Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 16 Mar 1922, p. 7

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LOTALTTOT iNDlA To BRil‘lSii CROWN PUT TO THE ACli) TEST But Has Proved to be Still the Dominant Quality of All Races in India, Says Corre5pondent, in Reviewing the Results of the Prince of Wales’ Tour â€"- Political Situation Grows More Acute. London, March 12.â€"~T‘he British-cut conditions. an important consid- Go'vernmenit has taken full milxtary?cration being the insults and dangers precautions to cope with possible out-1 to which their wives and families are. breaks of violence attending The arrest 3 (33in being subjected. of Mahatma Gillan-(iii; 011le Natio‘mai’ls’t‘ Reviewing the results of the Prince leader. of Wal-es' tour of India, Reuter's spe- Twenty-two Indian tribesmcn were‘ cial correspondent accompanying the killed and 29 wounded, says a Router; Prince, says in a despatch from Raw- ~despatch from Delhi, when Govcrn- alpindi, India, that the best informed m'ent troops repulsed am attack by} quarters unanimously agree that the meral thou-sand natives, under a tour was very much more succesgfu] chief-balm named- Moti Lad, in the Idar in the reception given the Prince than district, on March 3. h seen'ied possible in the face of the pol- The tribesmen were armed wit itica- agitation. bows and arrows, guns, spears, The correspondent adds: “The loyal- swonds and various other forms of ty of India to the British Crown has native defence. The tribesmen are: been put to the acid test at a critical reported to have started the battle? period and has proved to be still the when they surrounded a detachment, dominant quality of all races in India. of Government forces. l.Tlio personality of the Prince made a In the course of a speech at Delhi“,tremendvous impression. Sport amounts om, Friday, the Bandit; Mavlaviya (Leialmost to a worship in India and the clam-ed the amst of Mahatmas K. prowess of the Prince in riding, shoot- Ghuand'i, the nonaco-opemtionist l-eadcr,,ing’, hunting and 9010, Coupled With was the great blunder on the part of' his magnetic charm and wonderful the Indian Governmem, virility have proved an immense asset The Indian Moderates appear to be to the Prime.” gaining strength, according to an Ex- A Re'uter despatch from Calcutta changf Telegraph despaboh from 0211- says that press correspondents pay outta. They are endeavor-mg to carry warm tribute to the courage shown by out the program of Ghandi, despite the Prince of Wales during his tour the opposition of the extremists. of India which has just concluded. It Apart from} the menace-operation is said that after the Bombay riots a movement, which is most active in the strong suggestion was made in official megnlcfis, :1in a Riuter dc; quarters to cancel or curtail the tour pa c Tom e1 i, 1: worst eature but the Prince was determined to see the Indian situation 'is the unrest the thing through. aorta the Sikhs in the Province of The story is told that the Prince on mail. several occasions desired to go un- The political movement seeking the guanded into the camp of the extrem- renestabllis‘hmen-t of Sikh supremacy ists for a heart to heart talk and was In. Punjafb is becoming inextricably only dissuaded when assured filiat the mixed up with an internal religious maleontenbs were irreconcilable. quarrel over the guardianship of the The Prince was inundated with pres- shrines. ents worth a fortune, including many Another source of anxiety to the gold caskets studded with jewels. It Government of India is the large num- will be difficult to find accommodation heir of Civil servants retiring prema- for them all on the H.MJS. Renown turer owmg to discontent with pres- , for the return trip, - . _. _ . they put up a fight, will be a difficult W task mvolvzng much bloodshed. ~â€"-0â€"â€"â€"_,__ Situation in City Daily Becom- United States Declines mg More Serious. to Join Genoa Parleys A despatch from Limerick so. 5:â€" British military forces appeared the A despatc'h. fm‘ Wilmington streets we on may, supported by sayszâ€"The United States will help double tamed armored cars, but firm only those European countries which 4mm cash for wages of the troori’s’ first help themselves. And this Gov- mdmw to hawks Where they are ermmemt Will exert “tactful pressure” for the present “fined awaiting de_ to make those nations feel the neces- Vehopmm‘ wity of getting back to normalcy. The situation in Limerick is daily This is “he “3“ meaning 0f the giving more anxiety. The rival armies Whey with regand to economic rehabil‘ continue to receive‘ chmems’ a nation 131 Europe, as enunciated in the detachment of fifty having arrived United States note declining to par- hom May0 to support the mvading ticipate in the Cenoa Conference, and forces, qufle thirtrtwo men of the the plan of action behind that policy. Limerick lass} brigade presented themâ€" -â€"â€"-â€"’~‘- Io ves to mmamdiant Brennan at the castle barracks for service under him. cannada’s Debt Decreased It is felt that the strained situation by $699,882 cannot last much longer, Ibut the regu- lar Irish Republican army officers A despatch from Ottawa says:â€"A decrease of $699,882 in the net debt thus 1 of Canada during the month of Febru- have instructions to avoid conflict ex- cept under extreme provocation, placing the responsibility for hostili- any, as compared with an increase of :2: on the shouldens of ranking ger- $4,290,143 in the same month last year The regular Irish Republican army sued from the Finance Department. forces in the 'bvarITacks of occupation The net debt of Canada now stands at outnumber the invaders two to one at $2,371,886,102, as compared with $2,- prrmt, but both sides are well equip- 372,585,984 on January Blst, 1922, and pad and dislodg‘inig the revoltcrs, if $2,307,013,156 on February 28th, 1921. GOVERNOR-GENERAL onus FiiiST SESSiON 0F FOURTEENTH DilliiNiON PARLIAMENT Business of Session Commences With Delivery of Speech I from the Throne Setting Forth the Legislative Proposals of the New Administration. A_ despatch from Ottawa saystâ€", new speakers headed the Senators and : Parliament has been formally embark-g the Commoners who listened to the; ad upon the business 0f its sessionjaddress, 1 “d the members 0f boa} Housfis may; The speech from the Throne, which: 110‘” take up the firSt “em “1 the”; was rather more lengthy than is cus-l Programâ€"the debate upon the address tomary. disclosed in general terms the‘ v s ‘ i . o in TQDIS t0 the speech from the‘ legislative plans of the new Govern. Throne ‘ - . _ , , ment insofar as thcv have been com- The ceremonies incidental to the pleted ' ‘ opening of the first session of the four- 3 , . . teenth Parliament of the Dominion ini . The .fo‘lowmg proposals were men- themselves differed but “me from: ticned m the speech from the Thronezg those of previous years. Pracedure! 1. Co-ordination at an early date ofi following tradition was carried out asI the Government‘o‘med railway 53'5‘3 in former sessions. The play was to [ems' ‘ many a familiar one, the princi pal per- , , sons on the stage had changed. The; 3. The arrangement of conferences new Governor-General, Lord Byng‘ of,\\'itli the railway heads to secure a: Vinny, delivered to the members of the' reduction in the freight rates on basic? Senate and House of Commons, the commodities. I fig!er from the Throw), embodying 4. Renewed efforts to attract setâ€"3i legislative pro 8818 of a new Gov- ; tiers to undeveloped lands. nment. A new ‘ime Minister, Hon. ackenzie King, clad in the goiddaced apiform of a Privy Councillor, SbGOd to' a right of the vice-rem chair, andife looking to trade expansion. nce forces. is shown by the financial stale-merit is-‘ 2. Some tariff changes this session. . O'Connel Street, to hear him speak urn. oiliii‘é Weill Manitoba wheatâ€"â€"No. 1 Northern, $1.56. Manitoba oatszo. 2 CW, 5994c; extra No. 1 feed, 56940; No. 1 feed- 5754c. Manitoba barleyâ€"Nominal. All the above, track, Bay ports. American comâ€"No. 2 yellow, 7614c; No. 3 yellow, 741/2c; No. 4 yellow, 731/2c, iii-Tack, Toronto, Ontario oatsâ€"No. 2 white, nominal, Ontario wheatâ€"Nominal. Barleyâ€"No. 3 extra, test 47 lbs. or better, 57 to 60c, according to freights outside. Buckwheatâ€"No. 2, 78 to 80¢. Ryeâ€"No. 2, 86 to 88c. Manitoba flourâ€"First pats, nom- inal. Ontario flourâ€"90 per cent. patent, bulk seaboard, per bbl., nominal. Mil-lfeedâ€"Devl., Montreal freight, bags included: Bran, per ton, $28 to feed flour, $1.70 to $1.80. Baled hay~â€"'1‘rack, Toronto, per ton, to $19; clover, $14 to $18. Strawâ€"Car lots, per ton, track, To~ ronto, $12 to $13. Unofficial quotationsâ€""Ontario No. 1 commercial wheat, $1.30 to $1.36, outside; $1.35 to $1.41, delivered To- ronto. _d0ntario No. 3 oats, 40 to 45c, out- sx e. Ontario flourâ€"Ist pats, in cotton sacks, 98’s, $8.20 per bbl. 2nd pats, (bakers), $7.20. Manitoba flourâ€"1st pats, in cotton sacks, $8.70 per bbl.; 2nd pats, $8.20. Cheeseâ€"New, large, 20 to 201/2c; twins, 201/2 to 21c; triplets, 21 to 21%0. Fodder cheese, large, 181/20. Old, large, 25 to 260; twins, 251/2 to new, 24 ’00 25c. Butterâ€"Fresh dlairy, choice, 22 to 28c; creamery, prints, fresh, fancy, 410; No. 1, 39c 230. 2, 35 to 37c; cook- ing, 22 to 25c. Dressed poultryâ€"Spring chickens, 30 to 28c; roosters, 18c; fowl, 24 to 30c; duckling‘s, 35c; turkeys, 45 to 500; geese, 30c. Live poultryâ€"Spring chickens, 22 to 28c; roosters, 18c; fowl. 24 to 30c; ducklings, 35c; turkeys, «15 to 500; .gccsc, 30c. ) I Margarineâ€"~20 to 23c. Eggsâ€"New laid straights, 32c; new laid, in cartons, 36 to 38c. Beans-Can. hand-picked, bushel, $4.40; primes, $3.85 to $4. Maple productsâ€"Syrup, per imp. gal, $2.50; per 5 imp. g'als., $2.35. Maple sugar, 1b., 19 to 22c. Honeyâ€"60-30-lb. tins, 141/; to 15c per 1b.; 5-2lé-lb. tins. 17 to 1&- per 1b.; Ontario com‘b honey, per doz., $5.50. Smoked meatsâ€"Hams, med., 32 to 340; cooked Jam, 43 to 48c; smoked rolls, 26 to 28c; cottage rolls, ~30 to 32c; breakfast bacon, 29 to 33c; spe- E. Wylie Grier Noted Canadian artist. who among . per capita; 5‘ Negotiations with other countries the exhibitors at the Art ExhibitiouE3216A78, or $2.44 pcr held in St. ('aiharincs under the ans-,‘ 6. Co-ordination of the COlliitl‘v’s de- pices of the Arts and Crafts Guild of. that city. $30; shorts, per ton, $30 to $32; good extra No. 2, $22 to $23; mixed, $18I 2656c; triplets, 26 to 27c; Stiltons,i I ‘ of the three previous years. DE VALERA SPEAKING IN DUBLIN ; The photo shows a small section of the huge crowd which gathered in against the Irish Treaty. There was little enthusiasm. Note the new Iris-h flag on the platform. cial brand breakfast bacon backs, boneless, 35 to 40c. Cure-(l meatsâ€"Long clear bacon, $17 to $19; clear bellies, $17 to $20; mess pork, $34; short cut backs, $36; light- weight rolls, $39; heavyweight rolls, $43. I Lard Pure,. tierces, 17 to 17%c; tubs, 17% to 1854c; pails, 17 to 1756C; iprints, 18 to 19c. Shortening tierces, |16 to 161/2c; tubs, 151/2 to 15%; pails, 16 to 161/40; prints, 17 to 171/2c. Choice heavy steers, $7.75 to $8.50; do, good, $7 to $7.50; butcher steers, ichoice, $6.75 to $8; do, good, $5.75 to $4 to $5; butcher heifers, choice, $6.50 to $7; do, med, $5 to $6; do, com., $4 ito $4.25; butcher cows, choice, $5.50 to 1556.25; do, med., $3.50 to $4; canners and cutters, $1 to $2.50; butcher bulls, good, $4.50 to $5.50; d‘o, com., $3 to .$4; feeders, good, $5.80 to $6.50; do, ’fair, $4 to $5; sto-ckers, good, $4 to $5; do, fair, $3 to $4; milkers, $60 to $80; springers, $70 to $90; calves, choice, '$12 to $13; do, ined., $10 to $11; do, ,com., $5 to $7; lambs, choice, $13 to $15; do, com., $6 to $7; sheep, choice, $6.75 to $7.50; do, good, $5.50 to $6; ydb, com., $1.50 to $3.50; hogs, fed and watered, $12.50; do, f.o.b., $11.75; do, country points, $11.50. M0ntreal. Oats, Can. West, No. 2, 67 to 68c; do, No. 3, 641/2 to 65c. Flour, Man. Spring wheat pats” firsts, $8.50. Rollâ€" ed oats, bag 90 1153., $3 to $3.20. Bran, $32.50. Shorts, $33. Hay, No. 2, per ton, car lots, $28 to $29. Cheese, finest Westerns, 16% to 170. Butter, choicest creamery, 361/2 to 370. Potatoes, per bag, car lots, 90c to $1. Cattle, com., $3 to $4.75; canners, $2; calves, choice, $9; do, good, $8; do, med, $7 to $7.50; hogs, $14. o __.â€"____. #- Great Britain is facing a strike of engineers. During February there were 144 acâ€" icidlents in connection with the Can- adian railways. The casualties were: {Passengers killed, 2; injured, 16; em- :ployes killed, 6; injured, 121; others killed, 6; injured, 17; total killed, 14; injure-d, 154. , 37 to 40c;. $0.25; do, med, $5 to $5.50; do, com.,i Hannah Bandits I , our IN ARSENAL l Dominion Arsenal Buidings at f Quebec Ablaze for Second Time Within Ten Days. A despatch from Quebec saysz~Forr the second time within less than ten days Dominion Arsenal buildings own-_ ed by the Federal Government have been menaccd by fire which, in both) ‘lcascs. broke out from unknown causes} Last week the Dominion Cartridge Factory, located on the Cove fieldsf was partially destroyed and damage: estimated at $20,000 caused by a blazd iwhich broke out late in the evening.i 1' At 5.30 o'clock Thursday afternoon the main building, properly called the Do- minion Arsenal, where some 200 men are employed. was in danger of being completely destroyed by a fire which. iwas not under control until 9 o’clock Friday evening. The authorities are perplexed by E those two fires in so short a time. A 'suspicion is entertained that they are 1the work of some dissatisfied former i employee. 1 _.__. oâ€"â€"â€"~â€"â€"_ o NOW UNDER ARREST :Ghandi Taken in Custody and } Nationalist Given Prison 1 Term. l i A d'espabch from London says:â€" 3Mohandas K. Ghandri, the Indian non- i co-cperationist leader, has been placed. Lunder arrest. This announcement was Emade by the India Office on Friday ,n‘ight. The arrest was made at Ah- medaxhad, 310 miles north of Bombay. 1 He is charged with sedition. Lajpiart Rai, a prominent Indian Na- tionalist, was sentenced at Lahore to two years’ imprisonment. One year at hard labor was imposed for violation of the Seditious Meetings Act. and the other year for violation of the Crim- inal Law Amendment Act. The sen- tences are to run consecutively. He was sentenced last December to six months’ detention and a fine of 500 rupees, but about a month later he was released, and re-arrested immedi4 ately on the charge of violating the Criminal Law Amendment Act. Thousands View Princess Mary’s Presents A despatch from London says:â€" Nearly 20,000 women inspected Prin- cess Mary’s 1,400 wedding gifts at St. James’ Palace on the opening day of the exhibit. Mile long lines goth: ered at the palace entrances before dawn, waiting for hours in the wind and rain before the doors opened. Traffic was blocked and special police. were called to regulate the impatient' women. The greatest interest was shown in Princess Mary’s wedding gown, which was exhibited by order of Queen Mary. They paid a shilling each for the, privilege of seeing the presents. The proceeds will go to a charity to be selected by the Princess. The exhibi- tion will be open five hours daily for the present. r l i A despatch from Ottawa says:â€" Fire losses in Canada for 1921 am- ounted to $5.22 per capita, as compar- ed with 90 cents per capita in Great Britain, according to information made public by the Dominion Fire Commissioner. During the year the 25,916 fires reported to the Depart; ,‘ment of Insurance occasioned proper- l i i l _ ‘iy damage amounting to $45,015,930, ;exclusive of incalcula‘ble loss arising from forest fires, the commissioner; ' points out. . The 1921 fire loss. of which ,ap- proximately $01,000,000 01' 75 per cent, ,was covered by insurance, constitutes :1 substantial increase over the losses In 1920 the loss amounted to $28,745,590; in [1919, $25,361,240. and in 1918, $33,- ;817,050. During 1921 the fire losses r .in Great Britain amounted to only $36,400,000. ‘ By provinces the distribution of fire glosses during 1921 was as follows: ZAlix-)rta, $2,875,000, or $4.95 per 'capita; British Columbia, $3,050,000, ior $5.82 per capita; Manitoba, $2,864,- iOOO, or $4.67 per capita; New Bruns- Iwick, $2,725,982, or $7.02 per capita; 'Nova Scotia, $3,177,000, or $6.06 per capita; Ontario, $15,444,817, or $5.28 Prince Edward Island, capita; Quebec, 510897.653, or 34.64 per capita, and Q colours i035 $45,915,930 91115116 192 lAddecl to This Enormous Waste is the Incalculable Loss Arising From Forest Firesâ€"$5.22 Per capita Throughout the Dominion. 1 ill FIRE DAMAGE ‘ Reports by municipal officers show {that the losses in cities having popu- i lation's of more than 10,000 population ,amounted to $13,616,951, or $4.29 per ‘oapita; in towns of from 1,000 to 10,- 000 population, $6,184,085, or $7.32 per Icapita, and in Villages and rural dia< ‘tricts, $25,214,894, or $5.31 per capita. In places having municipal fire protec- 3tion systems the loss was $4.90 per i capita, and in unprotected places $5.25 per capita. I There were 59 fires where the loss ‘exceeded $100,000; 40 with losses of {from $50,000 to $100,000; 261 with a :loss of from $10,000 to $50,000; 3,992 iwith a loss of from $1.000 to $10,000, and 21,558 with a loss of less than $1,000. The 59 larger fires entailed an aggregate loss of $15,824,801. and the 121,558 smaller fires a loss of $4,644,- , 817. : Classified according to the charac- ,ter of the property involved, the more ,destructive fires occurred as follows: 549 in industrial property, with a loss iof $8,188,200; 32 in mercantile prop; erty, with a loss of $5,659,000; 9 in institutional property, with a loss of $1,948,561, and 15 in miscellaneous { property, with a loss of $4,301,465. I The amount of money spent by the ,Dominion and Provincial Govern~ merits upon fire prevention work in 1921 amounted to $125,000. all of ,‘which. with the exception of $12,000 2. »';;.;chewan, $3,755,000, or $4.93 pot“ was iaised by a tax upon insurancc : capita. companies.

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