WINTER WEA’EHER HARD ON “THE {2% Our Canadian winters are exceed- ingly hard on the health of little ones. The weather is often so severe that the mother cannot take the little ones out for an airing. The consequence is that baby is conï¬ned to overheated, badly ventilated rooms; takes cold and becomes ewes and peevish. Baby's Own Tablets should be given to keep the little ones healthy. They are a mild laxative which regulate the stomach and bowels and thus prevent colds. The Tablets are sold by medi- cine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams’ Medicine 00., Brockville, On-t. Be not of those who would sooner be told their fortunes than their faufl ts. Hand-Daming Machine Works Like a. Loom. Darning is made into a pleasant oc- cupation. it is claimed, when done} with a device recently introduced in; England. The little flaming machine? consists of a flat stretcher which is placed behind the hole in the stocking, and over which is slipped a saddle that holds the stocking in place One Logicél Woman. Salesladyâ€""That hat makes you look ten years younger." Customerâ€"“Then it won't do. When I took it of I shouXd look ten years older.†Thimble-like contriv'ances that fit over the ï¬nger endé, to facilitate the hulllng of fruits, are the novel inven- tion of Amy Pearce, of Mission City, British Columbia. The thimble‘s are of light metal and are provided with artificial nails. To each of them is (as-teheil a short: rubber tube, which secures it upon the ï¬nger. Minard‘s Liniment for Coughs and Golds again?" My weary and wandering answer ran, "01), no," said the angel, piercing me through: “Just give till the Savious stops giv- ing to you.†MONEY ORDERS. Send a Dominion Express Money Or- der. They are payable everywhere. This phrase, Ineaning thnteeu ob- jects instead of twelve, originated in England when the statutes against giving less than the aunount paid for were unusually severe. sometimes in- volving the death penalty. In order to make sure of not giving short quanti- ty the bakers vvould sen thirteen loaves to the dozen,thus being on the safe side. Neither the good nor the evil you nave d'cme is lost, though you forget both. "Go, break to the hungry sweet charity‘s bread. For giving is living," the angel said, “But must I be giving again and Fruit Thimbles. The Example. A Baker's Dozen. q" RH? The cabrogoya is a very handsome reptile, beautifully marked, and its skin when tanned affords a tough leather of excellent wearing“ quality and waterproof. It is used for making ‘women’s shoes and, with the idea of iinvtroduclng it into the United States lfovr that purpose, specimen hides have ' recently been sent to the US. Depart- ment of Commerce by the American Consul at Colombo. The solution to Problem No. 19, which appeared last week (white to mote and wip), is__as follgyvs: n Solution of this position will appear next week. Two ancient prophecies of the house of Clanricarde are fulï¬lled by the mar- riage of Princess Mary and Viscount LaS’celles. It was the death of the last of the Clanricarde line which gave the bridegroom his independent for- tune. ' The Island of Ceylon, which sent peacocks, monkeys and baby elephants to King Solomon, for mat monarch's 200, is remarkable for a weird and in- teresting fauna. One of the oddest of its animals is a huge lizard, called the cabrogoya, which attains a length of four and one-half feet. One of the prophecies, which dates back to the middle of the eighteenth century, was that a King's daughter one day would come into the family. The other was that the famous jewels of Clanricarde would one day be worn by the daughter of a sovereign. The most remarkable of these jewels are the “stones of luck†carrying the tra- dition that should they leave the Clan- rlcardes luck would leave the house. They are seven large and very ï¬ne diamonds. body." “Eh .3†Everybody Pleased. "How's the new baby? Last I heard you wanted to call her Pearl and her ma was holding out for Ruby." “And her grandma wanted to name her Opal.†"Well, [how did i-t come out?†"Ignored nobody and satisï¬ed every- No. 20â€"-â€"B1ack to move and win. Two Prophecies Fulï¬lled. 17â€"14 1-10 10-7 CHECKERS~By Heck Called her Jewel.†a, Lizard Skin Leather. % 10-17 17-22 22-26 27â€"23 26-30 30-26 26â€"22 WM m 10 10-7 1 11 7-3 ‘ 12 16-11 1 13 19-10 White wins W 17-14 14-10 10-7 EM § B. i CHAPLEAU SUFFERED so gig} MUCH HE DREADED FOR 1151-1811 MEAL TIME TO COME. sis ‘ -â€"â€"â€" i' QBYSPEPSEA ENDED ‘1! IN A SEEï¬RT TIME “The Way Tanlac Overcame My Trouble Was the Hap- piest Surprise of My Life,†He Declares. “About the biggest and happiest surprise of my life was the quick way in which Tan-lac brought me complete relief." said Victor Chapleau. 375 San- guinett Ave., Montreal, Que. “I was in a terribly run down condi- tion for three years as a result of stomach trouble. I actually got to the point where even the smell of food cooking would nau‘seate me and I drqaded to see meal time come round, as I knew that no matter how careful I was I would suffer agonies after- wards. I was so nervous at times that my hands shook like a man’s with the palsy and I could hardly hold a pencil to sign my name. The little Lapp, on the other hand, fares most luxuriously in its mother's shoe. These Lapp Show are blg af- fairs of skin stuï¬ed with soft moss, and can be hung on a peg or tree branch safely out of the way. An infant in Guinea is usually buried in sand up to its waist When- ever the mother is busy, and this is the only cradle it ever knows. The Chinese baby is tied to the back of an older child, who goes about its play quite ignoring its burden. Retaliation. At a certain University one of the lecturers visiting the college was a professor Whose name happen-ed to be Walter Raleigh. A student was deputed to meet the great man at the railway station. This student did not know the professor by sight, but, walking up to a man he thought looked like him, he said: “I beg your pardon, but am I ad- dressing Walter Raleigh ?†The man looked at him a moment, and, thinking he must be mad, replied: “No, I am Christopher Columbus. Walter Raleigh is in the waiting-room with Queen Elizabeth." A New Kind of Fuel. Successful experiments have recent- ly been made with a fuel composed of a mixture of antracitc dust and an a1~ most pure carbon obtained by distil- lation of coal-tar pitch. The stuff is pressed into briquets, the coaHar pitch product serving as a binder. In this shape it is hard, dense and in color silvery to grayish black. The .briquets burn like anti‘aciie, not going to pieces like coke. Babies Buried in Sand. gllnard's Liniment prevcnts Spanish Flu for that cold and tired feeling. Get Wellâ€"â€"Keep Well. KILL SPANISH’FLU by using the OLD RELIABLE! Mother! Clean Child’s Bowels With California Fig Syrup Keephufliealih Even a sick child loves the “fruity†taste of “California Fig Syrup." If the llttle tongue is coated, or it your child is listless, cross, feverish, full of cold, or has colic, give a teaspoonful to cleanse the liver and bowels. In a few hours you can see for yourself how thoroughly it works all the conaï¬pa- tlon poison, sour bile and waste out of the bowels, and you have a well. play- ful child again. Millions of mothers keep “California. Fig Syrup" handy. They know a tea- spoonful t-oâ€"day saves a sick child to- morrow. Ask your dz‘uggist for genu- ine “California Fig Syrup" which has dlremions for babies and children of all ages printed on bottle. Mother! You must say “California†or you may get an imitation flg syrup. Agriculture Surveys. Under a ruling of the Department of the Interior, all Dominion lands south of the main line of the Canadian Paciï¬c Railway in Saskatchewan and Alberta have been withdrawn from entry or grazing lease. This regula- tion, however, will not affect applica- tions already made. The southern portions of these two provinces are being subjected to in- tensive survey of agricultural con- ditions therein, southern Alberta by a commission of which Mr. C. A. Ma- grath is chairman, and southern Sas- katchewan by a soil survey committee directed by Prof, Roy Hansen, of the Faculty of Agriculture of Saskatche-l wan University. o --â€"â€". The Price of Freedom. Irish lawyers tell this s-tory of Lord Morris, once lord ohiet’ justice of Ire- land and before that recorder of Gal», way. The last case on the list on one oc~ i casion. a dispute over a few shillings, jRelieved Ey Taking Lydig } E. Pinkham’s Vegetable 1 Compound Cobourg, Ontarioâ€"“For many years I have had troubles with my nerves ‘ and have been in a. general run-down. goondition for some time. I could i not do my work half the time because of trouble every month. I was told ‘ of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable . Comporrnd by friends and advised to ttry it. It has done me good and ll strongly recommend it. Since I ; have taken it I have been able to do; all my own work and I also know. i friends who have found it good. Yer! l l l l The last case on the list on one oc~ casion, a dispute over a few shillings. was argued before Morris at great length and with much warmth. Lord Morris was anions to get back to Dublin, where the courts were in full swing and where he held important briefs. Moreover, ‘ the Dublin train was scheduled to start Within a few minutes. The recorder looked at his watch, but the wrangle did not seem to be approaching an end. At last he said to the opposing solicitors: The Price 61 Freedom. Irish lawyers tell this story of Lord Morris, once 10rd chief justice of Ire- land and before that recorder of Ga]- way. “Pardon me, gentlemen, but 1 mu catch a train, Here is me sum [:1 di pute.†And throwing do vanished from the ( So live tn-um peter Minard’s [inimth Bulk Carlots TORONTO SALT worms 0. J. CLIFF - TORONTO Because it is best for their tender skins. Help it now and then with touches of Cmicura Ointmcm applied :0 ï¬rst signs of redness or rough- ness. Culicura Talcum is also excel- lent for children. Sol): 25:. Ointman 25 and 50:. Taking 25c. Sold throughout theDominion. CanadlanDepot: am. Limited. 344 SR. Pu! 51., W.. Molina]. Culicun Soap uhavcs without mug. America's Pioneer no; Boundle- A Book on COARSE SALT LA N SALT 9% RN 1 W Teach Chnldren To Use Cuticura Soap Minard's Liniment 00., Ltd. Yarmouth, N.S. TO-NIGHT TRY DOG DISEASES and How to Feed Mailed Free to any Ad- dress by the Author. 1!. Clay Glover 00.. Inc. 129 West 24th Street New York. U.S.A. WI urt be SilVC (116 4ARM WANTED. SEND DESCRIP~ Hun and price. John J. Black. Chippewa FnJls. \Vls. ADIES VVANTED~TO DO PLAII. and light sewing at home, whole or, spare time: 00d pay; work sent any disâ€" tance; rha es pnld. Send stamp for particulars, National Manufacturing Company. Montreal. EARN $10.00 To $50.00 PER DAY, \‘ulcmlizing. Be independent; we teach you. Write for particulars. 0 lot Instructor. Canada Vulcanizer, Lon om Ont. U 250. No other fee. A. Mééï¬grfl Chntham. Ont. sa-cems bufs a bottle of “Dauderlne‘ at any drug store. After one applica- tion you can not. ï¬nfl. a particle 01 dandruff or a falling hair. Besides, every hair shows new life. vigor, brightness. more color and abundancu. ~Any woman in this condition should take the Vegetable Compound. for 11; has helped other women and so 11 should help you, For nearly flfly years this goo old-fashioned root and herb medicin which contains no narcotics no harmful drugs, has been the standa medicine for female ills, and has 1' stored the hea1th of thousands women who have been troubled wit such ailments as displacements, in flammaï¬on, uk-eraiion, irregularitle ALL KINDS OF I;EW AND USEO belting. puHeya. saws. cable.hose.packtnn elm. shipped subject :0 approva| at Iowa“ prices In Canada. YORK BELTING CO. 11-6 YORK. STREET. TORONTO. NERVOUS AND RUN DOWN ...\.uuu -. .u, .__. . can use these magâ€"517;; iés‘iimonial."‘ â€"â€"Mns. ELLEN FLATTERS, Box 761', Cobourg, Ontario. ’ Lydia E. Pinkham's Private Texb. Book upon “Ailments Peculiar Women" will be sent you free upo request. Write to The Lydia Pinkham Medicine 00., Lynn, Maui Stops Hair Coming Out; Thickens, Beautiï¬es. §0<Z>OOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOQ Zoooooooooooeooooooï¬ For more than forty years Sloan'l Liniment has helped thousands, the world over. You won't be all excep- tion. It certainly does produce results. It penetrates without rubbing. K73? this old family friend always ha y for instant use. Ask your neighbor. ' At all dmggi§t§â€"§SC, ‘700, $1.40. ITTLE aches grow into big pain! unless warded off by an applica- tion of Sloan's. Rheumatist neuralgia, stiff joints, lame back won'o ï¬ght long against Sloan's Liniment. \ flag in ééï¬afi'a.‘ " " Sloane USE SLOAN’S T0 WARD OFF PAIN Lihifnerit Classiï¬ed Advertisements ANADIAN MA'rngmomAy ,PAPER. If you have fulneas after mealu. a bad taste in your mouth in lhe morning, fur on the tongue, flat- ulence aftet meals and no appe- tite, take Mother Seigel's Syrup. It will clean your tongue, renew your appetite, give you relish for food and the power to digest it thoroughly and easily. Sold in 50c. and $1.00 bottles at drug stores. 4-921 Fumess After Eating DANDERINE BELTING FOR BALE iSSUE No. 11â€"~'22