Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 1 Dec 1921, p. 1

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HOUSE PAINTER, Glazier. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. Turontn Oflices â€"-â€" Continental Life Bldg. Cur. Buy and Richmond St. Toronto. Branch Officeâ€"Richnwnd Hill every Tuesday afternoon at Liberal Office. W. HEWiSON Residence address Victoria. Square Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York. Sales attended to on shortest notice, and at reasonable rates. Patronage solicited FOR. COUNTY OF YORK AND ONTARIO Special attention given to sales at every description. Fun-ms and farm stock sales :1 specialtv. Farms buught and 501d nu cmnmiseiun. All sales at- tended to on shin-test notice, and con- ducth by the InusLuppx-uvpd methods. 'Pan'nnage suliciled. MISS BEATRICE HOWELL TO RONTO feacher of Fletcher Method Musical Klndergarten GREGORY GOODERHAM & CAMPBELL BARRISTERS, SOLlCITORS. ETC. upils passed for Oonsexvntory :uninulums. Richmond Hill STUDIOâ€"HOTEL RICHMOND. Rivhmund Hi“. LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY OF YORK Patrmnuze and influence respectfully solicited VOL. XLIV. LICENSED AUCTIONEER. MARRIAGE LICEN Branchesâ€"Thornhill and Willowdale NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANCING ISSL’ER 0F, 415 Bullinl St" Toronto. Phnne Belmunt 1347 731.50 per annum, in advance.' You should given stato- mcnt of affairs to the Bank so that you may obtain the fullezst credit to which your blunding entitles you. The Royal Bank 0i Ganada J. T. SAIGEOIN . J. HUME Your first duty after the crops have been harvested is to “ clean up ” advan- ces at the Bank. The man who does this rarely has diffiâ€" culty in obtaining credit. Make Send Your Credit at the Bank When Your Crops are Harvested Money to Loan. Maple I’rentice P. 0. add ress G01-mley,1{. R. sfle. The Maple Sand. Gravel and Brick Company, LL'd, lmveron hand for sale. Cement dx'uin tile. 3, 4, 5. 6 and 8 in. Culvert, tile 12. 15, 18 and 20 inch (30 inches i'n length) Also Cement Brick. Sand 01- Gravel sold by the load or in car lots. ' Call by phone or otherwise promptly responded to / 378 BERESFORD AVE, WEST TORONTO Phone Junctxon 72. TWENTYâ€"FIVE YEARS' EXPERIENCE All mail ordemwvill receive prompt attention. ‘ JOHN R. CAMPBELL Sand, Gravel, Tile and Brick REAL ESTATE ANDV INSURANCE THORNHILL A large stock of Funem Kept at the above WRIGHT BROS. \“ Undertakers and Embalmers RICHMOND HILL, THORNHILL \ AND UNIONVILLE TERMS REASONABLE. Orders left wiLh Mr. GPO. Harding will receive prompt attention. Also agent for [he inmun Standard Mil (PF. Phone Aumm 8013. Thr- The The VANDORF LICENSED AUGTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY OF Y0: Nothng tuogreatâ€"Nothing tun s Offices Hill \Vultvl‘ S. J R0“. Phnno Of‘fiw nnd r“: Richmond Hill Office Trench PLUMBING AND. TINSMITHING HOT \VA'l‘ER HEATING ANDGENERAL REPAIRS LO(‘.-\ L A( VETERINARY SURGEON, Thornhill. nuunissioner. JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO TUNER Ofi‘in . R. SANDERSGN A. C. HENDE Barristers Soliciior Notaries Telephone Main 2777 F. ELVIN WELLWOOD |gle, 31' posts and telephone poles for J. EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC ce Trench Block, two doors north of{ Standard B'mk. Honrsflu.m. lo 5.30 p.11). I Open evenings by appointnwnt. | NAUGHTON 5048 ‘nv DR L. R. BELL DR J. P. VVILSON 8, Star. and British Dominions Insurance Company British North Western Insurance Company Blilisl) THORNHILL, ONT‘ H‘e RICHMOND HILL ON’. 0 1mm “EXT â€"RI(‘HMOND HILL, ONT Jenkins T. COUSINS. Pnsjund Manager. Maple. L’mwn As Corporation DICNT'ST sidm) vahont Conveyance]; Etc 10 tn TY 013 YORK Nothing ton small Automobile J. Harry Naughton Res. Elgin Mills Res. Phone “.4 82 JENKINS Danâ€"Yong? Sm I’hnue N0. 24 In Essentials, Unity; in 'nl Furnishing 9 places SSlIl‘fll) ce RSON 26-28 Adel 6t08 Aurora dorsement which was accorded to Mr. Much‘regox' was because it was felt that Re-esbnhlishment is. us Mr. Muc- Grego:~ chums. rathn- :1 mom] than a political issuP, and that in View of his ywus of mn-k and study of the Re- vsluhlishment nruhlem he is the man lwst calculated L0 function in that: work. Lhatlhe motive of HPSF Auxilia was not pnlitical, but (he hearty dorsement which was accorded to Much‘regox' gvas because it was cnssion for the \vmnpn vntms. aw they have not. had sufficient opportunity to knnwthe vitul, economic issues that face this Country today. Over and above the economic issues. however, the women at that iivaing made it clear that they trust to Mr. Mar:- (in:an to luynlly and eff'Pctively serve in the great task of Working out Sold- ier Re-esmhlisbmenc in the Soldier riding of South York. His years of work in that direction have specially fittvd him to serve in that connection. Later. We note. on the 30th ultimo, the Ladies' Auxiliaries of Ihe G. W.V. A_ of the South-west, portion of South York joined. with the snlllh-PHSL portion of that riding in [he EnstflVondlfine Avenue.) Here again, Mr. MncGre-gor was unnni- Inonsly endorsed. the Auxiliaries represented being those of Todnmrden just, Toronto, \Voodbine Heights, Oak Ring, Fairlinnk. Enriscourt. Mount Dennis, Silverlhorn, and Black Creek. Again it was emphasized that LhaLthe motive of UPS! Auxiliaries , _. . 7 -"'~ r ".V ment and puhlic mvnelship, nnd t-tfectively Urged efficienb administra- tion in tariff matters, and scientific revision of the Lnrilf. with a \ iew lo shifting the hut-den of taxation. as far us is practicnble. from the neces- sities to the‘uxux-iBS of iifP; and ulsu urged such enquiry into tuiitf matters as would assure the community that, if as the manufacturers claim. there an- no money-holes in Lmifi' at]ij- ment. the evidence of this would allay the natural anxiety of the people, as a. whole, to knmv that; the heavy burden of laxatinn that is evitzible in Canada. for many years to come is being dis- tributed equimhiy, and as democra- tically as the circumstances permit. west District of SnuLh Ym-k, uni, asticully endlusul Mr. MncGregm Mrs. Swim-us, the President u Ladies’ Auxiliary of the Emls< G1W.V. A., We are pleased to n precintinn fnl' Alt‘xun Lhc Unndidnle we fee duty to support for Sn HUIIUSL of nur ability, I-l'ully nnd hvaxtily :1 Veterans of South Ym \Vc see lhut on the at ther's Hall. the I South York Veterans Raily to MacGregor’s Support nnd heaxtily re-cuhucd by tlu runs of Smith Yin-k. see lhut on the 23th of Ochvl)?!" bar's Hull, the Ladies’ Auxiliar- lho G. \V.V. A, of L110 North- )isbricl; of South York. enthuei~ ih-W'vst District uf.Soulh with Mrs. Sm-ivons, on the were Mrs. Lnngford, Presiâ€" Fnirbank Auxiliary, Mrs. . President, of the Sil\el~ Kiliuiy, and Mrs. Blake. of tile Mount Dennis Anx- presillwd at [he lllégt‘il‘l‘é IT.. THURSDAY DEC Non-Essentials, Liberty ; in hat; the heavy burden s evituble in Canada. n come is being dis- y, and as democrat- umstunces permit. d to note that our :1]:- Ale‘xundm- Mch’rcgr'r, Ne feel it, is our clout fur Suuth York, l0 thv bilily, hils been so gen- u: lscnurt lhn Junior fnl'luels nf Yulk County will have a. busy \vinler. Their educatiuual program has been mnpped nut. and plans for their social and spnrling uc- livities are being (llSCUSSPd. This year there will be (we (and maybe three) short courses in ngricultuu e cnnducted in York County. The regular short course will 0pm» in Maple on the 3rd of January, under Mr. J. C. SLeckley_ DistricLRepl-vsentuLive. On January 23 a. similar course will open at New- mm-ket. It is expectrd thus u sprcial course of n Week’s duration will he held at, Stoutfville sometime in March. While the junior farmexs are being in~ sLIucled in agriculture their sisters will receive lectures on dnmestL scienceand other household matters. This is the grmtest educational pro- gram yet mapped out in York County in connection will) the junior Furm~ ers' Improvement Association, It‘lms always bran the custnm to hold one culu‘se every winier, but never more tb-ux one. l Seniors parade Friday night at. 7730 ’st also signallers. l Juniors SaLmduy afrei-nnun at 2.30. Intensive training on physical drill i3 nmv schedule-d and full strength pin-- ude is ilupvrntivo, Mr. Milton Wellwmnd is‘ to giw n .spvcinl signn‘lling tutu-$0 [u the cadet officers, as also the signalling N. (J.0's. The Morse (Jude will be given, Cadets Ransmu and Glass are to attend these Mrs. McLatr‘hy. Mrs. Stirling and Mrs. Nicholls have kindly Cnnsented tunrrunge the stage decorations ns :Llsnlhe hull lightng 101- the dance fulluwing the I'm-ital. Mrs. Mylks is kindly entertaining B911 Hoken nntl his artists to supper at the recital-dance intvrvni which is most, gratefully npprvciatvd by the command. Lectures. The ladies of the Institulo Board as also of the \V. U. T. U. have up- px-unuhed lheO. C. in regnrd tn the cigarette smoking nf [he buys in this community under 18, and being against the Olth’l'ltl Statutes. smoking in bm'ruck quzu-tvi-s and on all parades is now uhsuluLely forbidden. . The. O. U. in unnnuncing-Lhis older appeals for the sum)an loyally of every cadet. The town will be divided into dis- tricts and canvassed by the cudets for the Ben Hoken Recital. may a loyal support from the citizens he furthâ€" cunning. " We are sure Alt-xnnder MneGuegor ‘ will go ‘over :he an' in the conningl Federal elections- Hr- desm-ws \vvll of l South Yurk. H.“ is in hrarl‘y suppvlt >0f everything llmt, will make life swueter and clerner. and is keenly ix:- lerested in all mullvrs pertaining to 'reconstruction.’ H» has been a leal friend t4: the returned mun, and We are very furlunulr: in having such )- mnn (u repremnt us nt, Ottawa. He will put principle hefnreparty. \Ve wish him strength nf body, strength of purpose. strength of mind. for the- gn-nl’, task {lat will he his, and uithul the impetus pt" u hlgh patriotism and 3 2m hunest purpnse. Ucmradm, ‘gn; to it.’ "â€"I‘m Hut Rm‘iew. I South York in their endmsvnwut Mr. Much‘rmgur. For in~t:nwe, 1': this fun“ The E ulaculn't Vet-emu (I 13): ' cilizen-hip ahuwn hy ah:- Snuth York in their em] Furthpr, (h {We are Sure Alt-xnndex' M Courses for Boys apd Girls THE STERLING BANK York Ranger Cadets anches at: Richmond Hill. Keswxck Thomhill, Lansing and New A , , V--- ..,., vrv..u-5 u uavulgs "4000111113 in the nearest branch of the Sterling Bank. Bills may be paid by cheque~doing away with the need of keeping large sums of money about the houseâ€"-and at the same time, your money will be earning interest at current rates. If you are not in a position to come to town re- gularly, write our local Manager regarding the advantages of opening an account by mail. a Why run the risk of keeping unnecessary cash about the houseâ€"in constant danger of theft 301” the DI‘Oblem by Opening 3 Savings account in the nearest Imam-h nf +1”. mm”-.. “MA, FARMERS all things, Charity 1921 veterans ’1' Furm~ It‘hus mid one 81' more OF CANADA H‘e up- tn the in this being Ce, I‘PilLI In I) (No, 1d Hill, Keswxck, Queensville, Aurora ,ansing and Newton Brook. i BARRISTER. Soucu‘on, NOTARY E'ro i Toronto Office, Richmond Buildings 1 35 Richmond Street, West. ; Richmond Hill Ot’flce (' Liberal i Office). every Thursday forenoon. [ Maple, Thursday afternoon. I“ Wood bridge. Saturday forenoon. | Money to Loan at Current. Raues E'Denton,’ Macdonalu 5: Benton Tel. M. 3631? Barristers‘ Solictnrs. &c. MANNING ARCADE. 4 KING ST. WEST, TORONTO, CANADA TELEPHONE MAINE 3” Cable Address: “Dedu” Rank Demon Tel. Adelaill Tmc mr of Piano-Playing at the Toronto (‘Jnnserva‘tory uf Music and St. MnrgarPL's College. Richmond HUL-W'ednesdnys ztnc Saturdays. N. C. Shaver. RA. Peter Mylar, B.r\. E. \V.Rhodes.B.A. H. A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC ience.) Comnfissioner, Uonveynncer, Et. Insurance and Ken] Estate - gamma. .MagNaughton Banister, Solicitor, Notary. Etc. OFFICEâ€"SUITE 31, TORONTO DAILY STAR BLDG.. 18 KING STREET \VEST Office hours 9t011u.m. 6 to 8 p. m Family physician j. EARLE NEWTON Shaver Taylor 6: Rhodes RICHMOND HILL WILLIAM COOK [Single copies, 3 as onge St. Thornhill. Barristers. Solicitors Notaries. Etc. Arthur A. )Incdonald PIANIST Hamilton Rooms oxrnosite ( a7 Quegn years exper- Eveninua Mam-r Road North ’I‘oront 3(htv Toron 'l‘luit Hall West 11nd

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