIALTY. \‘IGHTS AND HOLIDAYS 7 Summer’s gone , \Ninter’s coming on Snappy weather should mean Snappy business. We are well equipped to serve you in all kinds of: Cannel, Stove, Nut and Pea Coal. Also Hem‘ock Slabs ' at the Elevator. ‘ LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, BEAVER BOARD, ETC. Also a good subply of N0 Feed Corn. Pastry and Purity Flour al- ways on hand. Bran, Shorts and Gluten Meal on hand. A car of Salt in barrels and sacks arrived. A few good loans property. Olbt‘l‘ f‘ numerous t New Hl-uso 5rnmns, mngh plnmh ing. Water in Imus», Electric ligh! fluiihl’d in fir, built under housing plan. Equity cush balance 20 yedxs :1: $20 per Illulllll. ' On Cmntl'e East. Just, the sput fur retiled couple. orchard chin-ken Imus furnace. Terms easy. The G. F. All?" prnpmty (m Yong Street, Smith of the High SChunl, jug lunk nL this and satisfy ymnseH“ thu this is (me of the must beautiful spot iii the Villngv. on:th .‘lmn El hnuse H. A. Nicholls The Real Estate *H 9n bl wlus-s at Man has the fol!0wing For Yonge and Charla Sm, Toronto This schmnl is strictly first-class in all departmean and enjoys? wide-sprvnd pnhunnge. IT Is TIME TRIED AND TRULY TESTED Increase Your Earning Power by Attending ’ Public Notice PLANING MILL RICHMOND ST. RICHMOND HILL Blachford’s Calf Meal. :my timo. \Vritc for catalogue ING HERE. 01n- grnduntes are eminently successful. Enter and YOU RISK NOTHING BY COM- Purnia Scratch Feed. I. D. Ramer lgin nck. or hnlf uch l , rwmunahle terms ELLIOTT “i X'Illi Mills lln ELLIOTT I Richmond Stn u-n. nrchmd. el J honin, hunk n-dvn land. 1.5 md pmportit It l’I-incipul etr on ci Sale t with .. will Ill ull'll

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