VOL. XLIV. m:.\"i":sr Stalulnld Rink. “()tllSlanlt. lo 5.33 p.m. Open evenings by a ppoiutmeut. Tell-phono 3'3 . DR. J. P. VVILSQN Ol‘ï¬cc hours ill to 6 toS p.11). Ollite nn-l Inwiilenc-Mâ€"Y Richmond Hill. I £3533 ABGGlti‘il fer ha Farmer’s Wile Every farmer’s Wife vsill ï¬nd a bank account for houseâ€" hold and personal expenses :1 help and a safeguard. 12 am. onge Street F‘Iltlllt’ NH. 2! \Valler S. Jenkins Rec. Phone Hill. 5049 J. llurry Nauqhton Res. Elgin Mills Res. Phone 44.4 NAUGHTON & JENKINS Barristers Solicitor HNotm-ies TeIEphone Main 2777 Monarch Bld .. 6- < Ofï¬ces 3' 02103056191 Purchases can he made by cheque through the mail. making a trip to town unnecessary. En- close your cheque with your order. lie ï¬nal Bank 0i Bauala Branchesâ€"Thornhill ai 9. Sr" \Vest, T ughtcu Block, Aurora Solicitor for : The Town of Aurora 'l‘hv Township of King l‘ht- Township of \Vhitr-hurrh The Imperial Ban J. M. \V-‘llllvll. & (_ u... in. Am on: W. l and Willowdale vANDoue LICENSED A U( "PIONEER. FOR THE (.‘OI‘NTY OI" YORK Not hing too gi(-at_.\lotliing too small. «r‘m>w; J. 13L I’x'eutice 414-) BJIIloI St. Toronto. Phone Belmont. lBlT LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR COUNTY OF Yong AND ONTARIO TERMS H li.\S0.\‘.\Bl’.I-‘. Order-e left. with Mr. Gm. liar-ding will ror‘eive prompt. attv‘uiion. Al<o agent for the Hinman Standard Miikm. Phone Aurora 8013 Special attention given to sales oi every description. Farms and farm I "'l stock sales a specialty. Farms bought. WRIGHT BROS. and Sold on commission. All sales at- tended to on shortest. notice, and con- ducted by the most approved methods. ‘t’atronage SUIIK:IH‘LI. Undertaken and Embed mch RICHMONDHILI. THORNHILI.‘ AND UNIONVILLE .1 large stock of Funeral Furnishing KPpb at the above places WWW Miss BEATRICE HOWELL T o RONTO _ {'e'acher of Fletcher Method “In Essentials, Unity; in No Ofï¬ce Trench lllork, two doors north of i k of Canada, Aurora. ‘ l E. a. sari:itinicisrloni 1 Song Recital bâ€"nno I A (lwliahliul Song Recital was given ‘ in tho Methoth Church Friday L'Vl'll' by Mrs. G. E. Ruaman. Min Vol.1 M. Gray and Mr. I. IE. Newton. under the auspices of the Mission Cll'tilt‘. Mrs. Reaman sang several ditficult sr- levtinns, but. the highest notes Wt'lt‘ taken Without. any apparent (-tl'ult. As always Mr. Newton played capahly on the piano, and Miss Gray dclighh d her audience with hL‘l‘ readings. In llit‘ whole ('lllPl'L'lllllllt'llL nothing was (Wm - drawn. and every numbr'r was thur uglin enjoytd. ~.~Oo Liberals Organize At an enthusiastic gathering here Friday night. permanent oft'ireis \Vf‘tP elected for the recently organized Richmond Hill Lilwral Association. The speakers of the evening wmc Alexander l\lchregor, Major]. E I. Straight and Capt. II. S. Mullowney. Every speaker was listened to with 'marked :ltlenllott, and many good suggestions were given. t-sneciallytn the need of organization. Permanent officorg were elected. and before closâ€" ing it. Was decided to h lld month'y meeting-s. The proercdiugs of the evening; \rr'le enlivenl‘d with music and l0"llallttlli. The Honorary l’wsidanh are Hon. Mat-Kenzie King and Mr. Alex. Marlin-gm; .H Rolerâ€"Boler-Minstrels he “22 production of the local MinStael Troupe is well under way. Practice, has lawn the ot'rle‘r of lIlt‘ (lay for some time now, and the entire Slluw i4 shaping up like a 1011 live sizzling: onterla’nment from the "Coming Chorus" to the “Good Night Ladius." The organization this year has morn members than it had the paat two Swusons and eva member is working hard to gin) the pnhlicjust one full [rogrammc of song" und ltuuhtrr. 'I be fine l‘t:l'ec‘lion -f qua) tel 1:. ll'lO-l. ducts, solos and Monologues will make you sit, right up and. take notice, not forgetting the witty numvets ard’loml jibes brought fol-Ward by the jokesluitha on the, end. Tlll‘ flu!" has been set. for three- big uighle, Thursday, Friday nndSutnr- (Ir-y, April 2‘). 21 and 22. Keep this date in mind and watch for posters whirl) will be out soon. â€"â€"â€"_) ‘.> A. C. HENDERSON PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING HOT \VA’I‘ER HEA'I‘lNG ANDGENERAL REPAIRS ,THORNIIILL, ONT. M J. EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC Commissioner. Conveyancer. Etc. Patronage solicited REAL ESTATE 4ND INSURANCE THORNHILL '1‘. G. L Y O N M LICENSED AUCTIONEER JUH N T- A N D ERSUN FOR THE COUNTY OF YORK PIANO TUNER patronage and influence 378 BEREBFORD Ava, WEST TORONTO respecuuuy solicited Phone {auction 72. ’ Residence address P. 0. address TWENT‘ ’FIVE YEARS EXPERIENCE .‘ .. . _ , All mail orders will receive prompt Victoria Square Gormley.R.R. attention. JOHN R. CAMPBELL VETERINARY SURGEON, Thornhil] . Call by~ phone or otherwise promptly ‘ responded to Musical Kmdergarcen Pupils passed for Conservatory Ex- . amiuations. STUDIO â€"HO'1‘I€L RICHMOND. Richmond Hill. I J. T. SAIGEON Maple Licensed Auctioneer for the. Countynf York. Sales attended to on shortest. notice, and at; reasonable rates. GREGORY GOODERHAM & CAMPBELL BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS. ETC. Toronto Ofï¬ces â€" Continental Life Bldg. Cor. Bay and Richmond St. Toronto. Branch Ofï¬ceâ€"Richmond Hill every Tuesday afternoon at Liberal Oï¬ice. Money to Loan. Sand, Gravel, Tile and Brick The Maple Sand, Gravel and Brick ‘rmnpanv. Lt’d. have on hand for sale. Cenwlib drain tilc. 3, t. 5, ti and S in. Culvert. tile 1:3. 15. 18 and 20 inch (30 inches hi length) Also Cement Brick. Sand or Gravel sold by the load or in car lots. Cedar posfs and Lelcphoue poles for sale. '1‘. COUSINS. Pres. and Manager. .‘laplt’. A. J. HUME NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANCING ISSL’ER or. FMARRIAGE LICENHER Richmond Hill W. HEWISON HOUSE PAINTER, Glazier. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. . PRINTING We Know How l l l York Ranger Cadets The O. C. rounds will) pride thi- able replies delivered by Cadet, Limit. Belt. Grant and Cadi-t. Lieut. Eric Blauny, at the Toronto York Ranger Uudet C(it'tn; Banquet, held in the Y. M. (l. A. Banquet; llall on Thursday evening last, in “sprawling to lllt‘ Toast. "The Richmond Hill Hubris. Olin-i ll inyitutiou to the Boy Mayor of Tut'OIllU has been forwarded through Cadet Capt. tierosky. (mem- ber also of the Toronto Juvenile Bomd of Control) to be present at the official inauguratixsgof the Spring Training shortly to be scheduled. ’ The Senior Cadet Hockey Team will bephotogruphcd on Saturday alter- noon in front of the bank. dress Ol'dt‘l‘, swcn‘u rs. lttzlltes, (full skating outï¬t), als.» skates. I\Ir. j. A. Greene is working on the. matter of the leâ€"Cazppiug if possible of the entire corps. Mrs. McLatchy will announce later the date she desires for the entertain- inkr of the hockey team and their lady friends, and for this kindly gracious thought. the 0. U. the Cadet. Ofï¬cers, the Cadet N. C. 0.’s. and Cadets are grateful. Very gratefully is acknowledged the thoughtfuluctof Sergr. Major Rolfe of the Imperial Anny Reserve. in the matter of his donutng the two Ser- vice Tuuics.us also Manual of Mili- tary Law, to the Corps. The O. O. has purchased Col. George G. Nasniith's latest. book on “Can- ada's Sans and Great Britain in the World lVai " for the Regimental Lib- rary. (fade-L (.‘orpl. Harding Burnaby archivist of the Corps, will shortly prepare the recording of the Regi- mental History, to have in readiness fur-exhibiting at. the crunmg Agricul- turd :thh of May Fair. Major Strvight, ll. S. 0., M. C.. on his late visit to Richmond Hill. ex- presaed to the U. C. his pleasure in healing of the Cade Corps progress in Richmond Hill and desired a Guard of Honour to be specially trained for the Coming visilof the. Hon. Lynn Mac- Konzle King. which is expt-cLed will take place sometime during the com- ing :llllllllC‘I'. ‘9 Newton Brook Arrangements have hccn Ctllllpletud for iv. grand concert [0 be given in the Methodizt church, Tuesday evening, .‘latch 21. The programme will be given by the St. Clair Methodist Church ch. ir cf 55 voices. , Charity.†Th cm 3.. no quicker, safer, or more convenient“ t. in nod of remitting money than by a Sterling Bank Money Order. A receipt is when the money order given at the time of purchase, and is cashed it constitutes a permanent receipt for the money. Should the Money Order be lostfla new one can be obtained. The Order is payable at par at any Chartered Bank in Canada, except in the Yukon dlStI‘lCt. Our local Branch will'quickly issue Money Orders for you at any time. Bl’anhes at: Richmond Hill. Thornhill. Lmsin;r P éancra lit“ EL: l (Continued from a previous issue) On the 5th of July we tank the train for London. 2; (ï¬nance of The. compartment coaches and the en- gines, with their low drive \\heel-, all‘ looked airnllgt‘ to us. They neverthe- I 5% make some- spcvd on tnv-sc l() til". I) Hing (2'l\"l“(l llw (llSlillltl‘ in m (} hour and thirty [tribute-s. \Ve. wow met attlu-\\'aterlo'1station, acrrrdirg to pirvious arrangrnwnis, by a rrpii- sentutivu (if 'l‘hns. cook & Sons ('l‘our- ist’. Agvnts), “ho turned ne Over to a London Guide. and toga-thew, will) pm- haps twenty ollieis, ue visited many pIaCPS()EIIIlt‘19.~l, among [lll'ill beirg: St. Paul’s Catlit-(li a!, \\'cstniit:ster Ahâ€" hey, London & \Vutt'llno bridges, the Tower Of London, 'l‘rafwlgar Square, Llw British Mmcum. Hyde I.)rllk. and litany other plums of deep inn-rest. \Vurds fail u: to descx ibe the I've-hugs, and even sensation, that, prism->595 mu while viewing some t f Lhezsc hictoricul plat-vs. l was deeply movvrl while standing on this tablvts, in \Yestmii - SlL‘l' Allin‘y and St. Paul’s Catlndrul, of men of ronnwn~8tIdlers, pot-Ti, ltâ€" ligionists. £-I.t'.â€"-Etll£l I thought of the poet. Longfellow, who said: “Lives of great men all remind us: we Can make our lives sublime, and, departâ€" ing, leave behind us footâ€"prints on the sands of time,†etc. The bust of the late Sir John McDonald. and that. of Georg: \Vashingtou. in St. Paul's, made one feel, after all, as not being So far from home. One thing in London Tower impressed me vmy much, and that was a work-bench and a. frett- saw, at one time Itsed by General Gol- (lon, of Kaltoum lat-no; and still an- other was to stand in the 0-H wherein Guy Fuux, of the, ‘ gun-powder plot." Was imprisoned before his execution. There, were many other things that came under my All/but ration in London thacI would lika: to tell you «l, but I must hasten on. I \Vc left. Southampton on July the 8th on the 8.5. BIILUH. of the Union Casio] Line. This vessel was, ofcourse, only u. baby compared to the Olympic, but. the passenger list. was small also (only about eleven hundred, crew and all); this gave us more liberty and ad- vantage, and “e lured very well in- deed. Passing down tho English channel, and rounding the Isle of \Vight. we finally passed the “Need- lcs" (a cluster of rock formation tower- ing many feet above. the water's surf- uce). We plunged into the wide ocean onca more. this time for a six-thous- and-mile iun. We \"ieu'ed English Soil for the last time till our voyage to Capetown, and retired to our berths. We were highly favored in that, while sailing by llIL' Bay of Biscu, we had Computatively smooth water, whereas voyagets on this Cultist: are usually \isited with a very heavy 50:1,lnvuli' ably manifesting itself in that physical sensation t-xpit-ssul in the pronouncin- tit n of 111-: word, " ILL‘Râ€"UP.†The next point Ill in west wan "Ma- deiia. Island," Portuguccc possession. ()ur steamer anchored in the island harbor imfolc daylight, (no (lock here). Coal tramports drew alongride our \‘esse', flight. in number, and our boat look to ulw thou‘wind, eight hundred tons (f coal, requiring ubo_it fifteen hours to Complete the operation. IL was not. a very pleasant. rxperience to be in a 5:0: m of soft ('(Ml dust for that length (n' tlhlt‘, and no way of Escape; coat dust everywhere. As soon as the vessel anchored the natives immedi- ately boarded by climbingr up ltu- side of the ship by the aid of polce, will: a I hook attached. (To be cmitinucdt i ’ l Hts nu lea. l Keswick, Qu ensvillo, Aurora mrl Newton Brook. .auuohhak Dr. W. J. Wesley -. Family physician 2.3 years expor- lence.) Yonge St. Thornhill. Ofï¬ce hours 9 to II a. m, (S to S p. m. ].-EARLE NEWTON PIANIST Teacner of Pi:mo«Playiug at. the Toronto Ctrmervatory of Music and St. M‘mgaret’s College. Richmond l’lillw\Vcdncsdays and Saturdays. N. C. . layer. B,A. Evenings, Ifteter (ylur, Bu. Mama- Road L. W. odes.13 A. North [‘orunt: Shaver Taylor 8: Rhodes Barerrs. Solicitors Nmnrles. lite. Hurnillon Tum: llldz Rooms 303-30.? Oxyacsina Clt‘V Hull 57 Queen St. West Tel. Adelaid 5974 Tomato M Denton, Macdonald 6: Benton Barristers. Solictors. 8w. I‘lANNING ARCADE. 4 KING ST. \VES’I‘, TORONTO, CANADA TELEPHONE MAINE 311 ’ Cable Address: "Dedu" Frank Denton Arthur A. Macdonald Macnaughton 81 Campbell Bartlrters, Solicitor-9, Etc. Ofï¬cesâ€"Suite 511 McKinnou Bldg, Cor. Jordon and Melinda Sts., Toronto. Telephone Main 3631. A. CAMERON MACNAUG HTUN FREDERICK A. A. CAMPBELL Mr. Campbell will be at The Liberal Office. Richmond Hill, every Tuesday afternoon. H. A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC Guumissinner, (.‘4'Illl'0ytlllCl‘l’, Etc Inuuuncc and Real Hutatc RICHLIOND HILL WILLIAM COOK ARRIb'I‘ER, Somcrron, NOTARY Er- Toronto Ofï¬ce, Richmond Building 1% Richmond Shelf-t, \Vvst. Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce (‘Liberal Ofï¬ce). every Thursday forenoon. Maple, Thursday aftex noon. \Vnodbridqe. Saturday forenonn. Money to Loan at (‘inrcnr Rate. 8