NOTICE is hereby given that Thomas ‘W‘eonnrd Armstrong. of the City ufTo. ronto. in the County of York, in the Province of Ontario. broker, will npply to the Parliament. of Cunadu. alt the muxt session thereof, for n 'Hifl of {Divorce from his Wife, Mary Victm in Armstrong. of the same place, on the grounds of persistent refusal to procreate III‘ to consummate the tumrriage. Dated this 1:th day of December. A. ‘..D. 192l. Notice of Application for Divorce NOTICE is hereby given‘llms Jnhn Dough“ Stewart nt‘ th A City n-f Toronto in tlie County of Yoxk, in the Province of Ont-win. Electrician, will apply to the Parliament uf Canada. at the next. session thereof. fur a Bill of Divorce from his wife Elsie May Stewart. of the said City of Tornntn. on the ground of Adultery and Desertion. H. S. MULLO\VNEY. "NOTICE is hereby givm llmt George "brewery. of the City of Turman in 4the County of York, in the Province of Ontario. Manager, will apply to the Parliament of Canada, at llH' next session thereof fm' :1 bill nf Divorce {cum his wife Christina Drewory 0f the City of Hamilton in the County nf WVeritwol‘th, in said Province. Married \Vnmnn. on the ground ofudultel'y and (lewrtion. Notice oprplication for Divofce Dated at. Toronto. Pl'nvincv of On- tario. this 14th (buy (If Now-tuber Will. A. R. I-IASSARD. 17 Queen \ Street, E 19*. Tm'anm. ‘ Ontario, CMde. Solicitor fur lhsnpplimnt. 21-43 Cigars, Cigarettes Soft Drinks, Etc. Notice of Application for Divorce SERVICE. Give us an Ezuly Ch“ Geo. Allison, Jr. l'Barn Equipment. Furnaces uml Funn- nce Repnixs. all kinds of )It't’ll Build- ing Supplies. Pumps and Repairs, Pipes and Fittinge, and lngny ulhm' ï¬nes. \Ve will have a. man in the shop every day now. and will give you TEETZEL BROS. \Vt‘ lnlve Lulu-n m‘u-r lee lmplrnwnt Business nf [ha late Mr. Unnvr. \Vv ~shnll run this in unnjnnctinn will] (my ‘Tinsniith Business in the same prmn- iSOs‘ uccupiek lï¬v lln- late Mr. (inrtvr. We have on hand a cuniplwto stuck -of Repnii-s fur Mnssuy-llurri“ and Cuck- .elm§L Iniplmnonb‘, :Iml :ne General Agents for :1 numlml of Specialty ALI- cllines, Enginvs. run. of lnlvn-st- and Beneï¬t, to Farmers. We also have nine .Stundurd Cream Separator. in A 1 conâ€" nfliu'm), which we will sell ('lieup fur Quick Sale. Now that, Spling walk is drawing near, (ii-op in and kt us quote you prices. If we havvn't what you want wqcan get it. ‘ Run ovev this list and lot us have your orders for your Spring wm-k : Eave Tmngliing, Lightning Roth. Metal Siding and Rooï¬ng, Lumlen‘s >Bm'n Equipment, Furnaces und Fum- .vatmnslcl’a (ioneml's Printed nuliczi cunt inforumtion us tn com posed ()untruct. nny he fmnls‘of Tender may the Post Offires of (i lhe office (If the PusL 01 Tmonto. l’nsl Office Inspt-ctm’s vaiAEL,CDNTRACT Public Notice ’oronto. Gunn’s Creamery Butter and Peamenl Bacon 304-1 STOP 465; YONGE ST Succc ssors to J. Carter GE L N. G. GUTHRIE, _}_itich Building, Ottaw Counsel for 2453 TINSMITHS NERAL AGENTS )ffires (if-(inrmlvy f the Post, Office In: Inspectox’s Offiu 29-43 Solicitor Kw Appliéunt HIV'I‘IIEHLAND. ’mt Olfic»: Impeulox and me General I (If Schinlty Mn- of [Ilium-st, and We also have one the Plaintiff Yonge Street, Toront :uva, I'm-the " pm Man tux nt ul THURSDAY, MARCH 2â€" Farm stock. implements. tractor ctc.. lot 14, con. 3. Scat-born, the property of A. G. Prentice. Sale at 1 o’clock. Terms 8 _ months. Prentice & Prentice. Ant-ts. TUESDAY, MARCH 7â€"Furm stock. implements. furniture etc.. lot 43, con. 1. Markham. Yonge St, the property of Geo. Vaunderhnmh. Sale at 10.30 o’clock. Terms 9 months. Prentice & Prentice, AllCtS. WEDNESDAY. MARCH Sâ€"Furm stock. implements etc. lot 27. con. 4 Mank- lhe property of Chester Stouten- bulgh. Sale at 12 o'clock. Tennis 8 monts. Prentice & Prentice. Aucts. THURSDAY, MARCH 9â€"100 acre farm. farm stock, implements etc.. lot 13, can. 2. Vaughan, the property of Geo. Schell. Saleut 1 o’clock. Terms. 8 months. Terms for farm made known on day of sale. J. H. & K. G. Prentice, Aucts. * TUESDAY. MARCH l4â€"Fnrm stock, imâ€" lements etc., lot 2}, con. 5. ‘cnrhoro. the property of Andrew Penny. Sale at 1 o’clock. Terms 8 months. Prentice & Prentice, Aucts, WEDNESDAY. MARCH lï¬â€"an stock. implements etc.. lot 2|. con. 6, Mark- hum. the. propetty of Mr. Buall. Sale at 1 o'clock. Terms 8 months. Prentice & Prentice. Aucts. THURSDAY, MARCH 16â€"1193. Holstein rattle. Clydesdale how-519s. implements etc, lot 5. cnn. :2. Vaughan. the property of Ed. \Viltshire. Sale at 1 o'clock. Terms 8 months. Prentice & Prentice. Aucts. FRIDAY, MARCH 17â€"Furmstock. im- plements etc., lot 8, 8th line, Mark- lmm, the property of H. Duncan. Sale at lu’nlock. Terms 8 months. Prentice 8: Prentice. Aucts. SATURDAY. MARCH lSâ€"High class \Clydesdule horses. Holstein cattle. implements (ta, lot 19, 8th line Mmklmm, the property of John I. BildSUIL Sale at on'clnck. Lunch provided, Prentice & Plentice. Aucts. \VEDNESDAY. MARK‘H 22â€"Higli class horsrss and cattle. implements etc.. lot 23, con. 4. Scurhoro. the property of Louis Fitzgerald. 82.10 at 1 o‘clock. Term: 8 months. Plentice & Prentice, Aurts. v \VEDNESDAY, MARCH 29â€"min clnss Clydesdale horses, cattle. implements etc, lot 15', con. (5, Markham. t‘nv pert‘l'ty offuhu Taylor. Sale :it ll 6ch ’l‘eimsSmonths. Prentice SATURDAY. Fran. l‘Lâ€"Vulunhlp full†prl-pm I y i.i the lt‘u‘nship nf Mm k- ll§|lll,[)r1l'[/Sl)l lats lb’ and JD. ieur 3rd L'nnc“Ssiulhhlmllt70:1(369, known as the 10-1137 Farm. The farm will he s 'lll at Hotel Ricltltmntl. liichnmml Hill. subject to a reserve Lid Saigeozi untl \ankingtnn. Aucts. TUESDAY, FEB, flâ€"Valnulnlt: farm of 92 acres. Int 16. con. 3, Vaughan, the prnperay of Charles Line. This is one uf the heat. fut'ltlsll) the town- ship. The land is in firstâ€"class slate nf Lnlti\aliun. convenient to school, chmch and stort-s. Sale at 2 u‘clock. J. T. Saigeon. Aunt. THURSDAY, FEB. 23â€"Milch cows. cord \VUUd. Fowl and etc, Int 2, cnn.3, Markham. the property of Harry l Mathews. Sale atln'clnck. Terms 4 months fur cattle, wood cash. Frontier: & Prentica. Aucts. MONDAY, FEB. 27â€"Brick cottage and 1 acre of land Newton Brock. the pro- perty of the Estate of the Late Alexander Prentice. Sale on the premises at 2 o'cluck. Prentice & .Pientice. Aucts. TUESDAY. FEB. 28â€"Fnrm stock. in:- plements etc.. lot 18. own. 4. M'er- ham. the pmp-rty of John Reid. Sula at: 1 o'clock. Terms8 munths. Prentice & Prentice. Aucts. WEDNESDAY. MARCH Iâ€"Fm-m stock. implements, Hay. Roots etc., lot 32. con. 1, Scathoru, the property of Eliz-uh Middleton. Sale at 12 o’clock. Terms 8 months credit. Prentice & . Prentice, Aucts. ‘ THURSDAY, MARCH 2â€" Farm stock. implements. tractor ctc.. lot 174, cop. THURSDAY, ( f 93' ac: 0.4 3. WCSL Y( TL'r TUESDAY, FER. Hâ€"Mm-lgugo sale nt farm stuck, implmnonts, Fun? Coupe hnd truck. household furnitnro. nt the falm of the mnrlgugnr, F. A]. Keiley. rear Int 18 and 1!), mm. 5%, Mmkhnm. Sale at 1 p.11). J. I]. & K. G4 Prentice. Aucts. \VE1)NES[)AY. FEBRUARx 15~ (“mm stuck. implementï¬. grain etc" lot IS, con. 3, \Vest Ymk. the pz-opt-rty of P. S. Short. Sale at 1 o'clock. Tums 9 months. Prentice & Prentice. & Prentice, Aucts (Jhul‘ in Ri 9 "IL Aucts 1).:nby UESI).\Y. FEB. Hâ€"Furm plcments. furniture 1-H: 3, Malkh-un, Hcadfonl [o’clock sharp. Terms J. H.&K l1()\\'l’l. ll) Wm . C . Sale on ’lcnlice 'EB. 16 Irelngl k, Llwl In. Hâ€"Mm-lgngu sale of implements, Fwd Uuuipe household t'urnitm-v. nt f the murlgugnr. F. j. 1' Int 18 and 1!), mm. 3, property of john 1. at. 10 o'clock. Lunch entice & Prentice. Pnl'kd ll-â€"-Hrm.~ 81 Holley 30. (:61). J k_ slurp. SRuttan Int 24. H‘-|l' nf cn prnpvrty of I". V lhr- prmniscs at k. Prentice, Aucl I“ rlv (.l‘ arm SlO( ‘m stock, lmph y GIIIII‘IUILI'H . m. D. Scmbou allulhlt izter A v- HI ‘el-ms lentil 1nd II'HI UH W Ill) in the running for the championship this year. having lost one game up to this writing, and because of this the wearing of "white feathers" and sham sicknesses on the part of anv player or players‘of the Richmond Hill team on Thurday next will be tabooed by the general public. The team fur ’I‘hornhill should be the strongest possible. Spec- ial cars will be run on that occasion so that all may have nn opportunity of seeing these two teams in action once more before the winter season comes to a close. SENIOR CADETS \VON St. Pats, Canadians. Ottawa. and Hamilton teams have their “0n and ntf" nights now and again. And an it was with our Senior Undrts on Tues- dny rveningâ€"they were far from their usual hrilliunt form. Their opponents on this uccnsiun wore thp Thornhill Juniorsâ€"n. pnwerful-lonking lotl of youngsters. 'l‘he Undets were nhle to put it over this same team on Thorn- hill ice to the (ï¬lm of Ill-2. but on this occasion. upon their mvn ice. they had to he SlLlSï¬â€˜d with a more of 7-3, but they wun. hllll thuL's [he mnin thing these (lays? As with the Seniors, so with tho Srnior Cadetsâ€"they have Inst but one game this wintpr. The first; two perimls of Tuesday night’s game were the most rugged seen here this winter, will) harle :L semblance of hocku in either period: in fact. some of the spectators likened it unto gulf, minus the holes, hut, yours truly never saw u. hetter game of old-time shinny. not even in that game's pulm- ivst daysâ€"it was slush heme and slash [hex-9.11mi Sn (In, etc. The last‘period Whether or not the Richmend Hill team is the better of the two teams is not now in argument. but the locals un- mistakably proved themselves the bet- tegof the two on Friday eyening last. The return game wiil be plEyed at Thornhill on Thursday evening of next )veelg. The l_ocal _seniqrs are very much The writer does not believe that any member of the ’l‘hornhill team has his mind made up to “get†any Richmond Hill player as a result of their loss on Friday eveningâ€"he believes they can lose a game with just as good grace as other teams. BU l‘-â€"(there's that word again)â€"it is sometimes different with the followers of a team: they think that every injury received bv a player was the direct result of premeditation on the part of opponents. and harbor feelings which are not the marks of true sports. ' teams tlvund the nets once each in the ï¬nal period, the final score being 3-2 in favor of the locals. 'I here was not a dull moment throughout the entire match. There was a tendency towards "rough stuff" on one or two occasions, hut these were promptly nipped in the bud by the reforee handiing the game. and. by the way. this same referee knew hishusiness, and knew it wellâ€" too bad there are not more like him in these hereabouts. ' v ‘â€"~-â€" Groves Frank (ix'zxinger And that dependable junior. Allm Armstrong. was also on hand to do his “bit†if called upon, but that did not prove necessary. Thornhillâ€" Harvey Gibbs. (‘harles “'iltshire. ‘ Stuart Page Neil McDonald. George \Vatt. S. Jackson. George Bryant. George Findlay. The game was one of the cleanest ever played on the local ice; it had to be with a proper referee handling the game the way it shou'd be handled. Quite true --there were a few casual- ties on both sides, but none of them serious; these were the result of close checking, and not by deliberate dirty work on the part of the players. Kenny Blanchard was among the list of injur- ed, and is today carrying a swollen and ’marked left cln'ek, with a distinguishâ€" able black marK under the eye. but, l)e-. cause of this. he is not seeing “Nd.†and this same boy never played faster hockey in his life than he did on Friday night last, and in saying this it does not detract one iota of credit from any one player on the team for his full Share of glory in the win of the‘evening.‘ lei Below will be found a on both teams on this 0‘ Richmond'Hillâ€" Baldwin Ransom. Bert Cook. Charlie Cowie. Kenneth Blanchard Jack Glass. their own ice or that it, was quite natur Hill fans should give up feelings. and the certain manner at th game. No ; the gan \x-alk-mvay for the 1‘ be “in the game" ev¢ ing time. for their 0} upon keeping the cha broken. and they fou iantly every foot of locals never weakens in tip-top form on t1 man of them, 'I he to the 1â€"; presqnt Hill per appem rening whil (MIKEY NEWS LOUAI for it teen y '3 won )resent the grewtest r-n-dn Inr thu I the rest of the team was COL Yonge & Arnold StS. IL 1t that of their n1 atural that 1:: give vent to the \ they did so in it the conc‘us'ol 5 game was in n :he locals; they "every minute it opponents W 3 chain of'victo )und 3 list of this occasion : ought of the NIORS \VON cal rin f loci 1 ï¬rst ‘at U' the ornhi hard l spectators time in the e Richmond neighboring 11. either on ir neighbor. ; Richmond ) their pent- o in no un- is'on of the I were bent tox'ies un- and vaL x, but the they were ion. every iod ended r.d both h in the g 3-2 in as not a entire towards 'casions. adets , and goal- I' thu lXeI‘S d‘ to LightLunches Ice Cream Soft Drinks Cigars Cigarettes Refreshmennts Stabling Accomï¬odation at Reasonable Rates O'l‘IOEâ€"E. Sliney IS pmpnued to L do all kinds uf trucking and outing in Richmund Hill and vicinity. Patronage sulicfted. Phone Richmond Hill 98. 42 lf E. Bridges, Prop: ARM T0 RENTâ€"Partly fall plow- ud; lot 28, x-enr 2nd Concession, Vaughan. JOHN SLINEY, Richmond Hill. 24-â€. ELGIN HOTEL Dirfux' snlv. deliveled in Richmond Hill ul‘ vicinity. PERCY BRILLINGEIL. Phone 38 J. 31-34 mun»sausfeu-tnry tn huy rendy halt-119d chicks. .\Ve gunruntpe safe (lvlivery of vigorous. pure bred, husky (‘hicksnfall breeds. \Vl‘itP for flee hunklct and prices. THECANADIAN CHICK HATCHERY. Lut, DepL. C. N. Hamilton. Ontario. 32-33 BABY CHICKSâ€"[L is cheaper and I:0R SALE~Alfalf¢ seed, Ontul'io variegated sweet clover seed; a ft-W tons 0f alfulh hay. and twenty Lnns mixed hay. Apply GEO. COOPER, Willuwdule. 33-35 ' OODLE DOGâ€"Came premises of the undvrs m- ahout the second if F Owner may have same by property :I ud paying expvnses HAMMOND Hichmoml Hill, Y ‘ ()R SALEâ€"Two splvmlid Barn-d lh‘ck Runslms, Gill 51min. l‘OI ln'veding purposes Apply \V. EDMI‘NI» Ruseï¬ew Ave. 333.3 Jones Lumber & Coal Co. Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Cedar Ht ï¬n \VhitP, “7 ilt3hil RICHMOND HILL SKATING RINK W. Ghn -\rmstvr( Thorn (‘01: SALE-~A team of horses and r harness, some farm Vimplemenjs 'Phone 44 r 23 Stop 51 _ Yon Every Wednesday and Saturday evéning. Band Saturday evenings. Tickets, Adults 20 Cents Childlen 15 Cents 30-t’. (l a two y(‘.u' UM bvi'l'vl .mnEnnL‘RGn Ruhmnnd llill. EECH n m] M APLF~ Hard wood d th lm 7 ANTEDâ€"A ‘V‘ant lids Posts, etc. Phone 27. ELGIN MILLS \"l‘EUâ€"A smflng Apply LIBERAL Um .\l 1 Hill. JL'Nmu 5011mm†‘, [“uh. Hâ€" R'ch nu STR ldt W. B Innio lupmun. Simpson AY SHO'I IUâ€"Richm'uud Hili at ll) Lindy trip, Yonge St. \V. Tl II liII illowdnlv on [he Seniurs uglm Hzture Harding. I‘homlinson rum-him ICE.’ 33-3 hil nd Hill mt, ‘lu nary. proving HARRY 33 Mflk nu Lm the 0!) 31 31L INNES é} SONS AIS a good supply of No Feed Corn. Carmel, Stove, Nut and Pea Coal. .Also Hemlock Slabs at the Elevator. Bran, Shorts and Gluten Meal on hand. Pastry and Purity Flour a1- ~ ways on hand. A car of Salt in barrels and sacks arrived. Yonge St., RICHMOND HILL Property on Church, ROSPView, Centrelï¬asl and West. and \inght Streets, The Allen property on Ynnge St. eighty-twu feet homage. Good house. ham. chicken house, trees. etc. A bargain. First, class farm. brick IIOIlSP. very hash of outbuildings, good fences. in the pink of cultivation, in Sherwood. Pnssessinn at. Ullfff’. Prepare For The Fall Rains NIGHTS AN DAY PHONE buymg. door, thereby tra freight fro block Havmgl tributors of Fibre Boar Several farms for sale. (Tall and see me a! oppurtunity Get your farm boots hand made from best English Kip Uppers. ABSOLUTLY WATER PROOF. note )\V D ellvcre NOTES 0H!" Utll‘ Public Notice Blachford’s Calf Meal. JC Purnia Scratch Feed. The Real Estate Man I. D. Ramer 1r PLANING MILL RICHMOND ST. RICHMOND HILL Shoemaker Thornhill, 0r money needs supplied insurance effected ‘0 vamg received a 01 Lumber at a very rice, we are prepared to attractive prices. CE T0 CUSTOMERS AND DEALERS . NICHOLLS ll) our quoiation before . HURST )een appointed dis- ’Beavcr Board and HOLIDAY osm tn 1V at your first Ontario mg: the orunu hlS( to suypl and COSE