W. HEWISON HOUSE PAINTER, Glazier. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. Brahch Ofï¬ceâ€"Richmond Hill every Tuesday afternoon at Liberal Ofï¬ce. Residence address VicLoria. Square Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York. Sales attended to on shortest notice, anint reasonable rates. 'urnnto MISS BEATRICE HOWELL TORONTO feacher of Fletcher Method Musical Kmderg‘arben Pupils passed for Conservatory Ex- aminnlirms. STUDIOâ€"~HOTEL RICHMOND. Richmond Hill. every dvscmption. Farms and farm stock sales :I. specialtv. Farms bought. and sold on commission. All sales ut- tended to on shnrtvest notice, and con- ducted by the mnstupproved methods. Patronage solicited. GREGORY GOODERHAM & CAMPBELL BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC. 415 Balliol Stu, Tm'nntn. Phone Belmont 1347 LICENSED AD‘CTIONEER FOR COUNTY OF YORK AND ONTARIO Specia‘l nttellgion given to sales at Bldg. Richmond Hill LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY or YORK Patronaze and influence respectfully solicited NOTARY PUBLIC CONV'EYANOING 155mm OF. MARRIAGE LICENSES J. T. SAIGE 01‘ Maple VOL. XLIV. Branchesâ€"Thornhifl and Willowdale . J. HUME $I.5o oer annum, in advance. Ofï¬ces â€"« Continental Life C(an Bay and Richmond St. Toronto. Your ï¬rst duty after the crops have been harvested is to “ clean up †advan- ces at the Bank. The man who does this rarely has difï¬- culty in obtaining \ credit. You should given state- ment of affairs to the Bank 50 that you may obtain the fullest credit tb which your standing entitles you. The Royal Bank at canada Patronage salicited Money to Loan. Make Good You: Credit at the Bank Whan__Your Drops are Harvested ‘ren (ice P. 0. address Gormley. RR. Cedar pays and Telephone poles ft Silk“. T. COUSINS. Pl-esJand Manager Maple. Call by Sand, Gravgl, Tile and Brick JOHN R. CAMPBELL 378 BERESFORD AVE. Wnéi‘ TORONTO Phone Junction 72. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS’ EXPERIENCE All mail order: will receive prompt attention. L/(Hn mzssmner. (Jon veyancer. Etc. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE THORNHILL A large stock of Funeral Furnishing Kept at the above places Undertakers and Embalmers RICHMOND HILL. THORNHILL AND UNIONVILLE Orders left, with Mr. G90. will receive prompt um»: Also agent, for the Himmm Milken Phone Aurora 8013 VANDORF LICENSED AUCTION EE R‘ § FOR THE COUNTY OF Y0! Nothing tun greatâ€"Nothing [00 5 TERMS REASONABLE. Utflces {aide Sr†\Vest: {Polarâ€"IE. ., Naughtun Block. Aumm Snlicltor for : The Tran of Aurora. The Township of King The Township of \Vhitchun‘h The Imperial Bank of Cumldav Am- J. M. “7an. A! (in, A))V‘nhu Ofï¬ces «I Undertakers PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING HOT \VATER HEATING ANDGENERAL REPAIRS \Vultvl' S. jenkins Rm. Phnne Hiâ€. 5048 VETERINARY SURGEON, Thornhill. bmmissioner. (Lnnveyancer Ofï¬ce hours â€"â€"10 mi p. m. 0mm: and residence Richmond Hill. Ph JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO TUNER DENT’ST Ofï¬ce Trench Block. two: Engle. Star LO(‘.\ L AGENT . R. SANDERSON Barristers Solicitor Not: Telephone Main 2777 {Mmm-FchnBIdgq 26-2 NAUGHTON & JENKINS . EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC Standard Bank Hours 0 mm. In 5.30 Open evenings by nppo WRIGHT BROS . ELVIN WELLWOOD THORNHILL, ONT phone or otherwise promptly : responded to 1 DR L. R. BELL British North Western Insurance Company Blilisb Crown Assurance Corporation. Fire )erml Bank of Cmmda, Aurora. alum. & 00. Aurora . HENDERSON RICHMOND HILL. ONT RM, and British Dominions Insurance Company Tell-phone . P. VVIL SON .‘RICHBTOND HILL, ONT sidelineâ€"~Ynngn Slreet] 31(37- '- Phone No. 24 [ Rang u Mr. G90. arding ]. Harry Nuught Res. Elgin Mills lies. Phone 44.4 Automobile , two doors north of Many years Y or“ YORK uthing [on small “ In Essentials, Unity 0.50 p. m. HDpoinbumnt l2 a.u). 6:08 . 26-28 Adel. Notaries utinn. Standard S {01‘ 'élgghton St. Mary's Anglican Sunday Schnnl will have their Christmas! Free on Friday December 23rd 1921 in the Masonic Hall. At 5 p. m. the children will be given a supper and at So’clock a number from Christa Chm-ch Toronto. have kindly consented tn come out and give an Entertainment. after whinh the good things on the Christmas tree will he distrihutnd by n. ropresentive of Snntn. Claus. Parentï¬ and freinda of the School are cordially invitod to be present. 22â€"27 JR. Iâ€"-Edwln Cl'unk. Bernard DeFeI-rnri, Neil Gray, Albert Barns- dnle. Reggie ans. Primerâ€"Ruth \Vutsnn, Mildred Crook, Billie Kirby. Murion Kyle. Randolph Hniles, Forrest Jones. M. A. BURGESS. Teacher. , __._.,...‘...,, nuulc \ankvr, Evelyn DeFerrari, Mn/ud Barmdale. SR. IIâ€"Harold Bowen. (Jackson Cook, Enoch O'Connor) equal. Sadie Jones. JR. II-Rny Cooper, Laura McClusky. Gordon Wutsnn. Rov Burnndnln Gordon \Vutsnn. Roi Burnsagieiwml' SR. Iâ€"Gemge Gray, Elizahf’th Kirby. Billie Cooper, Roy Bowen. Jimmie Muntgr, Effie Jones. IV-â€"Jean SVALSnn, Billie Cooper, Hattie Walker. Earl Jones, Belnice Cleary, Jean Contta, Edward (Junper. SR. IIIâ€"Douglas Crook. Clarence Jones. Hazel Bowen. jR. IIIâ€"Rem Ric-(Husky, Annie \‘I..ll..».. The xepr-rt of S; S. No. 5, Vaughan for month of November is “3 follows. The names urn arranged in orderof merit. nmn~lhe late Sir i The boys and girls in S. S. No. 7 are i preparingnn afternoon’s entertainment ‘ to be given in the srhnol on December ‘22. beginning nt l.30 p. m. They have invited the boys and girls of No. 6, [.0 be present and help with the entertain‘ i ing. The program will consistnf songs. 1 readings, recitations and dialogous by the pupils. They will be nssisdted hy InSPBCIOI‘ \V- W. Trench, Richmond Hill. and Miss Mmtla M..n........ 0.“. ul‘ylulr. muL/ngv. Elocutionist. Richmond Hill. Another feamne of the afternoon is an old time spelling waich between the two schools. 'Jhe Inspector has been in- vited to lake change ufit. Pupils an we“ us (catchers are quite interested in this evmt. One [Pachl’l' prmnises Reherous lewmds to her winning class nnd the Other Dl‘nlnisaq fku a.“ M.» J sheaf); “HF-“w. ‘ Were thoughï¬fnlly sittingi deep: \Vhen, suddenly. out of . n.‘ ......u\,..- units A star shune on}; in grant surprise Threewise mvn followed it. to where lay The King. who was born on Christmas Day. The King. The First Christmas 'rée and Entertainment VICTORIA SQUARE simple shepherds, tending Lhnir 31‘" School Report -__q..- Jucmnm H. SCARDLFIELD Richmond Hill Ont ; in Non-Essentials. Liberty,- gram will consistnl’ songs. ‘itations and dinloRous by They will be nssisdted hy . W. Trench, Richmond Miss Myrtle McUngue. D. "no. in the Eastern skies .. THURSDAY DEC. 15, 1921 sitting in snow quile the peaceful use of Day Wright. rxpressed the esteem in which Mrs. Bull is held not only by the members of the chair but by the whole congregation and thanked her for the willing and gratuitous ser- , vice she had rendered to the church and ‘ community by her delightful singing .during the past years. He convoye the good wishos of nll to Mr. and Mrs. Hall for their future happiness. Mr. V Hall on behalf of his wife thanked the , chair for the expression of their esteem and good wishes. Choice refrnshmn It: were served and the evening closed ly all joining hands singing “Should Auld acquaintance be forgot." i Methodist, church aesmnhled to do honor to her daughter Ethel, who recently became the bride of Mr. W. Hall of Brantfmd. A jnlly time Was sant in games and music. which was fullâ€â€œâ€˜od by an address by Mr. \V. A. “Night. On behalf of the choir Mrs. F. Gminger and Miss Barker presented Mrs. Hall with a beautiful Reading Lamp. and bouqugt, of roses. Mr. I‘Y - A pleasant time was spent M the home of Mrs E. A. Swilzer on Satur- day night last, when the member: and ex-memlwrs of the chair of the Maple Methodist Church will hold an Anniversan Sew-vice Sunday Pvnning, December 25. Dr. T. Albert. Moore will be lhe nneaker. Special mu=in by the choir. Monday evening,[)ec. 26, 2: concert will be given under the auspices nf the S. 8. Several Toronto artisls as well as local talent will he on the programme. Concert at 8 o'clock. . on Sunday by Bishop SWeeney bf Toronto. \Vhelher it is hetfer in he m) lhe in- Fide or on the rutsirle. this is the question. Yes. and for vuur interest decide at nnr-e In he nn the iniide of the Methodiet Church next Sunday Evening. There Will he fifteen minuleaof qrmg. the old familiar hymns. just to add a, bit of cheer. The subject of the sermnn will he, "The Making of a Man.†The ofï¬cials of the Church are making ever effort to nmke the sex-vices of the Church attractive. interesting and prnfltnble. Capacitv audiences of late Show that the public annreciates the endeavors of the ofï¬cials. To secure a seat early is an Act of good judgment. Rev. Mr. Rohnrts wuw inqtimivd and inductvd m: rector of St. Staphan's Church. ï¬nd the Church :1}: King City: Mr. \Vilber't Conains him sr-ld his dwelling house and lot to Mr. Murray Wnnds of Carrville. Mr. and Mrt D. B. BV'ntvn loftnn Wednpsday nf lust week for MrKuos- port. Pu. tn spam! the winter with their sons an_d daughtex‘. We rpgv-M tn Mate that‘nla T. D and Mrs. K: ï¬er are both seriouslly ill Mr. Lowis Clpmont had hie driving hnuse and auto destroyed by file (ms day last week. A ver succesiful lmznar was held last Fridav evening in the Masonic hall, by the ladies of St. Stephen’s Church. The mores-d3 of th!: snlu of fancy and “awful artivlea. refreahnwnts etc., amounted to $108. Address and Presentation Sunday by Bishop THESTERLING BANK Branches at: Richmond Hill.Ke Thornhill, Lansing and ,7, . -v-u.‘.u ‘u n In addition. he can; oï¬er youâ€"through mentâ€"a selection of the highest-grade ities obtainable. Ask him Financial matters should be given the same care and study you would use in selecting a new var- iety of seed grain. Only bydoing so can you expect most fruitful results from your investments. Any Sterling Bank Manager will be glad to advise you regarding ï¬nancing and investments whenever you desire. INVESTMENT SERVICE in all things, Charity.†MAPLE to show you our latest list of offerings. OF CANADA :li]l.Keszck, Queensville, Aurora :5 and Newton Brook. BARRIB‘I‘ER. SoonrroR, NOTARY Era Toronto Ot‘floe. Richmond Buildings 38 Richmond Street. West. Richmond Hill Ot’ï¬ce (‘ Liberal Ofllce), every Thursday forenoon. Maple, Thursday afternoon. \Voodbridge. Saturday forenoon. Money to Loan at Gut-rent. R an: Banister, Solicitor. OFFICEâ€"SUITE 31. Toï¬ONTo DAILY STAR BLDG., 18 KING STREET WEST Tel. M. 8631? Barristers. Solicmrs. 8m. MANNING ARCADE. 4 KING S'r. WEST. TO Row“), C; TELEPHONE MAINE 311 Cable Addressr "Dede" Rank Denton Denton, Macdonald & Denton Tel. Adolainl 5974 N. C. Shiver. B.A. Peter Taylor. BA. E. W. Bhodas. BA Snburdayé Commissioner, Conveyancer, Etc Insurance and Reid Estate Teac ler nf Piano-Playing at the Tm-ontn Conservatory uf Music and St. Maxgarot’; College. Richnmnd HilI-â€" Wednesdays and thnrduuc - 9353?.1‘99..M49Naught0n ience.) Yonge St L A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC nee.) Yonge St. Thornhi“. Ofï¬ce hours 9 to 11 a. m. 6 RICHMOND HILL I- EARLE NEWTON Shaver enta whenever you desire. u-ough our Bond Depart- '-grade investment occur- 'umlly physician (25 years axper- WILLIAM COOK Arthur A. Macdonald [Single copies, 3 cts Ban-lasers. Sollcllors Notaries, Etc. TaYIor & Rhodes PIANIST Hnnlilton Tlunt Hamilton Tlust Bldg Rooms (“13305 Olfoaite 010v Hall 7 Queen St. West Toronto . Wesley a.m.6to8p. m Evenings Manor Road North Torouc No ANA DA