Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 27 Apr 1922, p. 2

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Home Decoration. Making rooms cheerful and home- lflce is an art, but there are many simple rules which one can follow. I! a mom is dark, it is obvious that the walls and woodwork should be light in color. If a. room has several windows and 35 very light there is the place to us the darker colors, if one likes. A deep-«breathing and arm exercis§ combined is also used for chest de- velopment. Start by holding the arms in front of you, and as you breathe in slowly, bring the arms around to the sides and as far to the back as you an get them. This is really the most eflective way, as you can feel the pull on the muscles of the chest. fresh air as you can pack into them, and then hold the lungs full for a cer- tain number of seconds before exhal- ing, lengthening the time you hold the 311' as you become accustomed to the exercise. About half a minute is a good avenge. For chest and bust development and to straighten round shoulders, the proper exercise is also some form of deep breathing. You can stand before an open window or out of doors and take a certain number of deep breaths every day. Or you can take the deep- breathing exercise in an even better way: Fill the lungs with as much The massage should be gentle; the tips of the fingers should be used, the strokes should be up and down the neck and in small circles over the skin. As a finish, the cream is wiped off and the neck is rubbed with ice or rinsed in quite cold water. There is also a good exercise that keeps the chin line firm and youthful: Roll the head around on the shoulders. This may sound strange, ‘but it is quite practical. You'll find that it gently stretches every muscle in the throat. For a. thin neck, practice deep- bgeatlhing exercises; these are most essential; they will build up the chest and fill out those ugly hollows at the base of the throat and over the shoul- ders. Second, give the neck a thor- ough scrubbing with hot water and soap and a complexion brush every day. Follow this with a hot rinse and then with a massage. For the mas- sa'ge, use either a flesh-building cream‘ made with almond oil, or use warm} cocoa-butter. Cocoa-butter is more} fattening, but 56me few sensitive skins can not stand it. l The dark circles under the eyefi, Of which so many of my readers com- plain, may be due to poor circulation or to other causes. Massage will do much to improve the circulation, and i0 most effective when it follows steaming- or bathing the face in hot water. ‘The tips of the fingers should be dipped in a good massage cream, then with slight pressure worked around the eyes in a rotary motion; the nose should be stroked from the bridge outward and downward, and the skin of the cheeks should be pinch- Od up and rolled between the fingers and thumb. Plenty of fresh air, day 1nd night, an abundance of sleep. and mzuflar habits of the body are also necessary, If improvement does not follow, it is advisable to consult a physician. To combat wrinkles, feed the skin plenty of oil and use astringents. This means that a gentle but thorough massage with a good cream is neces- sary. By a good cream I mean one made from almond or olive oil. This should 'be used immediately after a hot soap-and-water wash, while the pores of film skin are open. After the massage the surplus cream is to be wiped off and an astringent is used to draw up the lax muscles and to close the pores. Nothing is better for this purpose than ice, which should be rubbed over the skin for ten minutes to ‘be most effective. If you have no ice, fill the bowl with water as cold as you can get it, add a few drops of tincture of benzoin, and rinse well with this. r Small eunuch for the half acre home gardenerâ€"a labor saver and money maker for every market gardener, nurseryman and farmer, man-ins Uniformly 'I‘honmgh and Economical Cultivation. SPWWH'E'EL About the House Health and Beauty. For full Inflormatton and Descriptive Literature Agents Write Now SPRYW ,HEEE â€"Does Five Times As Much. Sprywheel does any work for which a wheel or hand hoe can be used 52 COLBORNE ST.. Dept. ucn A Single Wheel Tractor and Cultivator Combined. Thomas A. Edison on his seventy- fifth birthday declared that he is still a two-shift man and good for fifteen years. “When am I going to retire? Never," Mr. Edison declared. Pineapple Saladâ€"Lay a drained slice of canned pineapple on a bed of crisp lettuce. On the centre of this place a small ball of cottage cheese about the size of a large walnut. The cottage cheese should have been nicely .seasoned. with melted butter and salt. ‘G‘arnish the cheese with half of a .walnut meat, or a maraschino cherry lstufl’ed with the nut meat, or two lstrips of red sweet pimento laid in !a cross. The hardest thing about getting along with disagreeable people is that you can not let them know what you really think of them. I obtained ‘from a groceryman an ,empty cheese box and stained it a (handsome oak color by simply using .a little roof cementâ€" the kin-d that ,is jfound in tin cans inside the rolls of ‘roofing'. This I thinned with turpen- tine and applied with a small cloth, rubbing it well into the wood. After varnishing I placed it under the kit- chen sink, where it is not only good to look at but one of the handiest articles in our kitchen. When the children have any waste paper, strings, etc., they know just where such things belong. It is truly a great help in keeping the kitchen clean, Whitish tones are cold in effect. They make the room appear large and spacious. For the reason one must use warm colors in draping, curtains and upholsteryâ€"to add cheerfulness ito the general effect. Large and pro- lnounced designs in wall decorating give rooms a crowded and smaller I appearance. A Handy and Handsome Waste Box‘ As the basis of a salad, it is un- ex-celled. Fruits, vegetables, meats, ‘or combinations of these will m'ake a delicious salad which 'can be prepared in a few moments with a ‘bed of let- tuce, and a bottle of dressing at hand. Leftovers may be used up nicely, and the emergency slhel-f may contain just such canned goods as salmon, pine- apple, crab meat, shrimp, Io'bsjer, or other suitable supplies. Transplant the young plants of the head lettuce so that they do not sit too close together in the ground. Fine firm heads Will'result. Lettuce is de- licious and beneficial served with oil, vinegar, salt and pepper, or with vinegar and sugar, or with mayon- naise dressing. Eat More Lettuce. Lettuce is an excellent food for the nerves. It should be eaten freely the year round if possible. Lettuce should be planted early, and as fast as one bed is used up, or the lettuce begins to get old, another should be put in. By this means, crisp, tender lettuce can ‘be had from very early in the season until very late in the fall. A room looks higher without a bor- der on the walls and lower with a drop ceiling. Yellow and red are warm colors and make rooms appear smaller than they really are. Gray, green, blue and soft colors make rooms look larger than they really are. Some bad combinations are red or bufl’ walls and mahogany woodwork. Shades of pink, old rose and cream will give a. room warmth and coziness. They are de- sirable colors for rooms with a north- ern or eastern exposure, especially bed-rooms. Color changes the size of a room to the eye and determines the amount of light. To tone down a room that faces south and has more light than it needs, paint the walls green, blue, tan or brown. Rooms having north and east windows are made more pleasant by using colors with tones of yellow, canary, red, etc. Bedrooms should al- ways he finished in delicate light tones. The nearer to white the better. Blue, grays, etc., are suitable for dining- rooms . TORONTO “Truly, truly!” the little girl de- clared, jumping up and down in her eagerness. “Great big sign about it, on the top of the picture palace. It says, ‘This week only, children half- price.’ ” ' Mahogany trees do not reach their full height until they are two hundred years old. Bargains in Babies. Little Jane had long wanted a I sister, and one day she came rusl home in high excitement. “Oh, mother, come quickly!" she exclaimed. “There are splendid bar- gains in babies, and you can get one while they are cheap.” “\Vhat in the world do you mean, dear?” the mother asked in astonishâ€" ment. “Somebody must have been playing a joke on you.” “I’ll tell you why there won’t never be but three,” said the man. “It says in this book that every fourth child born in the world is a Chinese." “I’ve got three,” was the‘ reply. “And that’s all there‘ ever will be, too." “What makes you so positive about that?” asked the visitor. “How many children have you asked the official. In reply to the cafler’s questions he gave his name and age and his wife’s name and age. A census official called at a humble home and found the head of the family poring over a large volume. It transpired that the householder some months before had been induced by a trgvell'ing agent to buy an en- cyclopaedia, and that to get the worth of his money he had been reading the books pretty constantly ever since. l A notable feature of the modern passenger ships is the change firom the old restricted circular porthole to the square type'of window of gen- erous proportions. The improvement is comparable to the change ashore from the old diamond pane to the bal- anced window sash. But, of course, at sea the ordinary framed window sash will not stand the exposure to spray and rain, where water-tightness is essential, without constant care and attention. For this reason a frame- less window has been devised Which consists entirely of thick plate glass with welLsmoothed edges. They are used in all deck-houses, charthouses, and on the bridge. your debilitated system revives. Miss Sanah Farquh-ar, North Brookfield. N.S., who has proved the value of these pills in cases of this kind, says: “For a long time I was a sufferer from indigestion, which seemed to,ca.r- ry with it a complication of other troubles. Every meal brought misery with it, as the eating was followed by severe pains in the stomach, causing at times nausea and vomiting, and at other times an accumulation of gas that caused s-evere palpitation of the heart and a smothering sensation. The result was that my general health was seriously affected and the least exertion would tire me out. I had taken much medicine, but did not get more than temporary relief until I began usilng Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills, which I took for a considerable time, with the result that I now enjoy every meal and am no longer distressed af- ter eating. 'I find myself in every way enjoying better health, and I cheer- ful-1y recommend t‘heseepills to similar sufferers." You can get Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills through any dealer in medicine or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $250 by writing The Dr. William’ Medicine 00., Brotckvllle. Ont. Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills 'have been found valuable in cases of indigestion. nervous dyspepsia and stomach weak‘ tress, just because they are a. blood builder and nerve tonic. The rich, red blood following their use not only imparts a healthy digestion. but car- ries color to the cheeks and lips, and gives vigor to the muscles. On-e im- portant point to remember is tihwt Dr. Williams" Pin-k Pilnls contain no harm- tul drugs or opiates and are thus to be preferred to preparations that merely stimulate for a time. Before you begin worrying unnecessarily about your state of health, try the tonic treatment of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills. You will be surprised to see how rapidly your appetite returns and Do not think that because your stomach is easily upset you are the victim of some serious malady. One of the most common causes of mm. geSrtion is anaemia, or thin, watery blood. In fact it has become general- ly recognized that healthy activity of the stomach is impossible unless the blood is rich and red. Frameless Wifidow Replaces Ship’s Circular Porthole. Are Nearly Always Due to Thin, Watery Blood. ' DIGESTHE TROUBLES CAUSE EUCH DISTRESS Taking No Chances baby .hing 9n “Hush! My doll never goes to sleep at all; she’s got insommo." Up-to-Date. “‘My doll can shut her eyes and go to sleep just lovely.” "011», no,” answered the youngster in a very lofty manner, “there‘s an- other gentleman who comes in a baby carriage." Gentlemen All. A smam boy, aged four, had just hold his uncle that he had started on his school career. ‘ “Indeed,” said the uncle; “why, you must be the youngest then-e." "Oh, don’t let that keep you away," said the bishop, smiling. “There 1-3 always {com for one more." “I guess you wonder Why I never go to Cthll‘Ch, don't you ?" the million- aire pursued. “Well, I'll tell you why, bishop. There are so many hypocrites there." “I never go to church," the mhlâ€" lionaire said. "‘I guess you've noticed that. bishop?" ‘(Yes‘, I have noticed it," said the bishop gravely. This curious phenomenon is ascrib- ed bo the firevalence of cool southerly and south-westerly winds blowing ob- liquely alongâ€"shore, and having their moisture condensed by the coast hill range just sufficiently to produce chuds without rain. A singular atmospheric phenomenon recently noted along the western coast of ‘South America is a bank or band of cloud extending for two thousand miles, from Ecuador to the centre of Child, and following the trend‘ of the coast range of hills. The cloud band is between ten and twenty miles broad, floats at an elevation of between two thousand and three thousand feet and has a vertical thickness of not less than one thousand feet. WARNING! Say “Bayer” when you buy Aspirin. Unless you see the name “Bayer” on tablets, you are not getting Aspirin at all. Why take chances? Accept only an “unbroken “package” of “Bayer Tablets of Aspirin,” which contains directions and dose worked out by physicians during 22 years and proved safe by millions for Colds Headache Rheumatism Toothache N euralgia Neuritis Earache Lumbago Pain, Pain Handy “Bayer” boxes of 12 tabletsâ€"Also bottles of 24 and looâ€"Druggista. Aspirin in the trade mark (registered in Canada) of Bayer Manufacture of Mono- acetlcacidestcr of Salicyiicacid. W'hiia it is well known that Aspirin means Bayer manufacture, to assist the public against imitations. the Tablets of Bayer Company will be Itamped with their general trade mark, the “Bayer Cross." A Unique Cloud Bank. Plenty and the worst is yet to come of Room. Widow-burning, now virtually ex~ tinct in India, is said to exist still in parts of Africa; widows were imrfio- I‘a‘ted on the husband’s funeral pyre as a sign of virtue, and also to provide the dead man with attendants in the next world. l “I do too!" she flashed. “They’re for prhonographs!" “Ah, for the old dayvlesig-hed the old-fashioned young man. “The girls of today are not at all like our mothers used to be! Why, I’ll bet you don’t know what needles are forl" He glance modern girl iACIDS IN STOMACH l CAUSE INDEGESTHON Artificial diges'teute are not needed in such oases and may do real harm. Try laying aside all digestive aids and instead j'gem from any dmggist a few ounces of Bisurated Magnesia and take a. teasrpoonful in a quarter glass “of water right after eating. This sweetens the stomach. prevents the formation of excess acid and there is no souruless, gas or pain. Bisurated Magnesia (in powder or tablet formâ€"â€" never liquid or milk) is harmless to the stomach, inexpensive to take and is the most efficient form of magnesia for stomach punposee. It is used 'by thousands of people who enjoy ,their meals with no more fear of indiges-' tion. Create Gas, Sourness and Pain. How to Treat. Medical authorities state that near- ly mime-Lemme of the cases of stomach trouble. indigestion, eonrness, burning, gas, bloating, nausea~ etc, are due to an excess of hydrochloric acid in the stomach and not as some believe to a lack of digestive juices. The delicate stomach lining is irritated, digestion is delayed and food some, causing the disagreeable symptoms whioh. every stomach sufferer knows so well. Singing the 01d Songs anced with admiration at the

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