$1.50 per annum, in advance.J VOL. DENTIST ()iï¬c‘e Tl‘t-llcll Block, two doors north of Stuiirluid Rink. Iloursi) :i.m. to 5.30 p. In. Open eienings hy iippointumnt. l Make God Your Credit at the Bank When Your Crops are Harvested Your ï¬rst duty after the crops have been harvested is to “ clean up †advan- ces at the Bank. The man who does this rarely has difï¬- culty in obtaining ‘ credit. M , DR J. P. VVILSON Ollie; hours »â€"l(l to l p. in. (ltii 't‘ and i‘nsida'nm'«Yontp‘ Street! Richmond Hill. Phone No. ill l M F. ELVIN WELLWOOD LOCAL AGENT ~th'll)lO.\‘l) IIlLl., ONT. 2 ‘cl,lll. G to 8 Iiiitish (ll‘UWII Assurance l Col‘pot'nlititi. 1 En? e, Shir. and British Itouiinions Insurance Company / 'l“'lt'lll1i)llt'::2 ‘ You should given state- ment of all'ztirs to the Bank so that you may obtain the fullest credit to which your standing eutitlcs you. the Royal Bank British North Western l Insuiancv Company Fire Automobile. l‘-m_ll_‘_ I†1-. __K=_._._ I 1 \Valler S. Jenkins lies. Phone Hill. 504% J. Harry Naughtmry lites. Elgin Milli Res. Phone 44.4 ‘ Tom Hastings. Maikl‘ntui: llick Bay- . croft. Aiiioia. NAUGHTON Si JENKINS Barristers Solicitor Notaries TelepliOne Main 2777 JMonurel) Bldg, 25-23 Adel~ Ofï¬ces aide St†\Vest. Toronto. / lNanghtun Block, Aurora \ Solicitor for: The Town of Aurora V The Township of Kin ‘ JZ I-I. l’rentice The Township uf \Vm.-intuit l '41:. B-illinl St. Toronto. The Imperial Bank of Citiiiidu, Aurora Phone Belmont. 1347 J. M. \Vziltou. & Co. Aurora Mâ€" ; LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR. COUNTY 0F YORK AND ONTARIO ill Giulia M . Branchesâ€"Thornhill and Willowdale L r. 'â€"_.___ .__.___ . E. R. SANDERsoN} S _ l l 'VANDORF 1 . pecm attention given to 5:1 es 0t , .4. , Y . , . every description. Farms and farm LICIABED AL LTIOkhER‘ stock sales a specialty. Farms bought and sold on commission. All sales at- tended to on shortest notice. and Con- ducted by the utostappmved methods. 't’aitt-onage solicited. -â€"â€"â€"Tâ€"_________ MISS BEATRICE HOWELL TORONTO Poacher of Fletcher Method Musical Kindergarten Pupils passed for Conservatory Ex- ruminations. STUDIOâ€"HOTEL incui‘ioxn. Richmond Hill. FOR, THE FOUNTY ()l“ Y‘URK Nothing too greatâ€"Nothing too small. TERMS REASONABLE. Orders left “’lLl] Mr. Geo. Harding will receive prompt attention. Also agent for the Hinmaii Standard Milkei‘. Phone Aurora 8013, i Ml WRIGHT BROS. { Undertakers and Embalmers RICHMONDHILL. THORNHILL AND UNIONVILLE * A large stock of Funeral Furnishing Kept. at. the above. places M A. c. HENDERSON 7 PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING 1 HOT \VA’I‘ER HEATING ‘ AXDGENERAL REPAIRS THORNHILL, ONT. W‘â€" . , v c FOR THE cooxrv 0F YORK J‘ EDWARD FRONLL’ Patt'omimmnd influence NOTARY PUBLIC - u l . lesPeCLfUlly Wll‘v'ted Commissioner. (Jonveyaiicei‘. Etc. l Restdence address P. 0. address VictoriaSquai-e Goi'mley,R.R. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE ‘ THORNHILL GREGORY GOODERHAM ‘ & CAMPBELL JOHN T. ANDERSON . PIANO TUNER BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC. 378 BERESFORD AVE, WEST TORONTO . Lilo Phone Junction 72. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS’ EXPERIENCE Cor. Buy and Richmond St. Toronto. All mail orders will receive prompt attention. ’ Branch (miceâ€"Richmond Hill every Tuesday afternoon at Liberal om... JOHN R. CAMPBELL Money to Loan. VETERINARY SURGEON, ’l‘hornhill . Call by' phone or otherwise promptly ' responded to l â€"â€"â€".â€"â€"___ J. T. SAIGEOZN Maple Licensed Auctioneer for the, County of York. Stiles attended to on shortest. notice, and at; reasonable. rates. Patronage solicited W '1‘. G. L Y. () N LICENSED AUCTIONEER l Toronto Ofï¬ces â€" Continental Bldg. A. J. HUME NOTARY I’I'BLIC l CUNVEYANCING ISSI'ER Ill“, l MARRIAGE LICENSES Richmond Hill Sand, Gravel, , Tile and Brick, The Maple Sand. Gravel and Brick: (\rmipany, Ltd have on hand for sale., t‘ement diuiin tile. 3, 4, 5, ti and 8 in. : Culvert tile “.3. 15. 18 and 2/50 inchi [30 inches l'll length) ," W H N Also ('cinent Brick. ' - Sand or til-:tt'el itllll by the load or 'ii ear lots. ! I podul‘ posts and telephone poles for SA 2-. f 'l‘. cot'sixs. l jlazier. Grainer and Paper-l Hang r. l’i‘t-s. nnd M-inuger. )I iple. § Daily Cattle, Mr. 1.}. Meringue Agriâ€" ,Simeoe ‘ representing Markham. from Yellow , Toole ï¬lames McLean, one of tho, .Pluwmen of York Count *lou and Mr. (‘litik Young, past l’iesi- ‘ ‘ marks. eietiiug. as also her son, Seigt. >6. lult'y \‘v'«'t),llll :id. ; in Non-Es York Junior Farmers The Junior Faimvrs' Impiovement Association of the ('oiiiity of York, held their Annual Full Stowk Judging Competition at. the farm of Mr. John Young iiiid Sons, Nilliken. on Tuesâ€" day. Nov. 3th. This i‘oiiipi‘vtitiou is “Den only to th!’ Junior ll‘fll‘llll'l‘i under 25 years of age. who haw never been on a Stock Judging ’l'eaui represent- ing the (‘oiinly of Ymk. Thg contest- ants judged two elassus of llilll')‘ luttle. two of Beef Cittlo. two of Horses, two of Swine :llltl two id' Sheop. .‘ili'.Elloii Aiiiistiong, Arm- it:lgi’,sli>i'il highest. in horses. John Torrance, Markham, stood highest in Bert (little. Allan Balxdon, Muiltham, stood higliestin Dairy Cattle. linssiil Hoynton. Ghl‘llllt‘y, stood highest in sheep and John Kennedy, Agim'ourt. stood highest in Swine. The Championship was won by AllnuBulsdon, Maiklnim. The li-l- lowing six men winning the ‘six high~ (u‘sl lilacos on the Stork Judgingr Team to represent York ut the ltllt‘l’~(,‘Otllll.y Competition held at thi- \\'iuter Fuii'. Guelph. the ï¬ist week of Det'eniln'i:_ Allan lhlsdon. Markham: Russell Boynton, Gormley; Elton Armstrong. Arming»: John Kennedy. Aginenui't, (Illicile judges for the occasion were Mr. it. S. Duncan supervisor of the .Aglll'llltlll‘lll lit-present:itives, l’iiiliaiiient Buildings, Toronto. for cultural Representativo for South for Beef Cattle, Mr. J. A. Ullll‘oll, Agricultuiul. Representative for l’eel County. for Horses, Mr. A. A. Knight, Agiicultui'al Repieselititivc for YictOiiu County, for Swine. Atthe same Illlllt.‘ the Inter-'I'own- ship Junior Stock Judging Competition sentials, Liberty .' notes as security. our local Mana ing any details. Branches at: Richmond Hill, Personal was held with the teams of boys who won the StockJiidgitig at. the School t Fairs. the [Pull] from Queeiisville l‘c- pi-esenting Iiist (‘l‘WllllllliHll‘y, from I Bogai-ltown representing East (z‘wiL limbury, from Bogarttnwn. represent- ing \VliittdiurCli. ti-oui Victoria Square representing Vaughan. and the team from Agincoui-t. representing Scat-box 0. Each of these teams had “'(In the Stock Judging Competition at their Township bcliool Fair. This contest was Very keenly Contested and it gieat, deal of interest shown. The teztm . from \Vliitchui-ch won the Clizinipiou- ‘ ship. This team scored 323 points out of a possible of 400. The team was composed of Loi-ni- Lloyd and Frank 1 Luudy, and was c0ached by Mr. Earl and Mr. Clifford Plziytei: Vaughan township teuiu stood second. and Markham team stood third. In the evening the Annual Junior Fni'mei's'Supper for the. contestants in the Plowing Competition was held at the hotel at Richmond Hill. The President oftlic organization. Mr. H. F. C(lllillll. Occupied the chair. Mr. J. C. Stcckley Agricultural Represent- iitive outlined the Work of the Jr. Furmers’ Plowing Competition. Mr. } \Vm. Doherty of Toronto, who acted :isjudge in this criiiipetition, gztie a few ieinarks and complimented the boys on the work done this year. Mr. Veteran r y, conith mented the Jr. Fariiiei's on their work ‘, and gave them some pointers in the art. of plowing. Mr. George Pailget , Reeve ol' Markham. Mr. Chas. Boyn~ l dents of the ll“. 1. A, mode a few ie~ ; The main event of the morn ing was the presentation of a lieziutiâ€", ful cup to the Champion Flower, Mr. Floyd Steckley, of Stoutfville, by Mr. ! “his bnin, house, «1 ‘ homes and season's crop burned on the leave yOur order in good time at The Liberal ofï¬ce. ‘0 h..â€" St. John’s church observed the anniversary of the closing of the war by it memorial M‘t'\lCt‘ 011 Sunday afternoon, when it. special memorial service was preached by the iectoi', Itev. P. It. SUIUIOS. on "Lest. “'0 Forget.†During the service two wreaths of poppies \Veru. plztced on the memorial tablets in the cliuicli that.’ were placed in memoiy of the men of the church who gave their lives in the war. , Mr. and Mrs. J. Knowles, of Toronto, spent Thanksgiving day at Mr. and Mrs. Louis Elliott’s, Oak Ridges. ‘ Ml‘. J Mailloy has sold his brick house to Mr. 0. Mallory. of Kottlehy,’ who williuove lll about the 20th (it this month. ' Mr. \Vm. Glass. of King I City, had, head of Cattle, -) 3rd of King, curly Satin-(14y morning. Mr, and hits. Louis Elliott and familyspirntt’uinluy with friends at Gm'iiiley. . “‘â€" KIXG (IUL'NCII. 'l‘lieabove Coiiiieil lllel} at Sliin-y‘s Hotel, Sclloiiiliei'g, Oct, 29, :ill the James I’. dlthGngOI‘. of Toronto. who donated this cup. Mi". A. J. ll. ‘ Eckuldt, of Tolonto. this also present and presented a bountiful Tea Set to . Halvev Ness, Dollar. who won ï¬tst iu the Double li‘urrow Class und who was Champion in the competition. Prizes for the other winners in the competition were then presented after i which the meeting dispersed. after , having spent :i \ t‘l‘y enjoyable owning. i i 27.0†: -.Oâ€"â€"â€"â€"â€" 1 Dinner and Reception f Mr. and Mrs. S. T. \Voodheud delightfully entertained at dinner on Tuesduv t-Vi-nint: last in honour of j 311'. Stoles. father of Mrs. \Voodhead, who has lately :trrii‘etl ll't'lll London, Eugl‘iudJOieside in Richmond Hill. Covers wr-i-elziid fol-1.3 and the table u’asu profusion of bountiful ('lll‘yï¬lll- tlieum [downs in golden and whiti- Shade. ’l‘llt‘lllllllt‘l' \\'tt.~ followed “3" :l ieception. the many :ztteiidingassun ing the distinguishtd guest of the evening,r of tlieii'plcasiirc lll Welcoming hiiutu Richmond Hill and \visliiin.r him all that he could possibly wish to hope for in 11 land to full of [)lt)sp!‘:’:: and pi ssibility. Lilli» Mi>s Rose and Miss Iris \Yoodlié-ad clitrminglv assisted their mother lit the euteiuininnr of the ('Itilt‘t 'tees of S. S. No. “it, on :t duly signed ' members piesent. After ordering it large number of general iii-counts it. he paid the following resolutions were pas‘sed : That the usual grants of $20.00 and $35.0Uiespectively he wanted to the King :iiid Vaiugliun Plowiiieii's Associa- lion and the King Agricultuial Society That the l'ollou'imz sheep claims he paid: B. .1. )lctfalie. {H.111}: Abinni Keri-.9110: Albeit (i. Wells, $84.0“; Sit-John I‘D-itou. $261â€): l.“;:t:o Brim, J. (imlizlui, Silo-’1; Norman Ruinhle, 7.00. That the lie-\suivi‘ h~r~by ailtlloiized to issue «L chi'ipti' for the sum (if $300.00. on :i ll) lit to the ’l‘i'tls- t is note :10 5 per cent, pi'l‘ nmiiiiii. ,. Tllnt .lohu Noi‘lligt-avu be ii-fundml I’rompt collection at reasonable rates is assured every farmer who places his Sale Notes in the hands of the Sterling Bank of Canada. And if additional capital is needed before the Sale Notes fall due. loans may be arranged with these Farmers contemplating an auction sale will ï¬nd get ready to advise them regard- Tkoinhill, Litnsingaud Newton Brook. I THE SisniiNG BANK OF CANADA I Greeting Cards ; l Call and see samples, and] OAK RIDGES ' ‘ E. W. Rhodes. BA. 52.10 for H. d‘tys roiiduorL‘, he being a wrongfully assessed. That J. l“. \Villianm Bursar, “3 od- t stw‘k Hospital be paid $19.50 iw- eare ol' )Inrtiu Brown from Oct. 1, to l) -i-. 31. “ That the 'i‘rc-lsui'er he :iiitlioiizml to ‘ i-eceivt- from ,I. A. \Viitsun SILUH {ul- llll)l>t'l' sold from old lizidges, . That Elmer )che in be rmpi «ted to - have the several Culverts in his di\'i~ioii repaired at ( rip-e us the stuns .ilo si me. what d mgr-runs. l By-Liw No. 377 to determine phi-(:0 I its . l for holding iioiiiiiiritiuti ll‘Cr'l‘C‘ll >8 \'l‘l’.ll l‘t tidings and p 15M. d. On motion Council adjourned to meet Hl Ai ins'i-ong's lâ€"Io’ei, King City, on S rim-(lay, Nov. 26. ! i I Kcswwk,’Queensville, Aurora 7 A, i! , Dr. W. J. Wesley .)- Famiin physician t...) years exper- ience.) Yonge St. Thornhill. Ofï¬ce hours 9 to 11 ii. in. b‘ to 8 p. m. m J. EARLE NEWTON PIANIS’T Te:u-.1er of Piano~Plityiiig at the, Toronto Conservatory of Music Aaud St. Margaret's College. Richmond IIill-â€"lVeduesd:iys and . Saturdays. N. C. Shaver. 11A. E ' peter lemr' BA. venincs Manor Road North I‘uront ShaVer Taylor & Rhodes Barristers. Solicitors Notaries. Etc. Hamilton Trust: llld 5: Rooms 313.1105 Gnu-mire (‘iiv Hall 57 otieen St. West Tel, A Islaid 597-1 Toronto M Benton, Macdonala & Benton Barristers, Solictors, &c. MANNING ARCADE. 4 KING ST. W EST, Tonox'i‘o. CANADA TELEPHONE MAINE 311 Cable Address: “Dedu†Frank Denton Arthur A. .‘Incdonnld M A. Cameron MacNaug‘hton Barrister, Solicitor. Notary. Etc. OFFICEâ€"SUITE 3t. TORONTO DAILY STAR BLDG.. 18 KING STREET \VEST Tel. M. 3631" -mâ€" H. A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC Commissioner, Conveyaiicei', Etc. IllSlll'llICt‘ and liiul Estate RICHNIOND HILL WILLIAM COOK BARRISTER. Souczrorz, No'mnr Era Toronto Ofï¬ce. Richmond. liiildi 33 Richmond Stieet. \\'i-st. Richmond Hill ()ilirce (‘ Liberal 093cm. ew-t'y Thursday l'ors‘iioon. Maple, Thursday Jlflt‘l‘HHHh, “'(mdm'idue. hmturdui' fun-noon. Money to rigs Loziu at (f lilt'lll. lirllei