Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 6 Apr 1922, p. 7

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MESS DESAUTELS ES LIKE A NEW WGE’EAN POPULAR YOUNG W( MAN SAYS TANLAC WAS A WONDERFUL BLESSING TO HER. Gives Details of Recovery for Benefit of Others Who Suf- fer As She Did. “Tanlac has been a wonderful bless 1an to me and I will praise it the long est day I live," said Minis Aline Desau tels, St. Laurent, Que. .“My only regret about Tanlac is that I dldm‘. learn about it sooner, as I know I would have been saved many hours of misery and suffering. This grand medi- cine has brought me the wonderâ€" ful blessing of health and I feel that I am simply doing my duty in helping to let people know that no matter how much they may suffer from stomach trouble, there ls hope for them if they take Tanlac. "I am no m-ore‘like the same person now that I was before I took this grand medicine than day is like night." Industrial hygiene is a term that should be understood by EVGTYbOdy' When we consider the large percentâ€" age of the people of this province Who are engaged in industry, the health and happiness of flhese workers is a matter of supreme importance to the individual, the community and the state. The preservation of the health of? workers in industry is what industrial hygiene essentially means, whether it is in reducing lealth hazards or in improving the surroundings and conâ€" ditions under which the work is car- ried on. Incidentally ‘the preservation and improvement of the health of the workers brim-gs the same benefits to the members of the workers’ families and friends, thus increasing immea- surably the sphere of industrial hy- giene activity. Too often the condi- tions under which men and women work are reflected iii/their home con- ditions and surroundings, and Where lack of concern is shown for the wel- fare of those engaged in industrial pursuits, there is a corresponding lack of interest on the part of/ the workers in the work they are doing, which is detrimental to both employâ€" ers and employees, as well as to the quality and quantity of the goods or manufactured articles producedi Beâ€" sides, if a lack of interest is manifest- ed in the health and conditions under which men and women Work. social Tan-1 D! Mlddietcn wll‘. be glad to answer questions on Publlc Health mu ters through this column. Addrqu him at Spadlna House. Spadlm Crescent. Toronm ac is That‘s the way a good many people have found it to be with the comfort and cheer they thought they had secured in tea and coffee. When they came to depend on itâ€" there was a hidden string, and nothing left but disappointment. The drug, caffeine, in tea and coffee, is a nerve stimulant. Conâ€" stant stimulation of the nerves often produces rebellion that takes the form of sleeplessness, headaches. irritability, high blood pressure. That‘s the string to tea and (soffee. sold by all good dx'uggists‘ ~ -â€"Advt‘ Wiliiam faund a packetbooia 331i? the giving jerkéa’ it back Postum BY DR. J. J. MIDDLETON HEALTH EDUCATIGN ~ Provincial Board 01 Health. Ontario ‘. Health â€"“T}' The weldâ€"being of the people is like a treeâ€"agriculture is its root; manu- facturing and commerce are its branches and life. If the root is imâ€" jured the leaves falrl, the branches bleak and the tree diesâ€"01d Chinese Philosopher. 3 ‘ To prevent waste of time and the reduplication of effort, there have been collected the results of scientific research and practical experience gained by highly paid experts in pvo- lgressive plants in other countries. iThi-s very valuable information is at ithe disposal of industrial plants who Ihave similar health problems, even though on a much smaller scale, to pbe dealt with. Where certaininform- ‘ation is not at hand. literary research :- question: on Public Health m“ I When your burdr’em is heaviest, you Ill him It Spadlua House. Spud!!!) can always lighten a little some other ' 1bm‘den. At the times when wou can- I mot see God, there is still open to you W this sacred possibility, to Show God. and political unrest and dissatisfaction Let this thought, then, stay with you; become Wideâ€"spread, disturbing and" there may be times when you cannot dislocatng trade and commerce, and: find help, but there is no time when affecting the whole strata of our| you cannot give helpâ€"George S. Mer- domestic and national afi‘ail‘s.‘ iriia‘m. That there is a great need 'for in~ tensive work to be done in Ontario in the sphere of Industrial Hygiene is evidenced by industrial reports aria by statistics. The time lost through disâ€" ability is a very important feature to be reckoned with, it being estimated that approximately 3,300,000 work- days per year are lost through dis- ability, by the 500,000 industrial ability, by the 500,0( workers in this province ' To safeguard the health of indus- trial workers in Ontario is one of the chief functions of “the Division of Inâ€" dustrial Hygiene, Provincial Board of Health. To this end the Division has established a bureau of information which will supply all facts and figurgs necessary for'the work lthat is to be carried on. ‘ It looked like ahappy discovery as it lay there on the sidewalkâ€"until the discoverer reached to pick it up. Then the hidden string jerked it away. _ All William got was disappointment. ostum 33} Co.. Limited, Windsor, Ont Postum, that wholesome and delightful cereal beverage, is com- pletely satisfying" and there’s no harmful quality whatsoever, to jerk away the comfort which you find in this splendid table drink. Any member of the family may enjoy Postum with any mealâ€"and there will be no after-regrets. oft larger t lere’s a Reason :omes in two forms: Instant Postum e instantly in the cup by the addition ater. Posmm Cereal (in-packages of "or those who prefer to make rhe drink ‘31 is being prepared) made by boiling as. Sold by grocers. Rugtnre KifiEs Seven thousand persons each year are laid awayâ€"the burial certificate being marked "Rupture." Why? Be- cause the unfortunate ones had neg- lected themselves or had been merely taking care of the sign (swelling) of the affliction and paying no attention to the cause, What are you doing? Are you neglecting yourself by wear- ing a. truss, appliance, or whatever name you choose to call it? At best. the truss is only a makeshiftâ€"~19. false prop against a collapsing wallâ€"and cannot be expected to act as more than :1 mere mechanical support. The binding pressure retards blood circu- lation, thus robbing the weakened muscles of that which they need most â€"nourishment. But science has found a way, and every trues sufferer in the land is'in- vited to make a test right in the privacy of their 06m home. The PLAPAO method is unquestionably the most scientific, logical and success- ful self-treatment for rupture the world has ever known. ' The PLAPAO PAD when adhering closely to the body cannot possibly slip or shift out of place, therefore cannot chafe or pinch. Soft as velvet â€"â€"easy to applyâ€"inexpensive. To be used whilst you work and whilst you sleep. No srtraps, buckles or springs attached. Learn how to close the hernia! open- ing as nature intended so the rupture CAN’T come down. Send your name and ten cents, coin or stamps, to-day, to PLAPAO CO., 765 Stuart Bldg., St. Louis, Mo.. for FREE trial Plapao and the information necessary. Never affirm, or think about your- self, your prospects, your career, or your happiness what you do not wish to come true. work is carried on to gain the inform- ation asked for, While in addition, a system of general educational propa- giamda on Industrial Hygiene is being conducted. A start has been made in clinical work by the establishment of an in- dustnial clinic for diagnosis, by means of which an investigation is being made as to the pmevalenvce of lead poisoning in certain trades in Ontario. A demonstration has recently been-- carried omit in Thorold to determine the possibilities of an Industrial and Public Health mm‘se combining her duties so as to make both phases of her work as efl'ective as possible. Al- together the Division of Industrial Hy- giene issaimincg' to raise the general standard of health among industrial workers and thereby do its share to- wards the great combined work of all Divisions of the Provincial Boand of Health, viz., to improve the pace and :‘aise the health standards for ail .‘lnssles of the community. : 7,999 Annuafiy Doesn't hurt a bit! Drop a. little “Freezone” on an achmg corn. instant- ly that corn stops hurting, than short- ly you lift it right off with fingers Truly! Your druggist sells a tiny bottle or “Freezone” for a few cents. sufficiem to remove every hard com, soft corn. or corn betWeen the toes, and the cal- luses. without soreness qr irritation. Km Jujfiaaifii for that cold and tired feeling. Get Wellâ€"~Keep Well. KILL SPANISH FLU by using the OLD RELIABLE! Medic‘ai men have agreed that bald- ness is largely a matter of headgear. It is a rarity for a woman to go bald, notwithstanding that her hats are of» ten heavier and bigger than a man’s. But her hat is fixed to her hair, not to her scalp, the veins are not constrict- ed, and ventilation is permissabie. Men's hats, with their hard, tight-fit- ting b'rims, make it impossible for the blood to circulate properly. and conse- quently there is a. congestion of blood in the scalp and baldness results. Tt en Ice MONEY ORDERS. A.Dominion Express Money Order for five dollars costs three cents. The story of a modan Robinson Crusoe who for thirty years has lived on a lonely island in the Arafura Sea, between Australia and New Guinea, is told by Mr. W. Somerset Maugham, the English playwrightt, who has just returned from a fifteen m-ovnths’ tour in the East. “F had chartered a lugger for a cruise in the Arafura Sea,’ he. said. “and I was asked to drop a bag 0: rice on the island for this old hermit. “I ,learned on the way from those who had already seen him that he was shipwrecked thirty years ago. and with fifteen other men reached the is- land in 0mm boats. They lived on the who had already 5‘ shipwrecked Uh‘jl‘ with fifteen other land in open boats island for three were sighted by a “or the sixteen alive, and only £01 Lift Off with F inge alive, -â€"for there with fifteen other men reached the LS- land in open boats. They lived on the island for three yeans before they were sighted by a passing ship. “or the sixteen only five were then alive, and only four were taken away -â€"for the fifth, the old man living there now, refused to leave. “He told the rescuers that-during the three years he had spent with the other men on the island he had seen such horrible things that he wished never to live among his kind again. “During the thirty years he has been on the island,” added Mr. Maugham, “the old man has lived on chickens, eggs. fish. and fruit. “During the thirty years he has bee on the island,” added Mr. Maughar “the old man has lived on chicken eggs, fish, and fruit. _ “During the war he was left alor for five years, for no ships passed 11 way, and he was reduced to living e tirely upon what the island could pr duce” Although whal size, sometimes feet long, the t1 whale is so smal low a bite as a‘ Mlnard's Linim ' TO-NIGHT TRY Méaaaui’s iénémani I659 America'- Ploneor Dog Remedies A Book on Min’ard's Liniment 00., Ltd. Yarmouth, N.S. An Island Hermit. (BURNS Throats of Whales About Baldness. DOG DESEASES and How to Feed Mailed Free to any Ad- dress by the Author. 1:. Clay Glover 00.. Inc. 129 \Vest 24th Street ales New York. U.S.A preve grow to enorn feet and eve} at of the com lat it cannot s as a tea, his to enormot and even 5 5 Spanish Flu lived on the before they Women Should Know How Lydia E. 851:2? then Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound ‘_ Helps at This Trying Period taken away EI'S 'act that bison hi CEatham. om. ‘ ()UL MADE INTO BLANKETS AT reasonable prices. Yarns. Pun wool. chiefly grey seconds, fifty cents per pound. Postage extra. Sweater yarns. slx beautiful colors. seventy-five cents. Samples free. Georgetown Woollen Mills. Georgetown. Ontario. EEKLEI’ERS’ SUI'I’LI "Sâ€"L-ANG- STROTH and Jumbo Ives and furnlshlngs. honey extractors, puma. engines and storage tanks: 3. completo stock of beekeeping requirements- send for our catalogue. Ham Brothers Com- pany, Ltd.. Manufacturers. Brantford, Never criticize that which you could not do better. Minard s Liniment for Coughs and Golds ALL KINDS 03' LEW’ AND USED "lung. pulleys. uwa. cable.hoae.packinx. (16.. shipped subject to a proval at lowesl pr1cen in Canada. YOR BELTING CO. 116 YORK. STREET. II‘ORON'I‘O. I Sho‘coygan, Wisconsinâ€"“I was run down, tired‘and nervous. I could not even do my own housework, could not sleefi at night and all inds of queer thoughts would come to me. Finally I ‘1 ANADIAN MATRIMONIAL PAPER. J 250 No omer has. A. MeCreery. SLQAN’S RELEEVES NEWLGIC ACHES even 1 house“ slee : all llin though to me. gave 11 doctor told mt Pinkha bl e 1 Aftert I could and I_ gave up going to the doator and a friend told me of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta- ble Compound. ‘ After the first bottle - I could slee better - - and I have ept on improving ever since. I have taken seven bottles now and am so hagpy that 1 am all over these bad feelings. â€"â€"Mrs. B. LANSER, 1639 N. 3rd St., Sheboygan, plage which sometim senous trouble. OR forty years Sloan’s Liniment has been the quickest relief for neuralgia, sciatica and rheuma. tism, tired muscles, lame backs, sprains and strains, aches and pains. B. LANS Wiscons For the woman entering middle age Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound can be of much benefit. During this time of life certain chan es take place which sometimes deve op into Melancholia, nervousness. irritability, headache and dizziness are some of the symptoms. Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vege- table Compognd _is a paturali yestpra- Keep Sloan’s handy and apply freely, without rubbing, at the first twinge. It eases and brings comfort surely and readily. You'll find it clean and non-skin-staining. Sloan's Liniment is pain's enemy. Ask your neighbor. At all druggistsâ€"§Sc, _70c, $1.40. EEG; eépec'ially adapted in carrying yqu safgly Why not glve st a fat: t Classified' Advertisements S THERE town “My face was almost covered with pimples which festered and scaled over. They itcbcd and burned so tha’. I could hardly stand them, and my face was so disfigured I was unable to go anyw .ere. I lost so mgch sleep that I was about crazy. “The trouble lasted two months. I started using Cuticura Soap and Ointment and after I had used two cakes of Cuticura Soap and two boxes of Cuticura Ointment for three weeks 3 was completely healed." (Signed) Miss Doxothy Daniclson, Jackson, Calif. mm 2mm 1"} PEMPEESEEN m Festered and Scaled Over. Face Disfigured. Cuticura Heals. Cuticura Soap daily, with Cuticum Ointment occasionally, prevents pimples or other eruptions. They are a pleasure to use, as is also Cuticura Talcum for perfuming the skin. Sample L‘AchEreabY Hall. Address:‘ “and, 31% St. Pan) St. W., Montreal. whegg Soap 25¢. intlnent_25 and 50‘ Bulk Carlots TORONTO SALT worms 0. J. CLIFF . TORONTO Wuubcu}; Soanr h ivfufujilbout mug; OOARSE SALT L A N D“ S A LT HERE A VULCANIZER IN YOUR '11? You can earn $26.00 daily. We you. Write Chief Instructor, 1. Vulcanizer, London. Ont. BELTINO FOR SALE ARTICLES sin. r03. 'suiz’ to assist; napure past thus tune. xal? .3411“st- TiianE-S'c.

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