Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 27 Apr 1922, p. 3

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It is no longer a question of whether a country can afford the expense of social reform. What it cannot afford is the waste, which must inevitably arise from the want of it. For what Child Welfare is, no doubt, the chief corner-stone of a nation’s welfare, and considenation of other aspects of so- cial reform as affecting the child should help greatly towards the effecâ€" tive solution of a problem which brooks no delay. There is no excuse to-day for a high infant mortality, for experience in other countries shows quite clearly how it may be decreased, and as soon as public opinion insists upon effective measures being adopted, the rate of mortality will go down, and the health of the children will marvellously im- prove. Public opinion, when once awake and keen is irresistible, and I would ungie all workers and sym- pathize'rs in Child Welfare to exert all their power towards so educating public opinion, that the demand for immediate reform may be pressed with a driving force that carries all before it. “There is a world-wide movement on behalf of children to-day,” writes Lady Buxton, “and it is being gradu- ally realized that for years past there has been a criminalgbecause prevent- ableâ€"waste of child life everywhere, and all thinking people are determined to put an end to it. Viscountess Buxton, wife of the re- cent Governor-General of the Union of South Africa, is an enthusiastic worker in the cause. “Save the babies" is a slogan at present echoing round the world. From all civilized countries come re- ports of progress made in the work of Child Welfare, and governments are becoming alive to the fact that the normal healthy child is the na- tion’s best asset. NOTHINQ T0 EQUAL BABY’S OWN TABLES Mrs.~Georges Lefebvre, St. Zenon, Que, writes: "I do not think there is any other medicine to equal Baby's Own Tablets for little ones. I have used them for my baby and would use nothing else." What Mrs. Lefebvx'e says thousands of other mothers say. They have found by trial that the Tab- lets always do just what is claimed (or them. The Tablets are a mild but thorough laxative which regulate the bowels and sweeten the stomach and thus banish indigestion, constipation. colds, colic, etc; They are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 ctsi a box from The Dr. Williams’ Medi- Among ostriches, the cock birds in- cubate the eggs. a box from The Dr. \V cine C0,, Brockville, Ont Minard's Liniment Relleves Neuralgla Dr. Middleton will be glad to answer questions on Public Health mat- ters through this column]. Address him at Spadina House, Spadina Crescent, Toronto. Grape-Nuts helps build health and strength. It contains the full richness of wheat and malted bar- ley, including the vital mineral elements, without which the body cannot be fully sustained. Grape- Some foods are too heavy, some are too starchy, many lack neces- sary elements and so starve the body â€" and many load the system down with fermentation and autoâ€" intoxication. Mr. Jenkins Took‘a Cracked Club To Tame Lions BY DR. J. J. MIDDLETON Made by Canadian Postum Cereal Co., Limited, Windsor, Ontario HEALTH EDUEAHQN Provincial Board of Health, Ontario Grape-Nutsâ€"the Bedy Builder When we think of what might 'be done, the words of Wordsworth come to mind:â€"â€" “A simple child, That lightly draws its breath, And feels its life in every limb. What should it know of death?” And yet 7,804 babies died in Ontario last year before they were twelve months old. The storage of milk and food in unsuitable places is often responsible for children’s ailments, so the pro- vision of a pantry, or suitable place for the storage of milk and food is absolutely essential. It is by ordinary, everyâ€"day practices that we develop the health spirit, and of these the handling of food is one of the most important. Many lives of children would undoubtedly be saved if the question of a hygienic .food and milk supply was given more attention. Knowledge alone will not save the babies, but with-out knowledge they will assuredly die. Knowledge, how- ever, combined with the will and de- termination to put it into effect will assuredly reap a rich harvest. Infants die because those who are responsible for their care have not the knowledge requisite for adapting or modifying the rapidly changing environment which civilization imposes, to the more slowly changing “make-up” and con- stitution of the human baby. These are impressive 'words and show the earnest thought that Vis- countess Buxton has given to this great work. Her services to the chil- dren of South Africa have been in- valuable, and it was with great regret that she had to sever her active con- nection with the child welfare move- ment in the Union when Lord Buxton’s term as Governor-General was com- pleted. shall a country give in exchange for its children? My foemen throng before with pose grim; But, trusting in the Lord of Life, All things for me are possible Him. So following Through sorrow's wilds, deepâ€"veiled wich shadows dim, Lgo- sustained; my heart, rejoicing, sings: “All things fox"me are possible with Him.” rim, My Lost and Loved to me shall be re- stored: E'en this for me is possible with Him. â€"-Archibald Rutledge. If you cannot have what you like, try to like what you have. I see no path; 'but his clear light I see. I have no strength. He makes his strength my own; It is my faith in Him that foe'men flee. “There’s a Reason” Many a man who has business to do and a living to make and a job to fill is as care- less how he feeds his body as Mr. Jenkins was in picking out a club. The exhibition ended rather badly. It very nearly was a big day for the lions and a sad day for Mr. Jenkinsâ€"all for want of proper care in getting ready. All Things. faith unto life’s last far Grape~Nuts is just the food for those who care to meet life’s situa- tions well prepared in health. Order Grape-Nuts from your grocer today. Try it with cream or milk for breakfast or lunch, or made into a delightful pudding for dinner. Nuts digests quickly and whole- somely. Served with cream or good milk, it is a complete foodâ€" crisp and delicious. I go: with pur or Whither has a man’s youth fled? He is startled that the days flash past, like a landscape seen from a car win- dow, and he seems to have done no- thing with them. He cannot catch up to tell others how imperfectly they perform. It is easier to sit in a windqw caffiing at an earth, gone wrong and a future not worth going to. It is-easier to descant on the past and mourn that it cannot_ be re- captured. But we are mortally weak. We tire so soon. We know that concentration is the first and the last prescription for success. But it is easier to aream than to be up and doing. It is easier Our business is not with ten or twenty years henceâ€"though we may keep that time providently in the dis- tant View. Our imminent duty is to- ward “the unforgiving minute” and to the immediate, imminent hour. Could we put all we hziiIe and are into it, and keep this up through the hours that come thereafter, we should have no fear of ending our lives miserably, with the epitaph of “failure” written over us. Every remarkable spirit has had to overcome. None crowns himself and no reward is automatic. Never do the things worth having occur gra- tuitoust and easily. To plan life is like playing chess. In the mind, we plot our moves. But we cannot execute our strategy unim- peded. The enemy rises in the way, to confute and to frustrate. Constant- ly we must reshape the scheme of our offensive. But there could be no Capablanca without an opposition. A championship implies a conquest of resistance, never a solo performance. The long~forward look in a mortal lifetime is not possible. We see what we desire afar off, but as we march to it there are interruptions. If we are of a meekly submissive disposi- tion, we resign ourselves with a pious Mvoslem fatalism to the decxree of “destiny.” If We have what Col. Roosevelt used to call a “fighting edge,” we persist, as those who would make stepping-stones of failure, and compel the circumstance itself to fol- low at heel. No. 26â€"thite to draw. TheI solution to Problem No. 25, whddh wppeamed last week (white 120 move and draw), is as folflows: Solution of this position will appeu next week. keep up. Only a littleflwhile 'aéf) 19-15 28-24 CHECKERSâ€"By Heck The Next Hour. 10119 19-18 move, black to W. B. 3 30-25 12â€"19 4 25-2 Draw. Mrs the bu Helpful Wifey. Mr. N ewlywedâ€"Did yc button on my overcoat, dea The book was brought, and in a bold hand he Wrote after his name, “Elector of Middlesex.” He was allowed to keep his rooms. “Nonsense!” said the Englishman. “You do not know Who I am. Bring the visitors’ book, and I will add my title.” Minard’s Liniment for sale everywhere He had secured comfortable rooms, but the landlord informed him one day that he mu'ét give them up in favor of a fresh arrival~ the-Electorâ€" that is to say, the Governorâ€"of some petty German State with an unpro- nounceable name. An Englishman was staying at swagger hotel in Berlin. And I could smell the warmth of trod- den grass, The qoolness of a freshly narrowed field: . ‘ And I could hear a bl-uebird’s wistful song 01? love and‘ beauty only half revealed. I have forgotten many April days But one there is that comes to haunt me s'till~ A day of feathered trees and windy skies And wasted hours on a. mum, hill. ~Medora Addison. The little peach trees with their coral skirts Were dancing up the hillside in the breeze; The grey walled meadows gleamed like bits or jade Against the crimson bloom of maple trees. But it is time for him, at any age, to rise up and deal with the business each day inevitably brings him. Days are so different; some smile and some frown; some inspire and some de- press; but he must meet them all. He cannot face the circuit of the clock- hands all at once; he must confront each hourâ€"as it comes, with the heart of manful resolution and a sense of humor never-failing. MONEY ORDERS. Remitby Dominion Express Money Order. If lost or stolen you get your money back. There was a (Lay I wasted long ago, Lying upon a hillside in the sunâ€"â€" An April day of wind and drifting clouds, . An idle day and all my work undone. he was a boy; but he looks in the glass, and there sees autumn foliage, not spring flowers. What did he do with those preparatory years? All his lifetime he has been getting ready to live, like a graduate student who cannot make up his mind to leave a college. a whale of an appefite after I had only taken one battle, and instead of my food giving me indigestion like it used to, It got b0 agreeing with me per- fectly so that I always had plenty of strength and energy. In fact, I feel as we‘ll toâ€"day as I ever did in my life, and can do as good a day’s work as any man. Tanlac can’t be recommend- ed too highly.” Tanlac is- sold by an good dmlggieffi "Tanlac has restored me to perfect health, and the best I can say for it is not as good as it deserves," said John Kelly, an-employee of the Fred Construction Company, residing at 129 Bold St., Hamilton, Ont. "Two years ago I had a severe case of pneumonia. which left me in an aw- ful weakened condition, and a few weeks later I had an attack of grippe- My stomach got all out of order, and I 0 LD TIM E STRENGTH HAS RETURNED AND HE F EELS FINE. “ KELLY THROWS HIS CRUTCHES AWAY Ian Do as Big 8. Day’s Work as Any Man, Now, He De- claresâ€"Gives Tanlac Credit. Newlywedâ€"No. darlir t find the button, so I sew. 3ton hole. Wasted Hours. His Clear ’fitle. sold by all good dmggists. â€"Advt. great help in carrying a child as I have noticed a difference when I didn’t take it. I thank you fer this medicine and if 1 ever come to this point again I do not want to be without the Vegetable Com- L pound. I give you permission to publish , this letter so that all women can take { my advice. ”â€"â€"Mrs. FRED MmzR, Box I 102, Churubusco, N. Y. It’s the same story over again. I Women suffer from ailments for years. i They try doctors and different medi- cines, but; feel no better. Finally they 1 take Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable , Compound and you can see its value in thgcase of Mrs. Miner. That’s the truth of the matter. Ifo“ are suffering from an of the .goubles Women have, you oug t to W thls med- icine. It can be taken in saétyb 011118 or old, as incontains nojarmf B5 Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com- pound Often Does That. â€"Read Mrs. Miner’s Testimony SUBGEESWHERE ems m. Blistered Peat, Sore feet Tired Feet, naming and Aching Peat ‘ After a hard day‘s work or a. long tramp and your feet are completely used up, bathe them in hot water, then rub them well with MINARD'S LINIMENT. It will relieve you and you will never be without a. bottle. A few rows of wees on the side of the prevailing winter winds will make a world of difference in the comfort of the farmstead. “Always pay as you go," said an old man to his nephew. “But, uncle, suppose I’ve nothing to pay with?” “Then dbm‘t go." S ECOND BIORTGAGE FOR SALE on farm next Sir John Euton's farm. twenty-one hundred dollars at 7%. Km Township. Discount 20%. Norman. 1 *0an...-__. n,,. .â€" Richmon-d Exisrtli'i‘ItI);or-1Et; EARN $10.00 TO $50.00 PER DAY vulcanizlng. Be lndependent' wo mach you. Write for particulars. ('Ihlat anstructor. Canada Vulcanizer. London; nt. ALL KINDS 09' X EW AND USED belting. nunaya. saws. cable.h0le.packlnc. no” shipped subject to n prnval at low." pricel In Canada. YOR BELTING 00: us YORK. swam. TORon Don’t Worry About Yam Complexion Cufiwra Will Take Care of It If you make the Cuticura Trio your everyday toilet preparations you will have aclear, healthy skin. good hair and soft white hands. Soap to cleanse, Ointment to heal, Talcum to powder and perfume. SanSc. 0intment25 up!“ 50c. Talcnm 25:. Sold throughout theDomimon. CanadianDepot: Lyman. Limited. 344 St. Paul St. W.. MonL’eaL Culicun Soap shaves without mug. Bulk Carlots TORONTO SALT WORKS c. J. CLIFF . TORONTO ‘ ANADIAN uxrnmomu.’ PAPER, I 26c. No other fee. A. Mock-em. ntham. Ont. Lmorloa'. Pioneer Dog nomadic: Book on Classified Advertisements COARSEfiALT LAN D'SALT MORTGAGE 3‘03 SALE eznmo FOR eALE DOG DISEASES and How to Feed Mailed Free to any Ad- dress by the Author. a. may Glover 00.. Inc. 129 Wegt 24th Street New York. U.S.A.

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