HOUSE PA INTER, Glazier. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. Tnmnto Ofï¬ces â€" Continental Life Bldg. Cor. Bay and Richmond St. Toronto. Branch Ofï¬ceâ€"Richmond Hill every Tuesday afternoon at Liberal Ofï¬ce. W. HEWISON Rvsidence address Victoria. Sq [nu-e Licensed Auctiuneor for [heummty of York. Sulesnt/Iended to on shortest notice. and at. reasonable rates. Patronage solicited Sppcial attention given to sales 01 every dascrlption. Fax-ms and farm stock sales 21, specialtv. Fan-ms bought, and sold on commission. All Sales at- ‘ended to on shortest: untice, and con- ducted by the Innstnppmved methods. Patronage solicited. ?upils passe LICENSED AUCTIONEER Fox couxn' 0F YORK AND ONTARIO MISS BEATRICE HOWELL T O RON‘I‘O feacher of Fletcher Method Musical Kludergarben GREGORY GOODERHAM & CAMPBELL BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS, ETC. Richmond Hill STUDlo LICENSED AUGTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY OF YORK Patrnmuze and influence respectfully solicited VOL. XLIV. MARRIAGE LICENSE - II. Prentice $1.50 per annum, in advance.] Branchesâ€"Thornhili and Willowdale 415 BnHiUI 812., Tommi†Phone Belmont 1347 NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANCING J. T. SAIGEOIN m Raga! Bank at Banada . J. HUME Purchases can be made lwy cheque through the mail, making a trip to town unnecessary. En- close your cheque with your order. Every farmer’s Wife will ï¬nd a bank account for house~ hold and personal expenses 3. help and a safeguard. Money to Loan -â€"HOT}CL RICHMOND. Richmond Hill. ISSUER OF, 1 for (Jansen vatory zuninntimls. Maple E: Asccuni for miner’s Wife P. 0. address Gormlef'. R. R. YON sale PRINTING We Know How PIANO TUNER 378 BERESFORD AVE, WEST TORONTO Phone Junctwn 72. TWENTYâ€"FIVE YEARS' EXPERIENCE All mail orders will receive prompt ‘ALA. ‘- A large stock of Funeral Furnishing Kept at the above places TERMS REASONABLE. Ordm's left, with Mr. Gno‘ Harding will rel-eive prompt attention. Also agent, for the Hinumn Standard \ ‘ Milker. WRIGHT BROS. Undertakers and Embalmers RICHMOND HILL. THORNHILL AND UNIONVILLE The ann of Aurora. The Township of King The Township of \Vhif The Imperinl Bank of C J. M. \Valmn. & Co. Al car lnts. Cedar posts and telephone pole In Ofï¬ces \Vullm' S‘ j Rm. Phnm Hill. 5043 Ofï¬ma: Richmm Ofï¬ce Tl‘t PLUMBING AND TINSMITHI‘NG HOT WATER HEATING ANDGENERAL REPAIRS you THE COUNTY OF YORK ’olhing too great~NuLhing too small FOR THE Cot Oflic m. . R. SANDERsoN Barristers Solicitor Notaries Telephone Main:l777 Monarch Bldg, 26-28 A ices aide St... \Vest, Tux-onto. Naughton Block, Aurora Solicitor for: Hours 1) mm 0pm} evcnings VANDORF LICENSED AUUTU NAUGHTON & JENKINS RICHMOND - HILL ONT Q Phune A um fl!) 11 Hill. Ph . HENDERSON . L. R. BELL 7c): Blntk, Lu'odnm's Standard B-ulk. Jenkins T. COUSINS attention. . P. VVILSON Bank of Canada, Aurora & 00. Aurora DENT'HI‘ ’I'Phune Pms. and Manager Maple. AUCTIONEER 10f. Vhiichu rch 1, Harry Naughtnn RPS. Elgin Mills Res. Phone 44.4 tn 5.30 p.m. )y nppniutmwnt m. 8013 In Essentiad's, Um'by; ‘Yonge Street; me 1V0. 21 L 28-28 Ade]- a.m. 6 to 8 nurth of PS )l‘ V Interment in Yorkton, Susk. Cv’uletery, Feb. 22nd 1922. HARRISONâ€"In Richmond Hill. Thur?- dny, March 2, 1922, William Harrison. in his 88th yenx. Funeral notice later. ' MICHAELâ€"Ab \Vi Hospitnl. Monday Mary Lynett. belt Michael. Waldrtm, year. The O. (l, records with much pride the debating of the Cadet Debating Ulul) last Monday evening at the Methodist Church Epwm'th League Citizenship Night. The Seiniors ap- plied themselves crfllibnbly. The Juvenile Cadets will ,iilsn form a Debuting Clul) as also she Cub Omdets‘, which is lwing plaude in the spling schedule of training now bell g plepured. The deimtent, the Epworth League Monday evening was but!) interesting and instructive. “Resolved “mt Government Cnnu'ol (if our pubiic utilities is more beneï¬cial tn the de- velopmentnf our country thun Pli- vale Cuntl-ul." Thv debate-rs were HI Cadet Ofï¬cers. Thu af’ï¬rniatiwvns bukeuliy G. Lusher. E. Blunt-y, B. White and A. Hill. The negmive was represented by A. Armstrong, B. Grunt, R. Phipps and E. Dickiusmn. Thojndges decided in favor of the thenflirnmtivv. During the evening, Mr. Mnrdmn, 0. 0., gave, :1 tulk on the aims Hmloliject of 11):: cadet moveâ€" ment, and Mr. Jack Glass contributed 14.5010. A szper. all of Culifm nin, one brother, T. G. \anson, of ’JTe'Slnn. who moum his loss. mnnin. :1]. themge III 59 ye'ns. He was it son of Gen. \Vilsdn, dost-used. whn opt-nod the ï¬rst, Shire nnd yeneml husinessnnd post. time? “[3 Tristan in 1807. which he conducted fur 35 years. He sold ouL his hnsim-iw in his brother- in-luw, J. Lund (5f I‘lilnvuln‘ and Inovvd lo California. where he lived l’or ï¬fteen years. nnd accumulated a good share of this \vm-ld’s grinds, 01)Sb'pt.15tl) he {left for A trip to Canada to visit his Md homestead nnd many old fripnds. ’He also went with Staynernnd New Lowe], Hunt; Club to his favmite hunting grounds. Muskokn. Thy-99 days later a cold d9- veloped. when he tack u ï¬ist train our, for his (lalifnrniu home. One month later death claimed him, His estate, over fifl y thousand, ‘ he leaves in his heirs. his widow. three sisters, Mrs. J. Lund, Mrs. A. B. Luud, Mia. M. E. 14mm with regret the: sud news of NP tun \Vilsnn's dvath. He died at. 1 1mm“. Euclid AWL, Ontario, Ca furnin, U. S. A.. fr(|_in flu and pne rionds and Death of Newton Wilson York Ranger Cadets DEATHS )Vinrflpeg Debate Non-Essentials, Liberty; in .. THURSDAY MARCH. 2. 1922 bf Elmvulo. and tin. where he lived and uncnmniated :L lolrlnninlnnces FéHrlmry 201i]; wd wife of John Susk., in her 43rd 5) yeeus. He Was , decu-nsvd. \vlm Ire and general C? at Tostnn in ted fur 35 yezus. 5s [0 his brother- General fNPHI- at his Cali will I m â€"| w- \v \v u‘ w l I I l Matoppa. Mission, Bulawayo, South Rhod s'a. Hrmlh Al‘r’ca. October 10th. 11.42I Mr. J. A. MoGillivr-ay. Elgin Mills, 0nt.: Dear McGillivray,â€"I an) kept rath- er busy in my capacity as Mission Post Inspector in this. our Africnn ï¬eld, but I thought perhaps a letter from me, in this strange land. might be of interest. to you. I am mm] to say that. from the time I left home on the 22nd of june. I have enjode the best of health, not having been ill for evrn one minute. This I appreciate very much indeed. Neither have Lin any way, sulferL-d inconvenience or discom- fort either from clinmtic conditions ( r pooruccomumdntiun, with the excep- tion of nights at sea when it was very hot, and a few nights while in Cupc- town when it was quite cool. \Vell. I am now away for a, considerable time, and hero in Africa several months, and I have already observed and experiâ€" enred some "Wonderful, marvellous and szill ire? sights lt' d impzersinnsQ My sea voyuge was most pleasant and exceedingly cnjnynlule throughout, even though I had sixteen days sailing without seeing land. My accommoda- tion was all that; COlllll he desired 1 n the \Vhitc Stai'S.S.Olympic. ulthough second-class puSSuge, and the. voyngi- 'on this monster ocean liner, with lls thirty-six hundred passengers. was said never to lmvu hern u sunomher one. Lciuing the pier at New York on june 25th we landed at Southami- tun, England. on july 2nd, Covering as much m- M7 miles one tiventy-t‘our hours. On landing, it required some little time to clear ourselVes and our baggage from the customs and immiâ€" gration nl‘ticeis. Huving succeeded in this, [sought out the postmï¬ice and telegraph office. umiled mnny lcite rs which I had Wiitten at Sen rind also wired our safe ul‘t'thl to our home people. W-e secured loigings ut the Cornish Hotel, where good meuls and beds were supplied us for u. very re: s- onahle sum. Not being able to secure siiling for Capetown until July 8th left us six days to spend somewhere, and these were spent in the City of Southampton and London. The au- cient walls of this old city of South- ampton. together with its arches, towâ€" 'ers.' prisons. spacious pin-ks. Tuder l Hons» mnnument of Isaac Wattaimd of the Pilgrim Fathers, and many other things both strange and unique, were all of great interesv’to me nnd held me in appreciation. nmuscment und rnchantment for three days, many of which would be worthy of ï¬pBClil mention. I will refer to only one. however. In Tuder House, said to lhave been A city residence of Henr lthe Eighth. and dating bick to the l Thirteenth Century, is being conserved _i|S il lllllSL’illl). i muny othe k:,.... I . .,. Here I saw, among r \ely interestng relics. a .1 . I . r . l l bicycle made by'u \vagnn-x‘liziker, with wheeis nnt much smaller ‘nor lighten- than an mdinui-y buggy wheel, with frame, drive, etc.. in pmpm-Lion. This lryke was not (wired, consequently the wheels mnde only nine revolution with one of the pedais. The invanvr sur- prised lhe citizens of Southampton when he appeared on the streets rid- ing this wheel. and the City Fathers immediately passed an ordnance pm- hibiting him from riding on the streets because a speed of seven miles an hour, which be. was able to make, was considered a menace to the safety of street. tramc. 0n the 5th of July we took the train fur London, it (list ance of eigbly-six miles. Letter from D. W. Heise THE STERLING a tmm Iul‘ Londt bly-six miles. To be Continued) ,,,-__ -_ -~vv-\4 u ynnwtluc against the account. She can pay her monthly accounts by cheque and thus keep an accurate record of bills paid. Our local Manager will be glad to open such an account for you at any time. .1 The farmer's wife will ï¬nd 3 Savings Account which includes her own as Well as her husband’s name a decided convenience. In case money is unexpectedly required during her husband’s absence, she can readily with- draw the amount herself or issue a cheque 060:9104- +1.1“ "AAA"-.. all things, C harity t: Ix’luhm Thm “hill. OF CANADA Jill (1 Hill. Fwnvick ‘ansih': and Ne“ BARRIST'ER. SOLICITOR, NOTARY Err To-mnto Ofï¬ce, Richmond BJilding 33 Richmond Street, \Vest. Ridhmond Hill Ofï¬ce (‘ Liberal Ofllce), every Thlu'sday forenoon. Maple, Thursday aftemnun. ‘Vaodbn‘dsze. Saturday forennnu. Money to Loan at Current Rate. Mr. Campbell Will 5‘ Ofï¬ce. Riclunaud Hill afternoon. Frank Denton Tel. 'A «19mm Barristers. Salicmrs. &c. MANNING ARCADE. 4 KING ST. WEST. TORONTO. CANAD TELEPHONE MAINE 31! Cable Address: "Dedu" Denton, Macdonald 6: N. C. h_av_ar. FLA. Eater 1m; B.A. E. \V. odes. BA . __- r . - IIIIIII‘L 1414 Tm-ontp Uumservatm and SL Mmgnrob’s Richmond HilLâ€" \Vedl Saturdays. Barth-tars, Solicitors, Etc. Ofï¬cesâ€"Suite 5]] McKinnnn Bldg“ 201'. Jordon and Melinda Sts., Toronto Te-h-phvme Main 3631. A. CAMERON MACNAUGHTUN FREDERICK A. A. CAMPBELL Family physician (25 yen ience.) Yonge St. Thox-nhill. Ofï¬ce hours 9 to 11 a. m. (i Magnaughton & Campbell )ummissinnvr, Gonvc Insurance and Re Tent: met r f. A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC j. EARLE NE WTON RICHMOND HILL Shaver WILLIAM COOK Nick. Quwnsvillo, Anr NHHLm Bunk. [Single copies, 3 cts. Barrisrers. Solicimrs Notaries. Etc. Arthur A. Mucdmmld _.. AUL|(°I‘4 Mm gay-och; bollege. HilI-â€"\Vednesd:ays and Taylor & Rhodes PIANIST hum-Playing 11:1. 111. (Ho 8 p. m Hamilton ’1‘ Rooms 303%" Olivosita cm: my 1 57 Queen st west Toronto . Wesley m at The Libéral 1. every Tuesday ynncer, Etc 11 Estate years exper- Evenings Manor Roe. d Noan I‘orou t. 1g at, the uf Music Benton gum: Bld