in initiator ‘ Ills ’l‘lii llllS’I t‘llllitll, Is Always Full of Life andi Energyâ€"Failures Are Weak and Bloodless. I Some men seem to have all the luck. If there are these men seem to get them. If they ’ [are business men they are successful; I If they are workmen they get the fore- man’s job. They have the power of in- fluencing peeple. The same is true of women. Somei have the charm that makes men seek them out; others are neglected. But this is not luck. It is due to a per-I sonal giftâ€"vitality. Men and women of this sort are never weak, puny ill-ll valids. They may not be big, but they ‘ are full of life and energy. The whole thing is a matter of good blood, good nerves and good health. Everyone would wish to be like this and the qualities that make for vitality and energy are purely a matter of health. By building up the blood and newes,lâ€l\iotlier says men haven‘t altered at any 800d things 30mg l trying to flll‘l with inc?" .asking her. ‘BABY’S ilWll TABLETS Mrs. Alfred Naud. Natagan River, Que. writcszâ€"“I do not think there is any other medicine to equal Baby’s lOwn Tablets for little ones. I have acsnaintancolâ€"I ,usod them for my baby and would Iuso nothing else.†What Mrs. Naud ‘snys thousands of other mothers say. They have found by trial that the , Tablets always do just what is claimed afor them. The Tablets are a mild but thorough laxative which regulate -the bowels and sweeten the stomach and thus banish indigestion. consti- ,pation. colic, colds, etc. They are sold be hatched in an}, “her way ,‘by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 “Yes, sir... said an experienced Del._ ,cents .a box from The Dr. Williams’ son of nine. “Put ’cm under a duck." ‘Me‘dlcmo Co" Brookvme' Ont‘ Embarrassing Moment. Podger (to new wonder if that fat old girl is really (Toolernï¬â€˜l can easily ï¬nd out by She is my wife." The Other Way. The teacher had been talking about a hen sitting on eggs and, with the in- cubator in mind, asked if eggs could Days. “To are the marchers, Marching endlessly, Marching tunelessly, Marching raggcdly,â€" Quite True. “Dolly,†said her father, “your young man stays until a. verytlate hour. Has not your mother said something to you about his habit?" “Yes. father," replied Dolly, sweetly. Column by column, sleeplessness, want of energy, weak~ ness of the back, headaches and the inefl‘ectual sort of presence which real~ Iy comes from weakness can be got rid of. Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills have And column and column, made many weak, tired men, vigorous, and many pale, dejected girls and wo- men. rosy and attractive, by improv- ing their blood and toning up their nerves. It you are weak, low-spirited or unhealthy, try Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills and note their beneï¬cial effect. You can get these pills through any medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams’ Medicine 00., Brockvllle, Ont. ‘. '0“ . _.___ Women and Tree Planting. The Women of the Prairie Provinces have energetically“ takenup the sub- I instead of romping'about like child- ject of tree planting. which is one of the reasons for the steady develop- ment of this work. Aside train the cash returns which shelter~be1ts give on prairie farms they add much to the appearance and comfort of the home and this side appeals especially to the home-makers. }_ - The ï¬rst: envelope ever made is kept in the British Museum. Minard's Llnlment for Garget In Cows. liEAllii E r BY DR. J. .l.» [ Crescent. Toronto. a f prices in Canada. YORK BELTING C0.. , mm “5 YORK, STREET. TORQNTQ If ever direct evidence was neededlconfrohting all Public Health workers to prove that the general health and physical development of the people, are below par, the late war sup-plied} that evidence. In England, Canada and: the United States it was estimated? that of the hundreds of thousands of ,v young men who were volunteered or: were drafted for active service, one- third were unï¬t to bear arms against. the enemy, and had either to be reject- ed or else utilized for less urgent -Work at the base. This article is not by any means an argument favoring military training, or compulsory service such as was thel :ase in Germany before the war. It is solely to point out the dramatic fact; revealed by medical examination of; recruits. that a large percentage of mung men who should be physically 1nd mentally ï¬t, are far from it, the regrettable part of this unï¬t-mess be- ing that it is largely due to defectsf that could have been avoided or putK right. during chldhood and early youth: Prompted by these alarming statis-‘ tics and impressed with the great: necessity of hiring, some organized scheme for helping the present gen-: ,eration of children to grow up health~ ier and more free from defects than that of the grown-ups of today, the Provincial. Board of Health have rc-l‘ cently commenced making searchingI examinations into the physical and; mental condition of children of pre-j } school and school age throughout On-ï¬ tario, and the results so far obtained .pre distressing. In many of the schools in rural districts where no medical ex- amination of children had previouslyl been made, defects were found in a: «Iarge proportion of the children who? were believed by their parents and: teachers to be well and physically ï¬t.‘ The urgency of having these children receive proper medical and nursing at- tention is emphasized by the fact that most of the defects could be rectiï¬ed: If attended to early, before they have , had a chance to become chronic and interfere with the child’s health and normal growth. This is a serious state , of afl’airs, and some means must be. devised to deal with it comprehensive- ; 13'. The only solution seemingly would be to bring the entire childhood of the nation under medical supervision. How , to bring this about is the problem l Provincial Board of Health, Ontario "Dr. Middleton will be’glad to_ answer questions on Public Health mat- ‘ ters through this column. Address him at Spadina House. Spadina ‘ 1) Mt. .__. (‘lad in gray. . . . . Exc't'w' We shall never double-step,- Betsy‘s grandmother had been read- Never run_ ‘ ing to 1191‘ the Bible Story Of the cma‘ But quietly, quietly, tion. When asked by her mother how Forever, forever. ‘ _ . she liked the Bible so far. She 93' â€"William New-man. claimed: â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-4'~â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- ' MONEY ORDERS. Send a Dominion Express Money Order. They are payable everywhere. _ :owâ€"~ Brazil Rich in Minerals. The mineral wealth of Brazil is known to be very great, and there are ‘large tracts of the country which have yet to be explored. .__..__~.:.__._... Minard-‘s Llniment for Distemper. Clever Willie. The teacher’s patience was almost exhausted. “V\’illie,’ she said, angrily, to a small had Iboy at the foot of the class, “have I ,not told you before that you cannot (take mules from oranges, or (logs from apples, or monkey-nuts from cork- screws, orLJ’ ' “But, teacher," ventured the culprit, “this morning I took a light from our ï¬re and a bone from our dog.†I Q»â€"~__ The Severn tunnel, the longest in England. is to have a new system of ventilation, one feature of which is a fan 27 ft. in diameter and 9 ft. in twidth, which will revolve one hundred times a minute. "0 mother, I love it. It is so exciting. You never know what God is going to do next.†Playful Firemen. “These ï¬remen must be a frivolous set," said Mrs. Dumpling. ‘ "Why?" asked her husband. _ "I read in the paper that after the ï¬re "was under control the ï¬remen played all night on the ruins. Why didn’t they go to bed like sensible men, ren ?" â€"â€"~ Retort Courteous. Counsel for the prosecution been bullying the Witness for an hour, when he asked, ï¬nally: / ‘Is it true that there are traces of insanity in your family?†“Very likely," answered the witness. My grandfather, who was studying for the ministry gave it up to become a barrister.†hllflhl‘ldll MIDDLETON Ciassttiec‘s Advertisements. BELTING FOR SALE ALL KINDS OF KEW AND USED ‘ belting, pulleys, saws. cable.hose,packing, . etc, shipped subject to approval at lowest l . . . HELP WANTED. ~ at the present time. The question is a 1L5 v A, MED To 130 PLMV . . ‘ AD I‘ ‘ V.- ZI' â€" l ,‘ tremendously big one, and has many and light sewing at home. whole ori aSPects. In the first place the care 0fI spare time; good pay; work sent any ‘ ' . .dlst ; 1 'id. S‘-nd stamp for the child must begin actually befoie,“31.323â€;mrgï¬iggml fianumcmmm, birth. On ï¬rst thought this seems an Co., Montreal. impossibility, but with the establishâ€" ment of a network of ante-natal clinics ‘ Mother! lit/love all over the country, the foundations Chiid’s Bowels of such a scheme would be laid. These - -" ‘ clinics must be so widelyestablished’ cahfomla Flg Syrup that they will touch every class of people in the community, but ï¬rst of all there will have to be a campaign; 2: 3313:1220;giggiitsggasiztf:1:ng the bowels. teaspoonful to-day may 1' of these ante-natal clinics in child preve.nt a Sigh. 0mm to'lpon‘ow' Ifl welfare work. ,constipated, bilious, feverish, .fretful, . The general health of the prospec‘ has cold, colic, or if stomach is sour,» . , tongue coated, breath bad. remember :ï¬el‘Tnog’he? gfldfrfdom frog“ dihease'ta good cleansing of the little bowels ‘ S 0 0° 5 le eats t C amount is often all that is necessary of exercise she takes, the little illness; Ask Your druggist for genuine “Cali. .3: lgdés'posgtwns WhICIhI Sh'e may fornia Fig Syrup" which has directions ‘ 3e? oft 959 mu“ ‘1‘} {’9 thcr‘ for babies and Children of all ages. Ollghly mvesngated' Somet‘m.“ a printed on bottle. Mother! You must slight headache or swelling of the feet,j say nomfomhu 0,. van mav get {,1 seemingly insigniï¬cant, may be the“ ‘ ( ‘ . ‘ direct forerunner of serious trouble: that may prove fatal either to the‘ mother or infant at the time of child-, birth. There is a tendency for the,“ average young woman who has nevel‘i been told of the possible seriousness of seemingly trifling ailments during“ Hurry mother! Even a sick childl loves the “fruity†taste of “California 4 I imitation iig syrup. TWTHHM WWEQAUAITâ€" ECHECKERS-Jiy Heck ' ‘ I Fig Syrup†and it never fails to open ,_ this critical period of her life to dis- regard these danger warnings and not consult a doctor at all. ~ It is to oveivome this lack of knowl? edge among prospective mothers that the ante-natal clinics are being estab- lished. There is every hope that the public will soon begin to realize how great a beneï¬t to themselves and to: their offspring it: will be to have spew cially trained doctors and ‘nurses at these clinics Where prospective moth; ers may go for advice, knowing that: each individual case will be gone into thoroughly, and appropriate treatment 1 recommended. Ante-natal clinics have already been 3 established in Toronto, Hamilton and! London. By degrees they will bei opened at every centre or" population) throughout the pl‘O‘CE." «Lid from} them good resulzs will unzioubtedlyI follow. when the public begin to regi- ize how much they can do tr: improve the health and happiness of the moth- ers and children of this generation! and of the generations to come. Cnticura Shampoos Mean Healthy Hair Especially if preceded by touches of Cuticura Ointment to spots of dandruff, itching and irritation. This treatment does much to keep the scalp clean and healthy and to promote hair growth. ScspZSc. OinhneanSnncl 59c. TIICIuIZSc. Sold throughout theDominion. CanadianDepot: Lmam. Limited, 344 St. Paul St. W.. Manuel]. Cuticura Soap shavc1 without mus. _ ___~ ISSUE No. 53â€"‘21. The solution of problem No. 8, pub- lished last. week, is as follows: W. B. H W. B. 139â€"27 10â€"15 I 4 6-9 15-18 2 11-8 3-12 I 5 27-24 - 3 2-6 12-16 I White wins. No. 9â€"thite to move and win. Solution of this position will appear next week. _._â€"o_~._ Feigns Death. . The death-feigning instinct is large- ly developed in some birds. The corn- I crake, for instance, has often been put in a Sportsman’s pocket, apparentlyy quite dead, and. came has got out and escaped. M You’re Constipated! Take “Cascarets†For Liver, Bowels Sick headache, biliousness, coated tongue, or sour, gassy stomachâ€"a1- way-s trace tilts to torpid liver and de- layed, fermenting food in the bowels. Cascarets work while you sleep. They immediately cleanse the stomach, re- move the sour, undigested food and foul gases, take the excess bile from the liver and carry out all the consti- pated waste matter and poisons in the bowels. "Cascarets" straighten you out by morning. " For Sore Throat, Cold in the Chest, Etc. instillation“ dilltllii noun HE racking, agonizing rheumatic ache is quickly relieved by an ap« , . plication of Sloan's Liniment. .é‘ For forty, years, folks all over the world have found Sloan’s to be the natural enemy of pains and aches. I t penetrates without rubbing. _You can just: tell by its healthy, stimulating odor that it is going to do you good. .ngp Sloan’s handy for neuralgia, scaatica, lame back, stiff joints, sore muscles, strains and sprains. At all druggistsâ€"35c, 70c, $1.40. Made in Canada. Get a 10-cent box now and let ~ when his chancel I M RESULT SURPRISE T0 HER MONTREAL GIRL SAYS TANLAC IS SIMPLY WONDERFUL. , Hasn’t a Trace of F ormel Trouble Left and Feels Like a New Person. "It was certainly a happy surprise to me when I saw Tanlac Was restor- ing my health," said Miss Yvonne Roy, 3 Hotel de V‘illex St, Montreal. “For a year and a half before I got Taniac my health was simply awful. I slept so ï¬tfully I gained no real rest and I woke up mornings feeling all tired out. My nervous system just collapsed and I would Jump at any lit- tle noise. I frequently turned so dizzy and sick I could hardly stand the smell of food cooking. My condition seemed to get worse constantly and I worried all the time. “Well, the ï¬rst thing Taniac did for me was to give'me a splendid ap« petite. Then all my troubles gradual- ly disappeared, my nerves got better and I could enjoy a good night’s sleep. My Whole system is now in excellent condition and I’m enjoying the best of health. Tanlac is certainly a won- derful medicine.†Tanlac Is sold by leading druggists everywhere. Adv. a“ ma'u'ufla'hlflm-‘hfll-In!“nun-“In-“p‘pvlunnh THIN, FLAT HAIR GROWS LONG, THICK ~AND ABUNDANT fmu‘,lul\‘i|'i\.l\‘iiullIVIII!â€â€˜v‘lflil'\llll“â€â€˜l"""tlln"."' “Danderine†costs only 35 cents a bottle. One application ends all dandruff, stops itching and falling hair, and, in a few moments, you have doubled the beauty of your hair. It will appear a mass, so soft, lustrous, and easy to do up. But what will please you most will be after a few Weeks use, when you see new hairâ€"ï¬ne and downy at firstâ€"ï¬ves“ but really new hair growing all over the scalp. “Dander- ine†is to the hair what fresh showers of rain and sunshine are to vegetation. It goes right to the roots, invivgorates and strengthens them. This delightful, stimulating tonic helps thin. lifelessJ faded hair to grow Iong,‘ thick, heavy and luxuriant. tuna uwwm-unmuu-mâ€"h, GOARSE SALT» L A N 0 "SA LT Bulk Carlots TORONTO SALT WORKS c. J. CLIFF . TORONTO .l_=â€"_. America’s Pioneer Dog named!†Book on DOG DISEASES and How to Feed Mailed Free to any Ad- dress by the Author. 3. Clay Glover 00., no. 118 “ est alst Street New York, U.S.A. Never say “Aspirin†without saying “Bayer.†WARNING! Unless you see name “Bayer†on tablets, you are not getting Aspirin at all. Why take chances? Accept only an “unbroken package†of “Bayer Tablets of Aspirin,†which contains directions and dose worked out by physicians during 21 years and proved safe by millions for Colds Headache Rheumatism Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis Eamche Lumbago Pain, Pain aceritutidcs nianulattur. . will be stamped ‘ T" tnl.l.e‘:~l’iottlcs of 24 and lt'IOâ€"All Druggists. r'wI in L‘anallal of Fayr-r Manufacture of Mono- W“ l~ it is r it known that Asr-irin imam; Bay-9 v aghast imitu. i‘al Lradc mar , ris. tl'ic Tablets of Bayer Company the “Buyer Cross." WAS A BIG l .AA‘A...