811C rumor cause: Ious v â€"consisting of an estimated 7,000,000 cu. yd. of earth and rockâ€"is _being obliterated, the completion of which is expected to make the southern metro- polis much more'breegy, cool, and healthful, besides adding some 66 blocks to the heart of the city. Vari- ous methods have been tried in the tramsportlng of the mass from’its pre sent location and depmitiuz it in hhn Moving a mountain is undertaken by engineer Janelro. Where the Mom The Canadian spring weatherâ€"one day mild. and bright; the next raw and blustery, is extremely hard on the baby.\ Conditions are such that ‘the mother cannot take the little one out for the fresh air so much to be de sired. He is conï¬ned to the house which is so often overheated and bad- ly ventilated. He catches cold; his little stomach and bowels become dis- ordered and the mothe“ soon has a sick baby to look after. To prevent this an occasional dose of Baby‘s Own Tablets should be given. They regu- late the stomach and bowels, thus pre- venting or banishing colds. simple fevers, colic or any other of the many minor ailments of childhood. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams’ Medicine Co., Brock- vllle. Ont. rent 1! nay, : hovel Ld-inky SPRING WEAR-EEK HARD 0N BABY next week. Moving a Mountain in Rio de Janeiro. ,_-V,__.. vv ‘. yvuudu ¢‘U. H14, which appeared Past week (White to mmfe and draw), is as follows: the Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine (30., Bro-ckville, Ont. Not sickâ€"but not feeling quite well. That is the way most people feel in the spring. Easily tired, appetite ï¬ckle, sometimes headaches and a feel- ing of depression. Pimples or erup- tions may appear on the skin, or there may be twinges oi! rheumatism or neuralgia. Any of these indicate that the blood is out of orderâ€"that the in- door llte of winter has left its mark upon You and may easily develop into more serious trouble. Do not dose yourself with purga- tives, as so many people do, in the hope that you can put your blood right. Purgativ‘es grllo’p through the system and weaken Instead of giving strength. Any doctor will tell you this is true. What you need in the spring is a tonic that will enrich the blood and build up the nerves. Dr. Wil- liams’ Pink Pills do this speedily. lately and surely. Every dose of this medicine helps to enrich the blood. which clears the skin, strengthens the appetite, and makes tired. depressed men, women/ and children bright, active and strong. Miss S. L. Mc- Ealchrorn, Naim P.O.. N.B., says: “I have been in the habit of taking Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills in the spring and they keep‘me in the best of health. I think it is entirely due to the use of these pills that I always have such good health.†Solution of this position will appear .u-L ...- -I- No. 23.â€"â€"B11aJck to move and win e mounta >r that go as added workmen A 600!) MEDHEENE FOR THE SPRENGTIME solution to Pmblem No. 22 Do Not Use Harsh Purgativesâ€" m MA?“ our : JUS’t among , mule ' or d! CHECKERSâ€"By Heck an 1116 an A Tonic is All You Need. M 32‘ 3n and 8 thes 1e cart dummy old con % wou rk f aiu old )ut |ll VG WM NR1, hldd e amo )eeu tried mass from pesitiug 1 being pi team 5110‘ Wf/fl it is the huge task rers in Rio de orro do Castello Ell m W pick hovel The 16 M 31" m mp1 ,g'th pres‘ Jmmit to the t, and credu- 501118 Q W and and There Were some lovely yellow ones, that were ddï¬â€˜grent from any I have ev_er seen; alts-o a pink variety, that The f olfllowimg’szprmg' I planted them about two inches apart. They made a row almost across the garden and when blooming time came they were the wonder and admlinabion of all visitors. When flalll came I dug almost a half bufllel focf bloomingsvize bulbs. When they arrived at pl'antimg' tinie, the largest of them were about the size of a pea, ranging on down no larger than a shot. The ddreptions that come with them advised drilvh’mg them in a trench, and cultivating the same as any garden crap. I did so and was surprised to have several bloom. ' ‘ ‘ If I were to be limited to just one bulb, it would be an easy matter for me to decide Which I would choose. The glad‘i‘o‘lus furnishes a greater display for the money and care invest ed than any bulb of which I know. A few yeans ago I purchased a collec: tion of small burlblets of mixed var-j iebies of gladrioli. | Here is another argument for the organization of rural affairs. A com- munity club based purely on the well- fare of the children of that communâ€" itywbwt it; may mean much moreâ€" W‘OUid bring Large dividends on the investment. What are you [and your neighbors doing, not alone for your: own children but for all the children‘ of the community in which you l'ive?l It is one of the most important ques-l bierms you can put to yourself, because as some one has said, “What shall it proï¬t a community if it gain the whole world and lose its boys and girls? The best way to shield a child from unwholesuomne influences is not oniy to have conditions right in the home but right also in the community. This meamns an interest in your neighbor‘s children», as well as your own. It means coaupevation wimh other par- mats in shaping the ilife of the entire community so that it is a safe oom- nmnrirty in which to Daise children. The community influence on young minds, in our opinion, is almost as important as the home influence, especially in these modern days when the mind of the average child of ten is almost as mature as the marï¬or woman of twice that age in genera- tions gone by. Too many mothers to- dlay fail to realize this fact. The Community’s Children. It is a common instinct for the fond mother to use every possrible effort in shielding; her children from con- tact with the undesirable influences of the average community. There are usually some things about the average community and about some people of that community which the mother does not wish her child to know. This fundamental mvorthver instinct ac- complishes wonders in the shaping of life in the home itself but how about influences which touch the child when away from the mother’s direct touch? After all], is not the real task of motherhood to ï¬t the child to meet the world with all its influencesâ€"â€" good and bad‘? Selling Gladioli Bulbs About the " House andche worst is vet to Come ] Do you realize that you can’t make [the most of yourself if your hair isn’t ‘in good condition? It must be lively, lhealthy, and sparkling, or, just when E you don’t wand; it to, it will spoil your [Whole appearance. Slick hair is genâ€" , bloom just as beautifully in your yard _ or garden as it does in the florist’s grounds, you will] be delighted with the gha‘dioluvs. I know that country Women, many ‘ of them, are looking for ways of earn- :img extra d'ofll‘hars. The gladiolus is not the onlly plant that might prove proï¬ba'ble. Onre‘s own taste, orne’s in- ;d'ividual experience, locality and other } factors are to be conxsddered. navy uau- really clean wwn‘o'ut wash- ing it, and whether it is s’trinlg‘y or 0in or brittle and lustvel‘ess, it still needs washing. Only, of course, oily hair needs more frequent shampooing than dry hair. a . ‘Slvannpoo your hair once in two weeks if it’s oily; once a month isi ; carefully saved and (lulled in shallow , trenches. ‘The next season they are ‘ blooming size. I have found it to be a very proï¬t- able business. If I lived near a large city, the blooms would ï¬nd a ready sale, which would add considerable to the proï¬ts. They are not at all particular as to soil or location. With me any good garden soil has proved to :be all right: I have planted them early and late, and I ï¬nd that when blooming time comes, they are always ready to dis- pltay,their beautiful colors. I always planted? at intervals pf two weeks, so ’as to have a longer period of b‘loom. If you are looking for a bulb that will [the them for them until spring, as they seem to think theme is some sort of magic about keeping the bulbs through the winrter. They are just as easily kept as potatoes. They increase very rapidly from the tiny bulllblets, which form undemth ï¬h'e old bulbs. I have counted as many as twenty bull-blew on one large bulb. These are were it to sale always orders to pay them i seem 't I then rows. * I s‘ep'ararted éach variety at ing time, and sold quite a fe'v next season I had more orders could ï¬ll]. '- ‘ ‘ I curbed them closely, and Ice the ones that were general fa‘ I then planted each vai-ietv in 81 was the most beautiful shade of deep pinfk, slashed and spotted with pale pink. This seemed to be a general favorite with everyone. - , . One day a friend of.minle was- ad- miring them and remarked that ‘she would be glad to purchase bulbs" fi'om me if I would allow her to select them When they were in bloom. This g‘aVe me :an inspiration and I began Waking plan's. in Alect Have Sparkling Hair. f or to plat and 1 bloom ct them very correct] 3 most beautiful'shade of deep lashed and spotted with pale seemed to be a general were genea- zach variety {ed embers It is an 4 at this tim rarbicular Some pe ra and Jun 1 variety at bloom- quite a few. _~ The more orders than I ‘lety in sex bets when an easy 11 timJaml to -ï¬1 people 1 ave me eep (I e of d r1 separate when they 5y matter' and I am ï¬ll the ple prefer me keep , as they |thlis time heihps in drying'the hair. ' And it does make it so soft and fluffy! In using any tonic, massage it 'well along the line of the forehead at the‘ temples. It is this hair line that has so much to do with good looks. Watch out how you care for it. Massage it every night and morning, You know there are special ointments made for! this _very purpose that just coax the‘ ï¬ne fuzz to grow into long helal't‘hyi hair. You want your hair thick around your forehead, for a receding hair Iin-e I In Sshrampooin‘g the hair, be partic- ularly careful to rinse it thoroughly, so that every particle of soap is reâ€" moved. You must be equally careful to dry it thoroughly. Nothing more quickly brings on neuralgia or a cold in the head than damp hair. A good time to use a tonic ‘is directly after the hair has been shtzmmpooed> One specially recommended to be used at‘ this time h~e&ps in (Irving-1hrâ€: hnh- sufï¬cient if it‘s dry. Don‘t brush your hair while it is damp, and don’t use too soft a brush at any time. J ust a bitble briflianbine on the brush makes the hair look aliVe, and will not hurt it in any way. Han ACE Unle not .9 WARNING Accept ASK 256-268 King St. Watt Eirecï¬ from ATRAPPER to ï¬â€˜iï¬ï¬UFflGWRER - J. SCHWARTZ & co. SIC etting Ians TheTobacco o} Colds Toothac Sarache onl a rad in packages )U during Tobacco o Qua] an 'HT 52H the rim unb )nta MANUPliCTURING PUREIERS aroke name it all. ta]: Bayer ars bl um irections and ; and proved :adache :umlzia packa AI ‘Bay Wln 12'0 posle. Make a large pocket reaching half-way up the apron and from one side to the other. Divide this pocket into three or four smaller pockets, for carrying seeds. An apron such as this will last for years, and be greatly ' appreciated 'by any woman who works in the garden. I Heavy sacking is good for the pure I The large white patches on green hillsides that mystif-y the adian traveler as he approaches coa’ét of Bermu‘da are water-cah areas. There are no streams or f water wells on the islands; the drinking water is rain water ca from the roofs of dwellings or cleared areas on the hillsides. One who is contented with what has done will never become famous what he will duo.â€"Bovee. hell you buy Aspirin. er†on tablets, you are y take chances.†pI-ays havoc even with the prettiest of faces. dose safe Rheumatism Neuritis Pain, Pain Handy Garden Apron aver orked out by r millions for ,nac mystuy the Can- is he approaches the “.a are water-catching e no streams or fresh- the islands; the only is rain water caught of dwellings or from Tablets of Dru zists. Pan,