Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 6 Apr 1922, p. 1

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PIANO TUNER 318 BEREBFORD AVE. WEST Tonowro Phone Junction 72. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS' EXPERIENCE All mail orders will waive prompt: attention. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE THORNHILL sale The Maple Sand. Gravel and Brick )ompnny, Lt'd, have on hnnd for sale. Cement. dmin tile. 3, 4. 5. 6 and 8 in. Culvert. tile 12. 15. 18 and 20 inch (30 inches in length) Also Cement, Brick. Sand or vael sold by the load or In car lots. Cedar posts and telephone poles for VANDORF LICENSED AUCTIONEER. FOR THE COUNTY OF YORK Nothing too greatâ€"Naming too small. TERMS REASONABLE. Orders left with Mr. GPO. Harding will receive prmupL attention. Also ngent for {hp Hinmnu Shanda rd Milken Phone Aurora 8013. u Lung" (Arno Alli?! 051093 Sh. “’95:. Toronto. Naughtun Block. Aurora Snlicltor for : The ann of Aurora The vanship of King The Township of \Vhitt‘hun‘h The Imperial Bank of Canada, Aurora J. M.\Valt,m1. 8: 00. Aumra Sand, Gravel, lI'ile and Brick p. m ‘Of’flw and l'psidenceâ€" Richmond Hill. l’hnn Hill \Vultvr S. Jenkins Rev. Phnnc Commissioner. Con vpyancer. Etc‘ PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING HOT \VATER HEATING ANDGENERAL REPAIRS] Office hours 10 to 1 JOHN T. ANDERSON A. C. HENDERSON . R. SANDERSON Barristers Soiicitor Notaries Telephone Main 2777 {amnqychugmgl 26-28 Adel |AA~ VOL. XLIV. J. EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC NAUGHTON & JENKINS 5048 DR. J. 2 WILSON THORNHILL, ONT $1.50 per annum, in advance. Branches-Thornhi11 and Willowdale Purchases can be made by Cheque through the mail. making a trip to town unnecessary. En- cluse your cheque wiLh your ordgr. The Royal Bank of canada Every farmer’s wife will find a bank account for house- hold and personal expenses 3. help and a safeguard. A Bank Account for the Farmer's Wife T. CQUSINS, PXES. nnfl Manager Maple. meâ€"Yonge Street. Phone I‘m. 24 1. Harry Nnnlzhton Res. Elgin NHL; Res. Phone 44.4 -.m. 6t08 Acar of Salt in barrels and sacks arrived. Bran, Shorts and Gluten Meal on hand. Also a good supply of No. 1 Feed Corn. Blachford’s Calf Meal. Pastry and Purity Flour al- ways on hand. Purnia Scratch Feed. Cannel, Stove, Nut and Pea Coal. Also Hemlock Slabs at the Elevator. Call and see me and have your future repairing done right. I have opened a service station three doors south of the public school. I am prepared to do all kinds of Battery Work, also repairâ€" ing and vulcanizing all makes of inner tubes and tires. Repairs called for and delivered. Vesta. Batteries on hand, guaranteed fir two years. the above Assncidlion will hold its Annual Meeting on Saturday, April 8th, at2 p. m. in the Labor Temple Cor. Shutor and Chlllch Sts., Tuxun- to. You are expected to be present. The Election of Officers nnd other in:- portnnt matters will be dealt, will). PAINTING DECORATING Ban-rater, Soiic tor, Etc. 403 MANNING CHAMBERS. '2 QL’EEN ST. WEST TORONTO. Appointments may he made with Mr. George A. Lnsher. Richmond Hill Phone 72. 39-42 TELEPHONE MAIN 6029 gRHODE ISLAND REDS RICHMOND HILL. THOBNHILL AND UNIONVILLE 1 large stock of Funeral Furnishing Kept at the above places Office '1‘rm‘.(:hBlu(-k W. A. VANDERBURGH The above Association will Public Notice South York Liberal Assodation W. L. CUTTELL. Sec'y. 40â€"41 MRS. H. DAVIS Mill St. Richmond Hill 3943 WRIGHT BROS. ‘ndertakers and Embalmers ANNUAL MEETING HARDWOOD FINISHER -: - High-grade papers supplied. Estimates free. Phone HILL, Oak Ridges P. 0. 43 I. D. Ramer Stande Bunk. [lam-59mm. In 5.30 p.m. Open Evenings by nppointnn nt ‘er setting, 3 ‘rom O. A. (14ber to lay strain NOTIC RICHMOND HILL. ONT . LEVINTER . L. R. BELL Teh-phnne l '1: l 1 x a, N DENT'ST n “In Essentialn, Um'ty; in two doors north of 5, $2. 00‘ FOR SALE-1 DeLn valSepamtor No. 12. 1 Royal Jews] steel range. JOSEPH DII.LANE.ISOhun|berg Junction. LII‘ un P. O. No 2. 41-43 . The!) hnw about our Canadian people. we have not even 'disnvmamem and P.1cific pence trentieu’ to excuse our apathy. Two years aim I held the visit-nary iden that Canada m1ght accept; a mandate fol-Armenia. But we RIB” are too lure-occupied with our own affairs to care what happens to those fur distant people. All We give it merely a little money and an noadamio nppmvnl nf the League of Nations. all real up: ressive influence is lackink in Cunnd an support. An rmcial of the British Foreign ofiice A League of Nations Society meet- ing will it is hoped to he held in Rich- mond Hill at an early- date to place in activities before our pimple fol-[heir information and endmvsemvnt. Recent news has come of the rotnrn of the Turk to Constantinople and of the rc- plncing under his ruthless control the Armenians of Olllcin and Georgi". The “Dain Globe” tolls us that. u- gninst lhls crime there is no Gladstone or Bryce to raise t‘hvir voice to deâ€" nounce so great a failure of justice. The conscience of Europe is war-weary and the United States is too pre- occupied wlrh its own affairsâ€"shall we any with dlsnrmament and with Pncific peace tl‘enties‘lo care what happens in regions Where it has nothing to fear and nothing to gain. The 'Suve the Children Fund' hll quickpned nur inter-mt in the devalua- ments which daily take place in Europe and the East. The nhove invitation, accompanied by a miniature white apron, has been sent to the indie of thr Presbyterian cxrqgregation but the Girls in Training wlsih tn take.- this opportuniiy of extending to anyone- inlelested u very cordial invitation to be present. Now measure your waistline, inch by inch, And we that the measure does not pinch; Then fur each inch :1 rent you count, Place in the pocket that. amount. The game is fair, you will admit. Ynu WAIST the money. we POOK ET it: \Vhile the money your pockets so freely give. \ViH help our class. great good to achieve. ____ .. .v y"... And this is what; we want you to do The little pocket, ynu plainly see For :1 special purpoaeis meant. to be The Canadian Girls in Training of the Presbyterian Sunday School invite you to a Tm, to he held at the home of Mrs. Hurry Endenn, .mn Saturday. Alt! il SL1). ham 3 Ln Gu’clock. This neat little nprnn is sent to you , a .4, . . , . . your seats em; hig laugh from stunt to finish, with. plenty nl' voml and instrumental much: to stir things up too. Rpmenlhvr thyb post~hnlea nro n1- wnya in the ground, all vnu have to do is take the dirt out, and the postâ€"holes am there. Just like the plans. (?) they will he at Sloan's Drug Store after April 8, but tickvts and good seats will not always he m‘nilahlo, so beware. And rememhpr tan the dates set, for the shows Thursday. Friday and Saturday. April 20, 2l and 22. Resene Evmyhndy RM, in line and enjoy the tents: tainmnnt of the season. Just one big laugh from stunt to finish, with. plenty nl' \' n] and instrumental Saturday evening at ‘plan oponq fur the thre the local fun-feat. so he and chome while lho Tickets disnppe‘nr very will have lo mat in on th "1‘ your Seals m pniition. At a meeting ln-ld at. Richmond Hill. nu Friday evening. March 21th. it was decided to organize the Centre Ym-k Bowling Loaguv, to he composed hf clubs from Stoufi’villp. Almirn, Aurora, Richmond Hill, Unionville and Markham. 'l‘he fulluwing officers were elected : Hon PresidPnt, Hon. \V. L. M. King : President. J. H. Nnughtnn: lat Vice- Preav, G. L. Bataan: 2nd Vice-Pres, \V. Buchanan: Secy.â€"Treus., J.R. Hvr- iingtnn. und n teprosenlntiva from each nf the Clubs to he appointed. A cup is being donated and the schedule will be arranged as mun as possible. ROLER-BOLER-MINSTRELS Plan Opens April 8 L’RESBYTERIAN CHURCH Edit” of “The Libya!" Centre York Bowling ‘roceeds in Aid of Mlssions. n-fe-IL. So he on hnnd mva while lhf‘ choice is good. ppenr very fast. and you gm, in on thefirst selection Non-Essentials. Liberty; in thamthfee hig niguh-ts‘ .. THURSDAY APRIL 6, 1y not he in the hesé 7 o’clock (he league Mon gratefua thanks is expressed to M's. Walker Hall. to Mm Switzer. to Miss Ailaun Atkinson. and to Miss Jessie Cnmlaky for their talented nnllmuue last Friday evening. Cadet. Capt. Goroaky’l most nble and eloquent address to the Uurpl lust Friday evening was inspiring. Most worthin did he represent the Toronto Juvenile Board of Control. The 0. 0. hope: thnt out. of his Corps a Rich- mgnd Hlll Bo; Council qmy be formed. The official visit of Mr. Davin. the Buy Mayor of Toronto. and Mr. Bryce Editor of the Toronto Bnys’ Telly. has been deferred until (he Oudet Concert, which} will be shortly igheduled. - The O. 0., his 0» Cadet. N. C. 0's. am heartily congratulm Mylks on his recent the Office stnif of th Cu. Ltd. at; Hamilton follow his future. The Cadet. Officers and the Cadet. Sergeants. with their lady friends. will be entPrtained by Mr. and Mrs. Stirling on Saturday evening next LhaSth inst. Mundny, the 24th 0!" Apt“, Mf. Goxdnn‘ Slumn has requested the Cadet Debuting Club debating on than; evening in (he Assmnbly Hall of the Methodist Church. Unb plntnon will he repx'ast-ntt‘d by Cadets Dm'ld Stir!- ing and Freddie Greene. Juvenile plutoon by Cadet Cnrpl's. Jack Innis and Cuden Harding Burnaby. The Senior platoon as heretofore. Cadet punt. Geo. Lusher will lead the Affirmative nud Cadet. Sergr. Exnvst Dickinson (he Negative. Leadurs must, forthwilbmrunge in Drdvrtlml intelligent. debate may fullow. ’lho sulnjeut giws ample scupe for dufi pre- paruLinn, "Resolved that n pnlicynf Free Trade is rum-e Leneficiultuthe immediate developms-ntot‘ our Country than pulicy of ppulectinn.” The Cadet. String Orchestra will also perform on this occasion. The 0. 0.. his Cndvt Officers. the Ondet N. 0. 0’8. and the Cadets most gratefully thank Mr. Henry Moyle for his moat generous donation of $25.00 to th. Regimental Fund. Cadets Lleuts. Bert Grunt and Albert Hill are de- tailed In personally call upon Mr. Muer and convey the Ourps' Compil- nwutm us aha appreciation. “A Senioxs parade Fridny evening nt 7.30 u'clock in lhe Pnhlio Schnm, us also Juveniles. Mr. Mint-n Wellwond will continue his signnlling class in (he Morse Code; full strenth pmndv is imperatlve: Unbs will parade Saturday ufbernonn at. 3 and will he dlilled by the O. C. Will the mothers kindly see that the Cub Cadets leport promptly at that hour. told me in the any months of 1920 tlm 1mnny communyuutiuns were no« ceiVed from America on behalf of Armenia. but not 0qu l-fi'ered my lid. the husk was left for Britain mmided to perform. Ode of Prnnier Llovd‘ George's Secretaries \Vlole me that the Premier :xsselts thut GreuL Britain un nlded cannot BCCHlllpIihh the tasks of Caring fm' lhe backward pvople :ml’ the math e races uf the “‘mld. Unles~' the civilized nuliuni go to her uid they mlle remain unfiHHi. Anglo-Sun u pmple me best fitted fur the task. \Vill Cumuln fail to do her pun? HENRY MOYLE I b 0., his Cadet Officers. tho C. 0's. and the Cadets most congratulate Set-gt. Cadet his recent nppnintment tn stnif of the Westvrn Flum- t; Hamilton. May all Iuccess THE STERLING BANK Branches at: Rlchmond Hill. Kl Thornhi”, Lamina and York Ranger Cadets Newcomers to this district will find the Sterling Bank a gOOd place to transact their financial and investment business. A Service as courteous as it is efficient; the ability to handle every phase of banking and investment business; a willingness to give in- formation of a general, as well as a financial and investment nature, and to obtain additional de- tails if desiredâ€"these features are inherent characteristics of this Bank. You will be welcomed at any time. 5: PERSONAL BANKING SER‘VICE all things, Charity." 1922 OF CANADA VETERINARY SURGEON, Thornhil] . Call by: phone or otherwise promptly responded to JOHN R. CAMPBELL. Richmond Hill Office (‘ Liberal Office), evety Thursday foranoon. Maplé. Thursday afternnun. \Vnudbridqe. Saturday fol-ennou. Money to Loan at Current Rate BARRIS'I'ER, Soucu‘oa, NOTARY E'rr Tamnto Office. Richmond BJHding 33 Richmond Street, \Vest. Canudinn Tenor ant} Choir LPader Soloist. North Parkdnle Methodinh Church, is prepared to receive pupils in Richmund Hi”. Studio, Mrs. N. Butty's. Arnold St. Particulars can be uhtain‘ed by calling. Phone 22. Ring 11. Dr. Routley, of Maple, wishes to announce that he has formed a partnership with Dr. George P. Urquhart who has been practising an Allenford, Ont, and who also served Rod and Gun in Canada is publishâ€" ed Inn uthly at. VVnodstuck. Ontxu'io, by W. J. Taylor, Limited. The April issue of Rod and Gun in Canadal is n pnrticulmly attractive one. and from cover to cover it aoouuds in bright. interesting feat- ures. The stories include a splendid eulmihution from the pen of Frank Houghtor‘, entitled "The Trail of It Guldrn ane"; while “Birds,” by Phil H. Mums», is also worthy If special mention. Bunnvvusue Dale in the author of -“Our Wild Decvys." The various drpmtments contain a. Wealth of valuable information. as usual. I Blake \VHB away when the con- stables entered his home, but returned sunwlime later to find them waiting for him. He was placed under arrest. on the charge of manufacturing illicil liquor Keswick, Quoensville, Aurora nd Newton 3100:. Yet nnnlher still wan seized in Ymk county Monday. In the home (If 14 hn Blake, Graden avenue, Mnnnt Dennis, County Constables Baker and Nichols found it nent little still in opemtion. A sample was taken of thirty gullona of mash whi'cli had just been set. H. A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC Oommisslonm‘, (hnveyuncer, Etc Insurance and Real Estate ANNOUNCEMENT RICHMOND HIL L WILLIAM CDUK [Single copies, 3 cts Another Still Found Wm. C. Ruttan NH... Rod And Gun No. 41 29â€"“

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