Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 6 Apr 1922, p. 5

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'I‘unlnc builds up lhe wenk, run dM‘vn 333:9!" and nmkes you feel an my, study and “’1‘”, us “Mule in- tended. IL is Sold M Slnans Drug Stole. Mr'. \V. J. va'y and Mrs Pvtnl'bornjgh; Mrs. N. U. I Town“); and Mlss Lylu Hi1 \_ale spun, u few days \vil The “'unwu' the hnme of .\1‘ Aplil 12m, nt 8 will give an ad! liacehafl meetingâ€"Sterling Bunk nfilce, Mnnduy oaning, April 1011:. at 8‘ o'clock uh'lrp. If you an: intelesled be present. "I feel twenty ~your: yuungnr.’ is what llmu-mnds have Hid "her Tnnluc l(-'~‘thl'E‘ll Ihcm tnlu-nlth. Try it. It is hulk] ut Slunn'u Drug htuxv. Hill A few tons of Maize Gluten on hand at $42.L0. at line Elevntm. A men-ting of the- anling Clul) will he held in [he Unlincil Chmer un Friday night, Apli] 7th. at BUR-luck. All members Iogueswd In attend. Imp u'lnnL businesr‘. The sulIsCI-iptinn price of ll.e Fumin llerulJ nnd Weekly Star in $2 OU. Durng lhr ummh of April il muy he had for $1.51) by leaving yuur urder at The Lihvrnl Uflice. A car I-f Bran and Shorts and n our 0! Salt In hhls. and sucks In nrrivc At. the Elevator. A deputation from the Edgvlwy FaI'Im-ls’ Ulul) met the Vaughan mwnship C-mnci], Monday at Vel'urc. wqussliug them [u pass a hy-luw ill'l‘TuilLill-é the lax nutiéeu to [w mined, Also to cull fur trnders tor COHL'CLOI‘. The attention of the Puhlic is called to the fact. that. the Imperial rate of posmge nnnliw 9m leglndi Jeuers pnuul- in C n da for vaf undlindq the chruge being four cents for a one uunce lolter and Llnee cents niditimml {o - each extr.» I-‘unce. \ The house and properly hvlungiug In Mr. Guest on Centre street ens: has lwen sold by Ml‘. H . F. melwrt tu Mr. G. C-‘ok. S.999593993339$§JS$S§5§§69$3S§ s3 QUALITY SHOPPE 5,? 51SSSSSSSGGSQGS’SGGEPGSSSSQSG It may be that you arb buying your groceries elsewhere, and do not feel quite at liberty to spend a few odd moments any time looking over the many nice thing-rs in China displayed on our shelves. Kindly under- stand, we have no desire to take your trade in groceries away from those who are serving you faithfully. YOU Are Welcome are welcome to look over our stock of CJina at any time whether you buy or no.‘. China and Earthenware, Grocerin Bronchitis Eolds Every trace completely removed by the World’s most powerful preparation Buckley’s Bronchitis Mixture Fully guaranteed to give you relief or money refunded 40 Doses for 750 Sold by all druggists or by mail from Sold in Richmond Hill by Sloan's Drug Stote K. lucklty. limilcd. "2 Mutual SI Blown to atoms We wish you to feel that this is your CHINA Store, and that you We have been» more than pleased with the reception given us since opening our new store, Especially do we thank the ladies for their very liberal patronage in the Millinery Department, we have had one continuous opening and have therefore refrained from announcing a special opening day, we will however, continue to display all the latest designs of the Millinery Art during the baldnce of the season, and invite your inspection. Satisfaction always guaranteed. We also remodel and trim to order. We have a nice line of House Dresses and Waists, also Children's Dresses at very moderate prices. ~ Trench Block Duncan’s Store Millinery Dry Goods Ladies Wear anu'n‘ Institute will DIN‘L at, of Mrr. blylks uu Wednewduy , nt, 8 u‘cluck. DI'. Hamilton \n uddless. Gum} music. and Coughs Mrs. Norman Batty, Richmond Hill " My's. N. u. ML‘Lmn Ur Muss Lylu Hill llf Elm- fexv days with Mrs. D. To Look Over Our Stock of CHINA hum Hill of It was fitting that Sir john ‘Iutnn's funeral on Monday was the largrst and nmstimpxessive ever held in T0- mnln. Sir John had no enemies ; but hosts of friends. Two very handsome cases hf silvvr- “Hue lst nnd 2m! pxizAs in (he singm rink Curling cumpetitiun. presented by J. )IcLPun, and wun by Mr. I. Grnhnm und ,\\"Hfred jum-s. re- spectivvly, may ln- seen in the window of Mrs. Wm. Davies. W. SCOTT. \V. DAVIES. President. Secretary. A number of the relatives vi~ited the home of Jim. James Man-uu Sat- urde evening and spent a Illllab pic-us- nut Lime. Mrs. MLLPxn is to In» cun- grululntvd nn hvr gnod health and spirits on hnr77th birthday. Mr. Victor Pug-19y. of St'dley. Snsk., after a sad journvy un'ivud hare Sut- ulday by C. N. R. with the renmins nf his little sun, “Billiv.” Interment took place in the famlly plnt. M r. and Mrs. Pngsley have the de-l-pf‘st sympathy 0. many friends. A meeting of citizensâ€"men nnd “'om nâ€"wuu held Fridny evening, in the public achnol to talk over the formaliun [If n Home and Schvol Club. but owing to the inclement. weathir not many nttonded. Gnud addlmsas wvre given by Mrs. Reese and 'Mln-I. Com-Lice, hull) of 'l‘m-ontn. A mun- mittve was appointed In nrrunge fnl' another meeting, [he dale [(7 be anâ€" nuunced Later. r. m. Almut [Wu hum-s pf fun and laughter. Comv. for;th your troubles and spend .1 delightful evening with us. Don’t. fail [n he preselltnnd bring your fliends. Admission 3.3 cents, Children 20 cent“. Themnnthly puhlic meeting of the Alumni Bible Auancifitiun wi‘l he held in the Bnplifit ChUI'ch. Auvnru, (In Tuesday. Aprll 11th. at 8 and 8 o'clock p.111. Both meetingl will he addres- sed hy the Rev. Dr. Shields, of the Jarvis Street. Baplist Church annnln, on some aspects uf The Seumd Coming of Uhrilt‘. "\Vhere there is “nuke, them is always firé‘." so “‘1an twenty million \anmown men and women in all Walk. of life any 'I‘nnlnc is u {find medicine, th‘e luunt he sumelhing to it. It is gold at Sloan's Dung Store; A Qniiting Bee in Friendly Village. will) ye Olde Tyme (‘na‘tmnes «ml Musick. a play of \vhulesulue Fun, will he put on at Thomhill Methodisb Church by the 'mmnhers nf the Ladies Aid, on \Vcdnesdny. Aplil 12m, nL8 J. H. Imhlnp returns-d on Saturday after spvnding Len duys in and about Indianapulis, [nd.. unending 1h? Fifth National Flower Shmv. under the joint auspices of HIV Such-[y of Amelicnn F.u|i:t<, lthmexiur-n lure- Socieiy, and {he Aliu-iiiau Carnation Snciety. Tnh exhibition is hrid txieunially. :u d is the largest. and mnmt impontuut (2n the c unliiwnt. Au exhibit of Hugh-p Hosea lkf‘ein'd theuaual l-vcngmlion of highest awards. Mr. Duulop was (me of the jurors, being judge of [IOU] r05(a nnd tarantinus nu threw days hf the exhibition. Allhuugh the wruthel- was \‘el-y uufnwlrahlv, raining ench day, the Htteudunve was very Inrgw. crowding [he iuununse exhibition hul'. Phone 53 In our Millinery Parlour on Saturday next, we shall exhibit a few new models, not having yet been showman inspection of which will give you an idea 10f our work, and which we are confident will convince you. we are all we claim to be, "First-class Milliners." One of the most. important factors in Millinery is color blending, and should you favor us with your order far Easter, not later than Tuesday next, we will make you a shape, and trim accordingly, our long exâ€" perience enabling us to ai‘mnge the colorings in perfect harmony. We give you a minimum quona- Lion, which will bear any compari- son; ncver having thelim'ed in ex- orbitant. profits, our business has been built by fair and legitimate trading. a policy which we shall continue to maintain. Ladies of discriminating time Are no longer buying ready-made or manufactured millinery. We have intimated in our previous advertise- ments the advantages, and the prc- terence of ladies generally for the hand-mlde hat. 2Doers South of Bakery on Yonge St. Your Easter Hat MRS. WM. DAVIES Mrs. Wm. Davies Boot and Shoe Repairer “FHE ROLFE SHOE REPAIR STCâ€"RE’.’ South of Shoe Factory Miss Marguerite Boyle Artist Teacher in Literature, Expression, Reading, Dram- atic and Humourous Sketches, Millinery Dialect Poems. Professional Graduate" of Owen A. Smiley Studio. Address Miss Marguerite Boyle. Studio ‘Homewood Hall,’ Thornhill, Ont. 30-tf Easter Term opens April 18 QELLIOTT/y M \__ ELOCUTION All Kinds of ,Boots and Shoes Repaired. Good Workmanship. Prompt Service. Strictly flrat-classâ€"None bet- ter in the Dominion; strong demand for our grnduates; open all year ; enter any time. write fur our catnlogue contain; in; complete infurumticn con; cerning coma", tultinn rates etc. Those who know of the merits of this school rue its stnunohut supporters. W. J. ELLIm Principal. to cut your footwear bills in half by having your shoes repairs done at Yonge and Charles Sts. Toronto, GEO. KIDD RICHMOND HILL HELP Phone 97 Touring, Without starter, Touring, with self starter, Runabout,withoutstarter, Runabout, Withself-starter, Coupe, with starter - - - Sedan, with starter - - - Torr Truck, express body closed cab - - -~ - Ton Truck, stake body, closed cab - â€" - â€" Tractor - - - - - Latest Prices-Ford Cars New Shop on Lorne Ave. Directly Behind Drug Store 30-tf The VVorkingman's Friend First'class Boot and Shoe Repairer of all kinds of Boots and Shoes. Satisfaction guaranteed. 000' ~ TOTAL ASSETS OVER EIGHTY-THREE MILLIONS Richmond Hill Branch, J. R. Herrington, Manager Your Call and see the $25.00 and upward navy blue suits, $28.00 and upward Scotch tweed suits. These are great value and made to your measure. Handâ€"made tailor suits for women or men V from $35.00 up. Skirts hand-made $10.00 and upward. All hand-made garments are made here on the prem- ises and pertect style, workmanship and fit is guaranteed. Give me a call and save your money. E. R. FORTNER Thg above prices include filled with gasoline and oil, 1 lxcense and Government sales tax. All cars are guaranteed. and should any part be defective we will gladly replace the same free of charge. L. WADE LLEANING and PRESSING DONE Closed Wednesday at one o’clock. C. N. COOPER COOPER’S HARDWARE A. E. GLASS. Saleman, Richmond Hill 200 women and men wanted Headquarters for S.M.P. and McCIary “ Graniteware TO obtain maximum yields you need to sow Test- ed Seed Grain. To purchase good seed you may requxre financxal assxstance Extending accommodation for such purposes is an important phase of Standard Service. Seed Graia‘ STANDAREQ BANK n. r;- Lacrosse Sticks Plumbing .in TRENCH’S BLOCK Granite, Consult our local Manny-r THE PHONE 93 or CANT“ NEWMARKET BUSINESS COLLEGE ENROij ANYTIME Individe Instinclion. Night Sclmol Muml-ays und Thursdays. vamjuket. B Illk nf 'l‘monlo Block Highest Diplomasâ€"London. England STUDIO : 10 MacPherson Avenue. Toronto Phone, North 1553 Sppuinl Theoretical Tuition Evening Lessons if desired lst housp on MaurPhel-son nnd Yonge St Tinware connecnon and Baseballs MISS C. BANKS Ladies and Mens Tallor, Richmond Hill. Richmond Hill me and oil, freight, All cars are fully PIANO $586.00 $673.00 $546.00 $632.00 $906.00 $998.00 $777.00 $787.00 $445 .00 35'

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