HOUSE PA INTER, Glazier. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. Toronto Ofï¬ces â€" Continental Life Bldg. Cor. Bay and Richmond St. Toronto. Branch Ofï¬ceâ€"Richmond Hill every Tuesday afternoon at Liberal Oï¬ice. Residence address Victoria Square Special attention given to sales 0! every description. Farms and farm stock sales a specialty. Farms bought and sold on commission. All sales at- tended to on shortest notice. and con- ducted by the mosmpproved methods. Patronage solicited. Licensed Auctioneer .for tha County of York. Sales attended to un shortest, notice. and at, reasonable rates. Patronage solicited LICENSED AUCTIONEER Ion COUNTY OF YORK AND ONTARIO 'feacher of Fletcher Method Musical Kmdergarten Fupils passed for Consexvatory Ex- aminatinns. W. HEWISON VOL. XLIV. GREGORY GOODERHAM & CAMPBELL BARRISTERS.‘ SOLICITORS. ETC. MISS BEATRICE HOWELL TORONTO J. H. Prentice STUDIOâ€"HOTEL RICHMON D. Richmond Hill LICENSED AUGTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY or YORK Patronaue and influence respectfully solicited $1.50 per annum, in advance.] NOTARY PUBLIC CUNVEYANUING IBSUER OF. MARRIAGE LICENSES Branchesâ€"Thornhill and Willowdale A. J. HUME 415 Balliol St". Toronto. Phone Belmont 1347 Your ï¬rst duty after the crops have been harvested is to “clean up " advan- ces at the Bank. The man who does this rarely has difï¬- culty in obtaining ‘credit. You should giveastate- ment of affairs to the Bank IO that you may obtain the fullest credit \to' which ybur standing entitles you. The Royal Bank of canada Make Good Your Credit at the Bank When Your Crops are J. T. SAIGEOIN Maple Money to Loan. Harvested Richmond Hill. P. 0. address Got-mley. R. R. A large gtock of Funeral Furnishing Kept, at the above places 378 Bnnmsronn AVE, Wns'r Tonom'o Phone Junction 72. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS' EXPERIENCE All mail ordero will receive prompt attention. DENTIST Ofï¬ce Trench Block, twu doors nm th of Standard Bunk. HoursQan. [n p.m. 0an evenings by appointmc'nt. Call by' phone or otherwise promptly responded to The Town nf Aurnm The Township of King The Township of VVhitchm-l‘h The xm erial Bunk of Canada, Aurora J. M.\ Alton. & Cu. Aurora The Maple Sand. Gravel and Brick Company. Lt’d. have on hand for sale. Cement drain Lile. 3. 4. 5. 6 and 8 in. Culvert tile 12. 15. 18 and 20 inch (30 inches in length) Also Cement Brick. Suud or Gravel sold by the load or n car lnls. Cedar posts and telephone poles fox- sale. T. COUSINS. Monarch Bldg.. 26-28 A Omces {aide Sr" VVel. Turontn. Nunghlun Block, Aurora Solicnor for : REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE THORNHILL VANDORF LICENSED AUCTIONEER. FOR THE COUNTY OF YORK Nothing too gruntâ€"Nothing too small. TERMS REASONABLE. Orders left with Mr. Geo. Harding will recpive pronpr attention. Also agent for the Hinmnn Standard . Milker. Phone Auroral 8013. JOHN R. CAMPBELL Ofï¬ce hours â€"-10 tn l2 a.m. 6 to 8 p. m. Of‘flcennd residenceâ€"Yong» Slroet Richmond Hill. Phone No. 24 WRIGHT BROS. Undertaken and Embalmers RICHMOND HILL. THORNHILL AND UNIONVILLE \Vulter S. Jenkins Res. Phone Hill. 5048 Sand, Gravel, Tile and Brick LOCAL AGENT â€"RI(‘HMOND HILL, ONT. British Crown Assurance Corporation. Eagle. Star. and British Dominions Insurance Company British North Western Commissioner. Conveyancer. Etc PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING HOT WATER. HEATING ANDGENERAL REPAIRS F. ELVIN WELLWOOD 1. R. SANDERSON Barristers Solicitor Notaries Telephoae Main 2777 VETERINARY SURGEON, JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO TUNER A. C. HENDERSON DR L. R. BELL NAUGHTON & JENKINS J. EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY pusuc Fire RICHMOND HILL. ONT.. THURSDAY DEC. 29,1921 THORNHILL, ONT. Thornhill . Insurance Cumpn uy J. P. WILSON Tk’ll‘leHH: Pmsjand Manager, Maple. “In Essentials, Unity,- in Non-Essentials, Liberty; 'in all things, Charity.†J. Hurry Naughton Res. Elgin Mills Res. Phune 44.4 Automobile Adel- Mr. lllltl Mrs. Edward Barker (-elebrnted the 501i: anniversary of [heir wedding M their home on Centre Slrevt Tuesday afternoon and evening. Fifty responded to the invitation, principally relatives, but there were a few old friends who had been neigh- bors in Markham lwfnre the family came to Richmond Hill. A number of beautiful flowers “'t'le handed in. and although the invitations snid "No Prests," nmny gold pieces found their way to the bride and groom. Aftur Mn oxuellent supper Rev. A. McNeill ucted ’us toast master, and happy speeches congratulating Mr. and Mrs. Barker on their pleasant, surroundings were made by Revs. \V. R. Barker. N. Wellwnnd, E. H. Toye and Mr. G. Cowio. Mr. Barker replied in suitnhle terms thanking the friends on behalf of Mrs. Barker and himself. for their presence and kind words. A most pleasant evening was spent in music and social inter course. Mr. Trench referred to the heavy expenditure of money during tho- year, and pointed out that with the ex- ception of about 3800 it was un- controllable. He felt well satisfied with our water works system which will he cmnploted within the next few weeks. At this point Mr. Pugsley asked if it is the intention 0! the Ummcil to turn nn'the waterbofnre the Fund is thoroughly cleaned. The Reeve stuth that there had helm a misunderstanding hetween the Engi. nears and the Cannon relative to clear- ing away the debris. but with the excellent filtration plnnt he felt certain we Wunld have as pure wuteraa any in the County. Councillors Hill and Batty after- Wnrds nddreuaed the electors, saying that the members of the Councildid nut always view things flom the same standpoint. but. they hid alldone Iheir best, for the gmnd of the Village. They both agreed that the pond be putin good shape before the water is turned 0f the three ‘ school trustees elected Mr. Geo. Uuwiu was the only nne present. He regretted that so lltlle inteiest was taken in public affairs. naturally expecting that the Hull would have been crowded at such an important meeting as a nominnliion. He spoke of the lange attendance at. the High School. and pointed out that is wing or a new building would be necessary in the near future. Before separating, it vote of thanks. moved by Mr. Gee, seconded by Mr. McLean. was tendered the Council for the pvork of the_pust yaqr. _ _ Mr. J. Lunau was absent thlough illness, and Mr. J. Monklunn was also unable to attend the nomination, but. Mr. J. McLean and Mr. W. \Vollman spoke in favor of them, and referred to the good walk done by both of them as Councillnrs. Mr. A. J. Hume, Village Clank. t0uk nominatiuns in the Masonic Hall Monduy evening. from 7.30 [08.30, for the position nf Reeve. four Councillors and three Public School Trustees. Hm Int._tpr for tvgo yerujs. _ Trusieeaâ€"G. 'Uowie. J. H. Innes, G. Duncan. Also a vote of [hunks hyMr. Pugslev and Mr. anie wnl tendered the Clerk and Treasurer for his until-ng efforts and courteous ln-utment Ln all. The members who held the positions for the present your were the only gentlemen nmninued, and at the end of an hour Mr. Hume declared the following elected by acclsnmtiou for the year 1922: Reeveâ€"T. H. Trench. Councillorsâ€"J. Monkman, D. Hill. J. Lunnu. N. Batty. For the meeting that followed Mr. Hume acted as chairman. Everybody present enjoyed the entertainment, given by the Sunday School scholars in the Methudist Church Wednesday evening of last week. There were recilntiuns, and choruses by the Primary classes. but [he crnwning feature was the cantata, "The Hmne-MudeSdnta.†The fairies and imps made a pretty picuue. and a. neat. sum was xualized for Richvale Church. I realize my responsibility but I shall do my utmost in furthering at all times the interests of this municipality. Again thxnking the eleclma. Yours truly J. T. SAmEUN. Maple. December 2“, Will. For electing me by ncclamntinu to the honorable position of Reeve of Vaughan Township for the. year1922 I desire to tender my sincere thanks to the electnrs of said Township. Christmas Cantata Village Nomination Colden Wedding CARD 0F THANKS jCIgars, Cigarettes 1 Soft Drinks, Etc. The colors of the Corps have been chosen as white and red. It is impera- tive that the mothers of the Cadets have immediately completed the short- ening of the grant. coats to the regula- tion size. Mrs. VVoodhead will give all the necessary details of alteration, and the O. C. kindly requests the im- mediate completing of Lhil work? It is imperative {hut both hockey teams, when playing outside their home town, go regimentnlly, the following being the dress order: Sport cap, sweater. khaki shorts, stockings, great coat. the great coat to he in length six Inches above the hunt top. The Complinwnts nf the Season wu ofï¬citu expressed to the Command nf the District by Cadet Lieut. Bert Grant. and Cadet Lieut. Eric Blaney on Tuuduy lust. LL-Ool. Dunbam, M.C.. commanding York Rangers. Turunlu, was also called upon. and the cungmt- ulutions of the Corps extended to him upon his recent appointment as com- manding ofï¬cer of 'l‘urontu regiment Ym-k Rungels. The mid-winter. season will be de- voted to the development 0! hockey in the Corps. The complete outï¬t for the junior and midget tennis (now entered in the Metropolitan League) have been ordered ; Mr. Charlie Rue has been en- gaged as the Corps (.‘UflCh; Cadet. Jack Glass, Capmin uf the JuniurTeam, and Cadet. Allan Armstrong, Captain of the Midget, Team. The Cab Team up- pnlntmenls will fqllm! later. The following nppniutmenss urn made: To be Cadet Serum; Cadet, Corp]. Allan Armstrong, Cadet Jack Glass. Training will not, be mken up again until the Approach of thu Spring seasnn. but Church Pamdeu will follow. The 0.0. avails himself of this ap- pox-tunlty of de-eply thanking the pur- onts uf the Unduls for the many 91(- presnions of good wish" received for the Xmas. Season. May the New Year have in store prosperity for all. and. above all. progless in the further gl-nwth of the Corps. SATURDAY, JANUARY 14.â€"-deit. Sale of high class Registered Clyde hot-9|, cattle. grain. roots. implements, fur- niture, etc. on Lot 22. Concession 4, Scan-born, the propelty belonging to James Thumpsun. Sule at 12 o'clock. Lunch provided. 10 months credit. }. H. & K. G. Prentiss. Auctioneerl. THURSDAY, JANUARY 12. â€"Auotiun Sule of n lSU-acre farm, farm stuck, implements. furniture, hay, grain, roots. being Lots 13 and )4, Conces~ sinn 2. Markhnm, the property of Grant H. Pepler. Sale at 10.30 run. Lunch provided. 10 nmnlha credit. If the farm is not Suld it will he leuled by auction the same day. Applicant for rental must, be up- pruved of by piesent owner. J. H. & K. G. Prentice. Auctioneers. Geo. Allison, Jr. STOP 46% YOXGE ST hmn's Creamery Butter and I’eameal Bacon THE STERLENG BANK qunches at: Richmond Hill, Keswmk Qâ€"{Igennvillm Aurora York Ranger Cadets The judicious use of credit in farming opera- tions is a valuable aid to progress. The Sterling Bank is always prepared to discuss applications for credit based on a sound proposition to in- crease production. Sec our Manager. Discuss your plans for next season with him. Get his advice on any ï¬nancial or investment mat- ters you are considering. Let him show you how th e Sterling Bank has incorporated personal Service into Banking transactionsâ€"with better results to all. u E‘ARIM‘HNG EXTENSIONS Register Thomhill, Lansing and Newton Bmok. OF CANADA KAI! Barristers. Solictora. &c. H ANNING ARCADE. 4 KING 3 . WEST. TORONTO. CANADA TELEPHONE MAINE 311 Cable Address: "Dado" F.-a.nk Denton Tenc Ier of Piannl’laying at the Toronto Conservatory of Music and 8!. Max art-L's College. Richmond Hil -~Wednesdays and Satuniays. Pam'ï¬yla'fiiil. E. w. Rhodes. 1m. Tel. Aitlnixl 5974 lance.) Yonge St. Thornhill. y. C. Stunt. B.A Denton, Macdonald & Denton Barth-ten, Solicitors, Etc. Ofï¬cesâ€"Suite 511 McKinnon Bldg.. Cur. Jordon and Melinda. Sts.. Toronto. Telvphrme Main 3631. Dr. W. J. Wesley Mr. Campbell will '10 at, The Liberal Ofï¬ce. Richmond Hill. every Tuesday afternoon. BARms’m. SOMOKTOR, Noun: , ETC Torunto 0mm. Rich mond B uilding 33 Richmond Street, West. mdiï¬ond Hill Ofï¬ce (‘ Liberal Ofï¬ce). every Thursday forenoom Maple, Thursday afternnun. Woodbridze, Saturday forennnn. Money to Luau at Omrent RM 5. H. A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC Ofï¬ce hours 9 to 11 a. m. 6 to 8 p. m Fumily physician (25 years exper- Macnaughton & Campbell Commissioner, ()onveynncer, Etc Inaurunce and Real Estate A. CAMERON MAt'NAUGHTUN FREDERICK A. A. CAMPBELL Shaver Taylor & Rhodes RICHMOND HIL’L EARLE NE WTON [Single copies, 3 cts. WILLIAM COOK Bur n Soucllors ï¬nial. Eu. Arthur A. Macdonald PIANIS'I‘ Engith Tuurt BIL! g Booms $34315 013nm. (My Hall m 3!. Wen Evenings Manor R on d North Town: Toronto No.27