Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 16 Mar 1922, p. 4

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WM. GREEN Guild Strain; healthy Stock Per Setting 13 Eggs, $2.00 26 Eggs, 3.50 50 Eggs, 6.00 From Bred-to-Lay Barred Rocks Hatching EMS for Sale Do you throw away an overcoatjust because the weath- er is warm to: a few days or do you keep it for a cold spell ? Then Why thfow away a good opportunity for insurance just because you think next month will do? It is the unex- pected that always happens. Phone 44 R-ll Pekin Duck Eggs, 15c. each; $12.00 per 100 Accident and sickness insurance is a grand protection ior you and family. Baby Chicks, 30C. each; $27.00per100 Eggs for Hatching, $10.00 per 100 Here’s the Point SOC.White Legharns It, has lwvn decided ‘0 build t'm Iomnmnity hall at the north end of the village. The monthly meeting uf the ‘aneu’s Institute was held last Viednesdny at, the hnme (If Mrs. H. E. Heifer. Afternoon tea was served aL hert'er. Afternoon tea was served at Lheplosn of tho mom-:unnw. Mr'. Wad. Speight an old and re- spectvvd residan p‘ISS“d nwav hut \Vednesdny after u lingering illnpss. The funeral took place on F: idny nflt r- (n Tun-um. During \Iw m‘vniug Mrs. McDuwvll was prewnts-d \vilh :1 Mil glans berry bowl in nrprpeiniun nf huspitality shown while living in {his \icinitv. A furewell pnrtv wa; night at the hnme of MCDOWFH who are soon (0 Tun-um. Dnrim: \I' The first uf the horn" und h an:- gmnvs hetwrvn Thor-“hill um! NP"- mnrkot Iesulled in a. tin. 5 5. 'l‘hmnhill w”: leading thu fiat, [N'Iiud 3-). but vammkut. tied [ho came in the lnai If pmi -d. Both 110:1] kI-epels stmnd ! The H‘tvllill gvlnw IQ Nc'wm/u'kr-t “‘nk‘ pluye'd Friday ning . wlwn vamm in t won 3-0 winning the round 8 5. This- game was fast und it. was hmd tn pivk the stars us uH [hp hnys plnyml gum] I hockvv. Huruld Brillingm. gun] ker r ' fm- Thornhi“. was me, under “)0 (JV:- with n puck and shmvml [100:] pink in ‘ kvopiug anal “fun: he bud tlw cut bandaged. The ice \ wry houvy. fur ’l‘homhiH with n puck n lumping gml bandaged. '1' SUCCE The mnnthly meeting of TI: u-nhill Horticultural Society will he h-M in Victnriu Hull Thursd lV evvninx, March 23. nt 8 o'clock. Mr. Dm'kmv (ll Toronto will givenn illusrmlml ml Irv-s on "The lmprm‘c-Im-nt. ul' llmm- Prvmisefl.” at anytime. Write for complete prospectus. P. McINTOSH. Chief Principal ~personal individua Shorthand. typewriting methods. Over 20.0 Eleven schools in T is based on right It 100 Per Cent. Fertility Guaranteed WE TRAP-NEST ALL THE YAR ROUND SHAW Midget Finll; IN BUS 90 Per Cent. Fertility Guaranteed THORNHILL J. W. BOWMAN MAPLE 'BUSINESS SfflOOlS TORONTO 20.000 G. S A V A G E Agent Richmond Hill mung Corner Richmond and Bridgford Streets held on oron >1dnn Friday Ir. and Mrs. wing In nun-e- owning Mrs. uctio‘n (If EThornhill, lhnuso. A ‘umnd Hill ‘ RS. ALMAS‘ uvorszpmh 1+4le 1 ' \vnre store, Tlench Blm‘k. is plopaxed to give yuu an estimate on any spring sexing m- dressnmk- ing. 38-40 R. R. RICHMOND HILL JR. II~Hvlen Slunfmd: (h.) C Kendall. Liilunn Pet Vuiles Nichnflfi‘. Lyle Grant. LesHe. \Yriuht. john \Vil well, Jumps Kan-sww Stanford. (IL) Cari] Tm~k. {l Cook, (11 ) Allhm- Rand meifi. Hiida and, Lilli Mary Drury, Jack Pint-h, E: Axum Phinpe. BvrylSundPra Hund. Donald Tennyson, \Vallis. SR. Ilâ€"anzel Caldwell Mnrgmvt Duncan, (hl) Hurle has. (h.) Mnrjnr'xe Glzlingm', [h Dmdmnn. (h) Alice Iunvs, (h Wnudhead. (IL) Eileen Ruhr-1 Evelyn \‘furlnnn, Rom Uzlldn'PIl lluckie. Hairy Lloyd. \Vilan [hut duy (In Sun x} ill pAn-m FOR SALEâ€"A sen .130 Sunday Schm 1. 2.30 Evening Sm"th SprCJII Lenten Inl)‘ Oak Ridgvs St'hvml hm Richmond Hill Public School l‘l yflll vmp :1 ho m \\'hil cast: house an 1 Mid \Vill'mghhy ling at Mr. G. Lumi the he (inrml Report of Room III Names in order of merit , good h: Qpply GET) hi" )t h'in OAK RIDGES IdHN‘s (‘HI'I Em LY CLARK I‘h M Lloyd \Vill Ich ‘26, Bisluvp Re Jl'hn's‘ church selvice lamn'n I hullst‘ l ilhngm [)uxrvnut. Lave! m son, Beatrice Uuld ll Rl'll 1 nuw- of lnnd 71L 'n and pnnltly HARDING Rich- Kvil h. Mnuri: l'nllnl (h.) {bury [1.) Nurmun l. Umvm'd inn Bum“, um'h Bully. ml), Dnn‘lld Sn ndcrmn Teacher M II L Sharpâ€" n.) heme ‘1.) Rush-- r-ts. (11.) ll. Ralph 'uu'pul I, \Vqu-l- -P;ltlon, as 1110 (-99 in l‘lmrs- ongh Henve Junc- ll l‘h (Ill living. away that tired and languid feellng and makes you feel that llfe is worth \Vhy (in you sufi'n fmm the above complaints when Yuung's Digests. can relieve you of the sune head:lcbe=. distress after eating, gas on the stomach or that bloated feeling all caused flom You will mnjny your meals after using [)igesta. It also regulates the bowels, kerps the Liver und I pxuperly and flee from all trouble that, leads to Chronic Disease. Try it. and you will never legret szu sists nature as Nature should be purifies the blood. takes no dope drag or Stimulant. It as- ey'ery package of genuine Digesm. Young's Digesta prepared only from Herbs, Roots and Barks. It contains The above photograph appears on O'l‘ICE~E. Sliney JS- pmpnred to i do all kind% of [Fucking and outing in Riuhxmmd Hill and vififinfity. Patronage snlicited. Phone Richmond Hill 98. 42 lf Suffering from indigestion, Constipation, Kidney, Liver and all Stomach Troubles A Messagé t0 all Humanity i Hill [JOR SALEâ€"4 ()ypres“ incubatni‘, 153") eggs, :xlsn setting eggs, Barred Rucks, Rhude Island lied-a. and White \Vyzmdottes. $1.0(lpk‘l‘5k‘tling’. E. H. SuARPLEss. Ymngv St. Stvp 48. 33-40 Ont :IH win-king I fa“ phm'ing Apply, CAP RATION. Tu {0H SALEâ€"Single Leghorn and R. I these me fmm [mp muted [0 High Itv I‘prolimeutal Farm, (3 pvr setting of 1.3 n-gge. Fewucrigs UoLtngv. Su: 7‘ ()R SALE (Ht EXCHANGEâ€"4} r acres of land, 30‘) yards west, of Shop 51% yang-v. x\ We future“, 2')” bearing fruit trees, chicken hnusp, lnnd huitnhlu for sum” fruit and vaulahles. \Vill sell fm' value of land alone or chhange for gum] village pmpmty. See MALLURY uh Jnnos Lumber Co. 37-1!) 1‘ARM T0 RENTâ€"Purlly fall plow- ,V Pd: lot 23, l'l’Hl‘ 2nd Cmcession, ’{\I1}ghan. Jule SLINEY, Richmond "‘ EED BARL S inn-Ivy fu Vaughan. GE Maple. or 4th vf April MR. H. MURPHY. legistu-ed Shrupshil-e R: young Hon-find Bulls out of stka Apply Ms. Rowena, Park Funn, heLweonSLopsBE Street. -In an H Wnl'k All' C stutt plies ARREI) ROCK EGGSJ )AR} Soluna’led winter layers. mmm'r Stnp 48 Yonge St ()1 IVE R SAl furnhhu mvenis-nm ,vrms, mm to FRA'H: Multth V E S [‘O( registervd YOUNG’S DIGESTA VV‘ant Ads nut in nrple (1mm, l'l'AL JEYâ€"A (lunntity of seed r snie. Iul, 14,103.?» in. BAKER. Plume 463 38 lrhcxox K FOR, SALFâ€"i ne Umkshirv Bum; One 'upshire Ram; Four Bulls out of rr‘gistered l‘h f outs ahout ‘1“;de Lpuve orders with . MOYLE, Sengtltnry. ' TRUST CORPO Building. Tnu‘nln 37-33 {la Com!) \Vbile ‘. I. Red e‘ggs, All up nested layers, vanrd Dominion Guchrella :13 to $3 9‘. JOSEPH LONG, Stop 46 Yulqu SL. hon: nng A QUESTION FOR MANY TO ANSWER h Young’s Digesta, the Working Man’s Medicine Huh! or SP 24-tf kill 0. {‘xpecf DI;YIC:IStl.'l‘ I40 Ynnge 38332) 37-40 38-35) p: mums 1d room, Ptrting VI ility 33-39 ho 10 Keeps the Family well at a very small cost. Sold at Sloan's Drug Stores, Richmond Hill and Aurora Mrs. D. Phinney states I can recommend Young’s Digestn as u splendid medicine. I have used same for some time; it. never faila to do all thutis claim- ed of it. I think l'm- the stomach and huwels it, has no equal. FROM RICHMOND HILL Mrs. W. Tyndall makes the following statement. I hme been troubled for some time with indigestion. I tried various remedies that did me no gupd. Young's [)igesta relieved me of the trouble. I fvel we“ again and can faith- fully Iecommend it to nil sulfa-ms from indigestion and constipation. ‘ ORSES FOR SALEâ€"0n arm”)! I of the purchase of ILTrnctm 4 haw»- five good horses for sale. Cum: make your choice from sevpntvvm guaranteed in every way. IL \V. BURNABY Jvflerson. Ont. . -:<. At the age of 80 this well known and respected citizen of Aurora recom- mends Young's Digest“. Mrs. j. Pnhner, Aurom states : “I have been troubled with rheumatism for some time. Young's Digest". “'li recnmmended to me. I tried muue and found good results frmu the first bottle, I have taken a few bottles of Digestu, mid it has done me more good than anything yet. Owing to my advanced “[29. 1 never expect to be cured, but Young's Digesut relieves me of the pain und that is worth a great deal to me. I also find it a good tonic, and for consti- pation it is splendid." Mrs. \V. J. Tait. Newmarket a \vell-knmvn merchant’s wifv, recommends Ynung's Digestu as (he best. medicine ever put on sale to the public for sun“. ach tumble and makes the fullowing statement :â€"‘Fur years I wins a chronic sufferer from stnuiach tumble and all ailmean cause-ii through same. I doctored and (lied everything that I thought would help me without xelief, until I was recommended to try Young's Digestu. It. gave me relief at UHCP. I have used same as a Family Medicine fm- yours. It. never fails to give good iesults. My advise to all is to try it, you will never legret smuo'” ONE WHO CANT The following stnteuwntst'rmu well knuwn Indies in Rich- mond Hill, Newnmxket und Ammu, what they think of Young's Digest". They are genuine and can stand a thoroung investigation. Dispute them if you will. $500 REWARD TO ANY -.nn Illa-A n. .. Hundreds in North York recommend it. the sump DEALER, RECHMOND HILL ‘6 D. HELL & CO. 1H2 HS most popular bumper, new bumper, new sprlngs, new rear axle, brake lever, etc, are part of standard You can get one of these models on Mav The n 1‘1. 3alance in small time payments Chevrolet Fourâ€"Ninety per wee new model. FROM NE \VMARKEI‘ FROM AURORA 15 open 1 orders v r and be ‘ ,1etY “he. eel: unti HHIt‘ OHIO 111 110W. {J a chin 0119, W Apply mau‘krt 30rd ti 7ANTED qn-m-tol', khing [0 DR. our next sz‘mg? ay $20 per week You get the car 1 time payments. 31': mm only. A s are good in 1 0mm suitablv for an 101‘ near Yum-:6 St. hy pm-f'crnlnly “'iLh suuu- m take adjustments. J. E., Now- 111;: your 0‘ Vl‘d ‘e. No more sick undigested fond. Kidneys working une, eqmpx St DY L hose lent. D2).

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