Leslie G. Gardhome of We-Lnn iv Ihlt ycm-‘a Mock judging (-hnnpioh for Ymk County. The resultant Haw unnunl rnntelt. which («Ink plat-c ant 'l‘hornhi'l nn “'edneodny of lust week, wne announced with Leslie Gard- Baby Chicks, 30¢. each; $27.00 per 100 Eggs for Hatching, $10.00 per 100 o‘l' llll:l|. Ill] 0. Clsssâ€"Mildred Pullnu. angnret Buchanan. Lurrflim‘ Kelly, Puulciu Smith, Hun-y Junkh-n, Mngmrt Whi‘f, chy llnppnr. Marlin Bulkh ‘(stm ll. A. JFNKINS. lowh-H, S.C.White Legharng Pekin Duck Eggs, 15c. each; $12.00 per 109 B.’ OlliuflNormnn vaton. Unhe- r-ine Stamford. Mmjnrie Graham. Gordon Mollett. Maude Bunhnnan, Brute Armstrong. Grqu Brilliugcr, JohnHirst. __ Phone 44 R-ll Do you throw away an overcoatjust because the weath- er is warnHor a few days or do you keep it for a cold spell ? Then why throw away a good opportunity for insurance just because you think next month will do? It is the unex- pected that always happens. Guild Strain ; thealthy Stock Per Setting 13 Eggs, $2.00 26 Eggs, 3.50 50 Eggs, 6.00 my. Nlmes in order of merit A. Clausâ€"Jean Middleton. Nora. Batty. Agnes Ouldwell. B‘lly lunea, ergaret. anx-enm', Phyll‘H \VhiLt-_ Marguerite Glan, Mary Glllings, Edna Rand. Murjmy Lowry. Snndy Kglly,m[,ealiu Kendall. Fred Pnlnuâ€"r. ,,._ RV..II)OAI\ (Luthe- WM. GREEN - 'Comer Richmond and Bridgford Streets.i Accident and sickness insurance is a grand protection for you and family. A. G. S A V‘A G E Agent Richmond Hill From Bred-to-Lay Barred Rocks, Here’s the Point Hatching EGGS for Sale Richmond Hill Public School RICHMO'ND HILL H‘ARDWARE . Richmond Hill, Ont. “CANADIAN†fence is bigger. better, stronger and more per- fgctly galvanized ‘than others .v..__, a... V r, We are convinced that this fence made by THE CANADIAN STEEL 81 WIRE CO., LIMITED, at Hamilton, is everything it is represented to be. WE"? KNOW THESE ARE FACTs 100 Per Cent. Fertility Guaranteed WE TRAPâ€"NEST ALL THE YEAR ROUND York Champion Report of Room VI wk » can sell you this fence as cheap as you can buy fence £12151..- 90 Per Cent. Fertility Guaranteed . W. BOWMAN Mary Glllings, Lowry. Snndy Fred Palmer. prton. Unhe- In loving memury hf my denl hushnnd and father. Georg:- Chapman. who passed away. April 5, 1918. Deep in our hearts lies A picture 0! n lovst tune l-M to vest. In Mammy: fume we shall keep him. Furyho was one of the stt. Our lips cannot. speak how we lnved Mm, Our lips cannot. tell what tn any. God only knows how we miss him An we travel life's rough way. Sadly missed by wife and family. house handing the list. As champion he hulda the George 5. Henry Cup fur a year, nnd is vntinled to n trip In the Chicngn Winter Fear. This is the ncnnd tlmn he has won the distinctiv- of being the champion stock judger in the banner stock judglng u-uuty of the Province. Robert \Vntson of \Vuodhrldg the rl serve champion. Ru! BIynLnn nf Gonnley came thild Russ Anderson nf Edge‘ey. chum; Ul‘ fence post. It’s Such splendid value that we'll stake our reputation on it every time. All we ask is a Chance to show you the wonder- ful "CANADIAN“fcnce and the eouall wonderful and durable “AME ICAN“ galvanized steel . R. RICHMOND HILL IV .UIVV ‘..-...-.rvv y‘nLun nf Gonnley vanie thin! and Is Anderson nf Edge‘ey. champion the Disk two years. Was fnurlh. IN MEMORI A)! v, ,. . ..vL - 207 R5539]! teacher of Hope school.nnd who is “I. has hld hrr place supplied by Missjenn Mnlheann. Miss Je’om Malhesnn has poured a Imaitinn as ieucher of n school at Colborne. IVâ€"M. Hndgins, Z. Tuppor, II. Burnaby. I. Pilson. M. ermsnn, H. Harri», R. Saunders. I). Dibl), J. Clubim’, D. McCluskey. ‘ SR. IIIâ€"V. Pulk, M. annlly, C. Mnrphv. - JR. Illâ€"B. Gnmlylv. L. Hodgins, B, \Vnttu, G. Dihh. H. Tnppn‘. (7. junes. SR. IIâ€"F. Rickwnod, U.(1hulburn. N. Oslu-rnP, G. Rickwnud. jR. llâ€"K. Hodgins. J, H. Hinrris. A. Burnett. M. \Vulls. I~V. UnllSOH. V. Taylor. J. Ruherts. J. Gamhlv, E. Ulnhine. N. Burnett. (2â€"8. Burnett, G. VVnus. J. Kers- Mr. Prn-y \Vntson who recanlly sold his ï¬rm has moved to the vulnge Ind with his sisters in living in Mr. E. Forhear’u house at, the north of (h: rvillugre. - h A2_\_. There in tumor of seven or Fight new housee being lmill here this sum- mer in nddilinu lo the community ball. A quiet. mauringe was solemnized b9re when Mr. \Vm. Vnilrnrund Mien Jenson \vnruuniled in matrimony by Rev. S. R‘ Robinson. u‘Ii:ibiuï¬growoll. T'. BI-Hmny, G Reading. A. MoNair. I). Chapple. F Ohatburn. F. v‘ .. n A.â€";J'.J KerGWell. E Babawl‘l‘. The above photograph appears on every package of genuine Digests; Young's Digests prepared only from Herbs. Roots and Bake. It contalr‘ no dope drng or Stimulant. It as- sists nature as Nature should ta waisted...“ purifies the iglood. taken away that tired and languid feeling andflmakes you feel that life is worth living. u," v. u U" Mr. j. A‘flgiwnrnrning about a few day. Int, wwk with Rev. T. \V. Leggott‘ 01' quflng‘joqï¬. _.I t..__:l.. Cunningham and fumily muved flmn here last. wevk m Nuh- vlllr. well. R: 81129. The It’E|ll>H' momth nu-Ming nf lhe Wunu-ns Institute will he held at the home of Mrs. '1‘. H. Keys. \Vodnosdny, April 1201, at 2.30' p. In. Gnud ul- tendnnce is I'vqueated us there is spnclul business tn he lrunsactvd. A, , _ _, , ‘ .... 2,...- van-nu... A. 1â€"6. Karmaâ€, 0. Burnett, B MnNair. ]. erswell. (loilenmn, Jack Hemkay. SR. Illâ€"~Dmis Clntis, Alht'rl Cole- mlm, Malcolm Sperlcley. Why do you suffer from the above c headaches. distress after eating, gas on You will Pnjny your meals after using D properly and flee from all trouble that l: A Message to all Humanity Y Suffering from Indigestion, Constipation, Kidney, Liver and all Stomach Troubles JR. Illâ€"Grace Evans. Victor \Vell- man. Donald Sponcley. SR. IIâ€"Hmold Ulnlk, \VMley Clm k. JR. IIâ€"Jnck Spr’nrluv. Elmer Lerk. SR. Iâ€"Lemmld Wellmnn. JR. Iâ€"Ednn Fuller, Mary Fuller Mabel Curtis. Smule Coleman, Mal jut ie Rom bnugh. SR. IVâ€"JUm-iel Comisky. Sydney Printing--We Know How Headord School Report Jeflerson School Report YOUNG’S DIGESTA Sold at Sloan’s Drug Store, Richmond Hill TRADE MARK «u suffer from the above complaints when Young's Digests. can relieve you of the nine. No more sick ress after eating, gas on the stmnach or that bloated feeling all cnuspd from undigested fund. your meals after using Digeam. It also regulates Lhe bowels, keeps the Liver nnd Kidney: working ee from all trouble that. leads to Chronic Disease. Try it and you will never regret sump. M. COOPER, (8 ch?! Sage, N A QUESTION FOR MANY TO ANSWER Young’s Digesta, the Working Man’s Medicine Keeps the Family well at a very small cost. At the age of 80 this well known and respected citizen of Aurora recom- mends Young's Digesm. Mrs. J. Pnhner. Aurora states: “I have been troubled with rheumatism fur some time. Young's Digesta was rmnmmehded to me. I tried Mme and found good N‘nlllts from the ï¬rst bottle, I have taken a few battles of Digestu. and it, has done me more gnnd than unything yet. Owing to my advanced age I never expect to be cured, but Young’s Digesla relieves me of lhe pain und that is worth u great deal to me. lalso ï¬nd it, u good tonic, and for consu- palion it. is splendid." Mrs. W'. J. Tait. Newmarkot a well-knuwn merchant's wife, i-eroummnda Young's Digesm as the best medicine ever put on sale tn the public fur stom- ach trouble and makes the fullnnving stateuwnt :â€"'Fur years I was a Chrunic sufferer from stomach lx-unhle und all ailments causal (hmth 5;: me. I doctored and tiled everything that I thought. would hvlp me without, relief, until I was recummended to try Young’s Digests. It, gave me relief at. once. I hnve used same as a. Family Mvdicine for years. It never- fuils to give good results. My advise tn all is to try it, you will never legret same" Mrs. W. Tyndall makes the followlng statement. I have been troubled for some time with indigestion. I tried various remedies that did me no good. Young's Digests relieved me of the trouble. I feel well again and can faith- fully recommend it to all suffereu from indigestion and constipatinn. Mrs. D. Phinney states I can recommend Young's Digesm as u splendid medicine. I have used name for some time; it. never fuili to do all that. in claim- ed of it. I think for the stomach and bowels it has no equal. RE D The folhming stn‘enlents frum well known Indies in Rich- ‘ mund Hill, Newumlket and Aumra, what they think of , Young's Digestn. They are genuine and can stand A thorough invgï¬igutiou. Dispute them if you will. $500 REWARD TO ANY ONE WHO CAN? Bran and Shorts Hundreds in North York recommend it. the some Big Bargain on Groceties during the month ' of April. Call and see our full line of Pastry Goods, C Bread, Blown Bread, Fruit Bread, 9 cc“ small loaf. Fullstock of Bran and Shorts on hand. Bran S32, Shorts $32 50, Ontario and \Vestern Shorts, St. Lawrence Sugar $7 25 per cwt. There’s one feature in particular you’ll appreciate about Toronto Stable Equipment. It’s the‘ (mly Stable Equipment made in Canada in which the galvanizing thorough- ly covers and completely coats the metal and the inside of steel tubes as well. This method makes it ab- solutely rust defying and proof Rust Defying - Because Hot Galvanized Maple Bakery Lunau, Agent FROM RIUHMOND HILL Phone 852 FROM NE\VMARK ET FROM AURORA , Richmond Hill against strong stable acids for the maximum periodâ€"~while the method ordinarily used simply applies a Sui- face coating and goes only a. short distance inside tubing. Toronto Stable Equipment will make work easierâ€"keep cattle healthierâ€"bring more proï¬ts. Let me explain the many advantages of Tomnto Stalls, Bull Pens, Water Bowls and Litter Carriers. ottag ts per