Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 9 Feb 1922, p. 1

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HOUSE PAINTER, ! Glazier. Grainer and Paper?l Hanger. I Tumuto Offices â€" Continental Life Bldg. Cur. Buy and Richmond St. Toronto. Brunch Oflicnâ€"Richmond Hill every Tuesday afternoon at Liberal Office. W. HEWISON Residence address Victoria. Square Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York. Sales attended to on shortest notice. and at reasonable rates. Patronage solicited Special attention given to sales at every description. Farms and farm stock sales :1 specialtv. Farms bought and sold on commission. All sales at tended to on shortest, nmiee, and con- «lucted by the moshnpproved methods. Pelinmage solicited. ' LICENSED AUCTIONEER Ion COUNTY OF YORK AND ONTARIO Pupils passed for Conservatory Ex- nminntinns. MISS BEATRICE HOWELL TORONTO feacher of Fletcher Method. Musical Kmdergarben GREGORY GOODERHAM & CAMPBELL BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC. Richmond Hill STUDIO â€"-HOTEL RICHMOND. J. II. Prentice VOL. XLIV. LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY or Yonx Patronace and influence ' respectfully solicited MARRIAG E LICENSES $1 Branchesâ€"Thornhill and Willowdale 415 Balliol St” Tux-unto. Phone Belmont, 1347 NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANL‘ING J . T. SAIGE Maple You should given state- mont of ull'uirs to the Bank so that you may obtain the fullest credit to which your standing entilles you. The Royal ank at Canada . J. HUME Ypur, first duty after the crops have been harvested Iis to “ clean up ” advan- ces at the Bank.‘ The man who does this rarely has diffiâ€" culty in obtaining credit. Make Good Your Credit at the Bank When Your Crops are Harvested Money to Loan. ISSUER. om Richmond Hill. r annum, in advance P. O. a’ddress Gormley, RB. 1 01V Q PRINTING iWe Know How sale Call by phone or otherwise promptly responded to . 378 BERESFORD AVE., WEST TORONTO Phone Junction 72. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS' EXPERIENCE All mail order!» will receive prompt attention. Sand, Gravel, Tile and Brick JOHN R. CAMPBELL REAL ESTATE AND' INSURANCE THORNHILL Alarge stock of Funeral Furnishing Kept at the above places TERMS REASONABLE. Orders left wiLh Mr. GPO. Harding will reveive prompt attention. Also agent. for the Hinmun Standard Milker. Plume Aux-om 8013 WRIGHT BROS. Undertakers and Embalmers RICHMOND HILL. THORNHILL AND UNIONVILLE The Thv The The Offices Office hth p.11). Office Tre Commissioner. PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING HOT WATER HEATING AXDGENERAL REPAIRS "ANDORF 'LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY OF‘ Y0} 'uthing tmfgreatâ€"Nnthilm 100 s Ufiivw and 1":¢i(!<~11r-~‘vY lichmond Hill. I’hnue VETERINARY SURGEON, Thoruhill. Ofli {Monarch Bldg. 26-28 Adel- fices [aide Sru \Vest. Tm-ontn. Nunghtun Blvck, Aumm Snlicum‘ for : 19 ann of Aurora w 'l‘nwnship of King w Township of \Vhitchnn‘h :0 Imperial Bunk nf Canada, Amoru. MAVHImn, 8: Cu. Aurora JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO TUNER . R. SANDERSQN: Barristers Soiicitor Now Tefephone MainIZ777 Hours S) 0pm) even NAUGHTON & JENKINS DR L. R. BELL . C.’ HENDERSON . EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC THORNHILL, ONT RICHMOND HILL. ONT.. THURSDAY FEB T. COUSINS. h R! . B VVILS’JN hum. [n 5.30 tings by nppnlntmmt rah-phone 3'2. DESI U( Conveyance]: Etc Pros. and Manager. M :1 p19. 10 in k, twu doors north of] 1d B-mk. Ros RPS. Y 0? YORK ‘nthing too smaH In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials ""‘Y Nflllzhlon Elgin Milk Phone 4-1.4 nngu SHOE IV“. 2! Notaries .ll’] (HOS A cnmmiLLeu was appI-intefi tn Con~ sider detuils and report, to the con- grvgalinn on the 20th. It is expected 111:1: those who were nssocinted with the late Rev. A. S. Lawrence. those who know him best and appreciated his many firm qnalities. will gladly aid in a schmne which he himself hud at heart. ‘ At. .1 met-ting of the vostry of Tlin- ity church held on the 6th inst, it was decided to build a pauish hall. the lack of which has been much felt for snme time. It was also dwidéd that this hall slmuld he called the Lawrence Memorial Hall. in recognition t-f the Services of the late esteemed rector. Iverv farmer in this section of country should lake an interest. and attend the Seed Fair to he held in the Masonic Hnll Suturdny at this week under the auspices of the Richmond Hill Agricultural Society. Cash prizes of $3 and $22 will be given us first and second prizeq in Fall wheat, Rye, Burlvy, Sprng wheat. Oats, Peas, Beans. Buckwheat, Ulovar Timothy and Alsike seed, Alfalfa, Potatues etc. A representative from the Ontario De- partment of Agriculture will be present and give an address on subjects inter; L-sting tn furmt-rs. The public will be :idlnilted tn the Hall at 2 p. m. The U. (l. commands his Cndet Officers, the Cadet N. U. 0.5 zmd the (Jude-ts to luyally rally to the support. of the High School Oarnivnl. schedul- ed fm'th017th inst. Principal Elliott and his Staff have given the Corps mnet loyal assistance in the past. and Miss Stnnlvy has requested the assis- tance of the Cadets in the matter of decorating the rink. To this end orders published must he nhyed hy the Cadets of the Command. AI-rangmnents are nisn being made for the attending officially of the Buy Mayor of Toronto, tn address the Cm ps, n5 ulsn of Cadet Cunt. Gernsky. nf the Toronto York Ranger Cadet Corps. and member also uf the Town- In Juvenile Burud nf Control. The 0. U. is requesting thPir much dPliverlnq an address on Citizenship. Both are reputed us being maturs, mud in their honour the Reeve. the UnunuiHm-s and the pnn-nts uf the Cadets will he the Curps distinguished guests on this occasion, nlsn the Board of Education. Preparatory fur the spl inpr training, a special Church pm-udv will he held on lhu lst Sundny in March. Cndets of the anun Cathvlic faith will parade under the 0. C. In the mumng cele- bration (If the mass, while (Jude-ls of the Prnt‘astnnt faith will :pm-ade fur DirinP Service under the 0. C. to the Church of England at the evening service. in honnur to Rev. Mr. Buttfl's- lny, the newly inducted Rector of St. Mqry's. The 0. 0. rounds with 'pride the \‘ictury of the Svnior Cadets ave-1;-tlle Thmuhill Junims, in lhe fourth ML-tmpnlitan Lvngne Game played on Tuesday evening. the 7th. Four victmiws on: of five games played are u recnrd tn he prnud of. 01'th File liligudc, Trnslvc in the Methodist Church, Vice-President WI'SL York Gunsi‘rvnlivu Assm‘intinn, Secretary Sons of Scullund, District Agent Confmlei-irtiuu Life for 47 yt-urs, and Postmaster fur seven years. 19- liring from the lust position in fm or (if his son, Armand. Deceased was burninvatlnnd. und cuine tn this Country, with his pun-nls when quite young. Forsevmal years he was ‘14 machinist in the Patterson Agricul- tural \Vorks, after which he kept stme in thls \illuge. The funeral Mondav was lurgrly attended, many uld friends com‘ng l'rmnulung distance. showing their respect, and esteem. The serricent the home was taken by his two nastursâ€" Rev,A.McNeill and Rev. N. \Vell- wood. both referring [n his genial disposition, his kindly heart. rind his gondrecurdns u citizen nnd friend. Flnrnl tributes wme sent, in from the Confederation Life,The Orange Lodge. Sons of Scntlsmd. Curling Club. the Methodist church, Mr. nnd Mrs. Dun- ‘ lop. and Mr. and Mrs. \V. E. Samge of Mimicn. Those left to mourn his law, are his widow, three sons, Albert William and Armand, nnd lhl‘ee. bro- thers, John, Andrew and James. \\'e have to record this week the death nf our ests'enwrl fellaw towns- man. Mr. Peter G. S'u‘ago. Although he 111d been in failu; health ful' 9.9V??- al years. many frivndi and neiuhhm-s were surprised when they learned last Friday afternoon that he had passed away. Thn lalv Mr. Savage had been mm of 1119 hmy practical men uf Richmond Hill fur many years. He had been Reeve, Uhailmnn Bnal‘d of Health‘and Puhlic Library. Trensuwr of the File brigudv, Truslvu in the Methmiix‘t Chum-,1), Vice-Picsident stt York Consi'rvnlivu Association. Death of P York Ranger Cadets THORNHILL Seed Fair Savage , Liberty ; in all things, Charity.” Mrs. P. G. Savage and family desire to thank the many friends and neighbors for offprs of assistance and kind wmds of sympathy during the Illness and after the death uf the den- husbzmd and father. AIM: to thn‘e who sent flnwers t) be placed on the casket. During the month of December The Toronto Globe gave a special rate to its agents, for new subscribers In L110 Daily Globe. The film nlsn nlfered 1hr9e Elgin Gold Watches to the- three members of the Club who secured the largest number of new subscriptions tn the 3lst. of December. The publisher nf The Liberal was agreeably surprised a few days ago to receive through the mail (me of the watches uwurded. Many thanks, Mr. Globe. Perfellzw would be joined with \Vilfrid circuit. and compensation secured from the Bay of Quinte con- ference. ' At a special meeting held in the Cmmcil Chamber, Tuesday evening of last week. the Richmond Hill Band organized as 11)» G. \V. V. A. Band. The fullmving nfiicers wele elected : Bundmasterâ€"R. A. Jacobs. Presidantâ€"A. R. Melcnlfe. 15L Vice-Presidentâ€"A. Anderadn. SPC.-Trens.-â€"J. Monkmun. The Band has now 16 members. and is open for engagements, orchestra. or hand. under the G. W. V. A. The Band will play at ths dum- hf Masonic Hall on Sntxuduy m-eniugpf this week before the enu-I-tuinmn-nt. Kai-wick. RHVPDShl'P‘, Belfl'el (Metho- dist), nnd )Inunt PlPasunt (Presby- terian). a Methodist circuit. \Sutton. Egypt nmi Virginia, which are at. present under both it Presby- terian and a Methodist minister. to become an? Preshyleliun chmge. Queensville. which has nt present both a. Presbyterian nndn Methodist church._u>nel\lel'hodist Cllul‘ge: 7 7 Castlehurg. Shiluh. King. Churchill, Palgiave (Methodist), one Methodist circuit. Kleinlmrg and Nuhleton (Metho- dist). St. Paul's nud Bela. (Presby- (inn), onu Methodist, circuit. Bnltun, which has nowâ€"both n Methodist and a PIeshyterinn chum-h. to he planvd in one chalge undvrnne Methodist minister. ' Nashville and Knnx (Presbyterian) and Centre (Methodist), one Presby- leyhug (gliulge. Closer relulinns between ministers and [)Pnple (If the I’rvshyteriun and Methodist churches in the ruruldis- tricts sown-ad by the- piesliytery of Toronto may result from an adjust- ment plan diawn up hyujnintcnm- mittee nn cu-oporntion. This plan would ih several _(:nses unite under one minister adjnining churches of the same ()1‘ different (lenuminntions. Following are the proposed )6- arrangements: \Vobdln‘idge Methodist and Pres- byterian chmches to unite und be- come nne P1-¢-sl3ytej-_i_u_n ghurge. Emery und- ThistlemSn (hath Melhndist). under one Methodist. pqstor. May Unite Presbyltrinn and Methodist Churches Bands Amglgamate CARD 0!“ THANKS The Liberal a Winner ’E‘m wamm Branches at: Richmond Hill, Thornhill, Lansing ters you Ste ' Banking The judicious use of credit in farming opera- tions is a valuable aid to progress. The Sterling Bank is always prepared to discuss applications for credit based on a sound proposition to in- crease production. E4‘ARIMIENG EXTENSEON‘S 9‘. [922 Man: et hi Bank has incgrpo transactionsâ€"â€"\vith ger. Discuss your plans for next season with‘ ,advice on any financial or investment mat- coflsidering. Let him show you how the k has incorporated personal Service into snctionsâ€"with better results to all. a; OF‘CANADA BARRISTER. SOUGITOR, NOTARY Era Toronto Ofiice, Richmond Building Richmond Street, \Vest. Richmond Hill Office (‘ Liberal Office), every Thursday foranoon. Maple, Th ursduy afternoon. \Vnodlu‘idge. Saturday furvnnnn. Money to Loan 41L (Tulian {1.11.3 Barrlrters, Solicitors, Etc. Officesâ€"Suite 5H McKinnon Bldg, Cor. Jordon and Melinda 815.. Toronto. Tolephnne Main 3631. A. CAMERON MACNAUGHTUN FREDERICK A. A. CAMPBELL Mr. Cmnphell will he at The Liberal Office. Richmond Hill, l’\‘(‘ly Tuesday afternolm. Barristers, Solicrors, 8:0. MANNING ARCADE. 4 KING ST. \VEST. TORONTO. CANADA TELEPHONE MAle 311 Cable Address: “Dado” Tel. A’lelaid 5974 F.-auk Denton Denton, Macdonald 6: Danton 5‘30. er mfifirggfiég TEILC mer (-f Piano-Playing at the Tux-(mtg Conservatory of Music and St. Mmgax-Pb’s College Richmond Hilfâ€"â€" \Vednesdays 2&1 Saturdays. and Newtnn Keswick Queensville. Aux-om iegce.) Yonge St. Thornhill. Dr. W. J . Wesley H. A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC Commisslnner, OonveyancernEtt Insurance and Real Estate Macnaughton & Campbell Office hours 9 to Fumily physician (25 years exper- J. EARLE NE WTON Shaver Taylor & Rhodes RICHMOND HILL WILLIAM COOK [Single copies, 3 cts. Bax rlseers. Sollcltors Nomries. Etc. Art‘hur A. Macdonald PIANIST BIOOK. 11mm. 6t08h. m. Hamilton Trust Bldg Booms 303â€"3 0150mm; City a. l 7 Queen St. West Toroum Evenings Manor Ron (1 Norm 'l‘oront No.33

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