Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 24 Nov 1921, p. 8

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NOTICE is hereby given that Albert Bethune Cfll'lt’y of the City of Toronto, in the County of ank, in the Province of Ontario. will apply In the Parliament, of Cnnudn, at the next Session thereof. of fur :1 Bill of Divorce from his wifv, Mum»! (Tau-lav of the City of Toronto, in [he ‘rounty of York, on the ground of adultery. Dated at the City of Toronto, in the County of York. this 18th day of October. 1921. ALBERT BETHUNE CARLEY by HELLMUTH. CATTANACH, & MEREDITH Notice oprplication [or Divorce NOTICE ii hmel-y givvn that William) Punk Jelfvrsun, of tho Cily 0f Tommi“, in H):- Uounty of York, Cutter, will apply In tho l’mliament of Canada, .1!!th m-xt RPfisll‘ll IhH-e- nf for a Bill of his Divorce from his wife. Jennie Jeffelsun, on the grounds of adulter and desei-lion. Dut‘vd wt Toronto this 15L!) day of Dut‘vd wit '] Ol‘tuln‘;, 1021 Cor. Yonge and Richmond Streets. Notice of Application for Divorce NOTICE is hereby given that Dovan LEWlN. of the City of 'I‘m'un- In, in the County of Yul-k, in th» Provmce nf Onlurin, Dvpmtmuntul Munnger. will apply to the Parliament of Canada :It Iho. noxt, Spssimns then» of fur :L Bill of DiVHH o from his wifr “LADYS E'rmcx. Lawns, of the Cin of Vancmwer, in the PIUVinCU of British Columbia, MRl'liPd \Voman,‘ on the gmund hf adultva and desertion. Dated at thb- (‘ixy nf 'l‘nrtvmo. in tho ()uunty of York this 26th duy 0f September. 1921. DOUGLAS LE\VIN by MURPHY & DONALD. BE LOYAL TO YOUR OWN Barristers &n._ 120 Buy StI'PPf, Tulontn. his Solicitors herein Notice of Application for Divorce NOTICE is herehy given lhntJnseph Huh?” Llovd Beumhh, nf the City nf Tux-unto. in ch» County hf Yonk. fun'inte of ()ntulio, BHHIH'. will apply In the l’ullinment l f Canada ut. the next. Sessiun therw f. [or :1 Bill of DH“: cv from his wife Gel trndc Selina l’unmish of the City (4’ Turnntn, in the Uuunfy hf York, nn lhc gx'uunds of adultery and descrtinn. Dnlvd m. Tmnntn this ()L‘Lul el‘, A. D. 192]. !\ 1tice of Application for Divorce MERCER BRADFORD & CAMP- BELL, 24 King Street, \Vest, Tornntn. Solicitors for the Applicant. 17-30 Ihave my Fall Styles from Paris, both Ladies and Men, also Samples of Fall goods. Come early and and get your pick. Fall Prices greatly reduced. I also make children's coats much cheaper than you can buy down in the city. J. W. Wellman’s a town. For gents’ furnishings you cannot do better anywhere than at By buying at home; as business places build up Solicitms fur thu App|icunt. 26 Queen Sn veL East. , ll Tomntn. Fall Announcement 1106 a. P. BLBnildingl CURRY & \VALLACE. Cleaning and Pressing Neatly Done. TORONTO. E. R. FORTNER TAILOR jor. Yonge and Richmond St. Give Me a Trial. third day of )7â€"31 14-14 Notice of Application for Divorce NOTICE is hm-ehy given that Malia Louise Dngennis. of [he 0in m" Toronto. in the Uunnly of York, vaincenf Ontario. Manied Women. will apply to the Parliament of Canada amhe next Sessinn Ihr-reof. fur it Bill vf Divorce fn-m hm- hushand Jean Baptiste Dngenais «If the Cilvv of Toronto, in the County of York, Luhm-er, on the grounds of impntency and nun-consqu[nation of the said Imirriage. ‘ Datea at Toronto. in the‘ Province of Ontarin, the 22nd day of Septembmu A. D. 1921. Of Rain Bioknell Mncdnnell & Gordon, Ninth Floor ansden Building Tnmntn. Solicitorforthe Applimnt. 11â€"25 Dated at Toruntn. PI'hVinCP 0 Ontario. this 19lh day of August, 1921 ALFRED BICKNELL NOTICE is ~herf‘hy given that PIIOEBE LEVINA SIMPSON, of the (Iity of Tomnbu in lh? County of anK in th Prnvimm of ()ntnrm, Clerk, will apply In the Pnlinnmnt of Canada at lhu next Session lhmeof fur u Bill 0Q Divm'CP frnln her hnehnnd, Thwlnai Simpson. at resrnt residing at. Flinl, Michigan, Sunlien nn the‘ground of udultm-y nnd dPsPl'llnn, Notice oprplication for Divorce NOTICE is hm-nhy given that HELEN LLOYD of lhe City of Tnluntn. in lhe County of York in the l’rmince of Ontario. Man-lied \annn, will apply to the Parliament of Canada, at the next. session lhel-eof for/3|, Bill of Divmce from her huslnmd. \VILLIAM HARRY LLOYD. of tho suid City of Turontu. in the Unnmy of Ym k. in the Province of Ontario, on lhe ground of adultery. DulPd 'an Tumntl‘, Px'm'ince of Ontario, twpnty-(hinl day of Septem- ber. A. D. 1921. HUGHES & AGAR, Notice of Appiication for Di th’CC C. Browne 15 15 HOUSE PAINTING Solicitors for UN“ Applicant. 26 Queen Street. East, [5 Toronto. CURRY & \V ALLAC E. 72 Queen Sheet \Vest. Turn/lilo, Olltnl'i(‘, Solicilm's for lhe applicmnl. 14 14 Helen Lloyd & INTERIOR DECORATION Thorn hill \Ve believe it, tn be both right and i wise to aid labor to obtain a. fair num- ' ber of representatives both in parlia- i ment and in the legislatures. Contra; wise \venre opptised to the over xe‘| presentation: of any special class of our citizens as has su lung been the case with [be legal fnitei-nity. For this reason among many others we oppose the election of Mr. MacGregor the liberal candidate in the belief that m! ' is not, so lllllf‘h needed in parliament i as represenlalives of tyhs labor bo_dy. ‘ Mr. R. Li. Palmer our U. F. O. labor candidate we believe to be a capable mun, who will while support- ing Mr. Crenir. at the same time pm- motens fin-ashes in his power the cause of labor. While we may noL agree on every question. yet we nu- sure that his presence at. Ottawa will help him better to understand ‘his duty as a representative not only bf labor and of the usu-icultural electors, but also of South York Ag a whole.â€" HENRY MOYLE. I doliht if we yet appreciate or shall I say understand the full rights of in~ dustrial labor, while it ha; often been . regardless of the true interest and} well being of the community. More ! correct views of sonial and nnLiouali responsibilities nre essential for all ’classes of our citIZens, before 0qu country can be wisely led along the pathways of the new era that: humanity has enleredi ‘ l Olir agricultural leaaei-s believe that with responsibility placed upon labor it will have a. stendying effect, causing their leaders to consider mure mue- fully the working out of the issues be- fore our people. thus fitting them to sham then burden of nation building as we coâ€"operate to apply the princi~ ples of justice to the li-vgislution of our couiitry. We believe that there is a sphere of connnnn interest in whirth mutual welfare can be promoted, und that; clearer and broader conceptions "re essential to each of the others service and place in the body politic, 0n the first morning of our new century before many who \th gathered to honor that auspicious day. the late Prof. \Velion, of McMMtrr University, first referred to the am complishnwnls of the century that had passed, their tuld us of the pru- hlmns of this our 20th century. That uf labor and cupitul, was he said, one nf the large questiuns that our cen- tury would requiie tn snlve. Theiirst qllflltf‘l‘ is drawing to a close yetwe have Scan:er hrxun tn dPul with its problems. Durng the past two years indeed the antagonism husulmost swam-d tu become more hitlez-und intensified. Only in the international spherb- where the labor side of the League hf Nations has been piompt and active has there been progress that appears to be woith speaking of. The farmer’s movemsnt is dubbed a class one with selfish ends in view. yet it has gone far beyond either of the old parties to welcome labor 10 full participation in the duly of national servme. Labor during the war had full par- ticipation, just. as did our women, full reCUgnitiun of that fact [hm been ncâ€" corded to Women. it nnght also in like. free unrestricted measure be given to labor. AflPl' :\ buffet lunclwon tho bridal couple lt-ft mnid showers of cunleui, Upon rolln‘ning frnm thir nip. Mr. and Mrs. anmy will reside at. Cunt-on] and will he at home to their friends early in December. Yet is there any country where it is welcomed to a full share of contx-nl and of the rigth and pnivileges of national service? The wedding march was plnyvd by MI 5. (‘oulthm-d and after the C(‘I'P many Mr. Cnulthurd sung "Perfect Love.” The- pn-sents were mum-runs nud useful. The gvonm’s gift lo the bride w :5 u pilll‘l sunburst, tn the ln'ids'smnid hmcvlet and to the groumsnmn u pair 1 f cuff links. 'lha bride- was becomineg gnwned In \Vhite Satin. trimmed with shadow lace and swd mania. She “'lll't‘ mu mnhruidered veil, held in place by n Wlenth of orange hlnssmns and rmrrivd a bouquet of Upbvlia rnsr‘s. The hridv was attentivd hy her si<lor Miss Berlh- \\‘nnd’s, who won» shun pink silk nnl carrier! pink ms“. The grnnmsumn was Mr. Wm. Green of Tm-nntu. M-mrwond Farm, Carmine, the homo nf Mr. and Mrs. Mun-:uy \Vnnds was the scent: of u prmly Wedding « n \VPdm-sdny. Nm'omhor lfl'h when th ir daughter Laura was uniled in man iaqe l0 Anlhur Bowo-sul (,‘t nr~m(l_ hy the‘Rev. A. E. Smith, I). Uni T: ronto. the waning. Mr. Mylkl presented his w-u with a gun! wuhh nnd vlmin. ‘p‘nking fuvlinpzlv on thn prpsontn- tinn on hPhulf nf the (levntvd Inuthvr. \vlmnrnmpto-d thy oxpmuinn of tho hirlhvhv rmumnhnmr‘s. Thvfeslilhi- ti, 3 evulml_ shnrplv at l2 u'cIm-k. Smut (Yadpt, Mylku' mu]th pulls and [In-iv- chuv-ming young ludy friemh having hndan evening, that war nfterwmd memorycumrhN-nlly would recall:â€" Com. Hm. Clumwo During Llw the waning. Mr. Mylkl pr: A Irnst (blightful Bilthlluy Pdlty. was given Inst Sutunluv vaning by M". and Mrs. .\I_vlk< in humor If their Labor Rights and Representation Birthday Party Bowesâ€"Woods (‘I'le i TUESDAY NOV. 29, 1921 The next Sitting of Divnsnon Uourt N0. 3. County of York win he held in the Court Room. E. Bridges, Prop; LightLunches Ice Cream Soft Drinks Cigars Cigarettes Refreshmennts Stabling Accommodation at Reasonable Rates MENTAL TREES etc. GOOD pay JXULUSIVE territory and free Ppuipmenr. 600 Arms of Nursery Stock Our agency is Valuable for we grow the [lees “1'6 sell, and deliver only high grade Stock. Write now for terms. A reliable vnergvtic snlesagent fur Richmond Hill and Cnunly tn sell our Well known FRUIT nnd ORNA- ELGIN HOTEL Professional Graduate of Owen A. Smiley Studio. Classes now forming Address Miss Marguerite Boyle? Studio ‘Homewood Hall.’ T hornhill, Ont. Artist, Teacher in Literature, Expression, Reading, Dram- atic and Humourous Sketches, Dialect Poems. Jones Lumber & Coal Co. Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Cedar Posts, etc. Phone 27. Vaughan Council The next met-ting n! the Council of the Munivipnlilv of Vaughan will be held in the Town Hall, \‘ellnrp, on NOTICE is hereby givt-n that George Drewvry. of Ibe City of Toronto in the County of York, in the Province- of Ontuiio, Manager, will upply to lhn Pullinmpnt of Can id", "L the next session there“! for u hill of Divorce {cum his wife Christina Dlewery of the City of Hamilton in the County of \Ventwnrlh, in said Province. Mnnied \Vnmun, on the ground of adultery and dvsmlhm. Cor. Yonge & Arnold Sts. Dale-d an, annto. vainr‘e of On- lal‘in. this 14th day Of November 192]. Phone 44 r 23 Stop 51 Yon Division Court PELHAM NURSERY C0., TORONTO ONT. 600 ACRES OF NURSERY. ESTABLISHED 40 YEARS. 1523 otice of Application for Divorce ELOCUTION Miss Marguerite Boyle MONDAY. DECEMBER 192l Unmmencmg at 9.45 RICHMOND HILL WANTED Quwn Street Emit. Turnnln, Ontario, Canndn. Solicilfl‘ for (hvnpplicunt. 21-34 ELGIN MILLS A. R. HASSAan. T. F. MCMAHON J. B. MCLEAX. Clerk zlt. IO u'clock Yonge St. CLERK 21.111. DAY moms 13-3 NIGHTS AND HOLIDAYS 75. L. INNES & SONS FRAMES, DOORSJSASH INTERIOR TRIM, ETC DETAIL \VORK A' SPECIALTY. Also all kinds of millwork such as : We are well equipped to serve you 1n all kinds of: Summer’s gone Winter's coming on Snappy weather should mean Snappy business. Carmel, Stove, Nut and Pea Coal. Also Hem‘ock Slabs at the Elevator. Pastry and Purity Flour al- ways on hand. a U Bran, Shorts and Gluten Meal on hand. Also a good supply of N0 Feed Corn. A car of Salt! in barrels and sacks arrived. 0(her fax-nu and properties. tm) numerous to list. LUMBER, LATH, New House 5romns, rough plumb- ing. water in 1101159, Electric light finished in fir. built under huusing plan. Equity can‘h balance 20 yedls at $20 per month. On Cvntre East. just. the spot for a. retired couple. orchard chicken honsw, furnace. Terms easy. The G. F. Allen prnpmty on Yuugu Street. Snnth of tho- High Svhunl. just. look at. this and sntisfy ynurudfthrt this is one of the must benubiful spots in the Villugv. 79 Acres nn Riuhnmnd Strefl‘wilh brick hnusp, ham. urchaud. elm. will sell vn block. or half ncre lots. (Em-d values at rensunable terms. SHINGLES, BEAVER BOARD, ETC. H. A. Nicholls The Real Estate 24 Acros. g-md lonsn, hunk lid-I'll, orchard, lwst. garden l:-nd, 1.! mllt‘s flom Elgin Mills A few good loans at. 7; 7; on city 'u'operty. L 1017? \K Man has the following For Sale Public Notice Blachford’s Calf Meal. PLANING MILL RICHMOND ST. RICHMOND HILL Purnia Scratch Feed. Winter Term Upens Jan 3rd I. D. Ramer W. J. ELLIOTT Principal

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