Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 4 May 1922, p. 1

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Office hours 10 to 12 a.m. 6 to 8 p.m. Office and rpsidenneâ€"Yonge Sn'eet Richmond Hill. Phone No. 2% \Valter S. Jenkins Rm. Phnne Hill. 5048 Monarch Bldg.. 26-28 Adel- Ofiices aide St” West. Toronto. Nuughton Block. Aurora SnliCItor for : The Town of Aurora. The Township of King The Township uf \Vhilchun‘h The 1m el-iul Bunk of Cnnuda, Aurora J. M.‘ almn. & Co. Amara Olders left. with Mr. Geo. Harding will receive prompt uttenyion. Also ngent fur the Hinmun Standard Milken Phnue Aux-um 8013 E, R. SANDERSflN Nothing tuu greatâ€"Nothing too small. The Maple Sand. vael and Brick ‘Mmpamy, Lt'd. have on hand for sale. Cement, drain tile. 8, 4, 5, 6 and 8 in. Culvert, tile 12. 15. 18 and 20 inch (30 inches in length) Also Cement Brick. . Sand or Gravel sold by the load or in car lots. Cedar posts and telephone poles for sale. v ‘ Sand, Gravel, Tile and Brick VOL. XLIV. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE THORNHILL U» 378 BERESFORD Ava, WEST TORONTO ‘ _lene Junction 73. TWENTYâ€"FIVE YEARS' EXPERIENCE DEC All mail orders will receivw prompt. attention. Browne PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING HOT \VA'I‘ER. HEATING .xanENERAL REPAIRS Barristers Solicitor Notaries Telephorle Main 2777 FOR. THE COUNTY OF YORK Commissioner. Con v eyancer. Etc $1.50 per annum, in advance. NAUGHTON 81 JENKINS DR. J. P. VVILSON VA‘NDORF LICENSE D AUCTIONEE R. A. C. HENDERSON JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO TUNER Branchesâ€"Thornhifl J. EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC Purchases can be made by cheque through the mail. making a trip to town unnecessary. En- close your cheque with your order. The Royal Bank of Banada Every farmer’s wife will find a bank account for house- hold and personal expenses 9. help and :1 safeguard. A Bank Account for and Winowdale THORNHILL, ONT. TERMS REASONABLE. the Eaimar’s Wife '1‘. COUSINS. J. Harry Nunghton Res. Elgin Mills Res. Phone 44.4 Pres. and Manager Maple. ; DR. L. R. BELL Office Tu-m h Blot-k, two doors nm 1.11 of Stumlmd Bank. IIUUISQHJII. In 5.30 p.11). 0va enmings by appointun'lnt. A large stock of Funeral Furnishing Kept at the above places Undertakers and Embalmers RICHMOND HILL. THORNHILL AND UNIUNVILLE J. T. SAIGEOIV | Village Council Maple Licensed Auctiuneox- for mp Unnntvnf ; Thvs-e me busy days, or nights, wiih York. Sides amended to “n shOI£e5L Like Village: U«.uncil looking after the notice and at reasonable rates. stwels, water \ 011"! etc.. much of their PaLi'omige sulicited time is taken up, und although it. is not. MM m-ctâ€"aemy to publish all the pi uceedinga. A l "I Inn-.3 I there Work is heavy. Pupils passed for Consowatory Ex- aminalinns. MISS BEATRICE HOWELL TORONTO Teacher of Fletcher Method Musical Klndergarten HOUSE PAINTER, Glazier. Grainer and Paper-! Hanger. ‘ W. HEWISON Barristers, Solictors. &c. MANNING ARCADE. 4 KING ST. WEST. TORONTO, CASADA TELEPHONE MAINE 311 Gable Address: “Dede” Rank De‘nton Denton, Macdonald & Denton Temner of Piano-Playing at, the I‘m-'anth Unns’ervaun-y 01“ Music and St. Max-'gdx-Pt's Collvgv. Richmond Hill~â€"\Vednesdays and Saturdays. Dr. W. J. Wesley ience.) Yonge St. Thornl‘ill. A car of Salt in barrels and sacks arrived. Bran, Shorts and Gluten Meal on hand. Also a good supply of No. 1 Feed Corn. Blachford’s Calf Meal. Pastry and Purity Flour a1- » ways on hand. Pumia Scratch Feed. Carmel, Stove, Nut and Pea Coal. Also Hemlock Slabs at the Elevator. Family physician (25 years exp STUDIOâ€"HOTEL RICHMON D. Ofiice hours 9 to 11 n. m. 6 to 8 p. m. Richmond Hm Public Notice . EARLE NE WTON HOUSE PAINTING & INTERIOR DECORATION NOTARY PUBLIC CUNVEYANCING ISSUKR OF. M AR RIAG E LICENSES RICHMOND HILL. ONT. THURSDAY MAY 4, NZ? WRIGHT BROS. A. J. HUME I. D. Ramer Arthur A. Macdonald DENTTST Riuhmond Hill. ll‘phnllt PIANIST In Essentiais, Unity,- in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity.” Thornhill )l" l“ The tragedy canm as u climax to A series of domestic troubles. 0n the (luv previous to the tragedy the defendnnt nppenred btfifore Majol- Brunton on n churue of non-support preferred by his wife. The details of the murder me too bonihle to mention. A terrible tragedy occurred near Raven-hue, u shan distnnce from New- nnuket, Saturday afternnon \\ hen Roi art, Stevenson wholives (in a lonely farm. killed his wife by battering her over the head with an axe. and inflict,- iug such frightful injuries (in his two snap-daughters, 11 nnd 13 years of age that the condition «If both is grave. Afler r cnmmiuing the mime Stevenson letrk tn the woods whenev. n posse of furlners pursued him. As night came on. hm‘ evor. tlwy were un- able to truck him. and he escaped from the woods. He lnmrded a Metropolitnn cm- nem' Sharon Sunday morning and stun-Led for Toronto. Constable Dun- can. hearing of the tragedy, boarded a car at Schumlerg Junction and placed the mun under arrest, and lodged him in jail. The t-wu girls were taken to the Sick Children's Hospital. At. a recent. meeting n. connuunicntion was received from the Bu-u-d of License Uulmuissiunexs rebumisk trafiic und hotel acuomun d -ti:)u. A nutice from A. G. Savage was rend tn the etfect. that the lease of the clerk‘s office had expiled and would not be reneWed but. that the office might-be retained Lmnpuxalily on n monthly rental. A petition signed by G. H. Glenn and eight other ratepayers Was pro- semed. asking for u sidewalk on Centre St. east. Councillor Lunau gavé notice that he would bring in a motion lorevisu electnc light l-utes. Arrangements were made for the collection of garbage. The cleik was instulcted i0 Wiite the Hm-ticultum-l Smiety with a View to uhtaining its couperntion in the activities (1’ Arbor Uny, Thiny-fnur of the fifty-six members attended _lhe final uneetingof thenbnve club, held In lhv rear roam of lhe Mawnic Hall on Monday evening hast. Progressive euchre Was played until 10.30 p. 11)., when refreshments \wre suth’d, nfler wl.ich the plizes Welt: pun-vuer to the winners of the re- s; (tli\e competitions. 'The Ptesidrnt, Mr. \Yaltvr Scott. nmking n. uhoxt nddyess. called upon Mr. Wm. Pugsley tn px'esvnt the silvel cup to Mr. S. Manil, who. in present- ing same. reminded the members the cup had been given by Mr. Juunlhfln Slater. \deen fur York County in 18$, 10 be played for nnmmlly, and the mvdul was given by Mr. G. B. Smith, M.P.P., for East You; in 1893; also to he played for annually. and Wu won this year by Mr. B. Bennett. and presented by Mr. G. Oowie. Each of the rec'epieuts responded. Mr. S. hlanir speaking of the good times eujoyed by the members during the curlng season. and thanking the members uf the link. Mr. 0. P. \Viley, Mr. G. YH‘ex. and Mr. P. Hill. Mr. B. Bennett. in receiving the medal. also expreSSed his thanks to his rink. Mr. S. Tyndall. Mr. (7. Cooper and MI. D. Duhiue. » The President poke very highly lu appreciuliun of Mr. J. McLean. who hud this year, presented two hund- some cum .pfrsilver to be Wnn outright; in (be single link cdmpetmon. which were wcm respecLively by Mr.J.Graham and Mr. Wilfrvd Jones. The President. in making the presentations. congrat- ulated them upon their succefl. Mr. Graham suitably responded, I While Mr. Jones, in thanking the club ‘ for congratulationi. said he was It new comer to Richmond Hill. and was glad ‘ he had been prevailed upon to join. as it was the best it had been his piivilâ€" age to belong to, and heartily thanked the members for the manner in which he bud been recaived. l The first and second prized, consist- 1 ing of briar pipes for the eucbre, were donated Ivy Mr. F. Sims. and present- Pd by Mr. W.D. Scott. to the winners. Mr. Walter Scott, and Mr. D. \Vatsun. . respecbi ve1_y. Ar wry hearty vote of thanks was extended to Mr. McLean. who said he had become an enthusiztskic curler. and was glad to take an active part In the club. m'i‘ho singing of the National anthem at 11.45 p. 111.. closed the mPeting. which had been voted 3 gram success. Kills Wife, wounds Children Richmond Hill Curling Club R. \V. Brrr. J. H. Dunlnp will make ofl‘icinl visits as fulluws: Tlnuadny, May 4, Reholmam Ludgc, Temple Building. Tomnto; Monday, 8. Robert- son Ludge, King City: Tuesdny. 9. Shmon Lndge. Queensville. The York Radiu'l will furnish a car fox" the Queensville trip. Choice of Route: to Western Canada The Canadian National Railwain. addition to providing unexcelled service between Eastern and Western Canada offers patrons nptiunal routes. You may travel \vestwnrd via. the Fun, Arthur-Fort Willlam mute returning the northern route via Conhrnne and North Buy, or vice versn. This means thut you are in nuw environment continuously. A train leAVeS ’l‘oionto, (Grand Trunk Rv.) at 8.45 p. m. Carrying Standmd Slumping (Jar tn \Vinnipvg Vlll North Bay. Cobalt und Cnclnane daily, and thlnugh tomisl sleeping cm- Toronto to Winnipt-gun Tuesdays. Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays. "Thv National" a solid through train lunves Toronto for \Vinnipegnt 10.35 p. m. every Monday, “’ednesday and Fl‘idny via Sudbury and Port Arthur with standard and tourist sleeping cars. cnaches, culnuist car and dining Cur servicv. Get, fuil palticulars, reservations etc. from Local Agent or nearest Agent of the Canadian National Grand Trunk Railways. 42 47 Flower and Vegetable Plants Asters, loose and compact, separate colors â€"â€"Heart of France Aster, (deep red.) BLYTHWOOD GARDENS Marigold. Phlox Drummondi. Nicotiana. *Amirrhinium, (Snap Dragon) Salvia. Zinnia. Sweet Alyssum. Candytufr. Ricinus, (Castor oil plant) Verbenas. Scabioaa. Stocks. Balsam. Heliotrope, Cobaea Scandens, (blue) Cxlendula. Ageratum. Peppers, Celery, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Tomazoes. 45-43 'EHESEWNGBM H. DAVIS The Sterling Bank has money to loan to farmers for legitimate farm extensions. Remember that every Sterling Bank client has at his command the facili- ties and advice of the bank in all financial matters. Our Manager will gladly discuss matters with you. Financing the Farm Mill St.. Phone 108 w. RlCHMOND HILL Official Visits OF CANADA Canadian Tenor and Chair Leader Soloisn Nmth Purkduls Methodist. Church, is prepared to receive pupils in Rir'hmnnd Hill on A'onda) a. 8:11 iir , Mrs. N. Batty'm Arnold St. Pznticulula can be ubtaincd by calling. Phone 22. Ring 11. 29-” CUTHBERT RASPBERRY CANES, $11.00 per 1,000. GLEN MARRY STRAWBERRY PLANTS, $8.00 per 1,000. (Quarter amount cash in advance; balance L‘. O. D. at your nearest ex- press office. $1.00 per 1,000 less if goiten at plantation. BOX 22 BARRISTER. Soucrrox, NLYIARY E'rr Toronto Ofiice, Richmond Building 3'3 Richmond Street. ,\Vt-st. Kidhmond Hill Office (‘ Liberal Office), every Thursday forenoon. ’ anle, Thursday afternnun. Wnod bridge. Saturday fol-ennui). Money to Loan ht (lutrcnt Rate. JOHN R. CAMPBELL Tnmntn Offices â€"â€" Continental 1er Bldg. Cur. Bay and Richmond St. Toronto. Brunch OfficPâ€"Richmond Hill every Tuesdny afternoon at Liberal Office. Ofiicâ€"é.'fii}:fimond Elli. Ivery Tnesdafi afternoon. Oflicesâ€"Suite Cor. Jordon and VETERINARY SURGEON. Thornhil]. Jail by: phone nr otherwise promptly responded to H. A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC Oommissinnerm, Conveynlncer, Etc Insurance zmd Real Estate C. B. Crawford Fruit Growers GREGORY GOODERHAM & CAMPBELL BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC. Mr. 03:12pm“ yifl‘fie at ThemLihe‘r Macnaughton & Campbell A. CAMERON MACNAUGHTUN FREDERICK A. A. CAMPBELL RICHMOND HILL [Single copies, 3 cts. Barrlrters, Solicitors. Etc. WILLIAM COOK Wm.C. Ruttan Money to Loan. )11r COOKSVILLE. ONT. 511 McKimmn Bldg“ Melinda St5.. Tm onto ne Main 3631 No. 4:”)

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