378 BERESFORD AYE, WEST TORONTO ! Phone Junction ’72. ‘ TWENTY-FIVE YEARS’ EXPERIENCE All mail orders will meet“: prompt "04--.!A- REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE THORNHILL Sn 1e. The anle Sand. Gravel and Brick Company, LL'd, have on [mud for sale. Cement, drain Lile. 3, 4. 5, 6 and 8 in. Culvert, tile 1:1. 15. 18 and 20 inch (30 inches in length) Also Cement Brick. ' Sand m-vael sold by the load or in car lots. Cedar posts and telephone poles for TERMS REASONABLE. Orders left, with Mr. G90. Harding will receive prompt attention. Also agent- forthv Hinmnn Standnrd Milken: Phune Alll'Ul'lL 8013. Sand, Gravel, Tile and Brick Nothing two greatâ€" The Town nszux-m-a The Township of Kin The Township of V‘Vhitchurvh The Imperial Bank of Canada, J. M. \anmn. & Co. Aurora v..‘-. u.u5., (Arab! :1 Oï¬iccs J aide $5.. \Vesl, Tux-onto. [Naughtun Block. Aurora S()liCltOI‘ for: Re c. Phnné p.11). Ofï¬ce and Richmond 1 Hill. 5048 \Vn I LN PLUMBING éN’D TINSMITHING HOT \VATER HEATING ANDGEN’ERAL REPAIRS] THOMHILL, ONT. ommissioner JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO TUNER 0m FOR THE COUNTY 01“ YORK . R. SANDERSON Barristers Solicitor Notaries Telephone Main 2777 J. EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC VANDORF LICENSED AUCTIONEER NAUGHTON VOL. XLIV. . C. HENDERSON 35L5o per Branchesâ€"Thorium! hum-s and Winowdale Purchases can be made by cheque through the mail. making a trip to town unnecessary. En- our 0 Every farmer’s wife will ï¬nd a bank ‘account for house- hold and personal expenses a help and a safeguard. Mrgmt {'01) Bldg†26â€"28 I A. Bank Accounivfor 553 R9 Jenkins attention. l rptiden‘wâ€" Hi“. Phnu T. CQUSINS. eRajgai ank 9f Eanada 'md telephone poles for ur cheque wiLh Farmer’s Wife 10 to Pros. And Manager Maple. nnveyancer. Etc nqp~YnngP Street Phnue I‘m. 24 J. Hurry Nuughlon Res. Elgin MiUS Res. Phone 44.4 81 JENKINS annum, in advance. ‘uthing {on small VILSC 2 8.111. 6 to 8 Aurora Adel- C. Browne ‘Acar of Salt in barrels and ‘ sacks arrived. Bran, Shorts and Gluten Meal on hand. Also a good supply of No. 1 Feed Com. Blachford’s Calf Meal. Pastry and Purity Flour al- ways on hand. Purnia Scratch Feed. Carmel, Stove, Nut and Pea Coal. Also Hemlock Slabs at the Elevator. ience.) Teac 1e“. meunm. ( and St. Richmond Slam-days. HOUSE PAINTER, Glazier, Grainer and Paper- Hanger. Denton, Macdonald é": Barristers. Snlictors. &r.' MANNING ARCADE. 4 KING ST. WEST. TORONTO. U Licensed Auctioneer for 1 York. Salesnt‘lendud to notice and at reasonable: Ofï¬ce houx's 9 to 11 :I Fumin physician Pupils pus A large stock of Kept at «In Undertaken and Embalmers RICHMOND HILL, THORNHILL AND UNIONVILLE 'ank Danton Ofï¬ce Tlench Him-k Stuhllnh J- EARLE NEWTON HOUSE PAINTING & INTERIOR DECORATION MISS BEATRICE HOWELL Richmondmï¬ifli STUDIO~HOTHL RICHMOND Vliichmmnd Hill. TORONTO acher of Fletcher M’ethod Musical Klndergarten Stumhnd Bank Hours 9mm. In 5.30 Oan monings by :Ippo EMARRIAGP . HEWiSGN . D. Ramer TELEPHONE MAINE Gable Address: "D nnge St. Thornhill WRIGHT BROS. NOTARY PUBLK CONVEYANUING RICHMOND HILL. ONT f Piano-Playing at, the Sunservnmry of Music Margaret’s Collvgv. lIillâ€"â€" \Vednesduys and Arthur A. M at reasonable rates 'atronage solicited ed fur CUIISPI 'ntory nminatiuns. ‘ T. SAIGEOIV Maple I’IANIST ISSUER of Funeral Furnishing lhe :IINH‘P places I’EN’IYST ll phunc . R. BELL . Wesley LICENSE “In Essenhku's, Unity; 0F. Thornhill Mnodonn Id Lu‘o dom's m m. 6 to 8 p. m years exp". 5.30 p. m. Ippoi n tmont nDedUu the County of r «m shortest 311 Denton ANADA rth of Interlncutnrâ€"G. I 0. R09, G. Slotln. H Chorus-A Glass, L Metcnlfe. L. TL-elz Scott, H. \ankm‘. Rmsum. H. Snndm uu mum‘may (waning: Thu Inter- lucutur. on bPhnlf of The RUIN-Baler Minstrels, presentvd Miss Manson with a manicure St‘t, as u slight token for her untilng 9111st in helping to make the eutertnimuent a success. Afterthe show on Saturday night the bumps had their pictures taken on the stage. and accompanied the in a manner which was ful. considering theamr numbers she was called On Saturday vvenin lucutm-. on bPhnlf of TI The imitation of Ban Hockea and the Boxing Hunt by Trubu and Bones was indiscri’mbly tunny. and all who wele not them will never xealize just what a laugh lhéy missed. The chmus was well up in its work nnd long practice was needed to show such pull‘ect results. The programme I... . J J , . A . < __-‘ r-vï¬-umuuu incluacd qlmrtettes; dueltea. solos, lumpiogucs and funny songs. Thapianiah, Miss O. Mortson. had a very hard prugnunme to fiil, but. she prm‘ud quite fqpa! tn the occasion. The minstrul puny was a when if. \vnltmd in to the " the Old Grey Mam.†and a. numemus questions in u mum to the horse family, The vocal and insu was a (rent. iudped. nu male than one night splendid singing and pl Frmn the time the curtain went up on Thursday night until ‘Lhe dosing; chorus on Saturday night, the-re was not a dull Innmeut, at the, latest grand success of the lucal Iniuaucl troupe. The four fnnny end n‘en certainly (:Vordid themselves in serving out jokes that. tickled (he :uldienuu im- mensely : in fact. uploeuicus laughter was in ul'dc-I‘ every night, «specially wheulocul celebrities ware hit with wmhing (2") jibes. VH5“ 'J'emns. ithl: t_.h s_ parade but augm'ulvd next, week. ‘ Mr. Harry Stirling has kindly H'- sponded and will he in charge (11' St 'gt‘ lighting und Stage (lenmatiny. The Concert. will fnl'o.v along the lines uf n Vaudevill: nnl when the prognumm» i- completed will he announced. The Cadets hnwevvr will he prunninent tliruughout). and The lnyzll r-uppm t of the cadeL moLhex-s is asked for by the, O. C. to nssisb him in this very gimt task, that the (hips ll-mlitiuns t'f thoroughnuss may be nmintuinvcl, tht‘ time for preparation being lniet’. Ti Suturng nftm'nzmn, ,Cudvt, Liput. Bert Grant and Cadet Lieut. Eric Bluney will he in command of the Cubs. ’l‘hPy will organize the UnhBusz-bn“ ’I‘eï¬m, HM theta ufu r conduct, a paper chase. Lushef- ani‘l CM]; specially detailed. Eric Blaney. npecml mention is made lny the 0. C: of [he debaters cf the Cub Plutmm. viz: Undo: Uni-pl. David Stirling and Cadet Freddie Grvone. During the course of the Debate luer Munday evening they pvovrd themselves to be what a Cadet, Shillld he. manly. 1"Iiduy Evening, Juveniles nnd Seniors will Cunveue at the Public 8111001. Coach Rm will attend and mguuize the line up for the rpunm-I im- Special uwnti of [he (Ivhntel‘ viz: Undo: Um Cadet Freddie 'he new unifmms were indeed an led improvement. and looked \Vr†h the ï¬ne backgrrund which the united stnge afforded. ‘_ r.“ H r “1 closed. A deputatiuu from Sutton arrived, and after giving the l‘llgillf’ .1 trinl. bought, it fm $200. Ahuut the same time Elgin Mills handed in their cheque. and acting nn legal ndvicr. cmne and Look the engine away. The engine has since been rvtm-nvd to Richmond Hill. The Council are anxious tn treat our ueur neighbors fairly, and if the Button people we willing to take hack their cheque. Elgin Mills \\ ill he theowneruf the ï¬re extinguisher. A rather uanPnsunb mix-up hns taken place inJ-eference tn the sale of our old Fire Engine which has done valiant sen-ire in limm past. After ndvmtising lhe €ngine fursnh‘ Elgin Mills people madp an offer of $100, but it, seems the (19:11 was not, properly closed. A deputatinn from Sutton arrived, and after giving the muzin .1 ROLERâ€"BOLE RoMINSTRELS \VOVV! Zl.\1! BANG! \ankt‘l‘. K H. Snndmsm), Miss O. )Iortsc York Ranger Cadets Who Owns the Engine? mention is Inadul .pd instrument: Evening, Juveniles nnd l Cunveue at the Public anh Rm will attend and in Nan-Essentials, Liberty,- in nining for the Grand held on thv 31th nf Mny r way and will be i:- .. THURSDAY APRIL 27. 1922 h" and answered in in manner new 1p for the respective O. U. calmnb attend Cadet Capt. Ger. L Lieub. Grant are as ulso Cadet, Lieut. uud nmny It to bear the playing. vazinus artists truly wonder- mm of musical upon to play. 1;: The In ter- the tune 03' sen-emu, music Tenders will state to be paid dnwn, and JOHN SHE transfers nocessarj entire to ~Apply National lars‘ >hip “Regina†(16,500 tun Montrer’nl on August 26th. The arrangements fur must, complete and the ch u minimum one cnverse the \\ ny of transport uccmnmmlatiun with lhrec Play at, Ohcrnmuwrzuu, Nurembm-g, Mn.onan the; Rhino, Cologne, Brussels. Lnuvm’n. und 0mm], returning through L'-ndon and Liven prolt _ This excepiiuunl tour starts from Mnntlenl on Sniurdnyjune 24th, cu]!- ing at Quebec. by the sg/Jlendid \Vbitc Star Line slmunshfl) "()umpic†(12,100 tons). A period of nppmximately two umuths will he uccupied by the tour as by the itinerary thu, return trip is made f1'()n)Livel'|‘.nnI by the fine steam- >hip “Raginu†(16,501) tons) arriving at About, the lwst thing It falltex- can do for his boys is In (-mUln'age them to travel and see smnelhing pf the wm-ld, before thm-y become In n kwnly vi - grossed in Cl llllllll'lfiili lifv. 'l‘ruvel IR 3. great Educatoxâ€" it em it‘ht's llw miv d and fits the yxuth to iH‘Uel' fill his place in life. A 10Hle lmyis nhueiv- antâ€"be :Isiini'l Hos and retains know- ledge». Thu 91 gives him his ()ppOi LUni- 1yâ€"it fits him for Prely phase in life. ‘ A tour of Emopn- is “L presth being 'gunized mdwr lhe personal superâ€" vision of M". 'I‘. Hi Matthews. M. A. (Oxon) Assistant, Pml'essor of Math?- matics, McG ll University, und lutt’ Insll‘uctmâ€"Litulennnl, Ruynl Navy. In addition lutnl guides will he seemed i to conduct exam-sinus and give leclures .m lhv ultiSï¬v. lii~tor'ir', lileI-nryuml egmmmic signifimmce of the :ightsseen and [he plncvs visited. A “1081 cmvfnlly plnnmd and interâ€" (‘sllng itinerary has been arranged inâ€" cluding \i.~its [u Mumrenl, Live-xmn', Chester. Sil‘illfflldâ€"nllrâ€"AVUH, ()xt'md. [.Olldlfl‘, Paris, V'crsailTCS, Fontainelvleau leiuis, Lyuns, M irseillns. Cnnm-s. Londuv, Pelvis, VursaiIYes, Fontainchlea RhI-‘ims, Lyons, Murseilles. Gunny Nice, Monaco. Memuno, Genoa, Pis‘ Rome, N-nph-s, Sorreuw. ()upr Pompeii. Ve'SlH’iUi. Flmenrv, Venim Trent. Innsbruck, Munich. lhu Pasaic TENDERS for the pmchnse 0m house In Cz‘ntre Street I] be xeceiwd by the undetsi: a drama, "Meg’s Diversmn.†mission 35 (:e-nls, including rhildrvn 20 came. Tickt-ts :th 1 Milk: Hotel and 51mm's I): Hg Sim The E'Iinm' Players Dramatic Soclety. Tux-unto. will give an entel- tninment in the Masonic Hull Wedne- day rv:n5ug, the 3rd of May. There will he a hummus sketch, fullmved by a drama. “Mvg’s Diversimx.†Ad- SAVAUE~OH F: idav tn Ml (\Iilu Study Tuu': For Boys TENDERS WANTED 922. ()n oli and oist ms of land to any agent KililWflYS ful‘ V†. llun‘, up!“ .LA, 1:14.“. 1-. and Mrs. Milton Savage, 2L sari (‘H Shzmd.) For convenience, safety and speed in sending money anywhereâ€" Use 3 Sterling Bank Money Order. Judged by its advantages, the cost is negligible. The money order is payable at par at any Chartered Bank in Canada, except in the Yukon district. If it is lost, a new one can be obtained without delay. A receipt is given at the time of purchase, and when the money order is cashed it constitutes a permanent reâ€" ceipt for the money. Any branch of the Sterling Bank will quickly issue money ordersfor you. A u Branches at: Richmond Hill. Keswick, Quoonsville. Aaron Thornhill. Lansim: and Nawtnn annlr THE STERLINGBANK FARMERS all things, Charity,“ BIRTHS 1d. 501 111111 f: Coming mg th rfuxth mOInt of (-355 In 1 particulars. ARDOWN. Richmona Hill v1) hisuppgltgqir 77‘ 7, iï¬pf-Exinï¬tiaa H. A. NICHOLLS nonLamcmeau lilies. Cunnps, . Genoâ€, Pisa, cum, ()upri. enm’. Venico, h! lhu Passion ‘ 13h, fullmx'ed by \‘(arsinn." Ad- imtludin: My this tour are urge which is \'erything in ltioh, hotel ‘ meals a day. April 21, 1922‘ in H arm )art xie fall ‘ the jliln mtages, the cost is negligible. :r is payable at par at any in Canada, except in the Barrlrterâ€"s, Solicitors, Etc. Oflicesâ€"Suite 511 McKinnon Bldg Cor. Jordon and Melinda $15., To: an“ Brunch om: Tuesdnv Call by: phone or I‘m-onto Offices Bldg. Cor. E JOHN R. CAMPBELL BARRIS’I‘ER. SUIJCITO-R, NOTARY E'rr 'l‘nrnnto Ofï¬ce, Richmond Bailding 3;. Richmnnd Street, \Vesl. Richmond Hill ()flice (‘ Liberal Ofï¬ce), every Thursday fut-enoon. Maple, Thursday after-mum. \Voudlniulue, Saturday forenoou. Money to ‘me at, Current Rate. Keawick, Quoonsville. Aurora and Newton Brook. ,' CUTHBERT RASPBERRY (‘ANES . $11.00 per 1,000. (:LEN MARKY STRAWBERRY I PLANTS, $8.00 per 1,000. Ml Quarter amount cash in advance; balance (‘.» O. D. at your nearest ex- press ofï¬ce, $1.00 per 1,000 less if go‘rten at plantation. BOX 22 A. CAMERON MA FREDERICK A. A GREGORY GOODERHAM & CAMPBELL BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS. ETC Macuaughton & Campbell Cnnudinn Tenor and Chair Leader Sulaisn Nmth an'kdnle Methodist Church, is prepared to receive pupils iuRivhmnnd Hill. Studio, Mrs. N. Batty’s. Arnold St. Pulliculurs can he uhtuinod by calling. Phuue 22, Ring 11. 29-†VETERINARY SURGEON, ’l‘horuhill. kmnnissinnor, Cnm‘oyamcer,l Insurance and Real Estate Fruit Growers NOTARY PUBLIC RICHMOND HILL )nmpbell wi Richmond L WILLIAM COOK . B. Crawford ‘élepbr Money to Loan [Single copies, 3 cts ï¬ces â€"- Continental Life Ir. Bay and Richmond St. Toronto. all will '3': at Tho Libal‘ and Hill, every Tuesdz Wm.C. Ruttan zâ€"Richmond Hill afternoon at, Liber: Ofï¬ce. e or otherwise promptly responded to ne M CCOKSVILLE. ON'I {in 36‘ NAUGHTm CAMPBELL money No. 44 every 29-tf