NOTICE is herehy given that James Murray Johnstnn, of the City of I‘m-onto, in the County uf ank, in the vaince of Onhwiu, Phy- sician, will upply tn the Parliament of Canada, at the next Session thereof, for a Bill of Divorcn' from his wife Mabel Johnstnn. of the NOTICE is hereby giwm that. Gwrge Brewery, (.f‘thn City of 'l‘m-nnm in the County of Yurk, in Hm Provincv of Ontario. Manager, will apply to the Parliament of Jhuudu, at [he nvxt sessiun thereof fun :1 bill of Divorce fcmn his wife, Christina Drewery of the City of Hamiltr‘n in the Cnnnty of \Ventwnrlh, in said Provim'e. Married ‘Vnmnn. an the ground ofudnltm'y and desu-Lion. Dated at. Tm'nntn. vainm- of On- liu'it). this 14th (inv 0f Nnvvmhm- l92l, Notice oprplication for Divorce NOTICE is hereby given that Jnhn Douglas Stewart, of £119 Ulty uf’I‘ol‘omo in the County of York, in the Pruvince of Ontario. Electrician, will uppiy tn the Purlhunent of Canada. at the next session thereof. fur :1 Bill of Divorce from his wife Elsie May Stewaxt. of the said City of Toronto. on the ground of Adultexy and Desertion. said City of 'I‘m-nntn. Married Woman. on th9 wounds nf Adultery. DATED at the City of Toronto, in the County of York, this 15m day of February, 1922. NOTICE is hex-ehy givc-n that, Henry Stlnchun Mullmvuey. of the City uf Tm-untn. in the County of York. in the Pruvince nfOan-in, Bill‘l‘iSlL‘I-AL-LHW. will imply to “11’ I’au-Iimzient of Canada. at the nvxt session thereof, for a Bill of Divorce from his wife Rose, Ellen Mullowm-‘y, of the said City of Toronto. on the Grounds of Persistent Refusal Tn Procronte. Theft. and Deserlinn. Notice of Application for Divorce Notice of Application for Divorce DATED at the City of Toronto this Seve‘nth day If Frln-Imrv A, D. 19213. next session thereof, fur :1 Bill 01 Divorce from his wife, Mary Victurin Armstrong. of the same place, (m [In grounds of persistent refusal lr procrpate 01' to consummate [hr marriage. quN’d this 132.11 day uf Decembel, A. D. 1921. ' Notice of Application for Divorce Notice of Application for Divorce we can get it. Run ()\'('l‘filii1i.~t. uni] lul us have your orders for your Spring \vm-k: Eave Trmghing, Lightning Roth, Metal Siding :Iml Rimiing. L'llHiSll’Si Burn Equipment. Furnaces and F1111]- nce Repnixs. :iikkinds of Metal Build- ing Supplivs. Pumps and Repairs, Pipes and Fittings, and many other lim-s. We will have n. m.m in the shop every day now. and Will give you I SERVIC] TEETZEL BROS. 35-49 0f Hypnirs ll shun [mph NOTICE is hereby given that Thomas eunnrd Armstrong. uf the City nfTo- into. in the County of York, in the ’1-ovince of Ontario. broker, will apply ) the Purlimm-nr. of Canada. at the r-xt session thereof. fur :1 Bill 01' ises ucmu shall run Tinsmith Ontario, Canzidal. Solicitor for the applicant ed M. Tnmntu, Prnvinm- of On- this ch any of November 1921. A. R. HASSARD Queen Street Eu: int w that Spring work is drop in and let us q a. If We havvn't what lLu‘ Successors to J. Carter TINle I'I‘HS GENERAL AGENTS ublic James Murray Johnston, hv his solicitm-s H. S. .\IULLO\VNEY. ‘munsel for the Plaintiff 2453 Yonge greet, an Enlv( 'H. S. HUI.LO\VNEY, 2153 Yonge Street, Petilimlel .19 taken over I. of III.) late MI (his in uunjunc Business in H GILCHRIST & WALH H 2943 ll nu-nt x-merS. We also have mu nn Svpnrzmm in A 1 con ‘ wu will wll chenp f0] Building, Ott olicilur for A \uul md the GUTHRIE, war the Implement .te Mr. Carter. \Vc njunctiun with our in the wine prem- e- lulu Mr. (inter. (:nmplule stuck lllnrriq and (Jockâ€" nd nre Gum-rel] ul‘ Spec'mlty Mu- of Interest and We also have one us (mule Appliuun Toronto, Toronto Bill of Victoria ynu \vnnt 21-43 «wing Ul‘ Fruit Trees, Ornamental Trees, and Sbrul)beryâ€"â€"they all add beauty to your garden. We can supply you with First Class Stock from the Nursery of F. D. Smith & Son, Winona. Remember, we can sell you one tree, or thousands. Our Nurseries eever over 60 acres. All trees delivered to your home; our prices include delivery. We lnve blue-prints for Land- scape Gardeningâ€"they are at your service. Don‘t delay to order: some lines are already sold out. TLESDAY. M ARCH 28â€"Over 100 head of stock. implements, furniture v10, lnls 2, 3 and 4. cm). 3, East th'k, Dan Lands, nnw‘mmnpied by \V. F. MncLeun. M. l’. Suleut 9.30 o'clock. Terms 8 month cxedit. An this is a very large sale the auctinneers start on time. Every body comv. Prentice & Prentice, Anew. \VEDNESDAY, MARCH 2f)â€"Farm stack. implvments etc.. Int. 24, con. 6, Markham. Cashel. the prnperiy uf Alex. Tait. Sale at 12 o'clock. Tume 8 months. Prentice & Prentice. Aucts. THURSDAY. MAch 30â€"F1u‘m stock, implements etc, lot 27, (ill) Line Markham, Uushvl, the property of Allen Meyer. Sale at. 1 o'clock. Terms 8 months. Prentice and Auct. _ FRIDAY, MARHI 2rlâ€"Fnru) stuck. implements eta. lut; 52. 001).. l. Vaughan, Yonge Street, the pi uppity of Mrs. J. Burnvtt. S.ile:it12 o’clouk. Terms 8 months. Prontive & Prentice. ' SATURDAY, MARCH 25â€"Farm stock. implements, furniture etc., lot 15, con. 7. Markham the property of Jacob Heisey. Sale at, 12 o'clock. Terms 8 months. Prentice & Prentice, Aucls. MONDAY, MARCH 27â€"Faim stock implements etc. 101,8. run. 7, Mark- ham. [ht- Drupertv Hf Mort Sellick. Terms 5 months. Prentice and Prentice. Aucts. . SATURDAY. APRIL lâ€"House and lot and household furnilur». belonging [u the estate of the late Isuhelln jnnes. 12; Blythwund Road. North Toronto. Terms. furniture cash. Sale at 1 o’clock. R. Neilson, Auct. MONDAY, MARCH implements 910., I ham, the prop Mnttresz. Salent 8 months credit. F Ancts. TLESDAY. MARCH 2‘ stock. implemon his 2, 3 and 4. Don Lands, nnw‘ G. H. PRICE, Local Agent 1 Richmond St- RICHMOND HILL 2 30-43 Phone 105 J ‘ Vaughnr Jones. .‘ months. Aucts. THURSDAY Clydesdn \V THt Premier: & WEDN ESDAY IUUNDAY. I implemen; Wusloy Boy'ulnn. Auct. MONDAY, MARCH implements etch, Ym'k. tne pmlw 1\ll«!ti. SATURDAY. pr [IIDA‘ impl‘ chur ’EDXESDAY hnlx‘ng nnd UESDAY, MARCH implnnwnts eta, h hum, the prupmt Sale at ln'vluck. implements Vaughan, t \Valson. S S nmnlhs. Ancts. ATURDAY, MARCH Clydesdale horses, implements etc, Murkhmn, the pm Buldmn. Sale at I provided. Pn-nti I'E‘H TREES OF ALL KINDS RIDAY. impleme e! m: 8 111: 'rvntiuo, Ancl URSDAY, MA RIDAY, MAM implemenls Vaughan. 1h x-entice & Pxen ESDAY, MARC rms 6 mnnll )pen-t‘y nvm-y. months Y, MARCH 27â€"13:“ In stock ments etc. 101,8. mm. 7, Mark H):- pruperty of Mort Sellick at 1 u’chwk. Terms 8 months ice & Plenticv. Aucts. ui implme M11. th 1H Duhl) lice. M A] Auction Sale Register IS, ily. Saigvon M MM e etc. Int 2.") the propvrty 0f Snlv nt 1 (I'clnc1 Preul ic MARCH rum :gPI‘uhf. munth , Ornamental Trees, *they all add beauty . We can supply you ass Stock from the MM :11.“ Suigc ugonn \RCH furniture H] ,\ R 101:12, 0-1). 5. Mark- pen-w of Jonathan L 12 o'clock. Terms Pit-mice & Prentice, l" plopvx-ly 5', the pH S‘IIG at 1 F. \V. Si 2.. lot. 2!. ran le property Sale at. [2 property 1t. 10 o’uh -ntice é (3 Tuyl lh n'npgl'py 1H1! )H I 22â€"High (-Ia~s ilnplpmems vhf... "-0. Hip properly Sale at I n’clouk. Prentice & & \VaIk forms: , Aucts of \V. Licke lâ€"Fm‘m slnck 20. con. 8. Mm k Au Holstein rt 19, 8‘ pl-npm't V ( W. Silva-s Farm 8th I of H ‘91 ms AucL Hors mil ‘implument u-kham. th‘ A. Harv-‘3‘. us 8 months u-m -n. High 01:: 'urm shot can. 4. W( \Valkingtm ‘II In ll'll) K‘ké‘l'li‘v months A‘llwr! ‘vrms 8 ing'tmL Duncm umulh oaul O (, Mm} playingr the better brand or hockey from the start to the ï¬nish of the game: that i~, according: to the “ ritei"s: honest opinion. More real hockey was expected from a team of the calibre of which Nexxrmarket131‘o\ed itzelf to be on different occasions throughout the past winter. But no; when they saw how that Richmond Hill team \\ as ‘ carrying the puck into their territory with stem regularity they forgot all about the ï¬ner rudiments of the game and resorted to the “lift the puck†style of play, and after plenty of this the habit became ‘ catching.†and the same st} le of play was resorted to by some of the Hill players, but not so often. Then. again, the refereeing on this os'CaSion was far below the stand- ,ard. too manyof’flsides being allowed to pass unnoticed, Newmarket getting a shade the test of it in this respect. l two of their four goals being notched as l a result of it. '1 hen, again. there WHS from all angles. and Grady and Kenny each sent him a number of good ones. So much for‘ the ï¬rst game ;'now for the ï¬nal game : RICHMOND HILL \VON Newmarket played the locals the re- turn and ï¬nal game .at the local rink lastnight before the largest crowd of the season, a crowd which taxed every available foot of standing and sitting space. As in the preceding game. Richmond Hill had the best of the play all the way through, but the New- market goa'â€"tender was again on edge. play ing another sensational game, stopâ€" ping everything going his way. The locals won the game 1-0, but lost the round and championship by 3 goals. Newmarket can thank the goal-tender (and nobody else) for the winning of the championship. He’s a wonder. As we go to press Thursday morning no furth- er account of the game can be given in this issue. The writer is glad that he had the privilege of mingling with both junior and senior teams throughout the past winter. and has immensely enjoyed every minute of the time spent in con- nection with the great winter pastimeâ€" in reporting the game, getting out th ir advertising matter, accompanying them on their different trips, and in “rooting and rooting†on the sideâ€"lines. He has found each and every member of both teams imbued with a sporting spirit that speaks for the betterment of the game, Au revoir. but not goodbye. Exit hockey ; enter baseball. They'll be hitting the gravel walk for the hall-lot pretty soon now. And the Girlsâ€"they’d be in it too. be- cause. I heard the foHowing a few days ago: “Oh. girls. I’ve got a Secret; I promised not te tell. but if I tell you you won't tell. wiil you ‘2" Chorus: " No. we won’t tell." “ \Vell. I heard Daisy tell Victnrin that she heard Elsie tell Maude that Margaret had told her that Beatrice said that Ella told her that Captain Ethel said that_th'i“s_ ye'ar's SNAP SHOTS Who’s downhearted‘? Not we. Bank Manager Morden has been the man behind the gun with the Cadets. Bravo. yuung feliow. The Senior Cadets are going to have their pictures tonken in front of the Sterling Bank on Saturday afternoon. team wbuld be the best ye}? woman's way an over. isn t 1t? MnRTscxâ€"At Victoria any. March In. Gladys 2 daughter nf Mr. and l )Iurtsun. nged 3 days. NEWM ARKET _WON The ï¬rst final gamqg‘fur the senior championship of the Metropolitan League was played at Newmarket on Thursday evening of last ueek. the 4 p posing teams being Richmond Hill, win- ners of the southern group, and New- manket, winners of the northern group, the latter team winnng by the one- sidcd score of 4-â€, but the score is no in- dication of the p'ay. Richmond Hill playing the better brand of hockey from the start to the ï¬nish uf the game: that i~, according: to \the \\ riter's honest opinion. More real hockey was expected from a team of the calibre of which Newmarket prm ed itzelf to be HQCKEY NEWS heir four goals being notched as of it. '1 hen, again. there WHS h slashing and bush-whacking the Simon-pure hockey fan. ialties were quite numerous. :' the Hill boys played a star n this occasion. Quite true. 'ket was without the services ‘ star playrr, McUaffrey.'but rice was more than made up for :ensational work of their goal- Hansome “as good, saving time and time again. but the ilow ‘lie was simply unbeatable 3e»: ; he stopped our boys shots l angles. and Grady and Kenny t him a number of good ones. 1 for‘ the first game ;’now for DEATHS M prn ni [ml .Sqnnrv. Fli- Aunie, infant. Mrs. Herman pally n)>\S( Id his‘ nffic n uf lhe \w hall “1le I. The n: l haspundvr sh! In 15k ‘IlllllH :ftvr That's a I'H‘V 1h mid n] 1". RICHMOND HILL ts â€"()Nâ€" ‘3’. . TUESDAY, APRIL. 11, 1922 at “THE ROL FE SHOE REPAIR STORE†South of Shoe Factory LightLunches Ice Cream Soft Drinks Cigars Cigarettes Refreshmennts Stabling Accommodation at Reasonable Rates JONES LUMBER C0. Jones Lumber Co. We have more of these on hand than we have room for, and are pre- pared to quote a VERY Low PRICE to anyone wishing i0 purchase their summer requirements now ELGIN HOT EL CEDAR POSTS G. HILL. Oak PAINTING DESGRATING C. Browne W( In Phone 44 r 23 Stop 51 Yon Division Court . Bridges, Propg= to cut your footwear HARDWOOD FINISHER ~: - your shoes repairs done next, Sitting of D'Ivtsmn Umn-t 3, County of York will be held in the Court Room. bills in half by havin HOUSE PAINTING & INTERIOR DECORATION (,‘nmnwnumxz h-grade papers ELGIN MILLS ‘stimates free. Phone m HELP 1RD. TOR & RED!†“Him: l.\' MI‘ZHORIAM xPRIL. 11, 12 at 9.45:L.m. MCMAHON. CLERK OF MAR KIIAM l" \VHITCHURCII hi dï¬es P. O. hr Yonge St. “f w! but Thornhill HI heuï¬ , \in, no mule ll of h 01 hil CRN, Lim ted. lllhl 1922 ppnox m I Mmk nmtv ll! Carmel, Stove, Nut and Pea Coal. Also Hemlock Slabs at the Elevator. A13 21 good supply of No Feed Corn. Pastry and Purity Flour al- ways on hand. A car of Salt in barrels and sacks arrlved. Bran, Shorts and Gluten Meal on hand. One (1 street. 1 age, etc Yonge St, RECHMOND HILL The Allen prnperly on eighty-two fvet, frontage. ( burn. chicken house, he: bargain. The Klimt-k “(ruse and (re Street \Vest. must be up Estate. Sm ham. lirsLâ€"c Creek Prepare For The Fall Rains DAY l’HONk LUMBER YAK RICHMOND ST. RICHMOND Material, workmanship an: service always up to Standard Prices right. L INNES é} §0NS Il'Om Several nice pl'inI'UES on Roseview ‘entzre East. und Wright stwets. to US Buï¬ding Money burnode and Insurance effected Get your farm boots hand made from best English Kip Uppers. nest Public Notice Blachford’s Calf Meal. Send your bills of matcria Pumia Scratch Feed. Materiai W. HURST \11 Farm in Township of Mank- near Elgin Mills; goud buildings, lass gmdt‘n land, Qrchaxd. spring ,,Cl(‘. I. D. Ramer ABSOLUTLY WATER PROOF. he Real Estate Man ’LANING MILL md inte . NECHGLLS Shoemaker D HOLID I‘ICI‘ )1 best houses ) (if hind. u l’le AND HIE Ply lur MOND HILL ï¬nish nbe Omar 1895. Lot, on Up". 501d to wind Good ver\{hin nn Arnold 1121111, gur- the IOU 1T3