SheDid Not Sell the Farm. Every year hundreds of women With fornillies suddenly ï¬nd themselves fac- ing life without their chosen com- panim Mrs. Fannie Morris, now one of the successful farmers in a big! farming district, four years ago found herself in this predicament. Before the death of her husband, her time [had been entirely taken up with the care of ï¬ve children and the home duties. Her husband's ï¬nancial success on their 280-acre stock farm had made possible all the necessities of life and many of its luxuries. . Ma‘s. Morris had had no experience in business. What should she do with the farm? Where could she make a home for ï¬ve fatherless children. At ï¬rst she thought of selling the farm. Then she concluded that she' should retain the home which the children’s father and grandfather had left them as a heritage. Mrs. Morris kept the thoroughbred| cattle and hugs. She has a flock of 88 sheep and 6 lambs which keep down the weeds about the place. Part of the lamld she rents on shares for the growing of corn, wheat and clover. She believes renting on shares to be the fair-er, wayâ€"fairer to the man who works the land and fairer to her. On one corn ï¬eld she made $3,000 last year. The children and Mrs. Morris did the work in this ï¬eld themselves. Mrs. Morris believes in keeping acâ€" counts. She has a household budget and a farm budget. The butter and eggs pay the grocery bill. She can tell exactly what her expenses have been and what proï¬ts have been deâ€" rived from each enterprise on the farm. Each child has chosen the work he. likes best. Mary cares for the White Wyandotte chickens, some of which are worth $50. Elizabeth, who is a very successful grower of flowers, cares for the flower garden. John, Eustace and William, three sturdy school boys, each have a calf and be long to a calf club. A stated allowance is given to each of the children. The car bought this year is lamon as “the chli‘ldlren’s car,†and its upkeep is to be paid out of their allowance. The beautiful home life of the Mor- ris family cam best be judged from the words of Mrs. Morris herself. “It has taken me twenty years to make my home what it is today. I have time for reading. I will wear calico but I want good things in the heart and in the head. “My home is airways open to the children of the neighborhood for we like to have them join in our music and games and reading in the even- ing." Mm. Morris continued. “Mary plays the piano, Elizabeth the violin and we also have good record music. We endoy ï¬shing and bathing in Rock Creek with a party of neighbols. All of us love Nature and especially the study of birds and flowers.†Boiled Puddings. The famous suet pudding of Eng- land is rather a simple dessert. To make it, chop four ounces of beef suet. Add a pound of flour sifted with half a teaspoonful of salt. Mix to a. paste with cold water, tie in- the, cloth and boil three hours. Of course,l this pudding cries aloud for a nice tart sauce. Plum duff and jam roly polies are _ two other famous English puddings. .For the plum'duff, sift together two cups of flour, two teaspoonrfuls of baking powder, half a teaspoonful of ' salt and a half a cup of sugar. Add a: cup of ï¬nely'clhopped‘ suet, a cup ofl raisins, an egg, well beaten, and three-quarters of a cup of milk. Flavor with nutmeg. Tie into a cloth and boil for three hours. This is served either with sugar and cream or a. hard sauceâ€" preferably the latter. 5 The roly poly is simply a pastel made with chopped suet instead of thel usual shortening. Roll out on the board and spread with any kind of jam. Roll up into a‘ro-ll, pinching the ends together so the jam won’t boil. The man who mixes with About the House ’nounc out, and tie in the cloth. Boil an hour and a half. Serve with fruit sauce. An ovld'time boiled Indian pudding is very good served with whipped cream or a small serving of vanilla ice cream. Warm two cups of milk and add a cup of molasses and four well beaten eggs. Chop a pound of suet and add it to the milk, with a beaspoonfu'l of cinnamon, half a tea- spoonful of nutmeg and half a tea- spoonful of salt. Now stir into this enough Indian meal to make a stiff batter and boil three hours. A boiled date pudding is a delec- table winter dessert. To make this, chop a pound of dates and six ounces of beef suet together. It is a very good plan to use one’s meat chopper for the suet in all these recipes. Weigh twelve ounces of dried bread crumbs and add them to the dates. Then stir in three-fourths of a cup of sugar, a well-beaten egg and two heaping tablespoonfuvl's of flour sifted with two teaspoonrfuls of baking powder. Boil for three hours. Serve with tiny individual molds of hard sauce, each one topped with a stoned date. A Royal \Vedding Dress. Princes-s Mary is the ï¬rst bride of the British Royal House to wear a dress on her wedding day that typiï¬es the far-flung Empire. Ex-solldiiers and sailors of the War Service Legion Guild of Sailor and Soldier Borderers spent weeks hard at work on the wonderful border of silver embroidery to go round the train, which is of lustrous ivory satin on one side and woven from silver thread on the other. It was suggested some time ago that the daffodil, the chosen emblem of Wales, might be included in any symbolic design which found a place on- the Princess’s wedding gown. This flower, it is now learnt, played its part in the embroidered border. Worked in the shining silver threads are also roses for England, the thistle for Scotland, and the shamrock for Ireland, together with little flowers and leaves representing most of the Dominions. A' maple leaf stands for Canada, a spray of mimosa for Australia, a lotus bud for IndIi-a, and a fern leaf for New Zealand. The Queen and Princess Mary do- cided to use for the dress, in which so much interest is taken, some of the material which was used by Queen Mary when she was married to the King. It was decided that Princess Mary’s white satin dtress should be draped with the very lovely English point lace which beautiï¬ed Queen Mary’s wed- dingâ€"dress, and those of other Royal brides before her. This llace is arranged in “waterâ€" falls,†which fall to the hem of the ivory satin gown, and there is also a piece of the lace falling in straight lines from‘ the shoulders. 3â€"~_ How the Diver Gets His Supply of Air. Hose for conducting air from the surface to the diver under the water has always been considered indispens- able. An elaborate system of pumps operated either on land or in boats has been necessary to force fresh air con- tinuously through a great length of hose to the man below the surface. Not long ago, however, it was an- ed that some inventive genius had conceived and. it is said, put into successful operation a device which it is thought will do away with the old apparatus for diving once the new sys- tem is perfected. By the new method the diver carries on his back two steel bottles contain- ing highly compressed oxygen. An- other cylinder contains chemicals for absorbing the carbonic acid exhaled from the lungs. A system of piping carries all the impure air breathed out to a chamber containing the ab- sorbing chiemical. In this compart- ment the carbonic acid gas is entirely eliminated. A small amount of oxygen just enough to renew the air, is added |to the changed and regenerated exv halations and pegsed on to a compart- The Cayenne Must Have Laughed. A man who praises his own way of preparing food should not hesitate to eat what he serves. Theodore N. Vail, who, we learn from his biographer, Mr. Albert Bigelow Paine, had con- siderable ability as a chef, was always willing to eat. his own special dishes, though on one occasion it took a good deal of courage. He had. says Mix-Jgaine. a special salad dressing that he himself had or- iginated, and into which, as a guest once remarked, he put everything on the table except the candle shades. Certainly it was a delicious dressing and never failed to reuse enthusiasm â€"-except once. On that occasion some one in the party had by mistake pnt cayenne pepper instead of paprika, on the tray. The dressing needed a great deal of the spice, and Mr. Vail was generous with the shaker. One of the guests tasted his portion and was about to make the usual com- pliment when he suddenly stopped and seized a glass of water. Another guest tasted his and did the some thing. One or two others did like- wise. The host looked round and then tested his own.’ “It seems a little warm,†he said, “but you'll enjoy it after the ï¬rst taste or two. It's prob- ably one of the best salads I ever made.†He ate every bit that was on his dish; but though the others (lid their best only a few were able to ï¬nish. Their efforts ended in a kind of general hilarity, and everyone drank great quantities of water until relief came with the ice cream. .â€". Will-ll boilâ€"nor MlllllilR REVEAL? Does it Tell You That Your Blood is Thin‘and Watery? When a growing girl becomes pale, complains of exhaustibn, dizzy spells, headache and stomach trouble, she should know that these things are evi- dences of anaemia or bloodlessness. A glance in the mirror will tell the story. There is immediate need for a tonic, a system builder that will com- pletely restore the missing qualities to the blood that every part of the body will share in the beneï¬t. A good example of the result of wise treatment in cases of this kind is given by Mrs. George R. Smith, of Queensp-ort, who says: “I can- not praise Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills too highly for what they have done for my ‘three daughters. My eldest daughter, Edna, at the age of 14, became run down, and I got her three boxes of the pills, and by the time she had ‘taken them she was in good health, and is now a healthy married woman. My second daughter, Martha, at the age of 16, was awfully run down and pale. In fact she had always been a delicate child, but gradually became worse. At last she could not go up- stairs without having to sit down and rest, and could not even do any kind of light work without being greatly fatigued. Finally I gave her Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills, and after taking them we found they did her more good than all the other medicine she had taken, and she is now in good health. Then my younger daughter. Greta, now 15, became so run down that she had to stop going to school. But after taking eight boxes of the pills she is now a big, healthy girl. I feel that after what D1'.,VVilliams' Pink Pills have done in my home there can be no doubt of their value, and fliope some- one else will beneï¬t from our experi- ence." You can get these pills through any dealer in medicine or by mail post- paid at 50 Cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. \Villiams’ Medicine Co., Bi‘ockville, Ont. .___¢Lâ€"._... Mormon Temple is Designed on Straight Lines. Mormonism in Canaz‘a will centre laround the town of Cardston, in Al- berta, where a large temple is being constructed by people of this faith. Here has been the greatest gathering, :place of the immigrant.- from Utah,‘ vwho have established themselves in a Hand that is wonderfully fertile and! promising. The temple will cost $1,- 000.000, is built in the form of 21 Mai- itese cross, and from a distance gives, be in good standing among the Mor-i mons. according to their iron-clad rules. ___~_¢.____.. _. The World’s Greatest Bells. Bells have always held a remark- able place in the history of the human ‘ race, and it is quite impossible to get at their origin. The largest bell in the world is the Czar bell, which stands in the middle of a square in Moscow and is used as a chapel. It was cast in 1733. but when an attempt was made to hang it, the supports gave way and it fell, making a great hole in the ground, in which it remained for over a bun- dred years. ‘ In 1836 it was raised by the Em- peror Nicholas and the broken side was used as a doorway. about 219 tons and is 19 ft. 3 in. high, 36 in. thick, and 22 ft. 8 in. in diameter. The largest known bell in actual use ' is also at Moscow. It weighs 128 tons. The next bell in point of size is in a It weighs l pagoda in Upper Burma and is 16 ft. high, weighing 80 tons. After these two giants come the great bell of Peking, 53 tons; Cologne Cathedral, 271/2 tons; Nanking, 22 . tons; Olmutz, Vienna, and Notre l Dame, 17 tons each; St Paul’s Cathedral, 16%, tons; Big Ben, 13% tons; York Minster, 123/2 tons; St. Peter's (Rome), 8 tons. The present Big Ben, at Westmin-l ster, London, is the second bell of its name, the ï¬rst bell having a flaw in it. The second bell (now in use) also cracked, but as this appeared to im- prove the tone, the ï¬ssure was slightly widened and smoothed off by ï¬lling. __._¢____ It is harder to frown than to smile. To smile you use only thirteen musâ€" cles, but to frown you ‘use sixty-four. 1 son pack . 4:3 Raising Trees on the Prairies. Undoubtedly there are more difï¬cul- ties met with in raising trees on the prairies than are to be found in the eastern provinces. In the ï¬rst place the rainfall is very limited. Second, the trees have to withstand a great deal of exposure to storms and em tremes of temperature. Third, the prairie soil as we now ï¬nd it, after years of exposure to the elements, is so compact and hard that it needs to be specially prepared before it is ï¬t for tree growth. None of these condi» tions are, however, of such, a nature as to make the raising of trees an impos- sibility, but by following out certain methods which are indicated by re sults already obtained, tree growing on the prairies can be made just as successful and, perhaps, even more certain than wheat raisingâ€"Norman M. Ross, Dom. Forest Nursery Station, Indian Head, Sask. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"Qâ€"â€"â€"â€".. The Bold Petitioner. The Romans had a law that no per- should approach the emperor's tent in the night upon pain of death; but it once happened that a soldier was found in that situation, with 21 pe- tition in his hand, waiting for an op- portunity of presenting it. He was taken, and going to be immediately executed; but the emperor, having overheard the matter, cried out, say‘ ing: “If the petition be for himself, let him die; if for another, spare his life." Upon inquiry, it was found that the generous soldier prayed for the lives of his two comrades who had been taken asleep on the watch. The em. peror nobly forgave them all. ‘ * .’ llllluulml uuummmuuIlllll > I I “worst is yet to come â€"~"-â€"---â€"-â€"___.1 l l I I l i l l . , ment in the helmet. where it can be‘ - . .-~ - ' inhaled through the nose or the mouth. , ihe llullsmfeulmloia hélge mxï¬lild’ :06; 1 BY this method the vitiated air is con- 1 .t' squar" an mom? I‘m . ' ft. in height. 011 closer 1nspect10n,; gnuauyvbemg made (“'91: into, new however. the beauty of the structure .he lufenmr contellds mat his de‘ 5 becomes apparent, with its light-gray“ "0:1“1†dfo fwa} ‘f'lth “1'9 {moments Fgranite and concrete outer walls. 6 ft. . a“ 053 0 118 Whmh have occasmn' E in thickness, and its simple straight ally occured through defects in theLIines diving hose or pumping apparatus | This ‘ his fellows is ever on a voyage of discovery, ï¬nd- ing new islands of power in himself which would have v ' iwmmmmm remained forever hidden but for association with others. Everybody he meets has some secret for him, if he can only extract it, something which he never knew before, some- thing which will help him on his way. something which will enrich his life. No man ï¬nds himself alone. Others are his discoverers. temple has been under con- ‘ Istruction for several years, and some- ‘ Had Seen Her Before. itime during the summer of 1922. will A private. walking down the street, lhe held the dedication services. After ' larxn~iu~arn1 with his sweetheart. met a ithese rites- emmnC“ W the 9mm“? “in l l l o 9" * sergeant belonging to his regimenL 1be denied to all nonbelievel‘s, and “My sister, sergeant," said the bash. even to those of the same religion who ‘ ful private. introducing her. Ido not totally abstain from the use, "That's all right, my boy," said [he of tobacco. coffee, tea and alcoholicl stimulants. which abstinence is among the requirements of those desiring to sergeant 'l- .. mme. grinning "She used to be]