[6â€"5â€" HEALTH EDUCAl‘lilN’ i BY DR..J. J. MIDDLETON ! Provlnclal Board of Health, Ontario ‘ 0,, Middlewn 7,1): be glad to answer questions on Public Health in“ l ten through thls column. Address hlm at Spadlaa House. Spadlus Crescent. Toronto. M : 1 “What is this here nurse doing in,from school with indigestion, and his town?†asked Mrs. John Murdock, of: brother Willie has got. the worst set Avondale Ontario, from her neighborviof teeth I ever saw in a child. rIlheI Mrs. Carson. “I saw her yesterday} mother lets them have. all the candiesa morning," she continued, “and this: they want, and that’s a good dealt I afternoon, with a bag in her hand, 311d, Bessie Briggs IS always catching she called at several houses on our,cold, and she keeps her m-ouï¬h op‘gnl street. Is she trying to persuadefnearly all the time, even w‘ en 9 e, everybody to have their children docâ€". hasn't got a cold. Dr. Jones told incl tored when they don’t need it? I he believed that child had adenlmds, think she's got a nerve.†! but the mother didn’t want to have tlhe “Well, I don’t know much a'bout.child examined by a doctor as stie what she is doing,†said Mrs. CaI‘SOThl thinks it is just as healthy as any of “except what Dr. Jon-es told me last: her neighbor’s children} . . night as he was passing our door. Hei “Too bad, isn't it, that till-S rivalry said that scores of the children runâ€" should go on? Couldn't somebody ning about the streets nee-(led to see come along and talk kindly to such; the doctor, but their parents didn‘t people and advise them to 1gave 1their k i th.‘ as an thin wronv . children seen to?†asked rs. urâ€" TthXe’s yfdtinlngimmi-ey Mitihlell whgoldock. ' . was sent home from school last week' “Well, Dr. Jones say that is 111515. because he was dull and couldn’t learn , what the Public Health nurse 105 com- anything. His mother was in a fer-,in‘g here to do,†retorted Mrs. arson. rible state for fear he was going to be} “Oh, if that’s the case we’ll help her weak-minded. But the nurse testedlout,†said Mrs. Murdock. “1"m sure his eyesight with black letters on she’ll do a lot of good in th.s town, cards, and she found the child wasfand every child will beneï¬t by he]; shortâ€"sighted and couldn‘t see the being here. And whisper! Severa blackboard. The doctor tested his eyesfpveople have hinted to me that Mrs. for glasses and now he is one of the, Todd’s baby might have lived if she brightest boys in school. His mother'had fed it at the breast instead of won’t let anyone say a word againston that old condensed milk, which may the nurse now. She says if it hadn’t‘ be good to put in tea in a camp cook- been for the nurse she would tillever house, but IS not thg riggt food for have known that Jimmie was s‘ ort- a nursing infant. ur octor says sighted at all. But Mrs. Mitchell’s boy. every mother should feed her infant is only cne‘in a hundred. There’s Jack,at the breast, and he knows what he’s Turn-er, who is nearly always at home talking about." titaniuman ' The winter season is a hard one on‘ the baby. He is more or less conï¬ned to slutty. badly ventilated rooms. It is so often stormy that the mother CHECKERSâ€"By Heck The solution to Problem No. 17,‘ which appeared last week (white to move and win), is as follows: . , W. B. W B does not get him out In the flesh alr ‘ - . as often as she should. He catches 2 11822185 141:118 colds which rack his little system; his 3 1642 2849 7 9_5 24, stomach and bowels get out of order 4 11-16 20-11 8 5_32 _ and he becomes peevlsh and cross. To guard against this the mother shouldI ‘ keep a box of Baby‘s Own Tablets in. the house. They regulate the stomach and bowels, and break up colds. They] are. sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. No. 18â€"Black to move and draw. WW \V†277/51“? 4 = l o Willlams' Medicine 00., Brockville., » "7 1 Out. [M â€"â€"‘_ d / / râ€"w . l %e Mistletoe Brains. ’ ‘ ‘ //% , ,,/ %e%9% W7 , ’9 " I V /:'», .1 , 9 ’ One of the most curious illustra- tions of the working of intelligence in plants is offered by the mistletoe, whose sticky berry. ï¬nding lodgment on a tree branch, throws out a tiny rootlet, which tries to pierce the bark and thus obtain a foothold. If the bark is too tough. the rootlet swingsi . . . . . ., , the berry over to a fresh spot, and “effluuori 01 this posnmn wu‘ appea‘. . . 1 week. makes another trial. In this way such .H‘..._ a berry has been known to make live The British market for Canadiaq' jumps 1“ two ""gms and three days‘ apples remains fairly steady, standardl On one occasion a. number of‘thenilvarieties such as Baldwin Spy and were discovered by n botanist 1n the ; Ben Daviq bringing, from $7 to $9 act of vainly journeying along a tele- barrel graph wire. trying to ï¬nd places to. ' grow. 2 1i Spanish Flu ..__â€" l Claims Many Victims in Canada N ICould Not Undler‘stand It? and should be Guarded Against : .Iot ong ago. says lie veteran opera- l - I I - tor, llieard the receiving clerk tell a! S 1 customer that the dispatch the man Is a Great Preventative, being one of' mad handed him was code and there. ‘ the oldest remedies used. Minnrd's fore could not be sent at Ihe “51ml Liuimeut has relieved thousands off cur-e3 of Grippe, Bronchitis. Sore . . ._...___.\.._ Minard's Liniment prevents Spanish Flu .._.__ .._.: P- . Tl; c1 ..tox er ' ‘ - . . . . ate D U .h n I Diotfï¬ved' ’lhrout. Asthma and smnlar diseases. ‘00†O 1 “916 angn‘ 50 “em 0â€â€ ll is an Enemy to Germs. Thousands of and looked at the muss-age. It rend: mug,“ being used every day. For sale Buy siz dozen. fifteen and a half em six to pica monkey (lashes. It was not mule at all null. since I had once started to learn the printing‘ trade. the meaning of it was perfectly plain to me. by all druggists and general dealers. 1 Minard’s Liniment Co., Ltd. ' Yarmouth, N.S. In thousands of cases Mother Seigel's Syrup has proved eflectivein permanently banishing digestive troubles even when they have been of longstanding. If you suffer. put it to the teat alter your next meal. There drifted from out of the Arctic the other day a man who had not heard that the Great War was over. The news of the war reached him in the Coronation Gulf country late in 1918, and, although he started at once. it took him three years to reach Nome. He wanted 10 enlist in the American army to fight in France. Mother! Move Child’s Bowels With California Fig Syrup Hurry mother! Even a sick child loves the "fruity" taste of "California Fig Syrup" and it never fails to open the bowels. A teaspoonful to-day may prevent a sick child tomorrow. 11' constipated. billous. feverish frettul,‘ has cold. colic. or if stomach is sour. tongue coated. breath bad, remember“ a good cleansing of the little bowels ls often all that is necessary. Ask your drugglst for genuine "Call- ‘ fornla Fig Syrup" which has direc- tions for babies and children of all ages printed on bottle. Mother! You must say "CaMornta" or you may get an Imitation ï¬g syrup. Don‘t. suffer with this com- plaint any longer. Write and I will tell you FREE how I rid myself of Files by an old family remedy, after years of suffering. W. F. ALLEN I_ Box 30VVL Yumouth. N5. ; ISSUE No. 9â€"'22 i l 4"“; has. tun WllSth I NEIGHBORS ARE AMAZ- .’l‘aukville, West (10., NB. 'ago and I grew gradually worse right .try Tanlac, and it was no easy task, USE SLOAN’S T0 . ‘ E7OU can’t do your best when 3 glow of warmth and comfort. : sprains and strains, aches and pains, . the after effects of weather exposure. st _ COARss SALT L A N D «s A LT GAHNED 20 PilUNDS: 3,... cm... ~- | TORONTO SALT worms CLIFF - TORONTO ED BY HER WONDER- ' " F UL RECOVERY. Many Friends of Tankville1 Resident Are Taking Tanlac After Seeing What it Did For Her. "My recovery by taking Tanlac was so remarkable that my neighbors were all amazed and many of them started taking it,†said Mrs. Clare \Vilson, " DANDERINE Stops Hair Coming Out: Thickens, Beautiï¬es. “My health begun to fail ï¬ve years along. To make bad matters worse I was stricken with influenza. and that left me in a. truly deplorable condition. “It was certainly a. lucky day for me when my husband persuaded me to either. for I was so thoroughly dis- couraged that I didn't believe any- thing could help me. I am like a dif- †0 {erem person in every way‘ my diges_ 35-cents buys a bottle or Danderlne tion is perfect, I have gain-ed twenty at any dmg Store' After one applica' pounds in weight and I am in the best luon you can act ï¬lm a. parade 0' of health and Spirits now... Idaudruff or a, falling hair. Besides. every hair shows new life, vigor, 'l‘anlac ‘s sold by ’11 o. r ' 1 ‘ A $0 d brightness, more color and abundance. ._ ___.:.._ __ Rules for Success. l ' Have a deï¬nite aim. l Go straight for it. Master all details. Always know more than you are ex- pected to know. Remember that difficulties are only made to overcome. Preserve, by all means in your power, “a sound mind in a sound body." MONEY ORDERS. ': Pay your outnttown accounts by Dominion Express Money Order. Five Dollars costs three cents. l 9“ The distance of the earth from the' sun is now stated to be between 92,-. 822,000 and 92,897,000 miles. ' Cuticura Complexion; Are Usually Healthy The daily use of the Soap prevents . clogging and irritation of the pores, . the usual cause of pimples and blackheads, while the Ointment soothes and heals. Cuticura Talcum _ is delicate, delightful, distingue. SoapZSc. OintmenRZSInJSOC. TaltuanSC. Sold throughout theDominlon. CanadxanDepot: . ' I. am. Limited, 344 5|. Paul 8L. W... Montreal. - . ï¬Cuï¬cux-a Soap shaves mthout muz. Minard s Liniment for Coughs and Golds To some, honesty is the best policy “at times; to others, it is the only] policyâ€"always. â€"â€"â€"â€"_._.___.._.___._.__._-___ EASE LAME BACKS your back and every muscle aches with fatigue. Apply Sloan's Liniment freely, with. out rubbing, and enjoy a penetrative Good for rheumatism, neuralgia, ‘ A sciatica, sore museles, stilt joints and For forty years pain's enemy. Ask your neighbor. Keep Sloan's handy. . At all druggistsâ€"3Sc, 700, $1.40. Made m Canada, The nicest cathartic-laxative in the Biliousness. Indigestion. l Acid Stomach is ' One or or candy-like two to-nlght Upset, "Gas. will l l l l i 4 i l l l n? V. nt r. . Iâ€: chrets." Unless you see name “Bayer†on tablets, Aspirin at all. Why take chances? Accept only an unbroken “Bayer†worked out by physicians during Colds Headache N euralgia Toothache Neuritis Lumbago Handy “Bayer†boxes of 12 tablctn~ .llric bottles of Annilit‘. :s the trade mark «registered in Calida) of Ba: ’ well known that Aspirin means Bayer xnanufeuuro. to ;._ol:c aga‘ns: will be stamped with their general trade mark, the 'L’mer 13.05:." .fl-.n4i I?“ For Constipated Bowels, Sick Headache, Sour Stomach, llove Cascarets too. ‘2“; and lOO~-All (1111333313., Ir'acidesttr o! Sal lmltntlons, the I‘c‘rie. .‘lc- mart-i Classiï¬ed:l Advertisements; 1' EARN $10.00 To $50.00 PER DAY vulcanlzlng. Be Independent; we Chief London. deCll you. Write for purticulurs. Instructor, Canada Vulcanizer, Ont. VAR)! “'ANTED. SEND DESCRIP- tlon and price. John J. Black, bulppewa Falls, “'15. ANADIAN MATRIMONIAL PAPER. ‘ C 260. No other fee. A. Ifch (Snatham. Ont. W. BELTING FOR SALE ALL KINDS OF ILEIW AND USED belting. pulleys. IBWI. cablemosopackinc. etc“ shipped subject to a proval How-an rlces In Canada. YOR BLTFNO CCL £15 YORK. STREET. TORONTO The greatest of faults is to be con‘ scious of none. America's Pioneer Dog Dunedin Book on DOG DISEASES and How to Feed Mallet! Free to any M- drees by the Author. I. any Glover 00.. Inc. 129 West 24th Street New York. USA. mm». WOMAN TAKES EVERY GHANGE ITO Recommend Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com- pound, for It Helped Her 50 Much Fredericton, N. B.â€"“I was wealé and had seine troubles women often; have, and usually I was unï¬t for my work. I saw your advertisements and decided to try Lydia. E. Pink- ham’s Vegetable Compound. I am very much pleased with the result and recommend your Vegetable Com~ pound whenever I have a chance. You may use this letter for the bene- ï¬t of others."â€"Mas. WANDLESS, 360 Church St., Fredericton, N. B. Mrs. Wandless, like many, many other women who have found rellefl by taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege~ table Compound, is anxious to let other women know of this splendid medicine. So by word of mouth and by letter, one woman to another, lts virtues are made known. Women suffering from female ail~ ments, indicated by such symptoms as backache, nervous troubles, hot flashes, pain in the side and a. gen- eral run-down condition of the whole system, should take Lydia. E. Pink- ham‘s Vegetable Compound. For nearly ï¬fty years it has been helping women. Let it help you. Lydia E. Pinkham’s TextrBook upon “Ailments Peculiar to Women†will be sent you free upon request. Write ,to Lydia E. Plnkham Medicine 00., ILynn, Mass. ft“ , .. Bilious Liver .ni ,rempty your bowels completely by world to physio your liver and bowels : {nomingv and 3’9“ W1“ feel splendid- when you have Dizzy Headache, Colds, They Work wmle you Sleep' Cas- carets never stir you up or gripe like Salts, Pills, Calomel, or Oil and they cost only ten cents a box. Children 71;} WARNING! Always say “Bayer†when yu buy Aspirin. .4 you are not getting package which contains directions and dose 22 years and proved safe by millions for Rheumatism Pain l Pain “cacld. While it in c.‘ Bayer Company