W. HEWISON HOUSE PAlNTER, Glazier. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. Toronto Ofï¬ces â€" Continental Life Bldg. Cur. Bay and Richmond St. Torontu. Bunch Ofï¬ceâ€"Richmond Hill every Tuesday afternoon at Liberal Ofï¬ce. Residence address Victoria Square Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York. Sales attended to on shortest notice. and at reasonable rates. Patronage snlicited Special attention given to sales at every description. Farms and farm stock sules a specialty. Farms bought and sold on commission. All sales at- tended to an shortest notice. and con- ducted by the mnstupproved methods. Patronage Snliqited. Pupils passed for Conseï¬atory Ex- nminulinns. STUDIO â€"HOTEL RICHMOND, Richmond Hill. 415 Bulliol St. Toronto. Phone Belmont 1347 LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR COUNTY OF YORK AND ONTARIO MISS BEATRICE HOWELL TORONTO feacher of Fletcher Method Musical Kmdergarten GREGORY GOODERHAM & CAMPBELL BARRxerRs, SOLICITORS, ETC Richmond Hill VOL. XLl V. LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY OF YORK Patromuze and influence respectfully solicited ISSL’ER 0F. MARRIAGE LICENSES A. J. HUME . II. Pre n (ice $1.50 per annum, in advance. Bran chésâ€"Thornhill and Willowdale NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANCING J. T. SAIGEOIV You should give a state- mcnt of affairs to the Bank so that you may obtain the fullest credit tb which your standing entitles you. The Royal Bank at Banana Your ï¬rst duty after the crops have been harvested is to “ clean up †advan- ces at the Bank. The man who does this rarely has difli- culty in obtaining credit. Make Good Your credit at the Bank When‘Yuur Crops are Money tu Loan. Maple Harvested P. 0. address Gurulley, 1LR. The Maple Sand. Gravel and Brick Company, Lt'd. have on hand for sule. Cement. drain tile. 3, 4. 5, 6 and 8 in. Culvert. tile 13. 15. 18 and i) inch (30 inches in length) Also Calm-mt Brick. Sand 01' Gravel sold by the load 01' 1) car lots. Cedar posts and telephone poles for snle Call by: phone or otherwise promptly lesponded to 378 BERESFORD AVE, WEST TORONTO Phone Junctmn ’72. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS' EXPERIENCE All mail orders will receive prompt, attention. JOHN R. CAMPBELL Sand, Gravel, Tile and Brick REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE THORNHILL .1 large stock of Funeral Furnishing Kept M: the above places WRIGHT BROS. UndeNakers and Embalmers RICHMONDHILL. THORNHILL AND UNIONVILLE VANDORF LICENSED AUCTIONEER. FOR THE COUNTY OF YORK Nothing tuogI-entâ€"Nuthing (on small. TER MS R EASONABLE. Orders left, with Mr. GPO. Harding will rel-Five prumpt attention. Also agent forxhe Hinmnn Standard Milka-r. Phone Alli-um 8013. Monarch Bldg.. 26-28 A Ofï¬ces {aidu Sr," \Vest. Toronto. Nuughton Block, Aurora Solimtm- for : The Town of Aurora The Township of King The Township of W'hituhnn‘h The Imperial Bank of Canada, Aux J. M. Walton. & Cu. Aurora \\'ulter S. Jenkins Re“. Phnne Hill Commissioner. Cnnveyancer. Etc Ofï¬ce and residenceâ€"Yong? Street Richmond Hill. Phone No. 24 Ofï¬ce PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING HOT WATER HEATING ANDGENERAL REPAIRS British Crown Assurance Curpnratiou. Eagle. Star. and British Dominions Insurance Company LOC‘.\ I. AGENT â€"RI('HMOND HILL, ONT VETERINARY SURGEON, ’Phornhill . JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO TUNER . R. SANDERSGN Oï¬icu m. Barristers Solicitor Notaries Telephone Main 2777 J. EDWARD FRANCIS DENTYST ce Trench Block, two doors north of Standard Bink. HoursOan. [n 5.30 p.m. Open evenings by appointuwnt. levphune 3' NAUGHTON & JENKINS . E LVIN WELLWOOD . C. HENDERSON 5048 DR L. R. BELL British North Western Insurance Company THORNHILL, ONT RICHMOND HILL. ONT.. THURSDAY NOV. ‘21. 19"] a ire NOTARY PUBLIC hours T. COUSINS. Pres.‘und Manager Maple. . P. “[1].. SON 10 to 12 mm. 6 to 8 J. Harry Naughton Res. Elgin Mills Res. Phone 44.4 Automobile. “In Essentials, Unity; in Aurora Adel- ‘ A very impressive Armistice service i was held in the Methodist Church on Sunday evening. A number nf | pictures, depicting scenes in the Grout : War were shown, and during the {sermon the congregation was asked 1 in stand in silent-e for one minute in honour of those from Vaughan Town- ship who hand made the supreme smzxifice. Mus, (Rev) Lambert sang “In Flunders' Field†and the choir l rendered suit‘ible selections. St. Mary's and St. Luke's R. C. Churches are preparing a grand Carnival of Sensmis to be given in the Masonic: Hall Friday and Saturday. the 2nd and 3rd of December. in aid of St. Mmy's qu-ish House. On Friday there will be Ladies ngressive Euchre for valuable prizes, supper at 6 o'clock, and dancing in the evening. There will he many Christmas sug- gestions. and special tableaux each evening. Alsu sketches by Roller Boler minslrpls. nnd character dances by Miss May McDonald. Fowl supper at 5 o'clock. ' The Women's uuxiliuI-y :1 St. Stephens Church will hnld their Annual huzuar on Dec. 9th in the Masnnic Hull. Admission free. Every- body Welcome. Last, Thursday evening [he Epwm-Lh League of this place visited the League. at Edgeley, and furnished ‘the pro- gruume. Refleshments were served by the "numbers of Edgeley League. Mrs. J. A. Chapman of Pult Elgin is visiting hex‘sister. Mrs. B. Jacksun. Mr. Heman Rupert of Lorraine. Ohio. and formerly of Shel-wand, sant several days here calling on old friends. I Mr. Mncgregor who fullowed also he- } lieved in public nwuership. though he i would not stand for private contracts in a democratic country. such as had been given by the Meighen Govern- ment. Mr. Mucgivgnr reminded Mr. Macleun that the latter was not, in accord with his leader as Mr. Meigheu had publicly stated that; the problem of soldier rte-establishment had lmrn {solved That, was a. izreat issue that i needed moral support. and he was igruteful tn the soldier boys who are standing by him in the present contest. Many Conservatives me, saying there I is only one issue the tariff. ‘ There are many ismes, and he warned his hearers not, to he stumpeded by the hedge nf Free Trade. We need it revisiun so that the taxes will full less henvily on the necessaries of life than uppn luxuries. The dinuel and concert in connection with BL Andrew's Church was a great success. The proceeds of the entm lain~ ment and the offering on Sunday amounted to 3270. Miss Marguerite Boyle gave several readings and was well x-ecvived and eucol'Pd. The Knux CI-llege Quanette sang a numbeer times and pleased the audience with their selections. The“ meeting claééa the King.†Mr. Pnlnwr closed Ihe "mating. He did not 1'09] like trusting the bankers and manufacturers in 'l‘nrunln, who always supported the Conservatives, any mm'e than he \vmlld trust, the same clase of men in MonLrenl who suppurted the Lihvrnle. On the turiff he agreed with Mr. Maingn'gur thwt the duty shuuld principally be placed on luxuries. Mr. Palmer was altnâ€" nether in favor (if lhe working man. He claimed that 8 hours should const- lute a day’s wmk. Whe'n a man in the. audieue said that Mr. Ureurer would not, stand fur an 8 hour day. he said in that case they could gel another leader. Au 8 hnur dny would not, bowel/er. be satisfactn'ry on rt farm; m. Mr, Maclenn was the first to speak. He pinned his fuith to thepnlicynf Protection. and that by making use of our watelfnlls we cnuld electlify our railways. and lmcome indvlwndent of the United Slates forum supply of coal. He wanted reconstrucliun. und )9- estuhlishment of soldiers nud their dependents, expressed himself in fun)!- of nntional ownership. and was a firm believer in compulsory servicv. Mr. Maclenn eulogized Mr. Meighen under whose leadership he was pleased tn work for the gvod of the-pruning. At the hour of 2 p. in. nu Tuesday. in the Town Hall. Nnrth Toronto. the returning ofï¬cer. Lawyer T. A. Gibson. read the munes of [hp three candidates whn had been nominated tn routeat the riding of South York two \vm‘ks hence. in the lollnwing order: Alexander Macgrrgor, W. F. Mach-an, R. H. Palmer. IL was decided that each candidate would tukeunly lï¬mi- nutes much, lhervfum the political questinns of the day were not very fully discussod. South York Nomination Carnival Of Seasons Nan-Essentials, Liberty Many friends and acquaintances heard with regret hf thP death of Mr. \V. F. Carter on Mnndny, after being confined to his lied about, {hie-e \weks. After selling his farm at Lake \Vill- COX a few yPars ngn he remnvvd her? and went into the implement hminess for Massey-Harris and other ï¬rms. He will be much missed by business men and nthvrs with whom he came in cnnmct. The dec-pest-symputhv is felt for the \vidnw, daughter and four sons who aw loft; L--. moum the loss. The funeral service will be in St. John's church ibis afternoon at 230 o’clock. At the Catholic anpn‘s Lemme Buzmn- tn hp shoutiv cnndnt‘tvd. (3nd»! Lieut. Bm-t Grant. Sprgt. Cadet \Vnnd- head. hdvts Rubinenn, Mnhnnnv, and Freddie Crmmv, will ropz-nmmt the corps. in the Tuhlonu Scene, "Lpst \Ve Forget." which will open up lhe hnzanr. Plans are being formed fur 1b? con- ducting in [hp imlnndiute future of an open night, for demnnstra‘ing tn thp Schnnl Bum-d, thP \Vrmpn's Institute Board and the M11395 of the \V. C. T.U. all depal-tnmnts of th# COl‘pï¬ wm-k. Eifnrtisheinz fluids: by the 0. (1. and his smuim- cadets for the fnrming of :m lll'ChPStl'n class in Richmnnd Hill. The cuâ€"operntinn Lf ihp Schnnl Board, ishping sought, towards pet- migsirn being given for the nae- nf the assembly ha‘l of the school for the cnnduczing nf this clnqs. ’l‘hp ardent and annl enppm-t of [[10 citizpns is :13de for this Racim', funds thm'p- {ram being required fur cnrpi winter sport equipnwnb. A grand rvcirnl under £119 :msninns nftha (‘nl‘ps will ha hold an \londay. Decemhnl- 12th. hv Ran. Hokpn and his pupils. assisted by distinguished annuto tllent, in the Masonic Hall. Tho riï¬ns formally lmmed IN the Nova and count-illan are to hr: wturn~ ed, thp c'n‘ns nllntmvnt having hpen rpneived, thn thanks of the 0. C. Cadnt Ofï¬cers. Oadet N. C. 0’s and Cadets is most gratefully tendered. Feuims' parade Fridav owning nt Barrack Q-Iarte's at 7.30 u'r‘lm‘k. Traininan nmmm] of arms, 6mm]- l'ng phvs‘irrul dvill, followed by lecture on Map Reading. junim-Q parade thn-d ._v afternoon at2.30 n'nlm-k. Training. signalling. physical drlil, manual of arms. leave your order in good time Personal Greeting Cards Mr. Carter’s Death all and see samples, and at The Liberal ofï¬ce. Our local Branch will quickly issue Money Orders for you at any time. Branches at: Richmond Hill. Keswnck, Queensville AurI Thoruhlll, Lansing and Newton Brook. ' ,- in all things, Charity.“ tranche; at: Richmond Hill. Keswnck, Queensville, Thomhill, Lansing and Newton Brook. TH ESTERIJINGBANK Aurora York Ranger Cadet: There is no quicker, safer, or more convenient method of remitting money than by a Sterling Bank Money Order. A receipt is given at the time of purchase. and when the money order is cashed it constitutes a permanent receipt for the money. Should the Money Order be lost,'_a new one can be obtained. The Order is payable at par at any Chartered Bank in Canada, exCept in the Yukon district. FARMERS OFLCANADA BARRIS‘I‘ER. Somcrron, NOTARY Ere Toronto Ofï¬ce. Richmond Buildings 36 Richmond Street, \Vest. Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce (‘ Liberal Ofï¬ce), every Thursday forenoon. Maple, Thursday aftemnun. \Voodbridze, Saturday forenonn. Money to Loan at Current. Rates Tel. M. 3631' Barristers, Solicmrs. &c. MANNING ARCADE. 4 KING 81‘. WEST. TORONTO. CANADA TELEPHONE MAINE 3†Cable Address: "Dede" Rank Denton Tel. A inlaid 5074 Denton, Macdonald & Denton N. C. Shiver. B.A. Peter ’l‘nylor. B.-\. E. W. Rhodes. BA. Temner r-f Piano-Playing at bhe Tm-untn ()nnsex-vat‘m-y nf Music and St. Margaret's Collegv. Richmond “MLâ€"\Vednesdays and Satuxduys. H. A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC ience.) Yonge St. Thornhill. Dr. W. J. Wesley Columissiamer, Gnn'veyuncer, E Insurance and Real Estate - Pameroï¬ .MaFNaughton Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. OFFICEâ€"SUITE 3]. TORONTO DAILY STAR BLDG.. 18 KING STREET W'EST Ofï¬ce hours 9 to Family physician (25 years oxper- Shaver Taylor 6: Rhodes RICHMOND HILL . EARLE NEWTON WILLIAM COOK [Single copies, 3 cts. llnrlsners Sullcllors Notaries, Etc. Arthur A. Macdonald PIANIST 1111."). 6 to 8 p. m. Hamilton Tlust. BU: Rooms 30330.5 0 oeito City Hall 7 Queen St. West Toronto Eveni 3 Manor and North Toronc CL