Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 2 Mar 1922, p. 5

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Qt‘GSSSSSSSSG39935966696993 Z39§SSSSSGSS§S§SGGS59§GSS5}v QI The United Fuhmels of Ontznio. through the Hon. Manning Dolxex-Ly. have arranged to have Mr. Aaron Snpirn, of San Francisco, 0111., give a saries of lectures in six or sen 11 cities in the Province on subjects interestâ€" ing to farmers. He will speak in Can- vocuLion Hull, Thursday evening, the 9th of March. A large number will attend from this section. Mr. and Mrs. W. Ashford “Night of Riclunund Hill announce lbs). engage - ment of their daughter, Muron ie Elizabeth to Mr. Stewart L-jWis Page nf Thonnhill, lho Inaniagc to take place the lutter part (‘f March. When the prize list, of the Fall wlower and Vegetable ahUW was published, the name of the winner for general proficiency was oveilonked. The winner was Mrs. A. J. Ciunpbel). This includes a medal donnted by the Toronto Horticultmal Society. The Ladies Aid of Butmnville Methodist, Church will thH a Pancake- Socml \Vednesduv, Mat-r3118. This will he fnllmved by :m enLH-iuinment at 8 u'cluck p. m. The Epwnrth League mom-amine next anday evening will he in churge nf Christi-In Endeavor Department. Come nnd spend a pleuszmt and pro- fitable evening. Our luundx-ynmu Lun Lung was A few day ago. handed a bunk chpquo hook with a deposit of 3&5, which was snhscrihed by friends after the recent robberies. The Richmond Hill Aglicullural Society met Saturday afternoon. 16- visvd [he prize list..:md appointh judge: for the cumingnnnuu] Fuiron M|§ Mr. Gwn. SCIIP“ 11M sold his 100 :lCl‘L farm. lot 13, mm. 2. Vaughan. tn Mr David MiddleU-n nf Emlnicukv. Thu luller tuka passession the (inst of April‘ Ther is hndyjhnbi fill :lctinn Sloms Dm been mulu medicines f Slnzuls Dn m: 87,000. The . Marlin (If East YLII get your money you huy 'l‘nnlnr, lwcan rosnlt‘z. It is sold at Storm: . 'l‘lw \Vnnmn's Will he 119M in Church on Frb A hock’v-y mMuhâ€"Thomhil! Lndivs v: Westnn L-ldios_-\\'ill lnkv plncfln 'l‘lxm'uhill rink Ihis Thursday, evening. luck fucetl at 8.15. pnpn‘l Get ri-l of Rhnunmlisn Kidney ’l‘nnic. I! is O. K doses of Buckle ’l‘rir-rl m Mr. H. \Ves Thu hi l‘hr W. K. Buckley. Limiled. 1 Sold in Richmond Hill by Sloan'sDrug; Store Do you consider yourself a good judge of Hosiery 1" Call in and See our line of Heather Hose for Misses and Children; also Boys' and Girls' WooHfibbed in Black. MILLINERYâ€"Come in and see our Spring Display of Trimmed Hats, Shapes, Flowers, Etc. Estimates cheerfully given for remodeling. CASH WOOLâ€"Lady Ramsey for the New Sweater; also Shetland Floss in latest shades. p'muhtion nf Canada has in- wl 1.475.988 in ten yc'us. The ‘Ilinn now is 8,769,489 [Zn-m IH'ill‘ \' int l‘he pm-clmsel t your lnoney’ wth “’hnn 'I‘nnL-u; hvcause itpmdmes It is suld at Shmns Drug n-pnlulivn I» by doin {filed to (In gSloro. not, :1 single purLion (:f the shut, lmncfilt-d by [he help- OY Tull‘filc. It is suld at, SCHIE Mrs. N. Batty, Richmond Hill OUR AIMâ€"T0 PLEASE‘ Bnyntnn has sold hi< l‘>\7i(:t(ll‘iil {4qu”! e fnl .‘ninn Pmym' nut-Ming St. Mary‘s Anglir‘nu ‘ny :Ifu-lnnun. at. 3 NU! from QUALITY SHOPPE 'l) Tillllzlc has what, other It. is sold at Use 0. R. 34-33 Toronto This is certainly the age of opera- tions. The Americrn \Veekly LPgilru stated that Dr. Kutter was severely reprimanded by the club librarian. And why ? Because he was caught uhsent-mindedly removing the up- pendix from the book he was tending. BRILLINGEgâ€"In lining memory of Mminn Annettn Rumble, wife of Harry Brillingei- who passed :m’uy Mulch 3rd, 1919. \Ve do not knnw who next may fall Beneath that lifted It‘d; One must he first. so let us all Prep»: e to meet our God. Link by link 0111‘ chain is lnoken, Link by link we disappear; Link by link we’re joined together In our home just uveir there. When we are all joined together In that, great and glmious chain. We (:nn any in words unfultering We shall together meet, again. _]R. I\’â€"â€"Ivv leon, (11.) RINSK’] Lvnou, (IL) Dean Imp-s, (in) (Hu\\':n~d Atkinsmu, Mulinu EMF) "qll'll, Cunnit- Mortsnn, William Mylks, EllLYuuna, Fred Gv-eenv, 'l‘mn (Yul-tar, Maxim: RHIHPI‘, Pearl Collins. Fort Ilammnnd Relthn HOppPI', Jacob Knninrz. BHle Yum-5,, Dunuld Bruwley, Dnmthy Atkinson. Harry anprr, Lillian anhln, Julmsnn Armstrong, Malwl Rum]. Margaret B;Ltlel‘shy, Mildled Mickie. (imn ger Sm). m.) (Ellwmd equal. [{l ‘Vinnifr: Muynm J Atkinson JR. ] (Sinnlev Sh diff guxd t}; tin sent. in [In Llll‘rl] Snuiv would 111w port vnch y Ilwir inn-n MPH of lmu NIH lhl Thr- Mnlch numllcr of Rod & Gun cnntains inteleuing ultit-le“ pointng (.0le fishing sensun, hunting. Imp- ping. the lifie, Flu. This numlwx' lfias seven-ll especially glmd nulurvd ph tw- graphs which wtll undoubtedly pl'tH'P of inlu'est In all wm-shipprw nt Nature‘s shrine. ROD AND Gl'N IN CANADA is publishml nnmlhly' luy \V.J. TAYLOR. LIMITED, \VOOD- STOCK, ONT. " 'I‘wn links flom tho Granilv cmling club came up Saturday M’Lermmn .‘or n fliemlly game. The visitms wen-9d?- fenu-(l by (he lmme links. The Rich- mnml Hill rinks: “mm skipped by G. Couic and U. P, “HI: 3’. The visitms‘ rinks by A. Dnllon und ll. BPultF. The return match will be plnyed in Tornntn Sum-day. ' Ml Richmond Hill Public School ill ll‘mnny D u, pI-mnise qmld. (h. Smilh. (h lent tn nlfi‘ll hyuâ€" M will I) ll ‘rt'd us much imeu nt, from the l the :applu tun the Rivlmloml Hall H Knhmwm. Flam-4 mwellGunld, Elmuz ‘d Stuhhs' Glmlys( . Lilliun Govede HIH Supposed Humour W {vpm t 1N MEMORIAM Mother. Father nnd Sister Children 5 Report 1111 Hall :L in them. and; Ihov succeeded. xeturnwl as m made up. \\‘I >1: (rt Huom 1 in Qtder of merit ‘ewh Sims. (1].) .\ Lm-I‘aine Dnnlop I.) Vvlnm Hem-irks mdheud, (h) M vqlluL) (inrdun Slel Trench Block n [110 (w‘xnnito cm ling mday nl'Lm-mmn .‘01': Flu» \‘isiLms were do ‘me links. The Rich wqu skipped by G \Vih y. The visitors \‘ARDOX, Principal ml is ll ‘stpd in childrvn \vhicl Hill H 1|le M Mu! inn Slephon- ‘S BM Ly. Drnry.) Harding, “:ml‘ Eva llu (mu. Ailev In n" were lliOlll‘ if you PIVG 1H) (h ng ;| ELOCUTION 2Doors South of Bakery on Yonge St. Boot and Shoe Repairer GOOD FRAME HOUSE, 5 ROOMS 120 FOOT For Sale by J. Edward Francis Thornhill to cut your footwear bills in half, by having your shoes repairs Cone at “THE ROLFE SHOE REPAIR STORE” Artist Teacher in Liierature, Expression, Reading. |Dram~ atic and Humourous Sketches. 1 Dialect Poems. Prqfessional Graduate of Owen A. Smiley Stiiaio. H Address Miss Marguerite Boyle. Studio ‘Homewood Hall,’ Thornhill, Ont. 30=tf New Shop on Lorne Ave. Directly Behind Drug Store 30â€"tf The W'orkingman’s Friend First-class Boot and Shoe Repairer of all kinds of Boots and Shoes. Sa’lisfaction guaranteed. St South of Shoe Factory «I-Kuompd (Inltngv, 7-Rnr-nwd Brick Hon Buihling lots at an‘it: Mnur'y u'nlvled frw All Kinds of Boots and Shoes Repaired . Good Workmanship. Prompt Service. l" GEO. KIDD HOUSE PAINTING & INTERIOR DECORATION Browne Thorn] Miss Marguerite Boyle 14‘0 R. Ens A I J [a ‘Olnpd Choice Building Lots . WADE Ind Bonds NE“ Richmond Hill MARKI first Innrrga Ilfi Thorn hi“ Pl‘ll] l2-tf i6 8g? :mconnt. SHALOM; lmlunce mniel fill mud, $1 H.492. The outstanding fenturu nt' the gum Inlsmtvmvntnf :ISSPIS nntl liélhililit‘ a; of jnxmury Elst, is thr- strvngth of III hnnk's liquid p(Niiiun. Of Lutul :Iswl of $93.33ij, the liquid, “1- immwii nle :ivnimhip “SieLS :ununut 1:" $35. 87',868, Uf lhlw’ amount, ncluul (LIHI on hand "ml Domininn notes and lit- p- sit in central guld I'vseue mm! $155. hnd and (Inuififul (IMIIS. amounted to $725,0H. The hnlnnre can-1 ied fm ward frum the previous year amounted trv $378,644, and [hm-9 was received from plenzium an new stock iSSlXPd $148,493). making lhe i'ntnl nnu-unt nvnilzlhle fur distI-ibutinn $1.252, I57. 0f thisanmum there was paid in dividende at the run» of 14 per rum. S56").115, war tux nu nute cix'vulalinn 5339.549. Reserve fur Dmniuicu im-nme tux, $20.000: (tin.- Irihnted tn Otfiums' Pension Fund. $25.00!): tramftrred to reserve fund. $200,000; lrnnvan-c-d lo contingent account. $300,000; lmlunce curried ful- he strung pnsitinn “(run Swnvlnrd Bunk of Canada 1 reflected by [he munnm- has been able to meet the (‘1 ditious that, prevailed in C ing the past fiscal year. Genvru) husinees \vns “ml! and profits were wall up to the DIE‘Vil'lli your. As a, hunk has continued its pol in; steudily Ln ils wscrvvs mint account. The rvsorw pl gent Stun upi General Business of Standard Bank of Canada Reports Strong Position TOTAL ASSETS 0V] Richmond Hill Branch E. R. FORTNER - TAILOR ORDER SUITS from pl int neral Business of Bank Well Maintainedâ€" Policy Has Been Followed of Making Large Additions to Reserve and Contingent Accountsâ€" Reserve Fund Now Stand at $5,000,000 and Paid-Up Capital $4,000,000. iCan Save You \VOMEN’S ORDER SUITS, 40.00 up I have received Spring,r Goods, and can sell ME Dian-"~70 J. Lunau, Agent, Richmond Hill '.-cuuur. The rwse at $5.0l)(),0f'll as: :ng lul (If $4,000,000. ‘uuple profits ulsn H of the usual div H per cent. and, COme and See CLEANING and PRESSING REASONABLE ()1) tn Offiums tramfu-red I rnnvarre- “30,000; bu I‘ll Your Own CIOLh Ttimmcd and Made ‘ Iron: 23.00 In) 3n Cor. Yonge and Richmond St. THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA umm- in w -t the clung poli $32.00 UP And whenlinked up with a Toronto Pum and Toronto Water System, a Toronto Windmil will give you a. city water service right on your farm. Hf] Toronto Windmills are quiet, efficient workers. Cost nothing to run. Require practically no atten~ tion outside an occasional oiling. Stop losing this valuable time. Save your strength. Instal a Toronto Windmill and see how quickly it will pay for itself. You know from laborious experience that you spend at least an average of one hour a day in pumping water for use about your farm. piml by HM» IS strikingly in which it ll} maintained the “WM 01" ll] ‘gthof Ill“ t4 still :Ighvls F - immwii- W t tn $35.- ti Hun] (LI-m D' s and NW lit fund 11 OVER EIGHTY-THREE MILLIsz lCh, J. R. Herrington, Manager suit. the l the d u r- “(M 11in (-nn id 361/2 Days a Year“ Iv wuss-Lung tn (lepgusitm-s‘ that. u: an timv like the pl'Ptht much u. }:u‘ge prn- Hurtiqu hf Lhu Brink’i zlsiets air in liquid fmm and invested in such high grade sccurities. \‘h [10 lm CANADA At the wink iilnt‘l its Hf the hunk haw mined. Drpm‘irs stand at $31,900,455, $53.011,997:1L'.he en your, and depusils 1) :It$l3,21l.330,:1gn.inx' with Mt tn thy L (It CIIIH-ut Cllrl‘Plll In \Vhil'll rvp "f '11“ Bil ite an Uumul hunrk mg Cum Unlmdu‘ tnd l’rovin memling "ibntimm uml-J. ll 79.863. l'hM [3. h}! lanl'é‘ In A )Hllllt The ready mone 800. m i: l hMam-vé due by I cm'uunnndwits. OI. mdu, $1,109,437; 0:: secln-ilie~‘, and Bnit min] puhlin sPcmi ne unexpec Hg 11y <0 1i hil tic 330 th‘ ltsl) ‘Il'l'hnltlrl' CHI-Ily 1 \vhil'h lm eunLiuue m m Hm ;0f the 11%; h P uld he em] s on nth 645$: railway and other ;cnll and .9th lonns. pm ticulurly pleasing holding“ of Duminim) ted need. deansiim-s llh L9 lmnk cman ;uf the "l Lh f‘l‘lllll ch hum] u and t hul hunks $5,151.- hanks and hank- lsmvhvr-e than in .m:uli:m munic-ipâ€" fish, fuI'e-ign and MW, other Ihzn) 321 ,ln-urir. $14.37? ule ll” an 1m. )t't’ll \" {ring p mve mqu Uu k mould w th the if, possible to )IP dh‘idvnfls nds'mm own- I Cumingenr. m'e especial- 391 1str LIL-{t

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