' A Good Business School- here ’3 why (1 Over twenty thousand young men and women have lcarm‘d shorthand, typewriiing and busi' ness methods in the Show Business Schools. Every student has I'CCEII ved personal attention and indivdllrl hclp -â€"ll'lAt'sthe secret ofcor success. Elcwp fully equipped schools. VV: have a chair and a desk for you. Start at any time. Write now for hundhock. P.MCINTOSH,CHIEF PRINCIPAL BUSINESSSCHOOLS TORONTO The Liberal is p‘cnsrd to \\('it‘0!llf‘ as an exchange the f-rsr number l t “North Yongc Adverti-er," a lww~â€" : p'lper to bc pub;ishcd in the inlv rst of North Toronto and Yongl' Min-pr, In its next issue The Allvl-lliscr will prezent the argumints for SL’L‘tSillltl from Greater Toronto. Under tllc heading, “Canada on Right Track,†The livenins: Tclc- gl'am of Saturday editorially said; Canada, was. never applauded by as many freinds and admirers in lhc United States as on the lllornirg when Americans road the news that returned soldiers had howled down William Jennings Bryan in the Massey Hall, Toronto. The Telegram is on the wrong side again. Neither lynching allcgld culprits, now llo'lt'lill-,,r down public speakers, should be encouraged in (,‘-.lnada. Mr. Bryan is :1 man who was nominated bv his party for the position of presidan Instead of howling down :1 public steakcr it would have been better for the good name of Toronto listened to what he had to say. Even the soldiers as a body should not be held responsible for the. breaking up of the meeting. The Telegram should remember that it is only the rough element that does the bowling at public meetings. MAP LE 0n chnmdiy night of last week ‘ til" choir of St. Andrew's church cntorâ€" ‘- laiued tho choir of St. bztnquvt at: the Hansen and ltl_il-'.eti lovely with ILHIQUr'tS of tulips and CHI‘I’I'II’IUHS. During the evening the pastor Rev. S. R. Robin- son was presented by both choirs with , cum», gold-mounted and inscribe-d l plc- 1 sentcd Mrs. Robinson with a bouquet, , fl. and the choir of St. Andrew's of Amcl-icnn Reality roses. A musical L‘lltl-l't=lll)lllellt was given and n vcly ll pleasant and scrialllc evening was spcnt. The Agricultural and the Domestic : Science clas>e~i held lt progrcss'ivc' cuchre and :l dmcc in the hall last Thursday evening. The members of the I. 0. If. their annual supper. conccl‘tnnd dance at Jones’ hoth on Friday evening. Mr. \V. 0. McDonald's sltle' on Saturday ‘Wzis well attended and every- thing sold at a good ï¬gure. Mrs. Chas. Norman entertained her Sabbath Schrml class of girls at her home on Saturday evening. m _a “WWW ACCIDENT FIRE LIFE AUTOMOBILEâ€"FIRE PLATE GLASS Tariff and Non Tariff Ratings and all Policies give the tection they are intended for and at the minimum rates. rates before looking elsewhere. issues anew policy without medical examination for $1030, also a policy called the Family Policy, which is striking for its protection on man and his wife and many pamphlet, which explains all. wife also, and costs nothing. No is required, P.G Office at the Post Ofï¬ce. Rlchmoudflill YOUR Printing Needs : ’l A. had the audience I Paul's at :l , The tables; were spread with all kinds of delicacies f IlPId This should appeal to all men and women. because the company carries a small risk on the . SAVAGE & SON Agent for All kinds of Insuranco i .lefierson School Report 3 l [V7.3], [Luigiu‘g II. Illil'nally, 7.- l'l': ppm, M. ,l-lllllmili. I. I‘lisml, H. l lll«lltl\’. .l. (lil'l'illl'. ll. Illlll), I). , .\lr(‘lll~kv-y, ii Sllllltitfl‘. { Hit. Illâ€"»\'. I’ilk, t‘. Millplly, M.‘ illllzullv, , l III. IilvA I,. illldgins. II. (iEIllllllt', Ii; ! \\'..ll~. t1. mm. It. 'l‘.-,»,~.Al-. (a lulu... l SH. ll an. t‘ll-ltbnin. o. Rlvkword, ‘I‘V. Itil'ku'w ll, N. ()\ll'llllt‘. (l. Hugo. i In. Il-K. Hoduills. A. Burnt-it, M. ;\\i;ltt~*. J. II:llli~, M lill'llll'llll‘. .‘ [#V. ('ulsI-n. N. H'llllt l'. \V. Taylor. , l. IIUlN’lIS, j. (iambic, I4}. t'Iuhinv, ll. Ban thorpc. l ‘ I.“ (‘. Plumï¬. Burnt-it. (l. “'lltts, .I ‘ Kmswcll, Ii. Mitchell, PI. Sagâ€. l B. Pr. '1‘. B"llflllly, Ii. I\'t-rr~\\lll, (ll. .Rcuding. A. Mi-Nair. i). (‘llappltu I’r.~ ll. lit-lsu'i-ll. C. Blunt-it. Ii. .‘Il‘NltiI'. M. (‘Oxll'lClL it‘llt‘lit‘l. Hope Church Servicm Sllnduv, Marl-h :3. Sunday Srhiud LS!) p. lll., loss-son: ji-lmvnll's Me-rt'y lo :I llcntlwll (‘lty. Jonah 3:1-11. (lcud (‘ntilt‘ hook for Plinl' Ht'i‘illg oi ll-s~on.) 2.3†p. lll. Divine “'mship. '7 p. in. All Illu~trutcd Inntcrn Loc- lllllf’. The Life of Abraham. (An outstanding chllraclcr.) ltltzbtontï¬- ness cxnlteth a. nation. but. sin is a reproach to any peoplc. I’l-oy. 1323-1. The invitation is l-xtl-llded to you. Come and Worship pith lls. .â€"â€"â€"¢") Addional Sales Tl'lisllAY. MARCH 2" fort-l- lllo hmnl of stink, llllplt‘lll'dll‘. lll:nilllro l-lc, I Is 2. 3 and l. Cull. 1i, lbwl Yolk, Doll Lamb, now tn'l upl» d by \\'. I“, N |l‘,[.t‘.‘|ll. M. I’. S.tli‘l|l illitlo'l-lo It. I Terms 5' months~ t'lv-dit. As this is .l very lullzc sull- lllt‘ :lllc‘ lllllt‘t‘l’.‘ ~tzlll on time. 9 lfvny body ('(llllt‘. 1)lelllit'l’& Pl‘l‘lliilff‘, .\ni't<. ,‘ \YFIINESDAY, MAIIt'll BHAl’alln stat-k. implements olc., Int. 21. Coll. 6, Markham, (Wished, llll‘ Illttpt'l‘ly «it Alex. 'I‘ltil. SHIN hi IZlI'I'llu‘k. Tl-llll~ l 3 won lls. Prentice & I'lcuticc. All"lS. I 1 f ‘ - ,Vaugnun Council ,Thc ncxt meeting oflthc Council of IiIc l Municipality of Vaughan will it} hold ill the Town Hall, . Vellore, on MONDAY, MARCH 6. 1922 l at 10 o’clock J. B. Mt‘LEAX. (llcrk il .l l l Yongeand Charles St<.Ttlt'()llI0, Is strictly first class in all Depaltnn nts and uncxrcllcd in the Dominion. A sound business education is :1 sure steppingâ€" stollo to success, but the l imitation kind is not. \Vhy not investigate the subject? Wt: will gladly SPntl you our large ‘ Catalogue which contains r Cuttlpivie iniortnation. For your l sake send for it to-day. Students at ilny time. Our graduates are eminently successâ€" ful. : admitted l l, W. J. ELLIOTT Principal. SICKNESS , THEFT, LIABILITY ‘Sllltl'\I BURGLARY pro- Get our The Confederation Life ,Asso. for the married good features, Ask medical examination for the wife J Li†if ii i l l l Can always be suppled at the LIB-‘ ERAL OFFICE, Richmond Hill :1 , . service. Wm. C. Ruttan ..__._. lli'tl (‘iluii Mt-l‘... dist ll'l'llt-l I’.ll lulull' C ll'llllil lll Nolill ‘l'llilt'dv, is prl-pntrd to int-nin- I‘lli‘Llj‘ Silllllv, .‘-il~. l’.lltirlli ils l' in ln. ill llil'lllllillld Hill. I’. l':\"~. Ail old 3:, lllllluilwll Ivy (ï¬lling I’illllln 113. King ll. :ii'lf ._ w. ‘3": I ll: 1‘ 4-3de [CUR HAITI ,\ llilflllliiv lifgol (ls-rd (ill~ Mlltl lllllly. II. \\'.(‘I'lt'l‘l.\‘ Richmond Hill, i’ll::m- SI :‘6437 .,_.g_~.--_.._,-.____â€"â€"â€"â€"aâ€"â€"-â€" HEN l‘râ€"v.\ garage ill thc vilipo ' ‘0 I oftlulllliry. Nonppi-silllln. llr will lingch .1 good llllll“.\i Illi‘tflllllllt.‘ by “I†month. Apply G. \V. BAKER Gill‘ l.lk’_\'. 30-37 UR SAIdCWVaq-lt Chopper, ll inrh llidI’O" in good Condition and cllcup. l Lenin-ting lllnt‘hllll'. good as new. llil‘f pl it e; thrill: of lh» best building lots in Richmond Hill. tllrup. (l. \V. BAKER (,lormlcy. Sid-37 ‘l-DOR SALEâ€"l ('yprcss incubator, ' 150 eggs, also sot-twig rugs, Barred Rocks, Rhode Island Rods. and White \Vyandoltvs. $1.0llprl'svtlillg. I‘). H. SllARl’LESS. Ynngo St. stop 43. :ili-ttn‘ :OR SALEâ€"*FIE‘SII milk cow. H. DAVIS, )lill Stlct-t, Richmond 3-5 37 Hill. C \ I'IUK SALEâ€"Six :lt‘lt‘S. :tli ploughed. 4 room falln house, or in lions», (,‘llllt't‘t'tt’ collar. stalzlc. l-Ilirkrll coop tâ€"tl'. Ail olcllulll oft}? illos, 5 yl'uls old: 2000 Ltrrlu‘lll‘rly plunls, Itllltl l:lspllt-lrio<, fillitl'hllll'lrli, 50 black l-llllillils. l’ril'c $3,500. ('asll Shiloh. Apply _]oll.\' DONALD Box 19?, Ii'glll Mills xlllp :31 Yongc Si. lit} I ()8 I‘-A lint: with M‘lsollit‘t-lnlllenH. j slit ill I)l<‘l(l~ttlll:'. Rcwllid.(‘. (‘(l\\‘Il‘; Richmond Ilill. 136 I ()S‘I‘mOll ynngw sil'I't'l Il'th‘ll‘l/vlil. J u may :uluv lllankvâ€"l' l’indlil‘ [llt'llSC It‘iut' :li {lizlllllillui Hill I’. U. Iiii up. Pmmm [:(li? HALE rlrluo l'lliltr'l‘ :illd t‘llt‘ buggy, ill-.llly new: NW \Vrlttou, R. A. V.\.\'lu«:l<nt‘l~:<;ll Kli lute wt hal up“. Rll'lllllolld Iiill. \XfAmiiillï¬ltmlms sllitulle- for an oi'lit'e- on or near Ynuuo Ht. by a Chiropractor, plrl'l-lullly with Sulliv- l'llP wishing ll‘ tlkc :ldjustlln'nts. Apply to hit. I. 1'}. Gt)\\'l..\.\'l), Nrw- market. ‘ 36-3“: l‘AIIM FUR SALEâ€"l2“) acios. lot 35. lt’ttl' of tilild concession of Markham. clos‘c to station. pmt. uï¬il'e. chlllchand St'llllt‘l. Soil clay loam, llt‘s' :lrles under cultivation. balance bush and pustulo. Blirk house, hank barn. driving housn. pig prll :llld Ill-n house. This form is \vrll under- draillcd and “in good state of cultiva- lion. Applyto Riclulm B. SMITH, Richmond Hill I). 0., or \VII.LI.\M SMl'ril, Gorinlcy. P. 0. 36â€"37 O'I‘A'I‘OES FOR SALEâ€"dimly robblcrs, guarantein pillc. P. JONES. 1013il.l:tlll.3, Vaughan, Phone NH. 2560. Maple. 35-37 AHHEI) ROCK EGGSâ€"Fur Matting. Splemied winter layers. I'tility. 'I‘. PHILP')'[‘ Stop 48 Yougc St. 35-39 house to root. ‘0 RENTâ€"Farm 1 “’nuld expect the man to assist on the farm. Enquire at THE LIBFRAL OFFICE. 35-37 "BIKING ROOM SUITEâ€"For sale. 9 a piece. solid on k. good as new. \Vill sell separately if desired. MRS. J, H. JACKSON Roseticw Ave. Rirhinond Hill. 35 ‘ AN'I‘ICDm Experienced Clerk in ' country general store. Lady preferred. RefelenCvs rrquired. Ad- dress Box 25 Thorrlhill. 35.30 ‘ TRAYEDâ€"To ‘ undersigned. three sorrel horses. Downsview P. O. the farm of the One buy horse and FRI-:1) JACKSON. 35 0R SALEâ€"Thirtv tons of good quality Timothy hay in the mow. Quantity sale preferred. Lot 26 E.. 4th Concession Mulkhanl, Phone Stout’fville 5208. WALTER SCOTT. 35-37 ARM TO RENTâ€"Partly i'nll plowâ€" ‘ ed; lot 28, rear 2ndI Concession. Vaughan. JOHN SLINEY, Richmond Hill. 24-â€. OTICEâ€"E. Sliney ls prepared to ‘ do all kinds of trunking and c‘tlting in Richmond Hill and vicinity. Patronage solicited. Phone Richmond Hill 98. 42 tf Dâ€"--â€" Fruit Trees, Ornamental Trees, and Shrubberyâ€"tlley all add beauty to your garden. We can supply you with First Class Stock from the Nursery of If. 1). Smith & Son, Winona. Remember, we can sell you one tree, or thousands. Our Nurseries cover over 00 acres. All trees delivered to your home; our prices include delivery. We hlve blue-prints for Land- scape Gardeningâ€"they are at your Don't delay to order: some lines are already sold out. G. H. PRICE, Local Agent Iichmond 30-43 Phone 105 J I,r‘,.tlt‘- .‘ “W0 «wwooooo RICHMOND HILL l . rm nrtu‘ 300009006 0 0 O 9 €- 0 6 O 0 6‘ 6 9 0 0 i 0 O 0 0 g 0 0 0 § 0 i O O 0 06060690006000“. oooowuwomomuoeoooooowm» 00099090906906.9060 069 696900 0000 99600660 00090 COOPER’ HARDW’ARE TRENCII’S BLOCK r. k. c) Ilot‘kcy Sticks, i‘ucks, 11‘.«:...-«' Calvin; Sets Granite, 'i‘lziuat‘n Plumbing in connection Headquarters for S M.P and Mt.Cial"\' Gmnltcwarc W C. N. COOPER Richmond Hill PHONE 93 Hatching EggS ior Sale From Bred-to-Lay Barred Rocks, Guild Strain; héaithy Stock Per Setting i3 Eggs, $2.00 26 Eggs, 3.50 50 Eggs, 6.00 Will. GREEN - Sumo Richmond and Bridgicrd Streets I Acsops Advertisia FAME Once upon a 'I'imcrtllcre livcd‘a Merchant I’rincc who inserted a small A DVI‘JIITISING Card in his lcc;ll paper. The -\\'orld and Ills Wives rushed to the Store and the Great liai- tle of Push and Take occurred. The Mer- chant I’rincc did such a 'l‘remcndous Business as a. Result of this one Small Advertisement that He was able to Retire and Spend the Ilcst of his Life playing at Golf. _____â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€" That is a Fable 3 - But it still represents some folks ideas of advertising. ADVERTISING won’t make any man or ï¬rm rich over night, but, if intelligently used with persistency, it will multiply customers, increase turnover, swell proï¬ts, and build such goodwill for the advertiser as nothing else will. Get the facts from †The Liberal.†TO THE BUYING PUBLIC A man’s advertisement is your in- vitation and your guide. It means that he wants and appreciates your business and is proud enough of his store or service to ADVERTISE it. SHOP WHEE YOU ARE INVITED TO SHOP