5.35535:99999959595999999993 since turning on lhe water from the \\'r.\'.er\vmks. A good stream was thIm-‘n on the roof t-f [he public echo“! building, but 2w lhe hm‘u ig uld they did not like lu Hal; H10 {nil pros- hlll O. Miss E G. Barker will huve 5 f0! Inn] display of mlllmexy at her show rooms, Thnrnhill. the lust, thue days uf this walk. Fulmer openingsA have at- lrncrvd mnny ladies of gond Lusle and thi!‘ _\'v.u’s prmnises to be more utâ€" tmclive than 0\ er before. See adv. 011 this puge. Ladie< me furlunute in hm ing in lhc Village u Millincr who is able [0 pro- duce the r‘nnfchiuna in Millinvry smh as are being exhibited by Mrs. Wm. I).|\'ies in a perfectly arranged show room which must, be scen to lmdes« ciibed and appreciated. See adv. else- where in this paper. All citizens interested in making the village attractive are invited next Tuesday awning to the School Room nf the Methodist. church. to hear Mr. T. D. Duckmy. give an illustrated ad- dress on “Improvement of the Home Pmmises.†This topic is up-to»duLe as spring cleanup is ahead. If you Slllfv‘l‘ from hilinusnoss. cunslipulinu. hwulm-hv, lll‘l'V()llSl)(~S“. sulluw cnmpiexinn, luss uf nppexitv, Ind taste in qunlh. Tanluc ulld l‘nnlnu VPgemhluPillswillcorluinw stluighten you out. IL is suld at Slmuns Drug Store. at Mr. and Mrs. “Milli all the f k-mwn who so cm)" in lhviu harms caught March Slh, 1922 St'nil The (inane: were out SuLmdny aft- mmmn testing lin- hnse the ï¬rst time since turning on Hie water from the \\'1‘.ter\vu|ks. A good stream was Mrs. \Vu). \lwr huu in 1h†1 Monday Keep th The Ludie “SLH .11 ll) Build up your system all the lime luv taking T suld «L Slams Drug Sim-9. PX’M‘ l"l‘id $1.00 Kidnwy huse Milddlin n) hun '11“ l \Vhy ll) q‘v in:\_\nrn.d L drmmticnl Cnucmt. will be given llw Musnnic Hull Flidny, Max-ch ‘34, S p. m. nndrr the nth-pines of the ï¬lm pant cf the Public Sclu‘ul. >crve that date. Proceeds to pul- use a lunlvrn for [he schnols‘ The most powerful remedy you can use to obtain complete relief. 40 Doses for 750. Sold under :1 MONEY BACK GUARANTEE Sold by I" drugginu or by mail from VI. l. Bucklu. leited. ‘42 Mulua‘ 5!. Town Buckley’s Bronchitis Mixture Gone! Swept right out of existence by Bang! Goes Bronchitis Sold in Richmond Hill by Sloan's Drug Store nuw dm I'lt‘ l“. car Do you consider yourselt‘a good judge of Hosiery? Call in and see our line of Heather Hose for Misses and Children; also Boys' and Girls’ Wool-Ribbed in Black. WOQLâ€"Lgdyï¬amsey for the New Sweater; also Shetland f- rllw:\~k'llg? '1‘.- tSIO ms Drug S." WOOLâ€"Lady Ramsey 151353 in latest shades. \VL MILLlNERYâ€"Come in and see our Spr Trimmed Hats, Shapes, Flowers, Etc. Estimates cheerfully given for remodeling ï¬t] of RhMllnllisvll llS'Hl Mmgun, wife of MI Isl}. wlm died suddenly n in Thru'nhill, was intelren clxm»ml Hill Ccnwtcxy m (If M nic. AlO luad I’m ily hmingaBul us n:.\t \wok dale IIi‘AP Glutin shipde and arrive u: the l: exat- r . G. M. Stvphen \\'i>h to frivnds, kunwn and un- ) quivkly and willingly ns~islnnm- when the fin: on Wednesday. Mrs. N. Batty, Richmond Hill OUR AIMâ€"T0 PLEASE II. is O. K Hurtimhurul Emir-[y Mulnlwrship lickets Illh anal system nml fer] fine taking Tanhu‘. It is men, Much 29!)». f llw Mmhudist a Burlhd‘ny pan-1y. Bran, Shorts, Hm: "150:1 l‘:n’l)f u [4.00 delivered th sick k and HI Hie ;. It is 0. R. 31-38 and see our Spring Display of Miss Marguerite Boyle Artist Teacher in Literature, Expression, Reading, Dram- atic and HumOurous Sketches. Dialect Poems. Professional Graduate of Owen A. Smiley Studio. Address Miss Marguerite Boyle. Studio ‘Homewood Hail,’ Thomhil], Ont. 30=tf Highest Diplomasâ€"London, England STUDIO 3 1st house on MncPher NEWMARKET BUSINESS COLLEGE 1131an ANYTIME Illdivid'lhlIlhtllH‘linl). Night S: Mmulnvs mu] 'l‘lmI-sluvs. Canadian Tenor and SUJUESL NmLh Parkd Church, is prepared tn in Rivhmund Hill. St Buttv's. Arnold St, Pm uhtuinod Rin $1.53}, und .1 hqu township EIIWHIdJOhnFHhPYHI‘Id Mus. Mar- gmetCln'istizm. buth nf E:g'n Mills, inhmit. mllml shuws in the 318.954 vslale 1f thm'r brother. “'im'um Fain-y, a fnrlm‘r, whu died hits-state 0n Murchfl), 192l. He pussussed vic- tm-y bonds vnluod at $9,212; trash, $1.53},und:l I2nâ€"m'lo fun†in .‘I-ll‘k- \w-ro the Miwe‘ Multhn J\|l\|1>t\-H. 13\ \h Gamble, Dun thv (lllullt’lll'y’ Many Clan-k0. Mzny “Him 3' nnd E~l ln-r Clmke. . Miss Peal-sun guvv :m mmsn' Hy inlmesling ucrount of im-idvnts in the life of Beethoven, nml by “my uf vm it-Ly Mrs. Bending z-wv u delightful “lreu‘el lalk" on hvr n-vcnb motor h ip in Unlifnrnia. Miss Helen Page uf Toronto. a week-end guest. cunt: ihuted mur-h tmwu-d the plensme of the occasion by her humnmus runding<. and the hxusless Completed the pmgrummp bv singing u gmup of songs. after which ten was served. vanmrkt pupil Th f0: 10 MacPhcrs OII Yunge and Chm ies Sts. Toronto, Is strictly first. class in nil Depallmants and unexcelled in the Dominion. A sound business rduczitiun is It sure stepping- stone Ln success. but the imitation kind is nut. \Vhy not investigate the sulijecl? We will gladly smd you our large catalogue which contains complete information. Fm-vnur snke send for it (0-day. Students admith at any time. Our gradufltes are cfmlinently success- u . W. J. ELLIOTT Principal. ELOCUTION MISS C. BANKS Speci owing: Is prepared tn leceive [ml mud Hill. Stmlin, Mrs. Arnold St. Pul'licuhrs mm by culling thw “Drill St. In ELLIOTT herson Avenue. Toronto Phone. North 1553 Wm. C. Ruttan :1 Theoretical Tuition PEANG Mx Recital and Tea Win Probate B-mk( Lessons if desired c m h moth M U00 son and Yuuge St 'I‘hm-sluys. ‘f 'l‘umntu Block ‘ :m nnnsmlly im-idr-nts in the vy wuy of mu irty Blighlful “travel HIOtul' hip in Page nf Toronto. ntJihuted mur-h Chair Lerldm'a I») Methodist eive pupil chnol M1 he M GEO. K1635 BDoors South of Bakery 9n .Yonge St; GOOD FRAME HOUSE, 5 ROOMS 120 FOOT LOT SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE; Furnace. large lot. Garage. Stable and Hen House For Sale by J. Edward Francis Thornhill Boot and Shoe Repairer loan tion nmking daily, and next Saturday we shall be prepared with an added rang of Millinery which you have L! e assurance will be new and upâ€"Lc- taste may we sm ceeding season, we have no nouxicement ot'mm- Spring Opening last Saturday, both in the number of visitors and the orders we received. nouriczment of far exceeded our expectauons. Most of the Models, shown for the ï¬rst time, were sold, but we are for whom we Lad ldvertised, but Lhe result or LlwAn- New Shop on Lorne Ave. The \Vorkingman’s Friend 132: E’Eï¬ifl 4-R Suvcks and Bon Mont-y wanted Building lots First'class Boot and Shoe Repairer of all kinds of Boots and Shoes. Saiisfaction guaranteed. Our business All Kinds of Boots and Shoes Repaired . Good ’Workmanship; Prompt Service. , approv MRS. WM. DAVIS 3:7()1{ §f§,EJ l4] KS L. WADE the Em 01m Directly Behind Drug Store 30-tf RICHMOND HILL med BriL upon the Choice Building Lots of tl SAL'NDEI L-Irl ies UH {i :)m and Hi Ind comp Irison illa we [Innso recon) mend H'in nus prices Icquircd by ex "Hit d iscriminatin we received, HHS easy mortgage nd up-Lc- 56S 12-[f herto 10f ity, 215 Spadina Ave., Toronto, Ontario WHO SUPPLY BATHS, BASINS, W. C's., SINKS Laundry TUBS'and ALL NECESSARY EQUIPMENT Ask for our Septic Tank Circular and get in touch with our local representative REMEMBER The James Robertson Coo, Ltd Richmond Hill Phone l3r2 who will gladly furnish necessary information and advice regarding your requirements. Out side the Village our Pressure Systems will provide water for any installation. PLUMBENG 3°Q¢906660900 OONOOWWWMWOWOQWON$MMOOWW omooocoeocooooooeoocoo¢eootoooeaowemomuz FASHIONABLE DRESS-MAKING will also be Nea_tlY done by an experienced hand in Up-to-Date Dress-Makmg Thursday, Fr TOTAL ASSETS 0V: Richmond Hill Branch Spring Mmmer‘y E. R. FORTNER - TAILOR I have received Spring Goods, and can : ORDER SUITS from -: $3200 UP :-: C. N. COOPER GOOPER’S HARDWARE WOMEN’S ORDEAi SUITS, 40.00 up Come and See CLEANING and PRESSING REASONABLE MISS E. G. BARKER’S Thornhili Millinery Shoppe Your Own Cloth Tximmed Heal The Formal Display of local IN CHIC STYLES FOR KIDDIES, MISSES AND MATRONS Will Be Shown at WHEN READY TO CONSIDER Ambrose L. Phipps Hockcv :or. Yonge and Richmond Sts. day, and Saim'iiay, March 16, 17, 18 fronl 23.00 Ill) TRENC has (ers XL ['11 n bm Stic OVER EIGHTY-THREE MILLIONS Carving Sets 0F CANKDA 5.31.13. m J. R. Herrington, Manager W3 re CODDSCUOD lmw BLOCK S, and can sell MEN’S. and Made ichmond Hill Skates n, let on!