Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 13 Apr 1922, p. 1

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87S BERESFORD AVE Phone Junctxon 72. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE THORNHILL The Maple Sand. Gravel and Brick Company, Lt'd. have on hand for sale. Cement. drain tile. 3. 4. 5. 6 and 8 in. Culvert tile 12. 15. 18 and '1) inch (30 inches in length) Also Cement Brick. Sand or Gravel sold by the load or in car lots. Cedar posts and telephone poles for sale. av T. COUSINS. TWENTYâ€"FIVEA’EARS' EXPERIENCE All mail orden will receive prompt ,.-’attention. The van of Aurora. The Township of King The Township of \Vhitnhumh Th Imperial Bank of Canada, Aurora J. g1. \Van. 6: 00. Aurora Orders left with Mr. GPO. Harding will receive prompt attention. Also agent, for the Hinmnn Standard ; Milker. Phone Aurora 8013. Office hours 10 to 12 a.m. 6 to 8 p. In. Office and rvsidenceâ€"Ynnge» Street Richmond Hill. Phone Nu. 24 Barristers Soiicitor Notaries Telephone Main Z777 Monarch Bldg.. 26-28 Aael- Offices aide St" \Vesi. Toronto. Naughtcn Block, Aurora Snlicntor for z \antvr S. Jenkins Rev. Phnne Nothing too groatâ€"Nuthing too sum“. Hill. 5018 E. R. SANDERSON Sand, Gravel, Tile and Brick Commissioner. Conveyancer. PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING HOT WATER HEATING ANDGENERAL REPAIRS] FOR THE COUNTY OF YORK VOL. XLI V. JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO TUNER A. C. I'IENDERSON NAUGHTON & JENKINS VANDORF LICENSED AUCTION’EE R. J. EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC DR.J, P. VVILSON $1.50 per annum, in advan THORNHILL, ONT Branchesâ€"Thornhifl TERMS REASONABLE. Every farmer’s Wife will find a bank account for house- hold and personal expenses 0. help and a safeguard. Purchases can be made by cheque through the mail, making a trip to town unnecessary. En- close your cheque wile your order. and Willowdale he Raye! mag 91' G'analfa Baa-1E: farscmmi for the Farmer’s Wife Pms. and Mnnnger Maple. J. Harry Nunghtnn Res. Elgin Mills Res. Phone 44.4 , WEST TORONTO Purnia Scratch Feed. Carmel, Stove, Nut and Pea Coal. Also Hemlock Slabs at the Elevator. Acar of Salt in barrels and sacks arrived. Bran, Shorts and Gluten Meal on hand. Also a good supplyof No. 1 Feed Com. Blachford’s Calf Meal. Pastry and Purity Flour a]- ways on hand. ! ANNOUNCEMENT I have opened a service station three doors south of the public school. I am prepared to do all kinds of Battery Work. also repair- ing and vulcanizing all makes of inner tubes and tires. Repairs called for and delivered. Vesta Batteries on hand, guaranteed f(l‘ two years. Call and see me and have your future repairing done right. G. HILL, Oak Ridges P. 0. 43 Bax-rater, Solictor, Etc. 403 MANNING CHAMBERS. 72 QUEEN Sr. \VEST TORONTO. Appointment: may he made with Mr. George A. Lasher. Richmond Hill Phone 72. 39-42 PAINTING DECORATING -:- HARDWOOD FINISHER -:- A large stock of Funerle Furnishing Kept at the above places RICHMOND HILL. THORNHILL AND UNIONVILLE TELEPHONE MAIN (i029 Oflice '1' Dr. Routley, of Maple, wishes to announce 'Lh:t he has formed a partnership with Dr. George P. Urquhart who has been practising at Allenf‘ord, Out, and who also served overseas with the Canadian Army Medical Corps. 39-42 RHODE ESLAND REDS W .' A. VANDERBURGH MRS. H. DAVIS Mill St. Richmond Hill 39-43 Eer setting, 13 From 0 Public Notice WRIGHT BROS. adertakers and Embal mers ce Trench Block, two doors north of Standard Bank. Hours 9.1.1". In 5.30 p.01. Open evenings hy nppointmrnt. High-grade papers supplied Estimates free. Phcne I. D. Ramer NOTICE RICHMOND HILL. ONT. THURSDAY APRIL 13, 19-22 I. LEVINTER . L. R. BELL A. C. bred Telvphnm DENTIST In Essenhlalc, Unity; in to lay strain. $2.00 Held in Labor Temple. Church Street Toronto, Saturday, April 8th at 2 p. m. 7 Mr. Wesley Gohn was elected chair- man in absence of Mr. E. R. Dowmt the retiring president. Se:;retary’s report of progress read and adopted Treasurers statement showing debt, of $98 was submitted to the meeting and subscriptions received to pay szune. 41 members were en- rolled. )ndet muthors wishlng tn watch manoeuvres on Easter Monday are cordially invited from 2.30 m 3.80, hot bua will he prepared for them. and the walk fhervtu, weather permitting. shunlc be u de1ight. Annual Meeting of South York Liberals Election of officers then took plaoo. The folluwing WPI'O eiected. Honorary Presidentâ€"Alexudu Mac- Gregor Presidentâ€"Capt. H. S. Mullowney Secretaryâ€"S. G. \thley Treasuxerâ€"F. A. Magee \V. L. Cattle intloducud a resolution regarding the redistribution (f [be Yorke. This was left, over lill'the meeting. Lunches will be taken neatly and compactly prvpmed. Uul’fee will be [mule ut the ranges. Sex-gt Ransom hwing charge «if this wm-k. Sergt. Arlnsbrung and ()m-pl. Charlton will he rvspnnsihle for the Ammunition and Uddeb Lieut Albert Hill ismade O. O. Traumpurt. The Cum-t Officels have been asked by Mrs. McLatchy to join the members of the Simior Cadet Hockey Team on Monday Evening next. Seniors. Juveniles and Cuba will pnrude Easter Monday m10.30 o'clock \vemher permitting in the morning. Field Manoeuvres will follow in Mr. Penney Brillingor’s Grove facing the road to Maple. The Corps will hold their fil‘SL shooting. A Miniature Rnnge will be walked off and shooting .‘It 25 and 50 yards. in the slandng and and prone position Will he conducted. The cards Will be recorded nnd retained for the coming inspection. No parades will be held whatnoever on Gopd Frid'ay ornon Satqrdgy. At the Cunclusion of the Iuppern very plensunt piogrnmme was given, Mrs. Suym-s‘mn y of Tor-unto rendering twn vncul numbers in splendid style, as also Mr. Saulter in a hm itone 6:010. Mr. Newell [’1 ice delighted his audience in ll e reading number as chosen. while Mia Myrtle McCa‘gne recited in that finishvd style. driightfuland l?fl'€hh- ing always to hear. The Cadet String ()i-chvstru under Cadet; Sergts. .lax-l.‘ Glass. Elnest Dickimcn. Stanley Run- som. Clnrenre Mylks and Mr. Hui-1y Sanderson splendldly performed. while Mrs. \V. Mylks. Unuvenm‘ 0: the Comâ€" lniLtce, also IPIHiL‘le u vocal numbt'r which was enihminsticnlly enjoyed. Miss Olive Mn‘rlson and Miss Jessie Cumisky nhly mted us accompanist! fur the owning, um] the Rev. Mr. McNeil], “*aq effusive in his praise for the Ludivs Aid who had dune so much to mxke the occasion the success that is was. By thei‘i eifurt Mrs. Gminger and Mrs. Sims bald announced that $95 was realized, and in expressing uppreclution of the suppoxt they re- ceived, he also on their behalf thhnked those who had nssisted in making of the occasion the artistic success that it was. "Wintel;H by Mrs. J. P. Glass. who appropriately (huge the cheering Red Unrnntinns and green. Completing each table wow the centre cunde n Muss. the Sufi glow of the «andelehms underneath the daintily ernnged shades, adding uncunsuiuusly further tn lbs Welcome. Equally hmnliful ln detail was the Children’s Table, the ladies in change most cleverly design- ing and curring run in miniature. the enchanting Juvvnile May pale scheme. Most successful 'as also delightful was the Birthday Party held in the (school room) of the Methodist Church last. \Vednenday evening, under the nusplces of the Ladies Aid. who are deaexving of every ronm'ntulatix-u. The apaciomly luld out tables, an beautifully artistic in ever detailof their lespoctive Spring. Summer. Autumn uud VVinler Seas npultern. made nu effect. strikineg pleasing. while the sumptuous lepast lacked nothing in completeness. "Spring" by Mrs. \V. Mylke was Cfll'liPd nut in green and smiling daffodillsNSumnwl " by Mrs. \V. Cnuk in the blushing pink “Isa und maiden hair fern. “Autumn” by Mrs. R. l’etch in nu mtlstic predomluance nf Maple Leaves, and Presidentâ€"Capt. H. S. Mullowney Secretaryâ€"S. G. \thley Treasuxerâ€"F. A. Magee Vice Presidents Markhamâ€"Alex. Bruce Markham Villageâ€"Mrs. B. A. Mason Richmond Hillâ€"Mrs. Alum! Yorkâ€"Thus. Duwnelly Toxontoâ€"W. L. Cuttle God Save the King. Ladies Aid Birthday Party Yuk Ranger Cudell Non-Essentials. Liberty,- in Evenaung Special Music _fm A Mixed Qumtette will sing parts from the Sacred Cantataâ€"“Oliver. to Oah‘nry”hy J. H. Maunder. This Cantata recalls simply and reverenlly the scones-which mark the last few days of the Ssu'iux-‘s life on earth. and some reflections suggested thereby. The‘quartette is compose-d of Miss M. DuWe, soprnno; Miss Ethleen Uhnpumn.a1tn; Mr. Thus. \Valker, baritone ; A. C. Chapnmn. tenor. The Male Quarlette of the Thornhill Church will nlso sing. Good Friday 10 IL m. and 7.30 p. m. Easter Day, Ue‘mbmlion of Holy Communinn 8 a. m. and 11 n. n. Special Childrons Snvices at 3 p. m. Parents and friends invited The president. Allen‘Armstx-onr. hns presided at ull the meetings held dur- ing the year. ML which the Tnttler edited by Carrol Lnngstnfl'. was rend and always greatly vnjnyed. During the your the girls and boys of the school rivulled each other in prepar- ing the best programme for the differ- ent meetings. The Society is greatly indebted tn Cecil Martin for his cor- neL solos, given several times during the year. and to Blanche Grant. who was the assistant pianist. Easter Music at Thornhill Presbyterian Church The Richmond Hill High School Literary Snciety held its last meeting in the acluml nn Aplli 7th. The meet» ing was largely intended by the pn- pils and ex-pupila. After the program. cunsistlng of recitations. speeches. npm-ndyun “Peggy O'Neil.” about thehovs of [he anhnol, and a. muck parliament. refreshments \era served by the executive. Games followed until half’pnst eleven. when emery- one 19ft declming they had had 21. de- lightful timeI but regretted the uhsence of Mr. Elliott. owing to sick- new. Remember the dams â€"â€" Thursday, Friday and Satuldnv, April 20, ill and 22. whpn fun and frivolity in all its forms will he sprved nut, togozher wilh plenty of good instrumental and voral music; noL forgetting numerous short screamineg funny skits that will make you Churtle wilh glee for a. week. Onme evoryuna and enjoy the enter- tainment. Laugh and grow ful~or shake and reduce. No sales Lax on giggles and grins. Beware lest: ynu fuget to hunk your aeatsiu time, f0: thu great (-veut opens nexb'l‘hursdny night. Yes indeed folks. tickelsm-e going with a rush. On Satuxduy evening last. when the plan first opened, over one hundré-d and sev?nty tickets want with some sper'd. Now as the show is only one wovk uwny, and is positively limited to three big nights, you will have tu hunk). tn semer gnnd seats. Tickets for saiv :st, Sloan's Drug Stole-â€" This is the hm “In: ning. Good Friday and Easter Services ROLERâ€"BOLE R-MINSTRELS R. H. H. S. Literary Socier TICKETS GOING FAST St. Mary's Church Branches at kclchmond Hill. Keswick, Queensville, â€"is never safe about the house. Fire, loss,‘ theft take place in spite of the utmost care. 1 Secure absolute protection for your surplus funds in 2: Sterling Bank Savings Account. Your moneyâ€"instead of being idleâ€"will be earning you a profit. It can be readily obtained if needed. You will have the convenience of paying accounts by cheque. Any Sterling Bank Branch will be glad to open an account for you. 53 MONEY all things, Charity.“ Services. Thnruhill, Lansing and Newton Brook. 7 p. Eastertide at OF CANADA all BARRIETER. Soucu‘oa. NOTARY mr 'l‘nmnto Office, Richmond BJilding 3;) Richmond Strata \th. Richmond Hill Office (‘ Liberal Office), evmy Thursday forenoon. Maple, Thursday a‘ftemnon. \Voudhridqe. Saturday forenoon. Money to Loan at, Current. Rate. JOHN R. CAMPBELL (Quarter amount cash in advance; balance C. O. D. at your nearest ex- press office, $1.00 per 1,000 lessv if gotten It plantation. CUTHBERT RASPBERRY CANES, $11.00 per 1,000. GLEN MARRY STRAWBERRY PLANTS, $8.00 per 1,000. BOX 22 Cnnudinn Tenor and Choir Loader Soloist, Nulth Pax'kdnle Methodint Church, is prepared to Ieceive pupils in Richmond Hill. Studio, Mrs. N. Battty's. Arnold St. Pm-liculm-s can he obtained by calling, Phone 22. Ring 11. 29-“ The Ladies Aid of College Sr. Methodist Church gave n. splendid re- presentation of "Mohan Crossroads" in (he sch¢ol room of the Methodist Church here Tuesday evening, for the benefit of Richvale Church. Many of the artists showed marked ability. The Regular monthly meeting of the Thornhill \Vomen’s Institute will he held at the home of Mrs. O. D. Bales. Lansing. Thursday, Apiil 20, at 2.30 p. m. A musical programme _will be given in which the following ladies will take part: Mrs. Austin \Vrlght, Mrs. E. W. Fletcher. Miss Charlotte Butte. soloist; Mrs. W. Blrk. pianist, all of Toronto. Mrs. Fisher. President Smtinl VVelfnre Work will give a short talk on her work. M38. Grnves, Dlstxicb Preaianl will also be present, and give A short address. H. ' A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC Oommissiuner, Oonveynncer, Etc Insurance and Real Estate C. B. Crawford Fruit Growers VETERINARY SURGEON, Thornhill. RICHMOND HILL by; phone or otherwise promptly responded to Thornhill Women’s Institute WILLIAM COOK [Single copies, 3 cts. Character Sketch Wm.C. Ruttan COOKSVILLE. ON '1‘ Aurora, No.42

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