Notice of Application for Divorce NOTICE is hereby givm um George * Drewery. of the City 0f 'l‘nmntn in the County of York, in the Provincv “Ontario. Manager, will apply to tho Parliament of (Lmudn. at the uvxt i session thereof fur u bill (If Divorce {com his Wife. Christina Drewery of the City of Hamilton in the Cunnty nf \Ventwm‘Lh, in said Prm-ince. Married annn, on 1hr ground ufmlultery and duet-£150“. Dated at Tm‘hnto. Prnvinm- nf 0n- tarin. this ch day of November 1921. a Notice oprplication for Dixrorce NOTICE is hm eby given tlmt Thomas Lenmu'd Armstrong. uf the City ( fTu~ rnnto. in tlw County Of York, in the l’mvince of Ontario, broker, will apply to the Purlinnn-nt. nf Canada. at the next seSSiuu Llwreof. fur a BM of Divorce frnm his wife. Mary Victnrin Armstrong. «If the same place, on lha grounds ni persistent l‘Pfusu] In procljeate or to copsumnmte the marrlsge. Date}! this 135!) day of December. A. D. 1921. N. G. GUTHRIE. Citizen Building, Ottawa, 30-44 Solicitor for Appliunnt NOTICE is hereby given that, Juhn Duuglae Stewart. of the City of Tm onto in the County of York, in tlw Province of Ontarin, Electrician, will apply in the Purlimnenl of Canada. at. the next session thcrenf, f-n- :1 Bill of Divm'ce from his wife Elsie May Slewal r. of the said City nf’l‘ornnw. on the ground of Adullely and Desertion. H. S. MULLO\VNEY. Notice of Application ior Divorce Notice of Appltcation for Divorce NOTICE is hereby given that. Henry Struchan Mu,]lowney. of the City of Toronto, in the County of York. in the l’rm-im-e ufOnturiu. Barrister-ALLqu. will apply [0 tlw P-Il‘limzlvnn of Canada. at the nvxt sesginn Lherenf, fur n Bill of Divorce from his wife Rose, Ellen Mulloxvney, of the Suid City of Toronto. on the Grounds of Persistent RPfusnl Tu Prucreate. Theft. and Desnrlinn. your ordms for your Spring \VOlk: Eru‘e Tmughing, Lightning R0414. Nietal Siding and Hunting. Landen's Burn Equipmnnt. Furnaces and Flu n- :Lce Repuhs. all kinds (If Metal Buildâ€" ing Supplies. Pumps and Rvpalru, Pipes and Fil,ling:, nnd nmny nlhK‘I‘ lines. W'e will hzwe 11 man in the shop every day now, and will give you SERVICE. TEETZEL BROS. Seventh dayLufiFvlwuiu-v A. D. 1922. Notice of Application for Divorce sician, will apply In the Parliament 0f Canada, nt the next Session thereof, for n B“) of Divorce, from his wife Mum-l Johnston, of the said City of anmltu. Married Woman, on th9 wounds of Adultery. Murray Johnstm I‘orouto, in tlm in the Pxnvinue sician, will Parliament 0f (‘ the County of February, 1922. shun; 11M Agvnls fox chines, En aneï¬h in Farmers. Wu nl: Standard (Ix-mm Svpnrntmu dition, which we will sell Quick Suh'. Now that Sprng wmk i near. (ll'l‘p in and let us‘ rrices. If we havvn’t what rrices. If w we cxm get it Run over 1 Give us MI) Emly( 3549 DATE!) at. gtle_C{ty(1fTor;onï¬94ghis NOTICE DATE D at; the Public Notio e 3L4? A. R. HASSARD. Queen Street East. T‘ Ontario, Canada, Solicitor for the applicunt. Successors to J. Carter TINSMITHS GENERAL AGEN l‘a‘ James 7uunsel for 'H. s. M ULLOWNEE mcut 2468 29-43 G (ha by 11) HS In ILCH'RIST & WALSH Murray Johnston by his solicit-I md 2&53 Ynnge Strebt, Petitionel ‘y glun City of Toronto, (a WK, this lSlh day of in the sum )unty of ' Onmriu mrl me Liam-ml of Specialty Mu- ‘ 0f Iutcri‘st. and We also have mm mxtm'. in A 1 mn- Lll sell cheap fur the Plainï¬ff Yonge Street, Torontz) “If oomph-l0 E llnl'l'i-I nnd( the me (111 (7|) is drawing To [‘0 n to, Lt Ja Uit‘v ll \V fl l 21-43 h :1 \‘ ment ‘mes vnu \V( lll THURSDAY, MARCH lGâ€"RPg. Hnlsn-in cattlu, Clydesdale horses. implements eta. lot mm. 2. Vaughan. the px~opmty of Ed. \Viltshire. Sale at l n'clook. Terms 8 months. Prentice & Prentice. Ancte. THURM)AY. MARCH lti-â€"Impnrlnnt Credit, Sale of ï¬fh‘en houd Hf high- class registers-d Holstein lhieqm. Cattle. nu lot 21. 9th Line. Markham, the propm-ty (.Y Gideon Brown-:- lwrger. Sula at lo'cluck. Fred \V. Silveus'des. Am-I. \Vr'te fur cumâ€" lngue tn Gideon Brownsberger R. R. 1 Smuï¬ville. 36-37 FRKDAY. MARCH l7â€"Farm stock. implements em†10!. 24. rear of con. 3. Vaughan. the property of Fred W. Dunby. Sale at 12 o’clock. Terms 8 months. J. H. & K. G. PrentiCe, Aucts. FRIDAY, MARCH lTâ€"Farmstnck. im- plements 610., lot 8, 8th line, Murk- ham, the property of H. Dunc-An. Snle af lo'cluck. Terms8nmnths. Prentice & Prentice, Aucts. SATURDAY. IUARCII 18~High ch<s Clydesdale horses, Hulstein mule. implemean eta, Int 1!). 8th linv Murkham, the property of juhn I. Baldsnn. Sale at IUo‘clnrtk. Lumh provided. Prunï¬ce & Prentice. Aucls. MOXDAY. MARCH 20-53mm stuck. implonwnts. furniture Ute†Int 21. can. 4. Markham, 1 mile wuth of Victoria Square. the property (-f H. Wesley B :yntun. F. W. Silversides, Auct. MONDAY, MARCH 20â€"Farm smck, implements ch., 101315, con. 4. West York, tne properly nf A. Harvey. Sale at lu’ulnck. Ter'nsH nmulhs. Prentice & Prentice, Aucts. \VEDNESDAY, MARCH 22â€"High class harms and cattle. implementsetm. lot :33, cm). 4, Scurhuro. the property of Lmns FHZgI‘l‘Md. Sale at 1 o’clock. Tenm 8 months. Prentice & Aunts. TUESDAY. MAW'H 14â€"le11!) slm-k, im- plemenis utm, Int 2L, Gun. 5, Stizll‘hOlO. the prr‘pr-rty of Andrew Penny. Sale at 10’c10ck. ’l‘vrms8 ummlw. Pnemiue & Prentice, Aucts, \VEDNESI).\Y. MARCH lsâ€" stock. implemenls elm, Int 2|. con. 6, Mark- hum. the pmperty of'Mr. Hue“. Sale at l o'olu-‘k. Terms 3 mnnths. klmwn (In (lay (of :ah’. J. U. A: A. U. l'wntixo, Aucts. ann'. MARCH lUâ€"Fux'm stork, imple moms otc.. lot 4. com Vaughnn. the prvperty of Elswgth Key. Sale at. 1 o’clouk. Terms 8 months. Pro: tico 31. Plan-nice. Aucls. SATURDAY, MARCH ll-~F.~um Stork, implements etc.,10t 11. con, 1, East, York MiHs, the prupPrLy ut‘ Avery A. Miller. Sale at l, o'ulmzk. ’l‘ulms 8 nmmbs. Prentice & Premium TUESDAY, MARCH 21â€"â€"Farm stock. implements etc, lot. 20. con. 8. Mark- hum. the property of \V. Lickerice. Suh- nt 1 o'clock. Terms H momhs. Prentice & Pleutice, Aucts. MONDAY, MARCH 27â€"Farm stock implemean etc. lot S, con. 7, Mark- ham, the pmperly uf Mart Sellick. Sale at. 1 o'clock. Terms 8 months. Prentice & Prentice, Aucts. MoanY, MARCH 27â€"«Fnrm stock. implements .40., lot 12, Can. 5. Mark- ham, the properlv of Jon -than Maureqs. San at 12 o'clock. Terms 8 m vnths credit. Pren ice & Prentice, Prentice 81 WEDNESDAY implenmnrs the properl burgh. Saki Sumnts. l’re Tilvnsmw, M. hum stuck. £LG. 2 Van Geo. Scholl. Suigeon TUESDAY, Implelue NU" im implement; lmm, the Mattleis. 8 m vnths c1 Aucts. prone "L 10 rentice ll] 1‘. u wn scum RDA Y Ily Audio n th & \Vulkingtm MARCH 7» ms‘ furnitan Markham. Y ‘ of Gen. Vnnd Saki ï¬t ‘2 Prentice & , MARCH 9 .ck. implen Vaughan, nl M ghnll l't‘ll 'rentim-, An MARCH 8‘ etc. Int. 27, C uli A!“ l mu the mplemeuts etc. Int I3 hun, the pmperty 01 uleut l n'cluck. 'I't'lms ‘vrms for farm mndc Sale Register nf Clit- (‘II 4al\l( furniture u. Yvngvl Lb: l'lllS property ul' 1 o'clock. T & Prenï¬cu, [ 4-»1‘10rtgu; ) unge hr mam-burgh AucLs 100 7. cm) ester ’clock rentiq Farm stock con. 7. Mark Mart Sellick HI†ï¬cn II‘IH um slm Strum muntll 4M Sal 10me Aucts. 1"“! league hockey. and he is certainly mak- ing good. being a cool net guardian with a reserve bundle of nerve. Bryan‘b‘harpless. 1S)years oid defence playerâ€"'l'his yuung fellow is a near-six- footer. has speed to burn. stick~handies nicely. and packs a wicked ankle-high shot. His reach also stops many a rush. This is his ï¬rst year in league hockey. I Frank Grainger. 18 years old. defence playerâ€"Here‘s the boy who can ex- change hody-checks with the best. of them. He is speedy, a good s‘Liek- handler. and shoots from either side: Played with Richmond Hill [est year. ncnxuc “Uhan . » William Charles, l8 years old. for. wardâ€"Has speed; tries hard all the way, and uith a little more experience in stick-handling will be a hard check. “is ï¬rst year in lemme hockey. Eric Blaney. 10 years old. forwardâ€" ls no Speed merchant. but ca stickâ€" handle fairly well and plays h sliositiun all the while ; can also stand the bumps, being a husky chap. This ll his ï¬rst year in league hockey. “’ " ‘~ In --~_..t ..I.: I"- u... ... . «y "7. r ~“b 7.. Elmore Harding, 16 years’ old, forâ€" ward‘ls a small fellow with plenty of nerve; when opponents bump him a- round the ice he comes right back for more. He matches his check closely, and with moue experience will be with the comers. First year in leagua work. Charles S. Hoe (Coach), 80 years old ~Played the last three years with Richmond Hill seniors. Previous to that he played for yea: s with Campbell- ford. Ont. his home town. The writer of this hockey eolumn wishes to state right here that Coach Roe is deserving of great credit for the way he has built up and handled the Senior Cadets this season ; they are making the best of them step liVely, but not lively enough to win. V where the first stages in the " moving" process took place. Quite true; a cer- tain team of "cellar champions,“ the York Nadials, tried to block them in their efforts. but made a sorry show of it upon this occasion. The local seniors went at the “moving†game in the right manner right at the start and. with a. “You know me. Al " attitude, knocked their opponents for seven gmls while thev were knocking the pride of Richmond Hill for one. but at that the game was not as lob-sided as the score would indicate. It was fast and clean hockey every foot of the way. the locals having decidedly the best of the argument. The principal reason for the one sided score was a player named Ransome, net-guardian for Rich- mond Hill; he played a sensational game and saved the net time and time ,zLI- -L-.- “: ‘chuu ..v.,...._, . , Clarence Mylks. 17 years old, left wing-wlias plentv of speed. but his {peciauy is ï¬nding the nets with a quick shot from along the boards. He has been a “pinchâ€"hitter" in this respect on severn‘ occasions‘ His ï¬rst year in league hockey. 3 , .A . un _._‘_- ah} I‘â€" Things are calm and serene "over on Easy Street†at this writing. Last Friday night the townspeople, in large numberS, accompanied the Richmond Hill Seniors to \Villowdale Arena. again. stopping almost impossible shots, and during the intervals between shots our defence and forwards were playing the game as it should be played, the defence breaking up many a play and stopped many a rush, and the forwards boring in with that persistency which will not he denied, and if they did lose the puck in their endeavors they gave a marvellous demonstration of back- oheckingâ€"such checking that slowly but surely saps the strength and energy out of an opposing team. Who radi- ated ‘! Now, all together: †Richmond Hill." The goal-scorers of the night : Grady 3. Glass 3. Blanchard l. Groves 1. And so they moved over to “Easy St." THE "CLEAN-UP" PARTY Never before. during the past winter, has there been such a large crowd at :he local rink as that which attended the “clean-up" party staged by the local senior hockey club on Monday evening. The gallery was crowded: also every point of vantage throughout the entire rink. Whether they were all astrologers or not, they saw the hockey STARS in action, and plenty of action at that. \\'illowdale seniors opposed the locals on this occasion, but the op- L Ichu n |\.u “nunâ€... Allen Armstrong. 16 years old, de- feHCPâ€"â€"The heavy boy on the line-up. He does not shnw any exceptional speed or curves. but when it comes to effec- tive work he is on the job. As a back- checker he is a marvel, and shoots a wiCked gypsum. This is his ï¬rst year '11 lea ue hocke . , I A, g u 1'7 ...... nlA In?!» . . WWW... .u..- J -m. Cadetâ€"Sergt. Jack Glass (Captain). N: years o‘d, right wingâ€"4X statwart boy Who can skate and back-check with the best of them; stick-handles nicely, and can shoot from either side. Jack is also a regular on the senior team this year. Piayed with Richmonfl flill East y‘ear.‘ - myâ€- , \Villiam Batty. 19 years oId. center â€"â€" A concentrated bunch of speed and very tricky with the stick; He is one of the team‘s smaHest playérs. [’iayed with Woodstock last year.†N .~\1‘. position did not amount to What was expected from the only team which had recorded a victory over the locals this winter. They had lots of speed. and speed to burn. but the heavy back- chacking team of puck artists would not allow them to burn it. There was not one weak spot on the local line~up on this occasion. lF there was any our se: game 1 moving their 6 at tom Tl‘ He nior L ENC is An aboard {ht (Thurs< OVER 0N EASY STREET OH em KEY NEWS mg man's hr and he is cert‘ a cool net who (haH‘jed w an admire-I NIOR. _v Street a. Xoux‘ \ll g9 (:A DE'I‘S jale Aren: ’.L)6 car. only lost the OHE‘S i PRINTING ‘We Know How R. \Ving. J. Hal-t L. \Ving. L. Atkï¬nsnn ths. E. \Vhite. A. McNuhh, J McLean. R.'w.. G. Campbell L. \V. B. Hooper Subs. Farr. \Vesley, Tomlimn. Next Monday evening, in the Thorn- hill rink. the Thornhill Midgets will plny the Newmarkot, Midgets. the ï¬rst x-f u. senies of home and home games fur the. trophy to be given by the Sterling Bunk. ELG IN MILLS LightLunches Ice Cream Soft Drinks Cigars Cigarettes Refreshmennts Stabling Accommodation at Reasonable Rates , Hznllluldy night Thr‘rnlllll MitlflPls pltyml 2: tin gune with llichmmld Hill Jun-M399, ll); scum living/Ll with ten minuu-s nverlinw. This was one of the» nicest gumvs. seen in Thumhill Rink this year. To pick Hut the stars would hl: a difficult, Ilmtlerns all the players are very fnst, hut in the Write-rs opinion Harold Bl'illingernmb Bruce McDonald started for Tlmrnhill nnd Jan-nos Ne-wpm-t and Allan Ann- strnw: for Richmond Hill. Th? boys on both teams me to he cnhgrulululed in the dean game they played. The following is the lineup of the lmlh teams. ELGIN HOTEL Jones Lumber Co. We have more of these on hand than we have room for, and are pre« pared to quote a VERY Low PRICE to anyone wishing io purchasg their summer requlrements now. CEDAR POSTS JONES LUMBER C0. Blanchard, and local team Upon southern group. tion in the conte and south for th cine pla than anothe big Bill Gt revelation. through th and seemed. and 5 party ers: Baldwin Ra Charley ‘Jowie, Ker Grady. Jack GIass, Frank M cGonnghy. The writer hem Manager Bert, Coc (ion‘, H. Brillingor L. 1)., A Clupnmn R. D.. B. McDonald 0.. (J. McDonald Gunl, 1. Newport L. f).. E. Harding R. D.. A. Armstlung RICHMOND HILL SKATING RINK Dbl Sli†m Phone 44 r 23 Stop 51 Yon Every Wednesday and Saturday evening. Band Saturday evenings. Tickets, Adults 20 Cents Childzen 15 Cents 3o-tt .7 Bridges, Prop; ï¬x Ill Hi“ rnlzill Midï¬Ã©ts, both in their own group 11' mu-und~home gun: $31? uppm' Hp "hm mpinnship in IN will he may!) H'xt; Monday 9' Richmond Hm 3 entire \ViHo IL was a grea by the followin ZI'HS are DH 'I‘HOHNIHLL l‘i Thm-uhill Richmond Hill: they'l- lllll gravel nlxeudy. Th dusmvo it, and we be us are proud of them. their and x ll] It more prmninently } ' . ‘ . vnday evening it was v “is rushes were a n .md again he broke - r : \Ymnwdnh mam H congratulates pk. Captain Kenny ary member of the eir winning of the [1 looks for a repe- betwven the north ‘hampionship of the m of the cup. SHOTS lmc :som. Be my Blane} Bill Yonge St. {11( buys ; them 1m:ka mMch 'vd on Thurn- pvvning, the 0 vamn) kL’t mth decisive 01m. See it. wdale tear t“clean-up 1 local play Bert Cook nchard. Bi! iroves, an play- Cook. . Bin . and like The Prepare For The Fall Rains Several nice properties on Rnseview Centre E t. und Wright streets. The Klinck House and Lot, on Cenâ€" tre Street \Vest, must be sold to wind up Estate. DAY PHONE 13-3 NIGHTS AND HOLIDAYS The Allen prnperly on Ynnge St eightstwo feet; homage. Good house ham. chicken house. trees. etc. A bargain. Small Farm in Township of Mark- ham, near Elgin Mills: good buildings, first-class gmdï¬n lund, orchard, spring creek, etc. street, I uge, etc Bran, Shorts and Gluten Meal on hand. A15 21 good supply of No 1. Feed Corn. Yonge St, RKCHMOND HILL A car of Salt in barrels and sacks arrived. ii. A. NECHOLLS Cénnel, Stove, Nut and Pea Coal. Also Hegnleck Slabs at the Elevator. Service always up to standard. LUMBER YARD RICHMOND ST. RICHMOND HILL Pastry and Purity Flour†al- ways on hand. :znaim ï¬nest interior ï¬nish to us from rough lum be L INNES A} §ONS One Insurance effected Money bun-Owed and [mum] Call and see me at your first oppurtunicy. Get your farm boots hand made from best English Kip Uppers. Malaria“ workmanship ax Public Notice Maigriaï¬ Blachford’s Calf Meal. nces right. W. HURST Purnia Scratch Feed. The Real Estate Man I. D. Ramer 6 Will qu ABSOLUTLY WATER PROOF. nf the hpr hnnses on Arnold 1-2 new of land, orchard, gur- we supp Shoemaker I‘hox‘nhill. Or LANING MILL AND C V'C Ontario ven thin to 0 IT) tcrial