Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 13 Apr 1922, p. 5

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It may be that you are buying your groceries elsewhere, and do not feel quite at. liberty to spend a few odd moments any time looking over the many nice things in China displayed on our shelves. Kindly under- stand, we have no desire to take your trade in groceries away from those who are serving you faithfully. We wish you to feel that this is your CHINA Store, and the: you are welcome to look over our stock of (‘hina at any time whether you buy or not. China and Earthenware, Groceries rnone 3.5 â€" gségéssssssssssssasasssgss YOU Are Welcome unuruh 01' Englnml are holding nanl- Jessie. lm‘ml Jussip, how soon should of work «and concert. on April 27. we- cease lu‘vevp, (’l'hiirsdiy). in the Masonic H‘ull . Could We glance Him“ the gilden Richmond Hill, sale will begin at 3 gateways. p. in. Ten will he served with light, WllnsckePp thenngrls karp. rrflesllmeutd dining Iliu afteinuun and‘ Yet L0“, our “we that h “mum.” can tnllow, where'er ynu roam Over the Hills (if Gad. Jessie. (ha E beautiful Hills of Hume. . The flowers we place upon your grave, A lmrguin. quick salt), stucco, mmin May wilher and demiy, new, 7 nmmed house. good cellm, Butloving tfirmglitswillalwuyslinger fnrmmo, electric light. decorated. gl-od Rmmd the gr-u‘c where you um lnl $l§00 down, lmlrince in suit. on laid. RuswewAw ~Uncle Josiah. Mutlier. swam H. A. NIGHOLLS. «lid Sistels. 999533990539§5993€§§969599<5 “of 'QUALITY SHOPPE £1 A bargain. quick Sal", stucco, nemly new. 7 mumed house. good cell-1r, fnrmum, elvctric light. decorated. gl-od Int $1500 down, lml-nuce to suit on Rusm iew Aw. The Junior Auxiliary of St. Mary’s Church 0f Enghmd are hnldiugnsd- of work and concert. on April 27. (’l'hursd‘ly), in the Masonic H‘ull Ric'nmamd Hill, sale wlll begin at 3 p. m. Ten will he served with light, rvfleshmeuld during Ihu afteunmn and Dnn't fa.” lo Cu")? and see (he "luv- inyz pictules Showing every Snturduy vvening in the Mflsunl'c Ha”. Cun- t‘nuu s 1:046 30 p. In. (Inn ing S turâ€" duy. "Explaiu ul‘ EL'u'ne.” Uhm-[ie Umplin in "A Bugs Life." ‘J‘vlnluu ovvneuuws rheumatism luy tuning up and inviguruling the Vital organs, Inert-hy eliminnte puisuns from the syqlem. IL is sold at 510.1112: Drug Smrr. places (71f [II]: [he tiny \VIH holiday. If ynu few! lined, worn out. nervous and all umtluux. lnke- 'l‘unlac. lt \vili abruighu‘n yuu out. It iauold ut Sloan's Drug Storm A Meeting of the Diracturu uflhe Richmuml Hi“. Agliculmml Society will ha luck] in (In: ()uuncil Chnuher. Suuld 1y [51h at 2.3-) o'clock. PI-uuf uf Irhp pudding is in the eating there-f. 'l‘hunannda praise Tallinn So will yuu. IL is sold at Sluun'a Urug- Sturv. AIU‘nd tho lmseb AH meeting in the S‘ mling Bunk Offices Lv-u’ght (‘I‘hunsdafl «L 130511.111), Shnrts. Elevator. A Car of Ebony 'Juhi Onnnel cnul to nn'riVu on Friday at the Elevator. Schools close (0-day. to rc-npeu Monday. April 24. Duncan’s Store Mrs. Norman Batty, Richmond Hill Trench Block pk“- We have just received a line of Blouses. in a combination of Georgette imd Crepe-de-Chene, to wear with your new Easter Suit, at Very Reasonable Prices. Embroideried Silk Hose in Black; else Combination Silk and Wool Hosiery in Popular Shades. In Millinery we are showing an Extra Good Line of Children’s Sailors. If you have not purchased your New Spring Hat we will be pleased to have you call and inspect our Latest Showing of Up-zo-Date Millinery. -morruw [wing Good Friday the as of |l|laillO§S will he clused. and day Will be ubsvrwd as u generul lu.‘ Tried arid proved by over 200,000 people. Positively Guaranteed to give relief. 40 Doses for 159 Sold by I" drugginb or by mail from W. K. luckley, limit“. N2 "and. St. Turn". Give it a knockout blowAwilh a few doses of guckiey’s Bronchitis Mixture Sold in Richmond Hill by Sloan‘s Drug Store Ci) 1‘ Millinery Dry Goods Ladies Cold Tip-day Smash Your Inn] ui exh-n gum] Bum and ulso n cu' hf salt, at the To Look Over Our Stock of CHINA You hwu gone to rest. your tmubles are 0'»: . You are done with all smrnw and [min The in» of this life which you nobly hora, \Vill bevel-dishes” yr,u nguin. REAMAN-Tn 1 wine nwmnry nf Jewie, dean]; hrlnved (Inught’vr Hf th-I lute D. S. and Mrs. Rminmn, whu )r'ft us on April 11, 1919. Sadly “)9 stars m e gleaming ()n a silmut grnw, \Vheru Ihuu ulonpt-sl‘, Jessie. Whom We loud! but could not saw. .. "nu \auu . Just u tnken 15% 45:92:30.; And a longing still for you. \Vhen the shades uf night um f'llling, And w~'re rx'n ting l c v Mane, "l‘hme oflen comes a longing. If you only euuld cume lmmr'. Yuur cherry, sunny countenance will ne'er frmu mmnrury (min. Nur yet can We fur-gut the plenum. cheerl'ulnws you made. And often when We mmn‘n for you we seem to hear you say, "Keep up yuur hembq, we‘ll mpet amm- iu that. Eternal Day." "l‘is swwt [u knnw we'll meet again where pmling is no mum, And that. lhu ones we lm'cd so We”. Have only grme hefnle. HEAMANâ€"In loving memnry of our deal father who deptuled this lite ApnilQLh. 1919. Just I; thought, of swm’L remembrnnce. I) .7 A < - u‘vi‘ But the rgiver ilrfiuy's Letweer Some day We how to meet you 1‘ MK? J ' S~me day we knnw nut, v We will clavp your hand in lund. And never part again. Dear Elsi? how we misa you. As we puss these lunemme duyn, Listrning fur your gqm Iv (nuts-tle and your voice IMd smile 80 guy. You have gune norms the river, To the flhans nf ever-green, 11.1w “a lung to see your swwt fnc .. . A. . r. RICHARDSON (NEE ELsn-I BRILLINGER) â€"ln sad And ever-loving menu-1y of our darling dunghter and sister whn ante-red incu lest. April 7th, 1920. at her Into Iesideuce, 65 Campbell A170,, Torontu. evening. Ounce”. cunni: lugues, Music and sungs fl Prpz‘l'ilflltefl vi a Indy 1 McKrnzie River d.8!1‘ict ercuuw. Admiibhm to t‘ 16 cents. From a memory fond and tine Bro. jusinh, \Vifc. Funin Mother, Father and Sislrr IN MEMORIAM 'unCK‘l‘t oamaiating pf Din- Phone 53 Wear sungs full0\;ed byitrhre Judy Misg‘ionmiy jn to cum n‘utlwhen, Eve: yl'mdy 091125 and 42-13 u better face, Owen A. Smiley Stuaio. ” Address Miss Marguerite Boyle. Studio ‘Homewood Hall,’ Thomhill, Ont. 30-tf Dialect Poems. Prgfessional Graduate of Miss Marguerite Boyle Artist Teacher in Literature, Expression, Reading, Dram- atic and Humourous Sketches. r ELLIOTT V@:W 2Doors South of Bakery on Yonge St. Easter Term opens April 18 QELLJOTT/ym ‘ Boot and Shoe Repairer to cut your footwear bills in half by having your shoes repairs done at “FHE ROLFE SHOE REPAIR STORE” South of Shoe Factory Rfirs. exclusive, an and compare is very Leuale and our Show-Room is replete with a range of Ladies’ and‘ Children ‘5 Mi?- linery, consistiné‘ of Milan, Chin, and Straight Brim Sailors, and inciuiing the latest creations in (‘andy Straw and Mohair. A minimum price will be quoted for these hats. and heinrr ELOCUTION Strictly firstâ€"c]n-'s~â€"None b?t- ter in ‘he Dominion: strong demand for our graduates; open all year ; enter any time. write for our calnlngue contain- ing complete information con- cerning courses, tuition rates etc. Those who know 0f the merfie nf this school nre its stmlnchest anppnrters. W. J. ELLIOTT Principal. anticipated last-minme We have intimated, in our ions advertisements. [our g qualifications as makers and (1 cm of Medium, High Class, 0 creme Mimners‘. Yonge and Churles Sts. Toronto, EASTER Millinery All Kinds of Boots and Shoes Repaired . Good ‘Workmanship. Prompt Service. "mung-m. nmnm. damghtrr HE Mr. and Mls. Arrhie MuQuurIiP. anlr, lo Grunge 'Hmnuls. Maple. \VIIJA‘IAN‘KNAPMAN‘At the residence of Mr. and Mrs. W'. A. W'n'ghl, by Rev. A. Mch-in, on \Vednvsdny, April 12. 1922, Elizabeth Alice Knnp- nmn, l-ljohn \Vealvy \VeHumn, u“ of Richmond Hill. Tammsâ€"Mu-Qu dry. April 5m. This being Buster wee Kev :EO. KIDD RICHMOND "1L HELP Phone 97 invitation to MARRIAGES lents. [our general makers and design~ UARRlEâ€"On \Vednesâ€" ». at. the munsv, by the Robinson. Emma. Mr. and Mus. Arrhie Muplr, lo Gm»ng . Davies num price win “3, Mid, being ‘n to inspect cordially ex- requirements 3k. “70 have IRS 01‘ CVâ€" r“ 'V" closed cab - - - - Ton Truck, stake body, closed cab - â€" - '- Tractor - - - ~ - Touring, without starter, Touring, with self starter, Runabout,Withoutstarter, Runabout, with self-starter Coupe, with starter - - - Sedan, with starter - - - Toni Tl‘l‘lez express body iatesi Prims~§md Cars E. R. FORTNER Call and see the $25.00 and upward navy blue suits, $28.00 and upward Scotch tweed suits. These are ' great value and made to your measure. Handâ€"made tailor suits for women or men from $35.00 up. Skirts hand-made $10.00 and upward. All hand-made garments are made here on the prem~ ises and pertect style, workmanship and fit is guaranteed. Give me a calland saves your money. CLEANING and PRESSING DONE Closed Wednesday at one o'clock. New Shop on Lorne Ave. Directly Behind Drug Store 30-tf The W'orkingman’s Friel First‘class Boot and Shoe Repairer of all kinds of Boots and TOTAL ASSETS OVER EIGHTY Richmond Hill Branch. T. R. â€".. n...‘ C. N . COOPER COOPER’S HARDWARF/ Hogsm 200 aloan MG men mwanted Shoes. tisfaction an: . WADE Headquarters for S.M.P. and McClary Graniteware THIS Bank is preparecf to responsible farmers who (1‘ flocks and herds. If you seek assistance in this di: of our nearest branch will be matter with you. Lacrosse Sticks, and Baseballs G L A S S. Saiesman, Richmond Hill Plumbing in connection guaranteed In: STANDARD OF CANADA BAN K, Granite, TRENCH’S BLOCK S TA ND/I RD SE}? VICE- PHONE 93 filled with gasoline and oil, f‘reigl mt sales tax. AH cars are fully Mould any part be defective we’wi“ ace the same free of charge. riend. ‘ance in this_diregtion, the M1 ‘Ies Tinware Ladies and Mens Taller, Richmond Hill STUDIO : 10 Macl’heraon Avenue. Tomato Phone. North 1553 Sppuiul Thenrelicul Tuitinn Evohing Lessons if destred lat house on MucPherson und Yonge St M I S S C . B A N K 8 Highest DIplomasâ€"â€"London. England 'ICEâ€"Enzzuragn I" THE red to make advances to who desire to enlarge their NEW MARKET BUSINESS COLLEG )CNROLL ANY TIME {-THREE MILLIONS . Herrington, Manage:- Richmond Hill ccuon, me Manager glad to discuss the PIANU 'rogns: . $586.00 $673.00 $546.00 $632.00 $906.00 $998.00 $777.00 $787.00 $445.00 freight, Block chuol

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